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by Michael A Aquino

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  E. Posthumous Pageantry

  “Deaths” of their slaves, and particularly the more

  prominent ones, are beloved by profane religions for the

  spectacles they invite, both immediately and sometimes

  annually thereafter. Or even daily, as in the case of the

  famous “Woman in Black” visiting Rudolph Valentino’s


  As with the event of “death” itself, the common

  feature of all such profane necrofestivals is complete

  disinterest in the current state of the deceased. There is

  never any concern or conversation about whether the

  individual is in Heaven or Hell: how to congratulate the

  former or commiserate the latter.

  With the possible exception of Elvis Presley, no time is

  spent searching for reincarnations either. 70 But even after

  several samplings of “Thriller”, the author remains

  uncertain whether Michael Jackson was indeed then/

  subsequently zombified. And some personages, such as

  James Dean, Princess Diana, Jim Morrison, and Adolf

  Hitler, mesmerize the masses far more as avatars than

  actualities. On the other hand, perhaps Morrison already

  was one?

  F. Monolithic Anamnesis

  To understand physical “death” accurately, it is first

  necessary to dispel the notion that physical “death” is an

  utter and final end: the proverbial “Big Black Sack”

  propaganda of the profane. In actuality it is nothing of

  the sort, but a consciousness-evolutionary process which

  70 Except upon the disincarnation of the Dalai Lama, which

  precipitates a search for his new embodiment. Unlike The King,

  however, His Holiness usually reappears in Tibet instead of Las


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  is easily realizable and identifiable once one knows where

  and how to look for it.

  As so much else in MindStar, this is a practical,

  personal exercise in anamnesis: recollective Nœtic

  knowledge of primal truth (a neter or Platonic Form).

  Once alerted to anamnesis, and upon exercising the

  requisite dialectic thought-discipline to attain it, its utility

  and veracity will be definitively and reliably self-evident.

  While anamnesis may be activated by simple

  prompting [as illustrated by Plato’s Dialogue the Meno],

  it can also be utilized in extensive and elaborate

  explorations [as illustrated in the “Sphinx & Chimæra”

  Afterwords to this book].

  For a convenient metaphor to illustrate the “death”-

  transitional sequence, we need look no further than the

  classic science-fiction movie 2001: A Space Odyssey.

  [Do not read this as nostalgic entertainment. It is an

  exercise to replace the prevalent, preconditioned mental

  model of “death as BBS obliteration” with a schematic of

  continuation and evolutionary transition.]

  As you apply anamnesis to this, its actuality will

  replace the BBS falsity, freeing you from enslavement to

  that hopelessness and despair. 71

  In this collaboration director Stanley Kubrick and

  author Arthur C. Clarke were not too far off when, at the

  culmination of the film, the transitioned MS of astronaut

  71 In Greater Black Magic (GBM) a purgative ritual such as this is

  called a Black Mass. And authentic BM has nothing to do with

  mockery of the Catholic Mass [except for addicted Catholics]; it is a

  ritualized shock tailored to each celebrant, the purpose of which is

  the removal and dissipation of identified self-destructiveness. It

  eliminates taboos, sacred cows, and all similar conditioning, whether

  conscious or subconscious.

  A famous “secular” example is the shattering of Winston Smith’s

  Julia-addiction in George Orwell’s 1984 by a stronger BM of rats in

  Room #101.

  In his The Aristos and The Magus, John Fowles described the

  BM as “disintoxication”.

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  David Bowman was represented as an “embryonic star-

  child”. As he awakened, wrote Clarke, “he wasn’t sure

  what he was going to do next ... but he would think of


  2001 starred a flat-black, Golden-Rectangular 72

  Monolith with the “missing link” power to catalyze

  successive stages of human consciousness evolution:

  from instinctive-animal to Homo Sapiens in prehistory,

  then from intelligent incarnation to pure mentality (=

  “star-child”), activated once man had advanced

  sufficiently to reach the Moon and encounter a “sentinel”

  Monolith. 73

  The prehistoric and Moon Monoliths are followed by a

  third, floating in space near the Jovian moon Europa.

  Bowman’s transitional trip through it occurs in two


  First his 3D-defined body is subjected to a series of

  extreme physical forces to destroy its OU-physical


  The metamorphic Bowman then finds himself in a

  Subjective-Universal (SU) “hotel suite” in which he is

  suspended while his OU 4D accelerates to match the dis-

  integrated 3D, as illustrated by a hypercompressed aging


  The “OU-4D-vacated” Bowman now re-enters the

  Monolith to complete his transition to a third, wholly

  mental stage of evolution, theatrically portrayed as the

  “star-child”. In Egyptian Symbolism, Bowman’s MS has

  72 A golden rectangle is a rectangle that can be cut up into a square

  and a rectangle similar to the original one. All golden rectangles are

  similar and the ratio length/width = golden ratio = (1+ sqrt 5)/2, or

  ϕ. ϕ is held to be the universal standard of beauty in proportion.

  73 Clarke’s original 1948 short-story was entitled The Sentinel,

  describing just such a Moon-trigger, without speculating on the

  consequences of its activation. Sentinel was later expanded into


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  cast aside its khat-OU4D incarnation to reconstitute itself

  on a ka-basis. 74

  Not being initiates or Symbolists, neither Kubrick nor

  Clarke found the imagery or language to be this specific.

  What audiences see is therefore their “Nœtic sensation”

  of this process: an artistic act of anamnesis. 75 It is the same anamnesis in 2001 which impresses them with a

  subconscious sense of the intrinsic correctness, the

  validity of this film-sequence without being able to put it

  into words.

  Stanley Kubrick was an avowed atheist, who, having

  illustrated next-stage evolution, felt no need to define it.

  Famous for completely differentiating his films, he simply

  went on to A Clockwork Orange, then Full Metal Jacket.

  But Arthur Clarke was less sanguine about the door

  he’d cracked open. Popularly regarded as one of the “Big

  Three” moderns of science-fiction, he had to stand up

  against the other two: atheists Isaac Asimov and Robert

  Heinlein. The unspoken ethic was that any hint of

  supernaturalism in their stories would taint their

  “science”, take them down a stage to “fantasy”. 76 The<
br />
  most that Clarke permitted himself in interviews was a

  74 An Egyptian illustration of this transitional process was authored

  by Bram Stoker in The Jewel of Seven Stars (1903), based upon the

  GBM Opening of the Mouth. It was filmed, more sensationally than

  accurately, as Hammer’s Blood from the Mummy’s Tomb (1971) and

  The Awakening (1980). An extract from the Stoker novel is included

  under the discussion of the ka-emanation in MindStar.

  75 Cf. Chapter #4.A.

  76 When in 1982 Isaac Asimov sequeled his famous Foundation

  trilogy with Foundation’s Edge, I pointed out to him that his hero’s

  choice of Gaia in favor of the First and Second Foundations smacked

  suspiciously of Paris’ choice of Aphrodite over Hera and Athena in

  Greek mythology, Isaac amusedly admitted that I’d caught him; he

  nursed an affection for that legend.

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  Deistic shrug that God might have created the OU, but if

  so paid no further attention to it.

  Obviously Clarke was left floundering what to do with

  his 2001 “star-child”. In 1982 he finally came up with the

  sequel 2010: Odyssey Two, in which an inexplicably-re-

  OU4D David Bowman chats with his wife on television,

  materializes on Earth to visit his mother, and then

  bequeaths the entire Solar System to humanity as long as

  it stays away from Europa [for which no reason is

  given77]. To emphasize this Dave changes Jupiter into a

  second sun for the System, doubtless precipitating both

  gravitational and radiation catastrophes for all the

  remaining planets. Perhaps unsurprisingly Arthur didn’t

  stick around to watch this happen; he went through his

  own Monolith two years earlier in 2008.

  With the perspective of initiation, we can do a bit

  better than Kubrick & Clarke as to “what’s beyond the

  third Monolith”:

  G. Neter-Xertet

  Having rejected the Big Black Sack of atheism/

  agnosticism, as well as its tacit but camouflaged

  acceptance by profane religion, the obvious question

  remains: If upon disassociation from a physical human

  body, where does the MS “go”?

  “Go” is in quotes because the MS isn’t a 4D OU

  displacement that is either stationary or mobile against

  OU points of reference. It is of metaphysical, not

  physical constitution and integrity, like the neteru, and

  can be accurately conceived and understood only upon

  this realization and in this context.

  77 It turns out that there’s yet another one of those you-know-whats

  down there in a swamp, but so what?

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  Human brains conditioned to working with their

  physical senses alone are accustomed to regard the OU

  (the perceptive extent of those senses) as the whole of


  These same physical senses are almost, but not

  completely useless where reality beyond the OU is

  concerned. The key to that capacity lies in the mind’s

  capacity for intuition. This has nothing to do with the

  commonplace use of this term for guesswork and

  hunches. Rather it constitutes the capacity of though

  exclusive of all OU-sensory receptions and their

  accumulated reality-patterns. This is the intuition

  described by Plato as Nœsis.

  As illustrated by the structure of the Platonic

  Dialogues, Nœsis is attainable only after an individual

  has recognized and freed himself from a “pyramid” of

  lesser, OU-referential thinking: a “thought purification”

  process called by Plato the Dialectic. 78 In the Dialogues

  it is illustrated by conversation in order to render it

  intelligible in words; but the process itself is purely

  mental. Experienced Initiates can activate Nœsis by

  reflective thinking alone: “turning the mind in upon

  itself”. The term meditation most closely characterizes

  this, although again that term has been popularly

  corrupted in various recreational expressions.

  Accordingly there is no “physical [in the precise sense

  of that term] place” wherein the neteru - and each

  individual MS - dwell. For conversational convenience

  only the Egyptians identified it only as the Neter-Xertet

  (Place of the Neteru). In conventional Egyptology it is

  frequently confused with the Tuat (Underworld) or

  Amenti (Afterworld), simply because of the accepted

  portrayal of Egypt “soul”-mythology as a Hebraic-style

  78 Cf. FindFar for detailed discussion & illustration of the Platonic

  Pyramid of Thought.

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  “Heaven/Hell” journey & repository. As Symbolism

  reveals, the multi-aspect MS is not reimprisoned in a

  postmortem body and dragged before a “Hebrew-Godly”

  Osiris to be judged and consigned to a Heavenly Amenti

  or Hellish Tuat.

  The neteru are utterly unconcerned with pre-

  mortem human morality. “Weighing of one’s heart

  against a feather” represents each MS’ transition from

  OU-referential morality (symbolized by the ab or “heart

  emanation”) to pure/abstract neter-morality as

  symbolized by Maat.

  Expect your eventual awakening [or “entry” if that is

  easier to conceptualize] to Neter-Xertet to be a wondrous

  unfolding of possibilities, limited only by your own

  coherence, creativity, and courage.

  This “destination” is the same for every conscious

  entity’s MS; the only difference is with what Nœsis you

  anticipate and plan for it. If you’ve “died” expecting

  nothing but the terror and obliteration of non-initiation’s

  BBS, it’s going to take you awhile to get over your

  surprise, relief, and wonder: a meta-“rebirth” not

  altogether unlike your previous, more constrained

  incarnate one.

  H. The Two Paths

  The initiatory journey to Neter-Xertet is by one of two

  Paths: the Right-Hand (RHP) and Left-Hand

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  (LHP). 79 The Egyptians represented these respectively in

  Symbolism as HarWer80 and Set.81

  1. The Right-Hand Path

  A MS which has chosen the RHP emerges in willful

  synchronicity with the natural neteru, enjoying the rich

  harmony of their collective Natural Law. In this

  environment the MS is no longer be-Set by the tensions

  of incarnate tension between a self-affirmative

  consciousness enveloped in NL regularity. By far the

  most initiated MSs arrive via the RHP and enjoy this

  experience of Neter-Xertet as “participant” rather than

  “creator” neteru. 82

  Such NL-harmony is also the transitional emergence

  of non-initiate MSs, the difference being that, a bit like

  2001’s “star-child”, they don’t anticipate it and will need

  79 While these terms originated in Buddhism to designate asexual/

  sexual rituals, and were later used in Judæo-Christianity to

  distinguish angelic from dæmonic occultism, they are used herein as

  in the Temple of Set: RHP = OU inclusion & harmony; LHP = OU

istinction & independent creation. Cf. The Temple of Set and


  80 “Horus the Elder”: the original, pre-Osirian Horus as the neter of

  the Solar daylight, complement of Set as neter of the night sky and

  the seven circumpolar stars ( Septemtrione). Together Set and

  HarWer functioned in complementary contrast as the Sam-Taui,

  represented in Symbolism as a human figure with both their heads,

  or the two of them ceremonially binding-together the Djed-pillar of

  Existence. [In later Osirian mythology Horus was re-cast as Osiris’

  son (hen “the Younger”) and Set as Osiris’ evil brother. MindStar

  refers to their original apprehension.]

  81 Cf. Sir J. Norman Lockyer’s The Dawn of Astronomy: A Study of

  the Temple-Worship & Mythology of the Ancient Egyptians.

  Cambridge: M.I.T. Press, 1964.

  82 In human mythology this is somewhat similar to the difference

  between “angels and archangels”, Tolkien’s “Maiar and Valar”, etc.

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  to gradually discard their BBS terror and/or profane

  religions’ “afterlife” myths. But relief and harmonious

  consciousness will gently and comfortably arise, without

  sacrifice of individuality.

  While neither violating nor wishing to violate NL,

  RHP MSs may freely observe and move about in the OU,

  indeed to the extent of subtle interaction [as the khabit]

  with still-incarnate beings. Such interaction is sensed by

  the incarnate at both conscious and subconscious levels

  of thought: the former as “dreams” and the latter as

  extra-sensory perception (ESP) in the precise incidence

  of impressions not utilizing the body’s physical senses.

  Rather such occasions are a Thought-Field (TF)

  phenomenon. 83

  Such ESP awareness and communication occurs

  through the khabit-emanation of one or more MSs, and is

  “shadowed” in the physical brain of the incarnate by

  Theta-wave activity. 84 It is the khabit that both causes and is sensitive to OU-disturbances such as “ghosts” and

  “haunted houses”, which also explains why such

  sensitivity is more developed in some incarnates than


  2. The Left-Hand Path

  The LHP is based upon the principle of isolate-self

  consciousness - “the Gift of Set” - and its exploration,

  83 Concerning TFs see C#5.B.4 herein. Concerning the related Life-

  Fields (LF) ordering and maintaining the consistency of an incarnate


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