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Reborn: 6-10

Page 20

by D. W. Jackson

  Milly jumped from her seat on Ash’s lap and walked over to the Yuki and lightly patted her leg. “Don’t cry…Don’t cry, Master is strong. Nothing can beat him,” Milly said over and over.

  Watching as Milly got the other two to stop crying, Ash nearly burst into tears himself. Pushing his seat back, Ash stood and bowed. “It’s time for me to go,” Ash said as he steeled himself. He wanted to say more, but nothing he could think of seemed right. In the end, all he could do now was bow one more time before quickly leaving the room.

  Gilda met him in the hallway along with Allice before he had made it to the stairs and handed him his travel pack. Ash never noticed them leaving the dining room and was slightly surprised to see them standing before him. Before he could say anything, Gilda wrapped Ash in a warm motherly hum. “Stay safe Master,” She said, her voice catching a little.

  “I will,” Ash said weakly as he took the bag from her hands. “Keep everyone here safe as well.”

  Gilda nodded with tear filled eyes but didn’t respond. Looking back toward where he had left everyone, Ash took a deep breath and then walked out of the door his feet moving almost at a run. It wasn’t until he reached the market district that Ash looked back again to see that his house was no long in sight. Allice was a few feet behind him, breathing hard as she tried to keep up.

  “Allice, you will need to start training if you really want to stay with me,” Ash said as he looked at the young woman’s reddened face. Pulling one of the party stones from his inventory, he handed it to her. “I know you are not much of a fighter, but you need to gain a little strength so I don’t have to worry about you,” Ash said passing her the stone.

  “I will work hard master,” Allice said, taking the stone as if it were a precious gift.

  As he walked through the streets, heading toward Emelia’s manor, Ash felt a huge pressure pushing down on him. Over the past few weeks he had truly started to see how much the people around him cared about him. However, that didn’t weaken his resolve, but strengthened it. Now more than ever, he felt the call to fight for those he loved but still the weight of their feelings bared down on his soul. As Ash thought about it, he found it odd.

  When he reached the manor gates, Ash was greeted with a slight nod from the guard and was quickly let in. Before Ash could take five steps into the garden, he was nearly tackled by a slightly red eyed Emelia. She didn’t say anything, just held him tightly.

  Looking down at Emelia, Ash felt slightly bad. A few days before he and Emelia had a large fight, not just about him going to fight but about his decision to fight on the front lines. When he had left, she had still been mad. As he had approached the gates, he had slightly feared they would replay the same arguments they had almost every time they had met for the past week. Now looking down at his young wife, all those thoughts fled from his mind.

  “Shall we go inside?” Ash asked as he ran his hand along Emelia’s cheek. Emelia looked up at him a nodded her head.

  Allice tried to follow Ash and Emelia as they walked to the study, but she was intercepted by one of the maids and taken away. Allice called for Ash to help, but he just chuckled lightly as she was carted away.

  Once they were inside the study, Ash and Emelia sat on the long sofa. Well, Ash sat while Emelia laid down on the sofa as she nestled up against Ash with her head on his shoulder.

  “You will stay safe won’t you?” Emelia asked after a long period of silence.

  “I will do my best,” Ash said as he rubbed his hand along her back.

  Emelia quickly sat up, giving him a stern look. “I don’t want your best, I want you to promise me that you will come back. I don’t care if you lose both arms and legs and have to crawl back on your belly. Just as long as you come back to me,” Emelia said as large tears started to form in her eyes.

  “I promise that as long as I still draw breath, I will return,” Ash said pulling Emelia close.

  It wasn’t the answer that Emelia had wanted, but she didn’t fight as Ash pulled her in close and kissed her deeply. The war had been her choice in a way, but she had never wished for Ash himself to fight. A part of her knew that he wouldn’t just sit around while others fought battles in his name, but she had silently hoped that she could keep him from the worst of it. She had often heard her father talk about the small battles he had fought in and what they had done to him. He had often said that no man comes out of a battle unharmed. He might walk free of injury, but battles leave their mark on a man’s soul as sure as a sword does on flesh.

  The more Emelia thought about the coming war, the more her imagination started to produce images of a beaten and battered Ash. Shutting her eyes tightly, Emelia took a deep breath and hugged Ash tighter until she could her the bones in his chest popping.

  Ash and Emelia spent the rest of the day in the study, not even leaving for supper. Little was said as they lay intertwined, simply enjoying each other’s company. Ash spent the time reading while Emelia spent the whole time simply watching Ash. Every so often Ash would look over to her and ask what she was thinking, but Emelia would just shake her head and say that it was a secret.

  Their meal was simple. In fact it was only cabbage, beans, and a single piece of meat. Looking down at his plate, Ash couldn’t help but ask if there was some meaning behind the meal.

  “Yes…It is the traditional meal one eats before leaving for battle,” Emelia responded with a sad look on her face. “The winter cabbage is to remind you that even in the harshest weather, life can grow. The beans are a traditional meal for luck, and the liver is to give you strength. I had the men hunt a wild bear for the liver since it is the strongest animal around here.”

  “Thank you,” Ash said as a warm feeling spread through his chest. The cabbage was slightly sweet and the beans had a nice bite of heat to them. It was the liver that Ash had trouble eating. It had a metallic taste and the aroma coming off it was rather stout, but when he looked at his wife Ash forced himself to finish every last bite.


  [You have received the title “First Knight.” When this title is equipped you will receive +10 to strength and +10 to endurance.]


  [You have been awarded a rare title all stats are increased by +2 permanently.]

  When the screen popped up as soon as he finished his meal Ash was more than slightly surprised and let out a light gasp. “What is it?” Emelia asked with a concerned look on her face.

  “I was just surprised that I got a title,” Ash replied, smiling as he equipped the new title.

  “You got a new title?” Emelia asked her face brightening. “What is it?”

  “First Knight,” Ash said as he read the description again.

  “First Knight,” Emelia gasped as her eyes widened.

  “Is there something wrong?”

  “Umm…No, I was just surprised. The title of First Knight is something you hear about in stories. It is said that only Knights who are blessed with a queen’s favor can get it,” Emelia explained.

  Ash pulled Emelia close and kissed her lightly. “Then that means you must be a queen,” Ash said with a slightly devilish grin and he kissed Emelia again.

  Demon's Heritage #8-2

  The next morning when Ash woke he found Emelia propped up on her elbow her eyes intently focused on him. Emelia’s eyes were focused so tightly on Ash that he couldn’t keep his cheeks from slightly blushing.

  “Morning love,” Emelia said after giving him a light kiss.

  “Morning,” Ash replied as he sat up.

  As he got dressed, Ash could still feel Emelia’s eyes on him. He tried to ignore her penetrating stare. When he went down to the dining room for breakfast, he was surprised to find that Allice was already awake and waiting on him.

  The meal was ate in silence with Emelia barely touching her food, her eyes were still focused on Ash. Feeling slightly uncomfortable, Ash quickly ate and picked up his pack, ready to go to meet the knights he would be traveling with. Wh
en Ash reached the door, he felt something grab him hard from behind then a few moments later he could feel a slight wetness through his tunic as he heard Emelia’s muffled crying.

  Turning around, Ash lifted Emelia’s head with his hand and used this thumb to wipe away the tears from her cheek before kissing her. As he turned to leave, he could only barely hear Emelia choke out the words, “Be safe love.”

  As he walked through the garden with Allice right behind him, Ash felt as if a knife had been stuck in his chest. He knew that Emelia was watching him leave from the doorway of the manor, but he feared if he turned to look at her now, he wouldn’t have the strength to leave so he took one step after another with his eyes fixed on the large metal gate at the end of the walkway.

  After walking through the gate Ash let out a deep breath and nearly fell to his knees. Ash was starting to think that the short walk leaving the manor had been the hardest thing he had ever done. With a quick look back at the metal gate Ash pushed forward toward the city exit where the others were waiting on him.

  Outside the city gate, Ash was met by a group of more than twenty knights. There was also more than three hundred warriors from the militia as well. This was not the first group that had left out, but it was the largest as far as knights went. “My lord, you and your aid’s horses have been prepared,” one of the younger knights said while bowing to Ash. “If I may ask my lord, I do not see your provisions?” the knight asked as he looked around to see if anyone was bringing them behind him.

  Ash knew what the man was talking about. Most the time nobles would bring a large retinue just to carry their belongings such as tents and food. Ash had been on the road before and while tents were useful, they took up a lot of space so he had thought of leaving it behind, but Emelia said it was a matter of status so he had one forced upon him. It was a large tent that could easily hold ten people if not more. Ash had agreed to take it with him, but had placed it in his inventory. Even though it was large and had numerous pieces, his inventory took it as one thing so it only took up one spot. As for the other things Ash had been expected to bring with him, he had also placed them in his inventory after selling off all the stuff that had been cluttered inside it. Even with a large amount of wine and fine foods, he still had plenty of room left.

  “I have an ability to place things in a hidden space,” Ash said, bowing to the man. It wasn’t really a lie, but it wasn’t the truth either. Emelia knew about his inventory and told him that using space magic to hold things while rare was not unheard of and would make the best explanation, even if it wasn’t completely true. “I still have plenty of room left if there is more you wish to take or if you wish to lighten the load of your horses,” Ash continued with a warm smile.

  “Lad if that is true, we will take you up on that offer. The four wagons there are full to the brim,” an older knight said nudging his horse a little forward so that Ash could see him easily. “The supplies are needed, but with the way the wagons are overloaded, we will be lucky if an axle doesn’t snap before we reach the next town let alone our destination.”

  Ash walked up to the first wagon and found that it was full of barrels. He didn’t know what was inside, but he was sure that it would fit in his inventory. With his current strength level, Ash had over two-hundred and fifty slots and even with what he had brought himself, there were still slightly over two-hundred left open so he wasn’t afraid of running out of space. Putting his hand on the barrel, Ash pulled it into his inventory. As the barrel disappeared, Ash heard the common soldiers gasp which was even joined in by a few of the knights.

  Checking his inventory, Ash found the barrel easily. It was aptly named barrel of oats. Ash continued to put things in his inventory one after another and found that even the barrels could be stacked as long as they contained the same item inside of them. Arrows, food, swords, pikes, and tools all went into his inventory until the four wagons were completely empty.

  “I said you could lighten the load, but I never expected you to empty it completely,” the older knight said laughing. “Most nobles are about as much use as a wet towel in a rainstorm, but even if you can’t fight, as a pack mule you are worth keeping around.”

  Though his words were a little harsh, the look on the knight’s face was light and had the hint of a smile. Luckily the inventory of the wagons were mostly the same thing over and over so even though he was carrying it with him, it had taken up slightly less than ninety spaces in his inventory. From what he learned, no one else had the inventory ability like he did and even he didn’t have an ability that would explain it. It was just there, but Ash was not one to look a gift horse in the mouth so he decided not to question it too deeply.

  With the supplies situated, Ash and Allice each mounted their horses. Ash had ridden a horse a few times before so he didn’t find it too difficult. Allice on the other hand had to be held after losing her balance and falling backward, much to the mirth of the onlookers. Once they were both mounted, half the knights took the lead while the others took the rear with the now empty wagons and the regular soldiers in the center. Ash and Allice were given positions at the front though they were behind the majority of the knights.

  After less than an hour in the saddle Allice started to wine as she shifted around trying to get comfortable. Ash was tempted to make a joke but upon seeing her face had wisely decided against it.

  The first day they didn’t make what Ash would consider good time. Even with the wagons empty, it was slow moving with so many people at once, but Ash didn’t mind the relaxed pace. He had decided to join the war effort, but by no means was he in a rush to arrive.

  The group of soldiers only took small breaks when they marched and even ate while in the saddle. The food was hard bread and dried meat. Ash ate without complaint, but he felt that it was rather lacking. As this thought crossed his mind, Ash couldn’t suppress the laugh that bubbled out, drawing a few odd stairs. It wasn’t that long ago that Ash would have been happy to receive a war meal at all and now he found himself being picky. Shaking his head, he once again found himself surprised at how much a person’s life can change in a short period of time.

  At night they decided to camp when they reached a large open field that was large enough for the entire group without having to be too pressed in. Ash and Allice were given spots at the very center of the camp and asked to set up first. Ash did as he was instructed and pulled the large tent from his inventory and started setting it up. Since he had shown his ability to store tings earlier, it didn’t shock anyone but there were more than a few who watched him with enthusiasm, chief among them was Allice.

  The tent was large, but was easy to set up since it had been enchanted. Ash still had to stake it to the ground and raise the center pole, but after that, all he had to do was touch a crystal and the tent rose into the air and the canvas just seemed to meld into a tent.

  Inside, Ash pulled two beds from his inventory placing one on each side of the tent then called Allice inside.

  “Yes Master,” Allice said in a pained voice as she entered the tent.

  “I was just letting you know that I set up your bed if you want to lay down for a bit and get off your feet,” Ash said as she waved his hand toward the bed in the corner of the tent opposite from his own.

  Allice rubbed her backside and grimaced, causing Ash to laugh. He had ridden a horse as a child once and afterwards he had spent two days feeling as if he had broken something in his butt so he could understand the pain she was feeling. When Allice saw that it wasn’t just a mat, but a full bed, her eyes widened then she looked over and seemed to just notice that Ash too was laying on a full bed.

  “Master,” Allice said slightly hesitantly.

  “Yes,” Ash replied as he stretched out and relaxed his muscles.

  “Since no one else is here, I was hoping that master would let me sleep with him,” Allice said the words seemed half forced.

  “Allice, I told you wait until you are a bit older to ask,”

nbsp; “I am of age,” Allice said a tinge of indignation in her voice. “I…Just want for master to hold me.”

  Looking up, Ash could see something in Allice’s eyes, but it took him a moment to figure out what it was. It was fear. He didn’t know what she was afraid of, but the fear was evident enough. Letting out a deep sigh, Ash motioned for her to come over. Allice didn’t respond, but silently walked over to where Ash lay and removed her boots before laying down beside him.

  The beds that Ash had brought were not large, but still had enough space that both Allice and Ash could lay on the without having to touch. Ash tried to make enough space, but Allice had other ideas. She grabbed Ash’s Arm and pulled it over her and hugged it tightly. Since she was turned away from him, Ash couldn’t see her face but from the shaking of her body Ash could tell that she was crying.

  “What’s wrong?” Ash asked in as gentle of a tone as he could.

  “I don’t want master to die,” Allice replied between tears.

  “What makes you think I am going to die?” Ash asked as he reached up with his free hand and stroked Allice’s head.

  “Momma use to talk about dad,” Alice said after a long moment of silence. “She said we used to live far away and father was a great knight. Then a war broke out between my father’s lord and another and a war started. Father never came home. I don’t remember what he looked like, but whenever I think of you fighting, I remember my momma’s stories about father.”

  Hearing Allice’s story, he started to understand why she had fought so hard to go with him. He had spent a lot of time with Allice since she had become his slave and had a good understanding of her. She was a nice, gentle girl who loved her family, but she had a hard life. Her father died when she was a babe and her mother died leaving her to raise her brother. She had worked hard and still fallen into a position of slaver in the end. Since then, Ash had taken care of her and she was always guilt ridden, more than once breaking down into tears. Not just in front of Ash, but around the other slaves as well. Ash knew that Allice tended to blame everything that happened on herself as if she were the cause of all the bad luck in the world.


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