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The Secrets of Starpoint Mountain

Page 23

by Bill Albert

  Tasker took a step back but knew he was running out of room. He reared back and sent the axe flying at Kavelle. She ducked out of the way and the axe embedded itself into the wall. As their eyes went back to the man his arm was rising to his face with a very small potion bottle in his hand. Even though there was no way they could make it in time Kavelle, Tome and Gallif all stepped forward. Just as he was about to drink the elixir, an arrow from Maura’s bow punctured his arm and sent the bottle to the ground. It bounced once and then shattered.

  Tasker still had strength on his side and made a powerful jump forward. He rolled as he landed and was now between Maura and the rest of them. He was near enough to pull the axe from the wall in one sweep and maintained his position.

  He looked back and forth and knew that his biggest threat were the three fighters with swords and a mace. He sensed the growing fear in Maura. He turned to face the three of them and started swinging again.

  Maura quickly grabbed an arrow and started to pull the string back. Tasker was only a few feet in front of her and there was no way she could miss but paused before letting the arrow go. This was a man, who looked just like any other man, with his undefended back to her. The aim of her arrow dipped slightly.

  “Shoot,” Kavelle called.

  Gallif swung high while Tome swung low. Tasker jumped to avoid a strike to his legs but Gallif got a clear shot and struck him hard in the side. In return he again threw his axe but this time Gallif was his target. She managed to duck the blade, but the spin of the handle hit her near her ear, and she stumbled from the shock. Tasker sensed she was hurt and went for another attack with the long sword. Two arrows punctured the useless armor and entered his back. From surprise and shock he dropped the sword and was quickly finished off with several strikes from the mace, the long sword, and the flame sword.

  His collapse to the ground was followed by a moment of silence. Tome and Kavelle ran to the body. Gallif went to Maura who was shaking slightly with the arrow still nestled in the bow. She looked at Maura and then out into the hall.

  “Come with me,” she said and took a few steps out and away from the bodies. She took Maura’s hands into hers and held them tightly. “Do you want you to go back up to the estate?”

  “Do you want me to go?”

  “No. What I want is for you to watch my back.”

  Before Maura could answer Tome called to her from the room. Maura pulled an arrow from her quiver and held the bow out to indicate she would keep an eye on the hall and Gallif went to the other two. They had searched the body and several items they had found were laying spread out on the floor.

  There were several potion bottles and Kavelle popped the cork off of one and took a sniff of the contents.

  “Healing potion, definitely,” she said. “I can tell that herbal fragrance a mile away.” There were six in all and she handed one each to Tome and Gallif. Gallif reached down and grabbed one for Maura.

  “Are you going to be okay?” Kavelle asked Maura.

  “Yes,” Gallif answered.

  “Are you going to be okay?” Tome asked Maura and stopped any possible argument between the two.

  “Yes,” Maura said looking up at Tome.

  “Okay, stay with us as long as you can,” Tome said and started sifting through some of the other things they had found.

  There were three bags of dull black powder that Kavelle identified as the same type she had thrown at Tasker to dispel the casting on his armor. They each took one. There was a pale colored bag that Kavelle opened and examined. She took a deep breath and looked quizzically at the rest of them.

  “It’s oreg spices,” she said slowly.

  “You have got to be kidding,” Gallif said and quickly pulled the bag away. She smelled it once, then again, then nodded.

  “There are a few other things,” Kavelle said as she looked at what was left. “Nothing cast except this,” she said as she lifted a necklace from the stash. The necklace itself was a dull copper color, but the pendant on the end was striking. It was made of gold and had a red jewel in it. She let it swing like a pendulum from her hand.

  “What type of cast is it?” Tome asked.

  “It’s not a combat or protection.”

  “Then what is it?” Tome asked.

  “I don’t know,” she admitted with reluctance.

  “I’ve seen that before,” Gallif said slowly. They both looked at her and saw a far away gaze in her eyes. “I’ve seen that before,” she repeated.

  “Where was it?” Tome asked worriedly. “Where did you see it?”

  “I don’t know,” Gallif said in a shallow voice after a long while. “It’s like a whisper from my memory.”

  Tome took a deep breath and said, “We’d better get going. If what he said is true, they already know we are here.”

  “More,” Maura said from the hall and they quickly joined her with their weapons at the ready. In complete silence they stood and looked as far down the hallway as they could without exposing themselves.

  As they listened they could hear the murmur of a group somewhere off in the distance. They could not detect any human speech from the group but grunts and growls that indicated orcs.

  Tome carefully scuttled down the stone hall hugging the left-hand side. Kavelle was directly behind him, Gallif behind her, and Maura in the rear.

  They soon came to a very shadowy corner. Tome stayed at one side and signaled with his hand for Kavelle to cross to the other. In unison they slowly leaned out just enough to see the next hall. After a few moments they both took a step away from the wall. They waved back for Gallif and Maura to join them.

  The stone hall widened and there were two doors on each side with a larger double door at the far end. There were also several torches in the hall. Despite the presence of flames the air was still quite cold.

  They came forward and listened to the first door on the right. There were no sounds from behind the door and they heard more of the murmur from a group ahead of them. Tome very gently tried to open the door, but it was locked and failed to move.

  Because of the tight confines of the hall Gallif made sure that Maura was using the sword instead of her bow as they moved to the next door.

  As they listened Tome realized that this door did not have a lock on it and gently pulled it open just a bit. He looked inside and then pulled it open further. He pointed at Gallif and Maura and then to the floor to indicate that they were to stay put. When the door was open wide enough Tome and Kavelle went in.

  Maura looked at Gallif for instructions. Gallif took her hand and pulled her to the center of the hall facing in the direction they had come. Gallif faced the opposite direction and stood back to back with her friend. She stayed in a stance that would allow her to spring in to combat immediately, but let Maura relax against her body.

  They were completely silent for several minutes. The only sound they heard was the occasional movement coming from inside the room Tome and Kavelle were searching. Finally, the two of them emerged from the room and Gallif and Maura separated.

  “There are lots of bags,” Tome explained to them. “Storage containers and crates marked for Atrexia, Primor, and other cities.”

  “I think this was just part of Bitran’s operation,” Kavelle said.

  “Let’s check the next room,” Tome said and walked off.

  For the second door Tome had them switch tasks and he and Kavelle stood outside and watched as Gallif and Maura investigated. They alternated positions for each of the remaining two doors.

  It wasn’t until they reached the fourth room that they found anything unusual.

  “There’s giant’s clothes in there,” Gallif said as they emerged. Pointing to the wall ahead of them that had the double doors on it she added, “There’s another set of doors big enough for giants.”

  “Giants down here?” Kavelle asked no one in particular.

  “If there really is a rebellion against the Giant Lord and giants are involved they would be.�

  “Why would Bitran be working to overthrow the Giant Lords?”

  “Maybe because he had to,” Gallif spoke quickly. “Do I have to remind you who was in the cells back there?”

  “No,” Kavelle said as her anger rose.

  “Enough,” Tome said and moved between them. “Last warning. Gallif, let it go,” he scolded her, and she looked away. Sensing Kavelle’s smug look he turned on her as well. “You are supposed to be experienced,” he said. “Start acting it.”

  Before either of them could respond he motioned for them to be quiet. There was the sound of movement and conversation on the other side of the double doors. They all took a step closer to listen, but, just as they got to the doors, there was a brief rattling of chains and the doors started to open. Tome grabbed Gallif by the collar and pulled her back. Kavelle took Maura’s arm and did the same.

  The doors were large and swung wide.

  There were two dozen elves standing in a semicircle making sure they could not escape. Two elves, the ones nearest the center, wore red tinted leather and carried flame swords. At the center was a male giant.

  “Gallif and friends,” the giant said and smiled.



  It seemed like an eternity to Gallif as they stood and stared, waiting for the one side to make the next move. Maura’s heavy breathing could just barely be heard over the sound of her own heart pounding in her ears. Gallif felt Maura close to her and very quietly whispered, “Stay with me.” Her eyes were riveted on the two aquilus with the flame swords. She knew there was someone controlling it, elves weren’t smart enough to understand casting items, but she was determined not to be intimidated by it.

  The giant and the surrounding aquilus each took a step forward. Gallif, Maura, Tome and Kavelle also took a step closer together.

  “There’s no way,” Maura said with a trembling voice.

  “One,” Tome said and nodded to Gallif.

  The giant took another step forward and hefted the huge club he had been holding into the air. He swung down and clapped the floor so hard even the stone cracked on impact. The giant looked at Tome and said, “You next,” then hefted the club again and gave them a toothless smile.

  “Yes, one,” Gallif said. Gallif’s hand dropped to her side. It came back up a second later with the twelve-inch knife she carried carefully balanced between her fingers. She reared back and sent the missile flying. The giant raised his arm to protect his face and several of the aquilus moved in front of their leader to try and intercept. The knife never came close to the giant but hit its target square. One of the aquilus in the tinted armor howled as the blade pierced through his throat. The armor couldn’t protect exposed areas of the skin and the scream was the last sound the elf ever made.

  The first strike had been made and the mob came forward in a fury. Gallif waved the flame sword wildly at the closest elves and almost cut one in the chest. Maura was behind her to protect her back.

  Tome feigned a swing to the left, then cut hard to the right and sliced deep into one of his attackers. A second elf stumbled over the fallen elf and came within striking distance of Kavelle’s mace. She ended its attack with a loud thud.

  The giant came rushing at them with his club held high and tried to bring it down on Tome. Tome, with Kavelle close to him, jumped out of the strike path and the club again clapped the floor.

  The last aquilus in the cast armor saw Gallif in the melee and went after her. Its flame sword swung wide arcs to make sure she knew it was approaching.

  Gallif tried to slide in Tome’s direction, but too many of the aquilus were between them. As she looked to the right a single elf launched itself at her from the left and Maura jabbed her sword in its direction. Luck was on her side and the move caught the elf in the lower leg. Gallif pierced it through the stomach with the flame sword and it fell to the ground in agony.

  Before she could take a safe stance, a second elf came at her and slammed in to Gallif’s side. She stumbled back, but Maura caught her and pushed her back on to her feet. Gallif made a few sharp attacks and the aquilus drew back quickly.

  The flame sword wielding aquilus growled and the fighters closest to Gallif pulled back. It swung in a high arc and came down directly at her. She counter attacked with her own and the two flame swords collided hard. There was a burst of heat and light as if something had exploded in the air with a crash so loud everyone in the room noticed it. Though the elf’s sword was bigger Gallif still had size and strength on her side and she pushed her opponent away.

  Maura went forward to stay on Gallif’s blind side. Despite her fear there was no way in hell she was going to let her friend go unprotected.

  There were several more loud claps and Gallif glanced to the side to see the giant’s club hit the wall as Tome ducked out of its path. As she looked back at her own attacker, she saw that for a moment both Tome and Kavelle were within striking distance of the giant.

  As they moved Gallif suddenly felt a hand on her side and a tug on her thigh. She realized they had just passed the body of the first monster she had downed, and Maura had been quick enough to withdraw her knife and replace it in its sheath. She looked with pride at her friend.

  The aquilus took another swing at Gallif. She countered it, but missed, and ducked down to avoid contact. She saw its right foot was very near the fallen flame sword and she started to push her opponent in its direction. It stepped back and suddenly felt the heat near its feet. Gallif took advantage of the distraction and sliced into it.

  Gallif’s eyes were locked on her target’s every move. It took a swift kick at the flame sword on the ground and shoved it out of its way. It then came at her swinging and shifted to the right. Gallif saw the feign coming and struck out to stop the attack on the left. Again, there was an explosion of noise, light, and heat as the swords collided. In the flash she noted a gold pendant with a red stone around its neck.

  There was another clap from the giant’s club and Gallif briefly glanced in Tome’s direction. She grimaced to see that Tome had been hit and there was a large stain on his leg where he was bleeding under the armor. She hoped the armor had repaired itself fast enough to prevent more damage. She could also see there was much more blood coming from the giant than from Tome.

  She looked back as the aquilus zigzagged his flame sword as he approached, and the tip of the blade sliced a cut across her stomach. She ground her teeth hard in pain. It swung for a second attack but a jab forward from Maura, coming up quick from Gallif’s side, caught it off guard and the strike went wild.

  Gallif caught it on the return and again there was a loud crash of two flame swords in midair.

  As it took a step back two more aquilus came in fast and furious and each was struck down by Gallif and Maura.

  No one noticed the figure approaching from behind them.

  The giant pulled back and watched the melee from a distance. Its figure shimmered like a heat wave and, without being seen, an aquilus rushed into the combat.

  There was a deep cry of pain and a dull thud. Gallif looked over quickly to see the giant fall. She also saw the bodies of several aquilus motionless on the floor brought down from Kavelle’s mace. She felt the tide starting to turn. Sure, that Maura was with her she took a few steps forward.

  Gallif took another swing at her attacker. It cut down hard at her and there was an explosion in the air. Maura burst forward again and cut into its arm. It shook in pain and lost its grip on the flame sword which fell to ground several steps away.

  Gallif made eye contact and knew exactly what it was thinking. With her free hand she grabbed Maura’s shoulder and pulled her as she moved to put them between the elf and its weapon. It knew it had to move now and came rushing forward with an elf fighter on each side. To protect Maura, Gallif quickly took them all a few steps back. Never one to question her luck Gallif found the second flame sword very near her boot. As fast as possible she reached out and picked up the second weapo
n and took a bold step forward. The wounded elf stopped, but the two fighters continued on and she dropped them both.

  Eyes fixed, she took a few steps forward when she heard a cry from behind her. Worried it was from Maura she turned back just in time to more elves pouring in from the double doors.

  Kavelle cried out in anger again as the elves massed over her and Tome. Though the man and the woman were better fighters they were simply outnumbered and soon were being held captive. Another wave descended on Gallif and Maura. Gallif held onto the swords as long as she could but the combined weight and strength of the mass of elves was more than she could withstand, and the swords were taken from her. Unable to move freely she turned her head to see that Maura was now captive as well.

  In the sea of elves the humans were all pulled together within a few feet of each other. Gallif, Maura, and Kavelle were held tightly and soon abandoned their struggle. Their weapons were taken from their hands and tossed aside. Tome continued to push against his captors and refused to give up. They were being herded together and were all now very close to each other.

  Gallif saw the aquilus she had fought as it moved through the crowd toward Tome. He reached over and grabbed a weapon from one of the fighters, but she couldn’t detect what it was. Too late, she saw the look in its face and realized what was going to happen. The scream was still in her throat when the beast held a large wooden hammer high in the air. It came down hard and struck Tome in the back of his head. There was a sickening crunch of bone, and explosion of blood, and Tome died.

  Maura screamed in terror at the sight. Kavelle could not move and closed her eyes. With a frozen glare Gallif watched as, in a moment she would never forget, Tome’s body slipped lifeless to the ground with his eyes still open. There was a pause as everyone, even the elves, froze and watched the body collapse.


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