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Shadow of the Crown

Page 7

by Amber Morant

Kalio walked down another hall, feeling the stone grow warmer as she neared her destination. Few, including the servants, dared to go this way. For generations it was accessible by only dragon guardians and their comrades, if needed. No rooms or other halls dispersed from this lone hall and most of the stones had yet to be updated into a more modern appearance in fear of destroying what was left.

  "Ream, time to wake up. You're flying today," Kalio called down the hall.

  There was no response, but that was to be expected. The dragon hadn't seen much excitement since Kalio had taken the throne and the people submitted to her. That was many decades ago, yet here she needed her partner once more.

  Kalio reached the door to the dragon nest. It was extremely hot inside from the different fire pits scattered around the area. "Ream, wake up!" she yelled out.

  "Finally giving up on this disgusting place? Can we go back home now?"

  The dragon stepped out of one of the caves near the base of the room. His scales were a milk white with flecks of blue throughout. Many of the scales were scratched, and one stretched across the lizard’s face, from the tip of his horn to his chest.

  "No, we're just visiting. You need to stretch out your wings anyways. When's the last time we flew together?"

  She walked over to her dragon, stroking his pearlescent scales. A low purr erupted from deep within his throat, tickling her hands. A heat grew within him, warming Kalio's own body. She hadn't felt this happy for a long time. It reminded her of her first flight, so long ago, when she first became a dragon guardian, trained to protect the people. She had almost forgotten how happy flying made her.

  "Let's go, Ream. Before I regret leaving the castle behind."

  After saddling her dragon, Kalio climbed on top of him and fastened her legs onto the saddle. It had been too long. Why she had never opted to continue her flights before, she couldn't even remember anymore. Once she was fastened and Ream was comfortable with the passenger on his back, the two began their ascent. Claws digging into the stone walls, Ream climbed to the top within a matter of seconds.

  Grey clouds from the factories filled the skies today, smelting weapons and vehicles for the coming war. Many of them were working harder than ever to accommodate her demands of supply and those of neighboring countries in their own trivial fights and civil wars.

  Ream unfurled his wings, wind brushing away the age that had left him tired. The sun shining on him and Kalio riding on his back brought back memories of their youth, when their only plans were to adventure across the countryside and fight the occasional rogue.

  The wind whipped underneath them as Ream beat his wings. Soon they were lifted off the ground and into the sky once more. Kalio grasped onto the saddle and leaned forward as the two flew away from the castle. The weight of the country was washed away from her with the wind, leaving only the dragon and his guardian in the sky now. There was no crown, only the blade at her side that kept her grounded.

  Kalio watched as cities passed by underneath and turned back into fields. Large patches were filled with different colors of greens and others dark browns and blacks from the fires that had destroyed them. She shuddered, praying her return didn't bring more destroyed land. She trusted Anjuu, but there was still only so much the drow could do with just loyalty. She needed the determination and desire to better Narishma for herself too.

  The lands turned to sand and then to vast blue oceans beyond. It would only be a few minutes before the mountains beyond would surface and she would be entering the territory of Ombramoor, where many of Kalio's people still dwelled. Unlike the mountain peaks in Narishma, these were far smaller in comparison but held multiple generations and families of drow within their caves and underground.

  Just as she had remembered, the mountains that erupted from the ocean were engulfed in trees and small plots of farmland. Boats scattered across the coasts at the multiple harbors, beckoning for people to enter and trade. Kalio smiled, remembering her own childhood working at the docks and begging for scraps. Now her people were far more adjusted and well paid due to the trade agreements that she had put in place.

  "Ream, land over in Toritotoro. You can fly after that."

  The dragon let out a small grunt and dove down. Kalio's body lifted off the saddle by a few inches, her stomach lurching from the sudden drop. The ground grew closer and Kalio was now able to see the multitude of drow walking through the streets. Many of them were dressed in clothes that looked older than the wearer, with only a select few in nicer clothes standing behind stalls.

  "Festival must be happening today. Ream don't land. I'll just drop here." Again, Kalio was answered with a grunt and then he pulled himself out of the dive. Kalio unfastened the harness holding her in place. It was a long way down, but as a dragon guardian she was trained to land. "Okay, here goes."

  Ream let out a large roar, signaling everyone to pay attention to her. Kalio stood up on the dragons back and jumped off. The wind pulled at her riding clothes, lowering her descent down. She laughed to herself as the adrenaline filled her body. Her muscle memory kicked in and she tucked her body in to roll. She pushed all the magic energy connecting herself to Ream and felt a pair of wings attach to her back, invisible to all those around her. The wings helped slow her down until her feet touched the soft grass underneath.

  Kalio smiled and looked up at the people in the market. All of them were staring at her. She could tell they were more impressed at the sight of a dragon guardian in their midst than a queen, though most of them probably didn’t even realize that last part. She wanted to keep it that way for now. At the moment, she wouldn't worry about addressing them as their queen. There was something else she had in mind.

  "Bloody gray skin!" A man hollered, instantly capturing Kalio’s attention. “Get your fucking hands off that food!”

  Kalio turned to look over at who was shouting and saw a large burly elf holding a stick in one hand and the arm of a small drow child in the other. The child was already covered in bruises and dirt. Her clothes were tattered in multiple areas from age and lack of care.

  The elf hit the child, causing the girl to let out a small yelp. Kalio's face twitched, then she marched over to the two. He went to swing the stick again but stopped as soon as he saw Kalio walking toward them. Murmurs filled the streets and those not involved in the confrontation stepped away, clearing a path for Kalio to reach the elf. She could hear a few murmurings, in fear of what may occur. They still only saw a dragon guardian in her, but that alone brought fear to the masses.

  "What are you doing to this child, elf?" Kalio snapped, pulling the girl close to her, breaking the grip the man held.

  "None of your concerns. She's a thief; better to hit her and teach her a lesson than cut off a finger."

  Kalio raised an eyebrow. "Since when did we go back to cutting limbs? I'm sure I removed those laws from Ombramoor years ago."

  The elf went pale. His eyes focused on Kalio and she could see he was recognizing now who he was talking to. The elf fell to the ground, his face shoved into the dirt and legs folded in underneath him, bowing at her feet. "My Queen. I meant no disrespect. Please have mercy on me. But that child was a thief, she tried to take an apple off my stall."

  Kalio looked down at the teary-eyed child then back to the shopkeeper. "Give the girl whatever she is wanting. I will pay her bill. Next time I see this level of disrespect for my people, I will make sure you never do business here again." She pulled the child close to her, patting her on top of the head. "Years ago, I ventured out as a dragon guardian to free my people. I never want to see a drow treated like the earth we were born from again. The next person I see will be executed by my blade."

  The small girl looked up at Kalio and wiped away her tears, replaced with a smile now. "Thank you, Your Highness. We knew you were good, the elves tried to say you were an evil queen. We didn't believe it though." Kalio wanted to ask her who was trying to spread distrust and lies to her people, but the child took off into the crowd. She let
out a sigh, knowing she would get her answer for all the problems once she got home.

  The queen bopped and weaved through the crowd, aiming for a large building near the center of town. It wasn't nearly as elegant as the noble’s houses back in Narishma, but Kalio still saw it as a second home. The walls were made of a smooth white stone with only a few windows in the front. Surrounding the house was a tall metal fence and gate guarded by stone dragons that looked like miniature Ream's preparing to attack.

  A short elf opened the door to the house and jumped in surprise. "Your Highness! We weren't expecting you today. I'm sorry the house isn't exactly ready for accommodations right now." He started to wring his hands before straightening his suit. "What brings you back to Ombramoor, My Queen?"

  "I'm here for a short visit. The mainland is turning against me at every turn." She paused, remembering what the child had said. "It seems there are some even here trying to turn against me. Let's not discuss this outside. I'd prefer the safety of my own walls, even if they are dusty."

  The elf bowed. "Yes, Your Highness. Follow me inside." The elf clapped his hands together so that they echoed through the courtyard. "Honda! Prepare lunch for three today. The queen has surprised us with a visit."

  From the window, a round face covered in flour peered out. His face grew into a large beam. "Cousin! It's good to see you! I'm making soba today. Hope you don't mind."

  Kalio licked her lips and placed a hand on her stomach. "It has been some time since I've had a decent meal that wasn't given an elven twist. Sidhion, we'll discuss my reasons for being here and what I've seen over a meal. Food might make this a bit more pleasant an experience for you anyways."

  Sidhion and the queen walked inside. It was quiet, even compared to her castle. The only ones, as far as Kalio knew, that were in the house was Sidhion and Honda. Sidhion usually kept the house maintained at a low care outside of her planned appointments. As she walked through the house, Kalio could tell there was absolutely no readiness for anything. Most of the walls and banisters inside were covered in dust.

  "We will call the maids and get the house cleaned up while we eat, Your Highness. Please don't be upset about the mess." Again, Sidhion wrung his hands together.

  Kalio raised her hand to silence the elf. "Don't worry on it. I won’t be here long, and it will keep me grounded and remember some fond memories."

  The two walked into the dining hall and sat quietly with Kalio at the head of the table and Sidhion to her right. Honda followed from another door that led in from the kitchen. He pushed a cart forward with bowls of noodles piled inside of it. They ate their dinner in silence until Kalio clapped her hands together to bring everyone’s attention back to her. Honda just continued to smile, happy to see his cousin back in Ombramoor. Sidhion, on the other hand, flinched with every moment Kalio was here.

  "Sidhion, I am going to ask one simple question and I want an honest answer."

  The elf slouched in his chair, looking now more like a mouse than a man. "Yes, Your Highness?"

  "I put you in charge here to bring peace between the two races. I expected this to be handled by law enforcement and you simply monitoring them. Yet here I see children being threatened in the streets and rarely do I see anyone in the streets with much power or wealth who isn't elf. Are you to tell me my people are still suffering despite my liberation?" Kalio lifted an eyebrow, waiting for Sidhion's response, knowing it wasn't going to be a good answer. She had only seen the one child, but it was enough for her to know it was reoccurring.

  He shrunk even more now. "Well…you see…the drow just...the drow just haven't caught up in wealth is all. I can tell people that they are no longer servants and for elves to pay them fairly, but it is a free market. I can't exactly demand that they do it."

  Kalio pounded her fist on the table, her drink sloshing over the side. "You will demand it! Do you think I came into power by simply asking nicely? You damn well will force them to accept drow as employees and provide the proper living environment for them. Those who refuse to treat the drow as people will be sentenced to prison camps. I don't care if it causes half of the elf population in Ombramoor to be removed. I am not trimming a few dead leaves here. I am removing the entire root system!"

  "Cousin, don't you think you're being a little harsh?"

  Kalio's eyes darted over to Honda. "I shouldn't have to remind you that I was almost sold into slavery as a child. I am being nice to these people. They deserve to be executed on the spot." She looked back over at Sidhion and smiled. "I’m sure you’ll remember that you’re no different than the rest the next time I visit."

  Kalio stood up and wiped her mouth with a napkin. "Now if you will excuse me, I wish to visit the shrine to do my part as well for my people."

  Sidhion and Honda both stood up and bowed toward Kalio in silence. There was no need to argue with her anymore once she made up her mind and Honda knew better than to continue making jokes. Perhaps later in life, when the rebels were gone, she would invite him to Narishma to liven up the courts, but for now he was best suited here where she still had someone to keep tabs on everyone if something truly bad went wrong.

  Kalio went upstairs. Her room was at the end of the hall, with a small scanner attached where a door knob would have been. Before she rid Ombramoor of the scholars inhabiting the country, she had dedicated a team to creating a lock that only responded to her own body. Even now, the room had been untouched for years and she knew it would be far grimier than any of the rest of the house would ever look.

  She placed her hand on the scanner and saw the signals on the screen float across underneath her hand, recognizing the master of the house. A small ding came from the machine as the door swung open. Dust blew up in a puff and Kalio let out a small cough, brushing away the dirt so she wouldn't choke too much.

  "Imagine how the courts would react to seeing their queen in such a room," she chuckled to herself.

  Kalio didn't plan on staying long. Her sole purpose for being in there was for one specific item. She went to the dressing chest at the far end of the room. Inside were gray and brown rags that had patches across it, like a quilt. She grabbed a dark gray one that had an over-large hood on it and threw it over her riding clothes. So long as she wore this, most who didn't know who she was would simply see a poor drow walking the streets and she would be without fear of any political schemes aimed at her.

  "Time to pay a visit to the shrine."

  The path up the mountain was long, twisting in different directions so you could never see more than a few feet in front of you. Other drow accompanied her up the path, while others returned the way she had come. Most held a string of beads that they continuously rubbed together in their palms and others held a small red envelope with written prayers on them. A few younger drow were dressed in kimonos, as if going to a festival instead of visiting the kami of the area.

  Lining the steps were small blocks of stone stacked up to resemble houses with the occasional statue of a monk or kitsune spirit. It sent shivers up her spine. Kitsune were the hunters of her people, yet they were like gods still amongst Ombramoor. The shrine above them was to appease the species and bring blessings to them. She still thanked the beasts for her reign as queen of Narishma, but now she needed to ask for their assistance again.

  Someone tapped her on the shoulder, causing Kalio to jump. She turned around and saw a tall, lanky monk standing behind her smiling. "Your Grace, please, there is someone that wishes to speak with you." The monk held out his hand to grasp hers. "Don't worry, the kitsune's blessings hide me from the others so only you can see me. We must hurry, they speak of a hero that will be blessing our people under your flag and the message must be given."

  "Oh, praise Devata—I mean the kitsune that they continue to bless me." She hoped her blunder didn't lead to a new curse upon her people. She had lived amongst the elves for too long and now their god was rubbing off on her. Kalio grasped the monk's hand and the two stepped off the stairway path into the tree


  The cave continued to shake as the roars grew louder. No dragon could go on for that long without a breath. It had to be something unnatural causing the sound. Perhaps machinery, but Tosh didn't know. Once he resurfaced, he would be able to see, and prayed it wasn't as menacing as it sounded.

  "We're almost there. Over here!" one of the sprites called out and flew over to the walls.

  Tosh stepped over, his feet sinking into the mud. "Why over here? It's a dead end."

  The sprite seemed to giggle before pressing against the wall. More sprites followed, and they all disappeared. He could still hear them all calling for him to follow through the wall. It was muffled, as if they were talking through a window. Despite this, the stone wall stayed completely still and solid.

  "Must just be a simple spell. OK, just take a deep breath, Tosh, and we'll get through this. One. Two—" Before he could say three, one of the sprites popped back through the wall and pulled him through.

  What should have been his head hitting stone, instead was greeted by a sudden cold. Water fell and surrounded his body. It rushed passed him, flinging him sideways. He opened his eyes to see what was happening and realized he was now inside of the river. He was being swept downstream while the sprites drifted lazily next to him.

  The strength of the water against him and the lack of air caused his chest to squeeze. He needed to get to the surface quickly or he would die. If Devata had truly called for him, then the tree had certainly put him in a lot of danger. His thoughts of just going up the drow queen and killing her seemed so much simpler in his mind and less painful.

  He pushed those thoughts out of his mind and started swimming upward, toward the surface. It took only a few seconds and he broke the surface and gasped for air. The sprites still circled him, a few giggling to themselves. He didn't bother with them still, he needed to get to the shore before he drowned.

  The water continued to try and drag him back down, but he fought against it. A scholars’ training was with working in the elements, but a rushing river wasn't exactly part of the core curriculum. Still, he had enough knowledge of water control and was able to help push himself toward the shore.


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