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Sealord: A Dark Dragon Shifter Romance

Page 16

by Delta James

  He locked eyes with her as he guided his rampant cock between her folds, sinking to her depths as he mounted her with a mighty groan. The ridge scraped her interior walls in exquisite perfection. Míorúilt screamed as her body convulsed with a powerful climax. Kellan now fucked her with the same single-minded zeal as he had spanked and then welted her. He held her tight as he drove his cock deep into her pussy, dancing the fine line between pain and ecstasy.

  “Kellan,” she screamed as another intense orgasm seized her body and her sheath clamped down on his hard length as he thrust in and out of her.

  Kellan’s cock stretched her cunt as over and over he stroked deep, the ridge scoring her sheath. He knew she could feel his hips slapping against her red bottom, reminding her that this too was part of the price she would pay for misbehaving. She had experienced his ability to be a gentle and tender lover, but he meant to prove his prowess and strength and settle in her mind that he was her lord and master and that she would submit to his authority and obey.

  Each time she came, her body produced more lubricant to ease his way. Even so, the recent loss of her maidenhead ensured she’d be sore from his use. He continued to batter her sheath with his powerful staff. He took harder and longer strokes so that she felt every inch of him as he drove into her and reached the end of her sheath. He pulled back until only the head of his cock remained inside her; the ridge released and as he drove forward it lodged inside her bottom hole, quickly expanding to fill and lock her in place. Had he not been holding her in position, she would have crumpled beneath him. He said nothing but made noises that expressed the pleasure he was getting from her body and her response to him.

  The intensity of his feelings and need for her was rivaled by what he had experienced when possessed by the need to rut. He drove her to the very peak of ecstasy and forced her over the edge and into a free-fall of ecstasy. She was exhausted, physically and emotionally. He began to plunge faster and more forcefully, the devil’s tongue ensuring she could not move away from him and burrowing itself in her darkest passage. Kellan just felt her toppling over into another climax as his cock released a sea of his cum into her pussy. He grasped her more firmly to him and butted her welted derriere as he pumped his seed into her—its heated cream coated and soothed the ravaged walls of her cunt. When at last he had expelled his last drop, he uncoupled from her. She whimpered as he released her and crawled to the top of their bed.

  “Do not think to defy me again, Míorúilt. You are my one true heart and no one will take you from me... not even you.”

  Kellan seized her leg and pulled her back to him, scooping up both her and the thin blanket on which she lay into his arms and headed back into the light. As they exited the darkness of the dungeon, Míorúilt felt him shift and take flight, holding her in his claws as Gideon had held Bridget. Too exhausted to fight, she relinquished control and simply relaxed in a sort of dragonian embrace.

  * * *

  Míorúilt was spent, not just physically, but emotionally. Everything in her responded to Kellan and she wanted to give herself to him completely. But she reminded herself that he had come from out of the past and usurped her life... as well as the lives of the women who were once under her protection. She realized he was headed for Dragon’s Galloglas, her women would be there as would Bridget. Though they had only just met, Míorúilt thought she recognized a kindred spirit in Gideon’s mate.

  Kellan roared as they approached the citadel. When they landed, several of his men accompanied by members of her own community were there waiting. She recognized Kellan’s second in command, Fionn, and noted that Brenna was not among them.

  “My lord Kellan, we were not expecting you and your lady. I tried to put Lord Gideon in my chambers, but he would not have it. If you are staying, I will make them ready for you immediately.”

  Kellan waved him off. “Unnecessary. Any of the guest chambers will do fine, although having someplace that can be easily guarded is probably best. My sweet drakaina still doubts my devotion and that her destiny is with me. I take it from her absence at your side, that your Brenna still struggles with similar feelings?”

  Fionn chuckled. “Right now, the only thing Brenna struggles with is how to sit down comfortably.”

  Míorúilt tried to break Kellan’s hold on her arm.

  “You bastard! How could you do that to her?”

  Kellan growled in warning as Fionn replied, “In the same way my lord Kellan sees to teaching you obedience to keep you safe and happy so do I instruct my Brenna...”

  “But he forced me to take vows.”

  “And he will see that Brenna takes hers as well. When he was last here, I took my vows to Brenna and Lord Kellan declared us married.”

  “He can’t do that,” Míorúilt cried in frustration.

  “I can and did,” soothed Kellan. “It was obvious the girl needed a strong hand and was once to have been Fionn’s mate. It was her stubbornness that caused her to end up with you and your misbegotten tribe of females. I merely righted the wrong and restored her to her correct place...”

  “Here at Dragon’s Galloglas, forced into a union not of her choosing?”

  “No, either beneath Fionn or over his knee. Some days, I suspect that, like you, she spends time in both.” Kellan turned back to Fionn. “See that there is a tub put in my room and that it is filled for Míorúilt to use. And you, my sweet drakaina, will retire to our room and make use of it, before I join you to make use of you.”

  He leaned down and kissed her. Míorúilt snarled at him and he walloped her nearly naked backside.

  “Enough, Míorúilt. You will obey or I will punish you further and then you will obey, but obey you will. Now, will you enjoy a hot bath while I talk to Fionn and Gideon or must I take you across my knee to further redden your pretty backside before you do so?”

  There was no denying that he would carry through on his threat. And the idea of a hot bath sounded divine.

  “I would like to take a bath.”

  Kellan rubbed her back.

  “Good girl. Cathal?”

  “Yes, my lord?” said the young man as he entered the bailey.

  “Send someone to town to see if you can’t find something appropriate for Míorúilt to wear and arrange for the dressmaker to come and measure all of the women so that suitable clothing can be made for them. From what I could tell, their possessions were meager, and I would afford them some of the niceties they had to forego at the Sanctuary.”

  “Yes, my lord,” said Cathal as he turned to leave.

  Fionn showed her and Kellan to the chamber they would share while they were there.

  “How long will we be here?” asked Míorúilt as she inhaled the fragrance of the scented water that was being added to the tub.

  “Just until enough repairs have been made to Raicleach that we can return there. I would prefer to have somewhere to keep you safe other than a dragon cell in the dungeon. Enjoy your bath, Míorúilt. There should be someone to attend you shortly. The dressmaker should be here soon to begin assembling a wardrobe for you and the other women,” Kellan said as he turned to leave with Fionn and the others.

  Míorúilt couldn’t decide whether to refuse the bath to spite him or luxuriate in it and pick a different battle. She approached the tub and inhaled again. The aroma was lovely and the temperature perfect as she trailed her fingertips through it. She decided to make use of the tub. Perhaps a soothing soak would help her make sense of her jumbled thoughts. She unwrapped the blanket from around her body, allowing it to drop to the floor as she stepped into the hot, fragrant water.

  She sighed and leaned back. The heat of the bath began to work its magic on her tired and sore body. She closed her eyes and was dozing when she heard the door open.

  “Go away,” she said without any real rancor. “I’m not some great lady who needs attending to.”

  “It isn’t that I disagree, but Kellan doesn’t see it that way. He had me bring you a lovely gown to change into
,” said Bridget, softly laughing. “I’ve had a chance to speak to several of your women. They want you all to know they are well and being treated with great respect...”

  Míorúilt leveled a gaze at her.

  “Except Brenna who has been forced...” she said as she stepped from the tub and accepted the drying cloth from Bridget.

  “Into a marriage she always longed for. I had a chance to talk to Brenna personally. She wanted me to assure you that she only objected to the man her father had intended to give her. She was in love with Fionn but got angry when she felt he had chosen duty to the citadel over marrying her. Apparently, he has made up for lost time and is very thoughtful and she is especially enjoying his amorous attentions. I find it so annoying to be righteously angry at Gideon but can’t seem to sustain that anger in the face of his ability to seduce and pleasure me.”

  “Thank you for saying that. I thought it was just me. Just being a farm girl dazzled by the great lord...”

  “They’re all the same when they are hard and looking for a warm, wet place to sheath their sword,” said Bridget with a smile.

  “But at least you are Gideon’s equal having been the mistress of a powerful wolf pack...”

  Bridget laughed out loud. “Raised up to that lofty position by that pack’s alpha, who found me gutting a fish in my father’s shop.”

  Míorúilt found herself warming to Gideon’s lady. “What about Gideon?”

  Bridget smiled as she began to help Míorúilt dress. In spite of herself, Míorúilt ran her hand down the beautiful sleeves of the gown, the color of a tranquil sea, marveling at its softness.

  “Gideon found me in a tavern when I was searching for your community. I hadn’t had a man in a while; he is quite spectacular to look at, even when clothed, and can be most charming when he tries. One thing led to another and after having spent an incredible night reveling in his embrace, he decided I was his one true heart and wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

  “They are alike in that as well. And what do you think?”

  “If we are to remain friends, you can never repeat this... but I think he’s probably right. I know when we’re separated, I can feel his loss and I do love him. And it would do me no good if I didn’t.”


  “My, or as he corrects me, our daughter adores him, and he dotes on her. My first mate was a good father and loved us both but was often bound by convention and what he thought was appropriate. Gideon is far more open with his feelings and does include me in most decisions. The final decision is always his, but at least he consults me and does listen to what I have to say.”

  “So, you are content to be with him?”

  Bridget nodded. “I am. I believe Kellan cares for you.”

  “I am the last dragon-born female...”

  “And should, by all rights, belong to Duncan’s clan. I don’t mind telling you that Gideon is worried about that. He says the clans never mated outside their own clan as conception was difficult.”

  “Kellan believes me to be already carrying his child.”

  Bridget laughed. “Men in general like to believe in their own prowess, but Gideon said dragon seed is strong. I only conceived once with my first mate, but Gideon bred me on the night we were wed, and I am certain I am pregnant. Kellan could be right. Gideon hopes he is. If Duncan wakes and you are already gone with child, that will go a long way to giving credence to Kellan’s claim. That, and the fact that you walked through that sea glass wall. Apparently, only a clan leader’s true heart can do that. Thus, the reason each of them has at least one manner of preventing escape forged by one of the others.”

  “So, tossing a mate into a dungeon is standard procedure?”

  “I’m not sure their egos allow them to believe their true heart would ever want to leave them...”

  “Kellan says drakaina are fractious and often misbehaved and require a strong mate to quell their rebellious spirits and keep them safe.”

  Bridget laughed out loud. “Male alpha wolves spout the same drivel about she-wolves.”

  Míorúilt grinned, warming more and more to Bridget with each passing moment.

  “I get so angry with him...”

  “And then he does that deep purring sound and you go all gooey inside.”

  Míorúilt laughed. “And find yourself face down over his knee getting your ass spanked and wanting him to stop not so much to end the pain, but to mount you and bring you to ecstasy.”

  “Repeatedly. I have to tell you that dragon’s tongue is a new experience.”

  Míorúilt smiled. “All of it was new to me, but I have to admit, he was so tender with me when we first coupled. It hurt at first, but that quickly faded into a deep, throbbing need to be one with him and scale the heights of passion again and again.”

  “It sounds to me that you are not unhappy to be Kellan’s lady or are at least reconciled to it.”

  Míorúilt nodded. “I am. When he is not being overbearing, he is an attentive and loving mate and gives me a sense of belonging I haven’t had in a very long while. With him, I see a future with children and a home with people that we care for and who care for us.”

  It was Bridget’s turn to nod. “I was she-wolf born and then mistress to a powerful pack, and yet I feel more at home and have a greater sense of my own destiny in Cornwall than I ever did at Dundalk. Ciara was always a bright and inquisitive child, but Gideon allows her more freedom than my first mate. Don’t get me wrong, he has a fixed notion of what is appropriate or inappropriate for a drakaina, but it is more expansive than that of a she-wolf. If what our fishermen are hearing from the old continent is correct, definitions of rank and appropriateness are going to have to shift. Gideon hopes I can be a bridge between the dragons and the wolves.”

  “I know traditionally they have been mortal enemies...”

  “Two apex predators wanting to rule over the same territory. And the wolves were instrumental in the dragons’ virtual extinction. But there are whispered rumors of a rising horde of some kind of shifter hybrid.”

  “I will fight at Kellan’s side.”

  “The storytellers in the pack at Dundalk told of drakaina that were warriors, but I’m not sure that wasn’t born of necessity. I can tell you I know the mistresses of Calon Onest, Ravenscar, and Dundalk. None of them will shy away from battle and Rowan of Calon Onest is a proven and blooded warrior. I think it will be incumbent for our drakaina to band together with them to ensure we prevail.”

  “Surely an alliance between the wolves and the dragons would be unbeatable.”

  “Except that the wolf packs are not united. In fact there is a deep division amongst them. Gideon and I believe that some of that derision has been caused by the horde who is acting as their agents and cannon fodder.”

  “We will have to form an alliance.”

  “That’s what Gideon believes. He is hopeful that both Duncan and Seth will arise or that he can find a way to wake them. Gideon is willing to meet with the alphas of the three packs I mentioned, but he worries about the others. Seth and Kellan were the greatest of the dragon warlords and Duncan lost his mate and his child... or at least we thought he had lost you.”

  “Does Gideon think that there will be trouble between Duncan and Kellan?”

  “He thinks it needs to be managed. You are the last of the drakaina from a lost era and Duncan is not only your sire, but your clan leader. Kellan is adamant that he will not give you or the child you carry up.”

  “I will do what I can.”

  Bridget reached out and touched her arm. “I know you will, but it may require you to focus on Kellan and trust that he will do right by your ladies.”

  Míorúilt bit back a cry. “I don’t know that I can do that. They trusted me to protect them. I have already failed Brenna. One of our number managed to evade capture by Kellan and his men, but that leaves three.”

  “Yes. I overheard Gideon talking to Fionn and Cathal, your Kellan’s beta and omega. Cathal feels one
of the women would make him a good mate. They discussed the remaining girls. Gideon feels that women who were strong enough to break with tradition will make good mates and he plans to propose to Kellan that they all remain here with the idea that one or more of them be slated to mate with either Seth or Duncan.”

  Míorúilt shook her head. “Why do men, be they human, wolf, or dragon, believe it is their right to decide our fate?”

  “Because that’s the way it has always been, and they see no reason for it to change.”

  “It works for them, not always for the women.”

  Bridget nodded. “I agree. It’s why I came looking for your Sanctuary, and instead ended up being turned into a dragon and lady to the Lord of the Earth.” She said the last with a hint of irony and melodrama.

  Míorúilt laughed. “They are rather impressed with themselves.”

  The door opened and Kellan strode in, followed by Gideon.

  “That, my drakaina, is because we are most impressive,” said Kellan before pulling her into his arms and devouring her mouth with a hungry kiss.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Míorúilt felt the wellspring of her arousal burst to life and melted against him. Bridget was right, the sonorous thrumming that she could both hear and feel in his presence filled her with both lust and love. She shook her head. There it was the absolute certainty that she loved the man whose tongue now swept through her mouth and enticed her tongue to follow and do the same.

  “After all,” he purred, “only a dragon of sufficient size and stature could please the last drakaina born in the age of dragons.”

  She heard Gideon laugh before saying to Bridget, “Our daughter wishes to spend the time between now and the evening meal with her parents.” Taking Bridget by the elbow, he showed her out.


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