Relentless Fire (A Novel of the Dracol Book 2)

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Relentless Fire (A Novel of the Dracol Book 2) Page 9

by Michelle Howard

Her arched brows spoke clearly of her surprise. Varyk waited as his pulse pounded out an uneven rhythm. Milana would probably say he’d done it all wrong but Varyk didn’t want to coax Inez. Didn’t want to romanticize this. It was purely about the sex he hadn’t gotten enough of.

  Had to be.

  “You want me to come back…to your territory? Just like that.”

  While her tone was bland, her sharp look promise to fry him to ash. He ignored it to answer with blunt honesty. “Yes.”

  “Do you have any new information pertaining to Larz and Rylin’s child?”

  Unfortunately, he didn’t. Larz’ presence remained hidden. He didn’t want to address Mina right now. “I do not. I came back for you, Inez.”

  As she pondered his request, Varyk took the opportunity to soak up her presence and the subtle thread of relief flowing through his veins. He held her. Warm and smelling of a light feminine fragrance. Curves pressed against his chest. Thighs aligned with his own.

  Along with the remnants of terror and grief, arousal surged to mix with the roiling emotions inside of Varyk. He struggled to think clearly. Rationally he knew he should leave and wait until he was in a calmer frame of mind. Going home was the right thing to do. He should step away and review his actions.

  Instead Varyk’s hands clenched about her waist. She was back in his arms where she belonged. On the heels of that stunning revelation, he stiffened, drawing Inez’s gaze. She didn’t belong to him.

  “Varyk, be honest with me. What’s this about?”

  The appeal in her gaze forced the truth from him. Unashamed of his sexuality and hoping she’d agree, he stated it all with raw candor. “I want you. I wake at night thinking of you. My dreams focus on how tight and wet you were in that pit.” He licked his lips, staring at the pink bow of her mouth. “There are so many things I still want to do as I make you scream my name.”

  “Varyk,” she murmured, voice low and eyes liquid soft.

  The words continued to pour out. “My cock longs to fill you again. I want your nails digging in my back as you pump your hips against mine, thighs wrapped tight about my waist.”

  Inez shuddered. Varyk felt the ripple as it rolled through her. It only served to spike his desire further. “Will you come back with me, Inez?”

  He sensed her capitulation before she answered. “Yes.”

  Varyk dropped his forehead to hers and closed his eyes. Now he trembled. With relief. He panted lightly as he murmured, “What you do to me.”

  Then because he felt the need to warn her, Varyk added, “It won’t be like the first time. I’m going to fuck you hard. Fuck you the way I wanted to that night, until you scream. Nod if you’re on board with that.”

  What had gotten into him? Was his intent to scare her off? Luckily, Inez nodded. Varyk concentrated on a specific spot and teleported them. A squeal escaped from her at the suddenness of his actions, pulling a smile from Varyk. He caressed the side of her face as he straightened. He didn’t need to glance around to visually confirm their location.

  He’d ported them to his bedroom, his goal to have her all to himself, undisturbed. Choosing not to cover his nudity, Varyk lowered Inez to the fresh sheets, coming down over her without a break in their physical connection.

  Beneath him she held still, didn’t bother squirming to get free. Her teeth played with her bottom lip, a rosy hue to her cheeks. The scent of her desire grew, saturating the air. His cock jerked as blood filled it to painful proportions.

  “You want this too. Admit it, Inez. I need to hear it again.”

  Much to Varyk’s surprise, he managed to restrain himself to wait for her answer when his Dracol clawed at him to take take take.

  She was his. Ours. Theirs.

  Clearly confusion ruled his thoughts concerning her. Varyk shook his head, hair falling about his face. A growl rumbled up from his chest. “Inez.”

  She lifted her right leg and curled it over his hip. Her hands stroked over his shoulders as she met his stare head on. “I want this, Varyk. And you. I want you.”

  Thank the Goddess. The sight of her spread out before him tempted. Varyk settled his weight between the slight opening made by her position on his bed. Pushing back the strands of hair clinging to her cheek, Varyk lowered his head and kissed Inez. Her lips parted on a gasp and his tongue eased forward. Stroke for stroke, he tasted her mouth and groaned in satisfaction. But he craved more.

  Varyk pulled back, eyeing the clothing she wore. Inez tipped her head back, smiling, encouraging. “What’s wrong?”

  “You’re overdressed.”

  For some reason this amused her and a chuckle floated free. “Mmm. Do something about it, King Varyk.”

  Now she teased. Varyk ducked his head to hide his grin and focused on the problem at hand. Easy solution. Fabric ripped as he tore the shirt from her body. Plump breasts spilled forth, nipples like turgid peaks calling to him. “Beautiful.”

  Making good on his appreciation, Varyk sucked one bud into his mouth while his hands worked to free her lower half from the pants keeping him from the ultimate prize.

  Moans, groans and an occasional growl broke through. Between the ground and his refusal to move away, Varyk could only get Inez’s pants partway down. He didn’t care. He palmed her warm center, his fingers delving through her slick center in a smooth caress.

  “Oh, Varyk. It feels good. Don’t stop.”

  He let her nipple slip from his mouth and pinched the tip of the other then drew the crinkled brown flesh between his teeth while he added a second finger below. Inez cried out and arched up. “Yes!”

  The movement lifted her hips, helping him slide the material free and down her knees. Inez kicked them the rest of the way, then buried her hands in his hair and dragged him closer. He could have suckled at her breasts for the rest of the evening and never grown tired.

  Inez had other ideas. “Fill me, Varyk. Give me your cock.”

  Hunger drove him to join with her. Denying himself another taste, another piece of the haven she offered was impossible. Varyk rocked back, the sting at his scalp as she reluctantly released him its own form of pleasure. The thick head of his cock slid between her folds. Inez arched up on a moan, her legs spreading wide in invitation.

  Varyk bit down on the need to beg. To admit his intense obsession for this female-this one woman he wanted to fly with in climax.

  “Inez.” Her name slipped past his guard.

  She opened her eyes glazed and glowing with the same need. The sight alone tore into Varyk as he thrust forward. His cock plunged inter her heated depths and Varyk shouted. Skin slapped against skin. Sweat built on his body. So much pleasure. It was beyond belief.

  Faster and faster, Varyk pumped, teeth gritted in sweet agony. Wetness soaked his shaft, his fringed length vibrating. More sweat trickled down the sides of his face.

  “Varyk, I need more!” Inez ran her hands over his mantle and Varyk quivered from the heightened sensations.

  He gave her more and her slick channel began a rhythmic sucking. In and out, each stroke pulling him toward release. Then he felt it. Tiny pricks breaking the surface of the skin on his back from her nails. Females couldn’t shift like males and none had deadly claws like his sister, but as Inez’s passion deepened so did her touch.

  The rougher she became, the more Varyk enjoyed it. She wasn’t a pliant bed partner. No, this feisty female participated fully and he loved it. “Yes. Fuck, yes.”

  “Faster, Varyk. Harder.”

  Bracing his hands on the bed, Varyk leveled his weight up and gave her what she wanted. What he’d promised.


  Unable to withstand the building pressure, Inez screamed as Varyk moved above her. Thick and hard, his shaft slid in and out, his hair dusted thighs pinning her in place. She locked her legs about his hips and held on for the ride of her life. Never before had a male drawn this response from her and this included their first time together.

  Muscles clenched and unclenched, her abdom
en flexing as she worked herself against him in search of release. Close. Like a burning flame almost within reach, her orgasm taunted.

  “Fuck, fuck!” Head bowed, Varyk grunted above her, his eyes closed and the veins of his neck stretched taut.

  “Almost, almost…almost there, Varyk.” She chanted mindless words and broken pleas.

  Scales sprouted down the outside of his arms from shoulder to wrists. His teeth locked in a painful grimace as he thrust over and over. Streams of green hair fell over his brow obscuring his eyes, but Inez felt the heat of his stare.

  “Come on, Inez. Get there. Come. Bathe my aching cock in your release.”

  The low muttered commands tipped her over and the climax powered into Inez. Her body twisted about mashing their groins together as she cried out again and again. Varyk’s hoarse shout echoed around them, as he spurted inside before falling on top of her.

  Body shaking, Inez held him, rubbing her hands up and down his back though her arms were limp and trembling. Varyk’s heart slammed hard enough she felt the booms against her breasts. He groaned and weakly rolled to the side. Inez blinked up at the ceiling, trying to catch her breath.

  The best sex of her life and it was with a male from the Green Dracol. Not just any male, but the fucking king. Inez cursed and curled to her side. Her gaze landed on her shirt. She vaguely recalled kicking her pants off somewhere.


  Varyk spoke in a quiet voice. Inez looked up their gazes holding, but she couldn’t read what was in his amber stare. “I should probably go.”

  “Not yet.” Varyk rolled toward her and planted his hands beside her head. Breath stirred the sensitive curve of her ear as he nuzzled the side of her neck. “I haven’t had my fill yet.”

  Chapter 14

  Inez woke the next morning sore and tender between her legs and thighs quivering as she climbed from the bed. Most of the night she’d spent trying to keep up with Varyk. It wasn’t in her Dracol nature to be timid, yet nothing could have prepared her for their vigorous sessions. She’d begged and screamed until her voice went hoarse.

  In the end, Inez wanted to plead exhaustion, but eventually Varyk sprawled to one side of the bed and drifted off with a last caress to her upper thigh. The hot shower she’d taken before she joined him in mindless sleep hadn’t done much to soothe her aching parts.

  “You’re up.”

  Inez spun toward the deep, rumbling voice. Leaning against the wall next to a partially opened door stood Varyk. He was dressed in a green tunic cinched at the waist with black pants, arms folded over his chest and head cocked to the side as he stared at her.

  “Yes.” Inez cleared her throat and spied her clothing from the night before neatly folded on a chair. She crossed to it, hating her mincing steps and picked up the bundle. A fresh cleansing scent rose from the material, hinting they’d been laundered.

  She turned toward Varyk. No doubt he’d had someone take care of her stuff. She hefted them in the air. “Thanks?”

  One side of his shoulders lifted, his gaze unwavering. “Not a problem.”

  Right. Okay. Inez shook out the shirt and pulled it over her head, grateful for the covering. She unfolded her pants and slid them on one leg a time aware the whole time of Varyk’s impassive stare. Once dressed, she pasted a smile on her face and tamped down the disappointment at his cold manner this morning after taking her every way possible last night.

  “Has there been word on Larz?” After all it was the main connection they had.

  “No. He convinced his lira to help him set an explosive near my office where I spend most of my time.”

  Stunned, Inez tried to wrap her mind around what he disclosed. He was just telling her now? Her gaze ran over him for good measure, assuring herself he appeared physically fine. “Varyk, are you alright?”

  “Do I look hurt?”

  Annnd they were back to the king of arrogance.

  “Can I get a ride home?” Inez was proud of how clear and even she sounded.


  Outrage stiffened her back. Words froze on the tip of her tongue. This brusque male didn’t resemble the one who’d licked her belly button and discovered her only ticklish spot last night. Nowhere was the male who’d tongued her to orgasm several times.

  Masking her disappointment, Inez voiced her demand. “I’d like to leave.”

  If she expected a dramatic response she didn’t get one. Varyk straightened and sauntered in her direction. Every step was prowling grace, a lethal weapon on two feet, the essence of his Dracol sparking in his amber gold gaze. Unwillingly, her nipples hardened and her body readied itself by growing damp.

  He stopped in front of her and cupped her jaw, tilting her face up. Inez blocked the renewed jolt of sexual awareness. Barely. “You’re angry.”

  Frustration surged on a turbulent wave. Forget accepting his asinine behavior. Forget diplomacy. This was personal. “Well, yes. Yes, I am actually.”

  Varyk rubbed his thumb along her jawline and down the curve of her chin. She tried to pull away but his fingers tightened and his gaze darkened. At this range she couldn’t miss the flicker of his dual lids. Not so stoic after all.

  “I don’t want you to leave yet.”

  Inez blew out a breath. Fuck if that didn’t send a sizzle through every part of her body and kill the anger. Placing her hands on his chest, Inez didn’t attempt to shove. It would be a wasted effort. Instead she hoped her scowl conveyed her growing confusion. “Maybe if you were clear about what you want, I wouldn’t feel caught in this odd limbo.”

  His hand dropped and Inez instantly missed the contact. “My apologies. This is…hard for me.”

  Curious, Inez waited for him to continue. He didn’t. “What’s hard for you?”

  He averted his gaze and if Inez wasn’t mistaken, his cheeks had taken on a red tinge. “This attraction. My desire for you borders on obsession.”

  Inez blinked. It was all she could manage as she struggled with how to handle his revelation. Part of her was outright amused at his genuine bewilderment while the other part of her reveled in not being alone in this extreme pull toward a male who should have been the last person her heart wanted.

  Fate had a wicked sense of humor and Inez felt certain cosmic forces and the goddess herself were laughing like crazy at their predicament.

  “Have you nothing to say?”

  His disgruntled expression sparked a giddy little twist in her belly. “I see.”

  “You see?” Varyk growled. Even without a connection to his mantle, Inez caught the edges of fiery emotions close to exploding. “What exactly do you see?”

  “You’re having trouble with our mutual developing feelings.”

  “Mutual?” Satisfaction filled his voice. His gaze ignited with remembered passion but he didn’t allow her a moment to respond. “Stay. I invited you to my territory for a reason. Stay with me and—.”

  He broke off on another rough sound and spun away from her. Inez grabbed his elbow, preventing him from walking away. The twist in her belly grew into a flurry of bubbles. Communication clearly wasn’t his strength. Varyk glared over his shoulder but stood still. “And what? Finish what you were going to say.”

  “I don’t know!” he admitted and placed his hand over hers. “Just stay. Perhaps we can figure it out together.”


  Startled, Varyk paused after spewing his thoughts. Once more he wondered what hold Inez had over him to cause him to react in a manner completely at odds with his usual way of dealing with females.

  Humbling himself to appeal to another wasn’t something he did often. More like never. Varyk dragged in a ragged breath. Inez could very well sneer in his face and demand he take her home. His essence rose at the idea and his inner Dracol protested. Varyk was of a mind to toss Inez back onto the bed and keep her there until she agreed to stay.

  As if reading his mind, she leveled a measuring glance at him. His heart thundered in his chest and a puff of green
smoke swirled from his right nostril. He readied himself to sway her physically if necessary.

  His cock stretched in his pants eager in a way Varyk wished he could control. But this, whatever it was between he and Inez wasn’t controllable.

  “I’ll stay.”

  His breath escaped on a hiss, elation sending his emotions soaring. Success. He’d gotten what he wanted even if he was uncertain how to proceed. This was a first for Varyk, but maybe Milana had the right of it and he was due a change in his dealings with females.

  He tugged her into his arms and breathed the words out. “Good. That’s good.”

  Because he wasn’t quite sure he’d have been able to let her go if she wished otherwise.

  Chapter 15

  “Come let me show you around.”

  Inez followed Varyk as he gave her a tour of his home, which was twice the size of Rylin’s. Bright rays of sun burst through the numerous windows lining the walls. Where Rylin’s castle was built into the side of a mountain, Varyk’s home consisted of a two-level vast estate which appeared inordinately large.

  Activity bustled all around and the halls overflowed. In deference to their King, no one interrupted them or attempted to speak with Varyk as they walked down curving stairs or strode through halls from one room to another.

  Some places he deemed off limits and she recognized them easily by the way his steps sped up past certain doors and slowed for others. Among the Black, loud conversation and random bursts of laughter could easily be heard but here decorum seemed to be observed a little more.

  It wasn’t exactly a negative. Just different. Varyk governed his mantle and the Dracol under him with stern glances and sharp gazes. At one point, he had only to stop and look at two males and they immediately straightened, bowed in his direction and stopped the taunting which had grown to physical blows.

  Rylin commanded the same respect, but with soft words and a guiding influence. Varyk was more steel force and yet his people thrived. It was easy to discern that they loved their king. It was in the adjustment of their posture or the nod of regard as he past.


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