Relentless Fire (A Novel of the Dracol Book 2)

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Relentless Fire (A Novel of the Dracol Book 2) Page 10

by Michelle Howard

  “Do you really need this much space?” she asked after they left another room filled with lounging furniture and low tables. Every available chair in there had a butt firmly planted on it.

  “Yes.” Varyk peered down at her from his superior height. “Most of my people choose to make their home here. Unlike Kon, whose Purple prefer to roam, or Faris who has created a small village for those to live in close proximity to where he resides.”

  And Rylin whom she knew opened his doors for those who chose to live at the castle. Far more chose to make their home nearby. It created a community feel which worked for the sects. They needed to be close to the king to receive the calming influence from the mantle. It also enabled each king to keep their pulse on the lives of those they ruled.

  “Varyk, introduce me to your guest.” A female voice called out.

  Varyk drew to a halt and Inez stopped. Varyk’s sister, Milana, approached towing a dark-haired male with her. The female wore a clinging red dress with a diagonal bodice flashing glimpses of her cleavage. Bell shaped sleeves stopped at her elbows and thick gold bracelets edged in green stones danced about both wrists. As always, Milana’s stunning beauty and resemblance to Varyk held Inez speechless.

  Beside her, he sighed. “Milana, you met Inez. I will, however, introduce her to your lira.”

  Up close, auburn strands streaked the mass of wavy dark hair on the male’s head. His gold eyes projected hints of amusement and his mouth curved in a rueful grin as he acknowledged Varyk. “How are you, my King?”

  “Well. Although my sister is already aware, allow me to introduce you to Inez of the Black. Inez, my sister’s lira, Santos.”

  Santos gave no indication he was surprised at Inez’s presence. He extended his hand and Inez let him clasp her fingers briefly. Milana rolled her eyes at her brother and faced Inez as she leaned into her lira’s side, a mischievous glint in her gaze. “Hi, Inez.”

  Humor won out and Inez chuckled. “Hello, Milana. It’s good to see you again.”

  “Indeed. We appreciate all of your help during this precarious situation. Your King could easily take retribution and not allow us to handle this.”

  Rylin definitely wanted to, but his concern for Dara distracted him from pressing the matter with the Green. He accepted Inez’s assurance Varyk was doing everything possible. “Getting the child back safe is most important.”

  Santos stroked a hand down Milana’s arm and tipped his head down to study his lira. “We can’t imagine what your King is going through. It’s still hard to believe he’s blessed with five from the shell all at once.”

  He lifted his head and pierced Inez with an intent stare. She understood his underlying curiosity. Now that Rylin shared how it occurred, she knew others would always question. Not that she intended to tell. Some secrets were best left untold. Inez kept her response simple. “They will have their hands full.”

  Santos waited for her to say more but when he realized she was done, the corners of his mouth curled up. Wry amusement flickered. “Interesting.”

  “It is.” She maintained eye contact despite the weight of Varyk’s warm hand coming to rest on the middle of her back.

  “Has Varyk showed you the outside gardens? It’s a personal project of his and ongoing,” Milana interjected.

  All three of them gaped but Milana didn’t blink. Santos cleared his throat. “It is an amazing sight, Inez. You’ll be impressed.”

  Varyk turned Inez with a push of the hand on her back. He steered with subtle pressure and led her away from the two. The moment they exited the glass doors to a stone laden patio area outside, Varyk asked, “Should I apologize?”

  She hiked a brow. “Would you?”

  “Perhaps not.” Inez snort laughed and Varyk’s lips twitched as the hand at her back dropped and brushed over the curve of her hip, the knuckles grazing her rear. “Santos is eager for a child but his essence has yet to rise enough to create one. Milana is more patient and not as concerned.”

  “How long have they been mated?”

  “A little over three years.”

  Not long at all truthfully. The life span of their kind ran up to two hundred years or so. It took some almost a decade before a shell sparked with life. Rylin’s case was different. “Milana’s right. They have time.”

  Varyk walked Inez around a huge fountain which served as a focal point in the middle of the crossing pathways. “Santos takes it as a personal affront and worries others will think he doesn’t love my sister.”

  The goddess of fate blessed a couple when she chose and not a moment before, no matter how many couples wished otherwise. It wasn’t a reflection of the love liras had for one another although some shared Santos’ belief.

  Rylin’s former lira Sana had been of that mind set and left the king as a result, becoming lira to Mikal, one of his closest friends. Her new mating had produced a child right away. Inez personally found it fitting that Sana didn’t seem able to create another with Mikal after her harsh treatment of Rylin during their time together.

  “What do you think?”

  Inez shook away her thoughts and her gaze landed on the tall statue of an imposing male. The artist had replicated the beard and short hair with precise attention to detail. Thin lines of age or wisdom flowed from the corners of his eyes. He stood with hands fisted on his hips and jaw tipped up in challenge. It wasn’t hard to guess who this was. “King Uvem?”

  “Yes. He was advisor to my father King Core and held the mantle before I became King.”

  Something in Varyk’s tone broke through her fascination of such a profound statue in a garden with its abundance of flowering bushes lining the walkways. It was an extravagance and hard to imagine all due to Varyk’s direction.

  Every previous interaction highlighted Varyk’s relentless nature. Until this recent situation with Rylin’s unborn, Inez would never have seen beyond the public face. She’d definitely not have considered him capable of the depth of caring this monument represented.

  “This is more than a tribute to him, isn’t it?”

  Staring into the distance, Varyk took so long to answer, Inez began to wonder if he would. His profile reflected deep concentration along with a glimpse of pain in his gold eyes. He slid his fingers into his hair brushing back the green length. The muscles in his back shifted, broad shoulders drawing into a tight line.

  Inez edged closer and before she could stop herself, she touched his arm. He glanced down. “Yes. Milana and I owe our life to Uvem.”


  For some reason Varyk’s inner Dracol pushed him to share his secret. Uncertainty plagued him as he debated the next course of action, then gave in to instinct. “Come. I wish to show you something else.”

  To his relief, Inez followed without question. Each step strummed at Varyk’s nerves and sweat beaded his temples. When he reached the door to the crypt, he paused. Inez’s brows creased in puzzlement but she didn’t speak. Varyk braced his palm flat on the door and summoned the power of the mantle. The inner locks released and the door cracked open.

  “In here.” Varyk pushed the door wider and stood back to allow Inez to enter first.

  The door latched closed behind them. It wasn’t a large space but the permanent lighting gave it a false sense of brightness. As always being here brought a sense of peace and conflict.

  “How?” Inez murmured, staying where she stood. “No one inherits the mantle without the death of the king.”

  “And yet he’s not dead.” Varyk crossed to the bed and the resting form of Uvem.

  “This shouldn’t be possible.” Far be it for Varyk to question the possibilities. Frowning, Inez inched closer and continued to stare. She glanced at him, nose scrunched. “This is your doing?”

  “Yes. He’s been in an altered state of rest for a dozen years. Since I accepted the mantle from him.”

  “B-but…” She broke off and moved toward the bed.

  He thought he could handle it. Was fully prepared to answer a
ny questions Inez had, but the moment she neared his friend and mentor, Varyk’s Dracol surged to the forefront. He grabbed her arm, halting her progress.

  Threatening growls rumbled around them. Inez’s confusion at his action was tangible, but she stopped immediately. After studying him, Inez eased back and spoke in a soothing tone. “It’s alright. I’m not going to touch him.”

  Belatedly, Varyk realized the low snarls were coming from his throat and he’d partially shifted. Claws sprouted from his fingertips and his right cheek burned where his scales probably made an appearance.

  “Sorry.” He released Inez and brushed a hand down his face. “I’m very protective of him. He can’t defend himself like this.”

  She nodded and took a seat in the sole chair Milana had brought in here. It placed her within feet of Uvem, but not so close Varyk couldn’t stop her if she decided to attack.

  “Tell me what happened.”

  And he did. Varyk started with the night of his father’s death and explained all that had taken place. The memories were vivid and washed through him in technicolor as he relived one of the most horrible experiences of his life. He’d never forget. Then he detailed the second event that set him on the path he walked today.

  Uvem’s calm instructions stood out. “Slowly, Varyk. Careful. Accept the mantle and be one with the Green.”

  A thousand voices resonated in a thunderous boom. Layers and layers of words played over top one another. The previous rulers of the mantle filled Varyk with the knowledge of the past. He looked down at his hands, fingers spread wide. Green vapors swirled about his palms, poison in every wisp.

  “Take it all, my young King,” Uvem encouraged with a nod.

  The force of it slammed into Varyk’s chest and he dropped to his knees. Uvem was there to catch him, hands at Varyk’s elbows as he too kneeled on the cold floor. Relief and acceptance acted as a catalyst and sped up the process. Uvem smiled in reassurance even as he grew more and more pale.

  Realization set in and Varyk’s heart lurched. “Uvem!”

  The vortex shut off abruptly, leaving behind confusion and fear. His people. Varyk calmed them with a thought until they grew silent. He was now in possession of the mantle and King.

  But there was no joy in reclaiming what had come to him as a child too young to carry the burden. The price of taking his rightful place came with jagged slices of pain.

  “All is as it should be,” Uvem whispered before toppling over and crashing to the floor.

  Varyk pressed his hands to Uvem’s stuttering chest and roared. “Nooo!”

  Everything within Varyk rebelled at the idea of losing this male who meant so much to him. He ripped into the mantle with a strong mental pull and grasped the never ending well of energy. It filled him until his eyes burned and his mouth soured with the bitter dregs of poisonous gases on his tongue.

  Varyk leaned forward and placed his mouth over Uvem’s in a gentle buss, lips to lips.

  To this day, he wasn’t sure how or what he’d done, but Uvem hadn’t returned to the goddess of fate nor had his body turned to vapors. He didn’t breathe, he didn’t stir. But he didn’t die either.

  “That’s incredible,” Inez said once Varyk finished speaking.

  He shrugged uncomfortable with the sudden light of admiration in her eyes. “I haven’t figured out how to undo what I did.”

  Her brow quirked and Varyk flushed as he admitted. “I keep sharing a portion of my essence with him and use the mantle to maintain his body like this but I’m not sure what would happen if I stopped.”

  “Do you think he’d wake up? Have you ever tried?” Inez rose to her feet as she asked the questions.

  “No.” Varyk gazed at Uvem. He’d never tried. Truth was terror struck at the very thought of letting his friend go if things went awry and there was no guarantee he could recreate whatever had preserved him in the first place.

  Too many dark memories sought to pull him down. What Varyk wanted—needed—was a distraction. He faced Inez and gestured toward the door. As she walked by he stared at her twitching ass and licked his lips. Every wicked act he desired to do with her danced through his head.

  The moment they cleared the threshold he curled an arm about her waist and pulled her back snug against his chest. His hands rose from her waist to cup the bountiful breasts.

  Yes. This was a far better use of his talent then revisiting the past.

  Chapter 16

  Varyk tugged Inez’s shirt down with one yank and placed his hands on her bare skin. Inez melted into his touch as he palmed her breasts. Rough massaging commenced and Inez’s head lulled back onto his shoulder.

  Low moans rose unbidden, heat suffusing her cheeks. Inez arched back, bumping his hard erection with each torque of her hips. Varyk bit the curve of her shoulder in retaliation, causing Inez to snicker.

  “You find something funny, Inez?”

  Laughter faded as his thumb flicked her nipples. Back and forth he teased the taut buds and her belly tightened. Just when she was sure she’d come from the provocative flickers, he pinched the crinkled flesh, sending a jolt of pain through the nerves. Inez gasped and collapsed.

  Varyk spun her in his arms. Desire darkened his features. Red slashed his cheeks and his mouth twisted in a grimace. His gaze was like a lover’s caress as he honed in on the sight of her swollen breasts, nipples begging for attention. There was no mistaking the demand. She’d be lying if she said it didn’t get her wet standing before him like this. The blatant attraction thrilled Inez. “Here? Now?”

  Intense awareness glittered from his gaze as he stared down at her. He stepped back a sliver, amber eyes challenging. “Here. Now.”

  Nothing was as erotic as the way he looked when he repeated her words back. Heat. Passion. It was all there for her to see. Shivering, Inez reached up to touch his face, but he caught both wrists in his grasp. The possessive move had her nipples hardening and moisture gathered between her legs.

  With his body crowding her, Varyk maneuvered her against the wall of the ornate vault. He raised her arms and pinned them above her head. Before she could voice a complaint or agreement his mouth slammed onto hers.

  Inez found herself twisting in his grip as she ground her hips on the thick cock pressed at the apex of her thighs. She widened her stance and thrust up as she kissed him back, tongue in his mouth.

  “Keep moving,” he muttered between kisses. “Rub all over me. I want to feel you squirm.”

  Inez had wants too. She wanted to touch him. She wanted to grab hold of him and feel his body convulse and tremble. “Release me, Varyk. Let me touch you.”

  “No.” Varyk trailed kisses across her cheek. At her ear, he nipped the bottom of the lobe and tongued the outer edges. Trembles shook her from head to toe when he licked down the column of her neck.

  Inez growled and leaned up on her toes in an attempt to get closer. She wrapped a leg around Varyk’s hip as she rocked and tugged to free herself.

  He groaned. “Fuck, yeah. Ride my cock.”

  Due to distraction or arousal, she didn’t know which, but Inez got her wish because his grip loosened. She attacked him with all of the pent up desire rolling through her. Her hands plunged into his hair and held his head still. With the freedom to caress, Inez made the most of it. Having his firm body at her mercy was everything she craved. She stroked from his nape to the hard lines of his shoulders.

  Frustration boiled when she encountered the material of his shirt and Inez used her innate strength as a Dracol to tear the fabric. Smooth muscled chest all hers for the taking. Inez lapped at the tanned skin exposed, uncaring that one sleeve hung limp from his arm. She sucked at a pebbled golden brown nipple watching as the flesh crinkled.

  In defense or perhaps to gain control of the spiraling situation between them, Varyk let his weight fall onto her. He gripped her hips in a firm hold and yanked her up in better position as he pumped madly and ravished her throat.

  Inez cried out, feeling the begin
ning quivers. Her thighs shook and the heel of one foot thumped the back of his leg. Lost to mindless ecstasy, she chanted, “Yes, yes, yes.”

  “Fuck!” Varyk snarled and hefted her weight higher. His fingers kneaded her ass and her head slammed back onto the wall behind her.

  Inez clawed his back, leaving furrows in the taut planes. Another groan tore from his throat. Inez bit his bottom lip, crazy with need and close. So close to shattering.

  Varyk slid a hand between them and undid her pants. The throbbing head of his cock pressed forward and she realized he’d already managed to loosen his own. He mumbled incoherent phrases against her skin, her flesh pebbling wherever his breath touched.

  Climax crawled its way up her back and Inez’s vision hazed out. It would be fast. Brutal. But nothing stopped her body from climbing to the inevitable summit.

  Varyk pushed forward, the head of his cock piercing her opening. Inez tensed as her muscles clamped down on the protruding head.

  “Let me in, amans. Let me in.”

  The rare endearment used between lovers broke her concentration. Inez opened her eyes and the strain on Varyk’s face was evident. She looped her arms about his shoulders and hung on as she worked her hips. He slid deeper, her slick passage giving way to the brunt force as Varyk drove forward again and again.

  Jagged moans slipped past her lips and she whimpered as the feathery tickle of his fringe crested through her puffy lower lips. As soon as he was seated against her, groin to groin, Inez came. A never ending circle of gut clenching release.


  Varyk held Inez close, wanting to laugh in triumph as her body danced in his arms. Plump breasts spilled over the edge of her top where he’d pulled the material down. Her pants dangled from one ankle and her skin flushed a deep rosy color from the waist down where he watched his thick shaft penetrating her wet core.

  When she went slack, Varyk braced her weight then gritted his teeth and proceeded to ride her hard. Inez revived enough to rake her fingers down the sensitized scales of his mantle and rapture shredded his control. Delicate nails bit into the skin, adding a delicious pinch of pain to balance out the raging satisfaction.


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