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Reborn: 6-10

Page 9

by D. W. Jackson

  Seeing the annoyed look on Emelia’s face, Ash didn’t press her for any more details. Instead he simply wrapped his arms around her shoulder and pulled her in tight to his side. Emelia squeezed his shoulder, but remained silent as they took the back hallway to eat in the bedroom.

  “How is everything going with the fort?” Emelia asked, breaking the warm yet silent atmosphere that had filled the room.

  “It is going well, though a lot slower than I had expected,” Ash said as he sat his empty plate aside. “It will take months before enough of the forest is cleared for the real work to even be started.” Ash’s voice trailed off when he turned his head and noticed that Emelia had slipped out of her dress and lay bare upon the bed with a wicked smile on her face.

  Demon Core - #6-10

  “Morning,” Emelia said looking down at Ash as she was propped up on her elbow.

  “Morning,” Ash replied, sitting up and looking out the window. The sky was still dark so he felt no need to hurry.

  After a casual breakfast with Emelia, Ash made his way back home to find Marilyn waiting on him in his own garden, along with another young lady. The other person wore the same badge as Marilyn, but was slightly taller and her hair was not as fine.

  Neither woman noticed Ash as he entered. Marilyn was sitting under the small cherry tree. She was drawing something while eating a small pastry. The other woman was looking down at the paper Marilyn was scribbling on with a look of barely concealed anticipation on her face.

  Ash didn’t know why, but he didn’t want to intrude on the two so he quietly edged closer to them. “Mar…Art hurry. I want to see it,” the other woman said with a thin smile.

  “Marie give me a moment to finish it,” Marilyn said as she took a nibble off the pastry.

  Ash continued to watch until Marilyn finished the drawing and handed it to the other woman. Marie looked at the drawing and a large smile spread across her face. “Mar, marry me?”

  The sudden question shocked Ash so much that he coughed and the two women looked at him. “Sir Ash,” Marilyn said rising to her feet.

  Marie looked at Ash with narrowed eyes. “So you are the guy who is trying to take my Mar away from me.”

  “Marie,” Marilyn said in a pleading voice.

  The woman named Marie walked past Ash, her eyes filled with scorn as she passed. Ash could hear her muttering as she walked by, but he couldn’t make out the words. It was clear that he was not to her liking.

  “Sorry about that sir,” Marilyn said slightly embarrassed.

  “Don’t worry about it,” Ash said, trying to hold back a smile. “Care to come in.”

  Marilyn followed Ash into the building staying close behind him. As soon as he entered the building, Yuki and Allice rushed to greet him. Before either could finish their greeting, Marilyn let out a loud scream and rushed past Ash and grabbed Yuki and hugged her. “So cuteeeeeeeeeeeee,” Marilyn said as Yuki struggled uselessly to free herself.

  “Masfterrr…Help,” Yuki said, struggling as Allice greeted Ash with a warm smile seemingly ignoring Yuki’s plight.

  “Sorry,” Marilyn said, blushing a deep crimson as the realization of what she had done donned on her.

  As soon as Marilyn let go of the little fox girl, Yuki ran behind Ash and used his body as a shield. Seeing Yuki run from her made Marilyn face drop, but only until she noticed the small Milly who had somehow appeared and was crawling up Ash’s leg as if it were a tree. Without thinking, Ash bent down and lifted the small panther girl. The way she clung to his arm reminded him of pictures of koalas clinging to a branch.

  From the look on Marilyn’s face Ash could tell that she wanted to hold Milly, but after what had happened to Yuki Ash didn’t think it was a good idea so he ignored her pleading eyes. “Who is our guest master?” Shina asked, walking into the foyer and seeing the odd standoff.

  “This is knight scout Marilyn. She will be working with us for the time being. Tell the guards I need the group crystal back so that she can use it,” Ash said offhandedly while internally thanking Shina for her prefect timing.

  After everyone had eaten and Marilyn had been introduced to the others in there group, the six left for the labyrinth. While they walked, Shina’s place was taken since Marilyn who preferred to be called Mar talked to Ash about what was currently happening with the knights in the city.

  It seemed that right now there was a problem with a band of thieves that were preying on the King’s road close to Tellamor. Right now the knights were searching for the bandit’s main camp but so far had come up empty handed. The young woman that Mar had been talking with earlier was another scout who was currently tasked with the search.

  “Do you fight in the labyrinth every day?” Mar asked as they approached the worn plaque.

  “Yes,” Ash said indifferently as he reached out his hand.

  Ash was worried that Marilyn would say something about his status when she joined their group so he held onto the stone until after they arrived inside the dusty halls of the labyrinth. As Ash handed over the stone Shina and the others who knew the truth gripped their weapons tightly. Ash didn’t have to tell them, but they knew what would happen if the truth was carelessly exposed.

  Name: Marilyn Roslin

  Level: 26

  Race: Human

  Occupation: Novice knight scout

  Title: none

  HP: 135/135

  MP 165/165

  SP 32/32

  Strength: 23

  Vitality: 27

  Agility: 51

  Stamina: 32

  Spirit: 11

  Intelligence: 33

  Endurance: 20

  Luck: 12

  Looking at her stats, Ash could tell that Marilyn had been well trained as her stats were above those of most people with the same level. At the same time, Ash was looking at her stats she was looking at his. The way he could tell was the way her eyes widened suddenly. Suddenly Mar looked around and noticed that both Shina and Ash had their weapons out.

  “I didn’t know,” Marilyn said taking a slight step back from the other five.

  “You are a knight correct?” Ash asked in a tone dead voice.

  “Y-yes,” Marilyn said her voice wavering.

  “You are sword to the Hawkwing house…Correct?” Ash continued his question.

  “Yes. Just like my father, I serve the Hawkwing house,” Marilyn confirmed weakly.

  “I am currently married to Lady Hawkwing,” Ash said slowly. “She knows what you see. If you do not trust that fact then you can ask her yourself, but you are not to relay this information to any others without her direct approval…That includes your father,” Ash ordered. “Will you obey this order?”

  “Y-yes I swear on my honor,” Marilyn quickly said as large beads of sweat poured down her face.

  With her acknowledgement, Ash relaxed his stance as did the others. As soon as the tension left the air, Marilyn slumped to her knees breathing hard. No one said any words to Marilyn they just silently waited for her to regain herself. Once she did, Ash blessed all their weapons so that they could harm the Dark Knights.

  Since Marilyn was a scout, she had skills that allowed her to move without being detected. Ash had his own abilities that allowed him to find enemies, but with another set of eyes it took a little of the pressure off of him.

  After Marilyn located the first knight she used one of her skills to throw out a knife made of energy to draw the monster’s attention. As the knight chased after Marilyn, Ash and Halon attacked.

  Though it was only one extra person, it made the fight much easier. Marilyn was able to draw the knight’s attention allowing both Ash and Halon to attack it while it was unguarded. Within five strikes the Dark Knight was lying on the floor of the labyrinth dead.

  “Tring.” The noise echoed in Ash’s mind after he absorbed the creature.

  [You have reached the absorption level for the Dark Knight. Abilities available; Dark Eyes (active), Shadow Armor (active).]

  [You have randomly received the ability Shadow Armor.]

  [Shadow Armor: Cost 25MP 10SP; creates an armor made of shadows to protect the caster.]

  “Get anything good this time?” Lillanis asked as she walked up beside Ash to pick up the dark cloth that had been dropped.

  “I got the Dark Knight’s Shadow Armor,” Ash said invoking the new ability for everyone to see.

  “We still fighting?” Halon asked stepping between him and Lillanis.

  “Yes, I still need to acquire the Dark Eyes ability,” Ash said rolling his own eyes and sighing.

  “What are you going to do with all these abilities?” Halon asked.

  “I don’t know, but it is better to have them then not. The more options I have, the better chances I have at surviving anything that comes at me,” Ash replied as he turned toward Marilyn. “Find the next one.”

  Marilyn didn’t say anything as she turned and left to find the next prey. Just like the day before, they fought until around midday then left the labyrinth. Ash was unable to gain another ability, but he did raise his level to fourteen. Just as before he put everything into luck. Ash was tempted to put some into other areas but the boosts he got from luck was just too overwhelming to ignore.

  Just as the day before when they left the labyrinth, Shina and Ash parted from the others and moved toward the city exit. The only difference was that today Marilyn followed quietly behind Shina and Ash. Before they reached the city gate, Ash turned around to face the young scout. “We are just going to do some menial work. You can head back for the day,” Ash said in a slightly cold tone.

  “My orders were to stay with Lord Ash and to work with him,” Marilyn said calmly.

  “Fine, but make sure to stay back,” Ash said slightly annoyed. “I don’t want everyone watching me with you tagging around.”

  “Understood,” Marilyn said in a tight military tone.

  Marilyn followed Ash’s command and held back. She only watched him and Shina while they cut and hauled trees. Just as before Huck helped them and told Shina stories when they had their break.

  While they worked, Ash kept finding his eyes floating toward where Marilyn sat cross legged on the ground munching on a small pastry she seemed to pull out of thin air. She had taken off her chest plate and sat her sword and bow aside. Unlike before, the tense air that surrounded her was gone and all Ash could see was a bright and beautiful young lady. Still he remembered Emelia’s warning from that morning. No matter how she seemed, Marilyn was her father’s daughter and she would look at duty first and everything else second. That made her both trustworthy and dangerous at the same time given Ash’s bloodline.

  After finishing work, Ash and Shina make their way back home when Marilyn stopped in front of a small bakery with her mouth visibly watering. Seeing her face break from its normal stoic visage, Ash couldn’t help but to be intrigued. “Do you want to stop and get something?” Ash asked, startling Marilyn.

  “N-no…Knights aren’t allowed to spend noble money on flippantly goods.”

  When Marilyn said this, Ash remembered what Emelia had told him about the knights. For their oaths, all the needs of the knights were met and even after they retired, they never had to want for anything, but they didn’t receive pay. Anything they purchased was charged to the duchess directly and lavish goods were not allowed. Ash didn’t think that would mean sweets, but it seemed that was the case.

  Ash walked in the bakery and handed two silver coins to the woman behind the counter. “Anything you suggest?” Ash asked as he looked at the goods displayed.

  “Young lord, we have these baked goods. They use the finest flour and are often ordered by the duchess Hawkwing herself,” the lady said, showing Ash a plate of what appeared to be cookies.

  Picking one up, Ash took a small bite and just as he thought, they were cookies with chocolate in them. “These are very good cookies,” Ash said.

  “Cookies sir,” The woman said with a slightly bewildered look on her face.

  “Yes that is what they are called in my home town,” Ash covered quickly.

  “That is an odd name…but I like it,” the woman said with a smile. “Would you like some of them my lord?”

  “Yes bag up as many as you have for the two silver coins,” Ash said smiling.

  Marilyn eyes never left the small brown sack in Ash’s hand as they walked back toward his house. Seeing the pitiable look on her face, Ash pulled out one of the sweets and held it out to her. “Want a cookie?” Ash asked with a smile.

  “Thank you,” Marilyn said taking the cookie and quickly taking a small bite.

  “This is so good,” Marilyn shouted.

  “It is called a cookie,” Ash said, holding in a laugh.

  Seeing the look on Marilyn’s face, Ash quickly gave her another cookie. With the way she ate them, Ash could tell that she was what people would call someone with a sweet tooth.

  When they arrived back at the house, they found Maria waiting on them. When she saw the happy look on Marilyn’s face, her eyes darkened.

  “Mar we found the bandits,” Maria said pulling Marilyn away from Ash’s side. “Commander Althorn wants to strike in the morning.”

  “Lord Ash, will you be accompanying us?” Maria asked turning toward Ash.

  “I would be honored,” Ash replied refusing to back down.

  With Ash back home, Maria led Marilyn away, though the young scout kept looking back longingly at the bag still held in Ash’s hands. With the knights gone, Ash entered his house to try and relax knowing that in the morning he would be tramping through the woods on a manhunt.


  Name: Ash

  Level: 14

  Experience needed for next level: 26,220

  Race: Human/Demon 70/30

  Occupation: Novice gambler

  Title: Novice Slayer

  Blessings: Blessing of the Reaper

  HP: 930/930

  MP 730/730

  SP 178/178

  Strength: 72 (+10) (+2) (+1) (+10) (+94)

  Vitality: 75 (+3) (+108)

  Agility: 49 (+9) (+5) (+70)

  Stamina 71 (+5) (+102)

  Spirit 26 (+10) (+37)

  Intelligence: 60 (+86)

  Endurance: 38 (+10) (+1) (+2) (+54)

  Luck: 120 (+600) (+1)



  [Devil’s Luck: 500% bonus to luck.

  Fleet Foot: +10 to agility. Max]

  [Wolf Eyes: See in the dark. Level Max]

  [Mining: Ability to use a pick to extract ore from hidden locations. Able to tell where mining locations are located. Level 2: 23%]

  [Poison Resistance: level 2-53: 10% poison resistance.]

  [Grave Domain: Damage resistance to whole body with the exception of the head increased by 10%.]

  [Spider Senses: able to detect prey that is up to three levels higher within a 200 foot radius. Able to sense hostile intent within a 100 foot radius. Level max%.]

  [Fire Resistance: 10% fire resistance. Level 2-42%.]

  [Natural Armor (small). When fighting your skin acts as a natural armor blocking 10% of physical damage. Level: max.]

  [Frost Resistance: 10% resistance to frost damage. Level 2-8%.]

  [Yeti Strength: +10 to strength. Level Max%.]

  [Electric Resistance. 5% resistance to energy attacks. Level 1-87%.]

  [Water Glide. When moving in water it flows naturally around you decreasing water resistance by 25%. Level max.]

  [Cloak of Shadows: When in a dark area cloak of shadows wraps you in shadows making it harder for you to be detected.]

  [Dragon Sight: You can see the magical flow of items and creatures]

  [Reaper’s Sight: people who have received the ire of the goddess will now appear with a small sickle above their head.]

  [Reaper’s Soul: after killing a person who has been marked by the goddess you will absorb a portion of their soul and receive any abilities the
y possess.]

  [Earth Affinity- cost of using earth related skills will be reduced by 10% and power of earth related skills will be boosted 5%. Level 1-32%.]

  [Mental Resist- 5% bonus when attacked by a mental attack. Level 1-21%]

  [Iron Stomach: for each ounce of iron you eat your strength will raise by 1 but at the same time your intelligence will be reduced by 1.]


  [Demon Absorption: Cost 10MP: Absorb defeated enemies to obtain skills. Level 3- 14%]

  [Bash: Cost 1SP - Slam into enemies with your body to do X10 damage. Level 2-91%]

  [Rabbit Punch: Cost 1Sp- Using feet or hands quickly lash out with a lighting quick attack. Level 3-27%]

  [Stab: Cost 1 SP- Thrust forward with weapon (sword, spear.) level 2-64%]

  [Poison spit: Cost 5MP. Level 2-99%: Spit a corrosive poison that sticks to enemy doing 5 damage a second for ten seconds.]

  [Analyze ability. Cost 5MP: Ability to see opponents name, level and skill as long as they are no more than 5 levels above you. Level max.]

  [Poison: cost 10MP- ability to make a small amount of toxin that paralyzes. Can be placed on weapons.]

  [Sticky thread: cost 15MP- shoot out a stream of sticky thread to trap opponents.]

  [Stealth: Cost 20 MP. Erase your presence from enemies any movement cancels the ability.]

  [Fire Ball: cost 10MP. Create a ball of fire and throw it at an enemy. Level 2-82%.]

  [Cone of Frost: Cost 15MP: send out a cone of frost freezing everything in its path. Causes 10 frost damage every second for five seconds. Level 2-75%]

  [Crushing Blow: cost 5SP: strike with a hard blow bypassing 55% of opponent’s defense. Level 2-18%]


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