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Shadow of the Crown

Page 23

by Amber Morant

  "If I hadn't shown you we weren't as big of assholes as you thought?"

  "No, you're still an asshole. Devata trusts you, and I must trust you too. Besides, I've lived in the quarries enough that I don't need to shove the drow back into that life." He rubbed his hand against the scar on his face. It didn't hurt anymore, but when he smiled he could feel his skin pulling at the edges.

  "Look, all I know is I need to get to Azrael and I'll probably have to kill the queen while I'm there. It'll be easier and far less bloodshed."

  "I guess, I just don't think this will be a good idea." Tosh looked around the room. During their argument, many had grown quiet near them. A few were now staring at them, not even bothering to hide the fact that they were interested in the conversation. Tosh had been able to muffle their talk with some wind magic around them, but he was sure people were noticing the noise blocker.

  Tosh held his hand up a few inches from the table, pulling the noise blocking wind wall down. "How long are we staying here?"

  "A day or so. I want to relax before things get too exciting."

  Their conversation went still as both focused on the glasses in front of them. Tosh had been taking his time, only halfway done with his first drink while Anjuu had finished four glasses and she still didn't seem affected by the alcohol. She had explained earlier that shadows build immunity for multiple poisons and as an aftereffect they became more tolerant with alcohol too.

  "And what about the ren zhe and other rebels?"

  "They're on their way." Anjuu lifted her bag that still held the moon dragon egg and the towels inside of it and placed it onto the table. Tosh could see there were now small cracks that even Anjuu had noted earlier in their drive finally. "Still not out. How long does it take to hatch?" She opened the bag and placed her hand on top of the egg. "It's grown warmer since the last time. Almost like it's on fire inside."

  Hartiel fluttered onto the table and walked up to the egg. It was weird, knowing that Anjuu couldn't see the sprite at all. "He will hatch soon. Just a little more time and we will see what kind of beast we're messing with."

  "How do you know it's a he?"

  Anjuu lifted an eyebrow. "Who are you talking to? No one mentioned anything about the egg being a he. Wait, are you talking to that imaginary friend of yours again?"

  Hartiel laughed at the confusion. "I just know. I might be more attuned to light energy, but I'm still close to fire enough that I can feel the dragon is a boy."

  "Can you please stop calling Hartiel my imaginary friend? She exists, but you're not a scholar so you can't see her." Tosh focused back onto his drink and sipped.

  "Whatever suits you. If Devata really chose guardians, they would let us see sprites too if we're expected to protect everyone..."

  Anjuu's rant drifted off as a small group of men walked toward them. The largest of them had a tattoo reaching across his face like claw marks. The others were just as intimidating for Tosh, but he just chose to focus even more on his beer and ignore their existence.

  "You a guardian?" The large one asked, placing his hand on the table.

  "If I am?" Anjuu smirked. Tosh wasn't ready to fight anyone right now, but from his few days of experience with the drow, he knew she didn't seem to back away from a fight if she knew she would win.

  The larger man pointed at the bag. "What's inside there?"

  "None of your concern. Now, if you don't mind, we would like to be left alone again. Or do I need to teach you all to mind your own business?"

  One of the smaller men smiled and walked over to Tosh. "I bet the little guy here would be willing to talk. Seems like you're a squealer anyways." The man shoved his finger onto Tosh's scar, causing the scholar to let out a hiss of pain. Hartiel flew over to Tosh, but Tosh knew there was nothing the sprite could do right now. Wind magic to create a barrier was one thing but doing anything offensive in a crowd would cause too much chaos.

  "So, elf boy. Show us what's in the bag and maybe we'll leave you alone. Don't need anyone pretending to be guardians around these parts. The queen wouldn't be fond of hearing that."

  "The queen can kiss my ass!" Tosh hissed through gritted teeth.

  The men laughed. "Definitely a tough guy. But how long can you pull that act. drow, I'm sure you've done enough to test his limits on pain. So, you gonna show us or let him suffer?"

  Tosh could see Anjuu's fists clenched and then released. She left out a large sigh and stood up, her hand on the bag. "It's a dragon." She pulled open the bag so the men surrounding them could see. "Though that's not the dangerous aspect of the situation you've placed yourselves in. You've threatened a shadow and her ally tonight."

  Anjuu closed the bag and zipped it up before placing it on her back. She pulled one of her knives out and balanced it from one hand to another. "I'll have to remember to teach everyone proper manners when I become a full-fledged guardian."

  The man holding Tosh let go and fell to his knees. Tosh rubbed his cheek and turned around, expecting to see him begging for his life. Instead, he was bowing on one knee. Others around him were also following suit. He then looked at the large man that had started the threats and even he was on one knee, his right fist crossed over his hearts.

  "Thank you for proving you are the guardian we have been looking for."

  Anjuu held the knife toward the leader of the group. "What the hell are you on about? You just tried to kill him and now you act like I'm your savior?" Anjuu kicked his leg. "Get the fuck up. I'm not dealing with bullshit like this today."

  The man stood up, but he kept his hand across his chest. The others still kneeled on the ground. Word spread outward and others in the bar kneeled in unison. Tosh noticed a few slip out the front door. He wondered if those people would be spreading the word to the queen or others in the city that a new dragon guardian was around.

  "Start talking, what is with this kneeling bullshit?"

  "Devata had sent a message to us in the form of the queen. She warned the rebels had a new dragon guardian that would be trying to kill her. We didn't believe it, but seeing you here now, there's no way you aren't real."

  "And you didn't join the rebellion before you heard of me?"

  The leader shook his head. "We couldn't afford to join the rebellion. Imagine living so close to the capital and threatening the queen without power behind us. I might be strong, but I'm not a soldier."

  "So, coward then. All of you were just waiting for me to come along and fight for you while you benefit from her defeat? Did you also stay behind when she conquered the country and refuse to fight to save Narishma then too?"

  The leader swayed from one foot to the other. "You can't exactly expect us to fight? What did you do?"

  "My family celebrated when she conquered. We were treated like slaves before her. I..." Anjuu paused. "I served as the queens personal shadow."

  The room grew silent as everyone contemplated the revelation Anjuu had announced to all of them. Tosh could hear the soft sound of a television near the bar counter. There were no sports airing, but he could hear someone talking quickly. He turned around to see on the screen the words “Queen Recruits Soldiers for War” and his eyes grew wide.

  "Hey! Someone turn that up!" Tosh barked out. An employee that had been cleaning one of the tables jumped up and grabbed the remote from her apron and turned the volume up.

  It was a drow on the screen dressed in a black pantsuit with a red undershirt reading the news. Her face seemed calm, but Tosh knew the story was anything but bad news. "…Scale increase in the military is expected to begin within the week. No word on how the queen plans to pay for this, but it can be assumed that if you are of adult age, male or female, you may be drafted."

  The news anchor paused and looked off to her left at something off screen. "We just received notice that Queen Kalio has chosen to speak to her people on camera. Please stand by as we switch our cameras to the throne room."

  The screen went blank and then switched to a long static pause. The volum
e was turned down, so they weren't blasted by the annoyance of white noise. It continued like this for only a minute before the screen became clear again and Tosh could see the queen sitting on her throne. She wore black pants underneath greaves designed into the form of boots. Her shirt was a dark grey with a red under lining that at midriff wrapped behind her like a cloak. She smiled at everyone, but Tosh could see in her eyes that there was a wish of death for those around her.

  "My people, as you have known, there is a war brewing. The skin walkers have moved from their dwellings in the North to attack people, the ren zhe have chosen to side with the rebellion, and the cait shidhe have stopped providing taxes as part of our kingdom. I fought hard to protect you all. Our men have fought tirelessly every day to keep us all safe in our beds at night. I brought freedom to these lands, and yet they've repaid me in betrayal."

  She stood up, her hand on the hilt of her sword. "I will continue to fight, I promise you that. But I need the arms of Narishma to reach beyond and into what I cannot do alone. I am a dragon guardian, sworn to protect the people of this country. A moon dragon gifted to me by Devata. I ask you to join our army, destroy those who choose to rebel, and bring Narishma into the golden age it is destined to fulfill!" Kalio pulled her sword out and held it above her head.

  "You will be fed by the people, for the people will serve with you. You will live with the people, for the housing will be by the people. My people, you are my army and together we will bring Narishma and Ombramoor into true prosperity by the blessings of Devata themselves!"

  A loud roar of cheers and clapping erupted behind the camera as Kalio sat back into her throne. She laid the gunblade on her lap and nodded at the camera. It shut off and returned to the static. The television was muted, and the room was left in silence. Tosh turned to Anjuu, who was still staring up at the screen.

  The larger man who had started the attention on Anjuu was the first to speak up. "That settles it. We either join the queen’s draft or follow you now. I don't know about the rest, but at this point there is no excuse to stay neutral."

  Jeers filled the air, shaking the building. Tosh looked around at the people. Not even one was leaving the bar. He smiled to himself. He had felt alone the entire time since he had escaped the quarry. Now he was surrounded by different people who agreed with him on bringing the queen down.

  Tosh walked over to Anjuu, a smile stretching across his face. She was still staring up at the screen and almost didn't notice him until he was standing in front of her. Her eyes drifted from the blank screen down to Tosh. He could see tears welling up in her eyes and his heart sunk. All the excitement made him forget that she held a connection with the queen still.

  Tosh held his arms out and embraced Anjuu. Her body shivered, but he held her close. If the people were going to follow a shadow that was now a dragon guardian she needed to be strong. She wouldn’t show her weakness to the other’s, so he would take her upstairs later so she could speak in private with him.

  Tosh could feel a soft lump near his side and looked down to see that Anjuu was holding the bag underneath her one arm. It was moving and smacking his leg. Anjuu's arm was still, yet something was active inside. He pulled Anjuu away from him and nodded down at the bag.

  "Looks like it's time."

  Anjuu opened the bag and handed Tosh the towels. He felt something sharp cut his hand. Anjuu let out a soft gasp and froze. Tosh leaned forward and looked in. Inside of the bag where the egg had been was now a small pale lizard. Its wings were coated with a clear gel. The egg shell was shattered with much of it scorched or turned into dust. The beast’s claws were sharp and outstretched.

  "Congratulations, dragon guardian."


  The celebration of her dragon's birth lasted throughout the night. No one wanted to leave the bar that night, leaving Anjuu to go upstairs to get away from the crowds. Tosh had already fallen asleep, his body sprawled out on the sofa. His mouth was agape and letting out the loudest snore Anjuu had ever heard.

  The dragon let out a small squeak and nudged Anjuu's arm. She stroked his head, feeling the soft scales under her fingers. Unlike her knowledge of Azrael and Kalio's dragon, he was still soft. The beast was only the size of a small cat, yet less deadly than even a mouse.

  "Let's get some rest. Tomorrow we'll figure out what to feed you." Anjuu walked into the side bedroom. The bed was large enough to fit multiple people in it without anyone touching still. It made her miss Kalio and the castle. Just months ago she had complained about the other shadows being soft, and here she was thankful to experience some of the comforts of her old home.

  Tosh let out another loud snore and Anjuu turned around to look at him. A small light flickered above Tosh's face in the shape of an orb. It tapped him on the nose then flew down to land on his chest. Anjuu placed the dragon down on the bed, making sure it was comfortable and warm. Whatever the light was, she didn't trust it. If it was the sprite that he had talked to earlier, then it was even more concerning that she could now see it. A dragon being born shouldn't have given her such sight.

  She walked over to Tosh, making sure he stayed asleep. If he jumped up, the light may disappear. She got a few feet away from Tosh and bent over. The light shifted on Tosh's chest and then solidified into a humanoid shape. Anjuu's eyes narrowed, realizing the creature looked exactly like her. It was strange seeing herself in a tiny form and made of more light than flesh.

  "What are you?"

  The figure put its hands on its hips and stared up at Anjuu with a similar ferocity that she gave her own enemies. "I could ask the same thing. You're not a scholar. You shouldn't be able to see—" She paused and hunched over, holding its stomach. "No, it can't be." The creature was now ignoring Anjuu and flew over the window. It looked up and let out a small gasp. "No, this can't be. We can't be this close to the end."

  "What the hell are you talking about?" Anjuu asked and stepped over to the window and looked up into the sky. Her eyes grew wide as she saw, despite the darkened sky, Ream flying above them. He was heading West at a rapid speed. Within an instant, he was out of her vision and looked more like a star floating in the sky before blinking out.

  The creature hunched over again and let out a sharp cry. "Devata! They're in danger. The fire is going to destroy them."

  "Tosh!" Anjuu yelled out. She didn’t know what was happening, but she knew it warranted waking Tosh now.

  Tosh jumped up, drool still sliding down from the corner of his mouth. He wiped his face with his sleeve and blinked, adjusting his vision. "Whasser goin’ on?" His eyes drifted from Anjuu over to the creature and his body went rigid. "Hartiel! What's going on?" He scrambled forward and knelt in front of the creature.

  "The queen. Devata's vision. The flames are coming." Hartiel let out a loud yell in pain.

  "Tosh, what's going on? What is that thing?" Anjuu looked back out at the sky, trying to see Ream once more. Hoping to see Azrael’s dragon too, just so she knew he was safe somehow.

  "I don't know. I've never heard of anyone besides myself being able to see the sprites. Devata must be in danger if they are giving you the vision right now." He reached out for Hartiel but pulled back quickly. His fingertips were bright red now and Anjuu could see smoke coming from them. "She's burning hot. What's happening?"

  "Ream. We saw Ream flying West, toward Devata. Tosh, can you summon some water?"

  Tosh nodded and closed his eyes. He held his hands in a circle and stayed silent. Slow trickling of water filled his hands growing exponentially. He opened his eyes as it reached the size of his fist and held it out to Hartiel. It was inches away from her body before it evaporated into steam. Tosh shook his head. "Something is happening, and I don't think I can stop it." He reached out for Hartiel. He didn't pull his hands away, but Anjuu knew they were being burned with the heat Hartiel was emanating. "I'm not going to let you die. Not like this."

  Hartiel's screams grew louder and were accompanied by even more screams. Anjuu looked a
round to find the screams. Nothing like Hartiel was near her. As she turned around to look back at Tosh and Hartiel, she found herself back on the island with Devata. Hundreds of sprites made of light, water, and other elements were laying on the ground screaming in agony. Ream was flying high above, circling the island.

  "Damn this tree, and damn these people to hell. If they won't follow me because of you, then you'll just burn with them." Anjuu recognized the voice as Kalio's. It was higher pitched than normal and faster. She had gone insane. The video she had just watched on the news was simply a facade and this was the true Kalio now above her. "Ream, burn it to the ground!"

  The moon dragon hovered over the island and looked down at Devata. Many of the sprites were crawling toward the tree, all begging for the pain to stop. Begging for mercy.

  "Kalio! My Queen! Stop, please stop this madness!" Her voice fell on deaf ears as it was drowned out by the screams of the dying.

  Ream opened his mouth and deep within his throat, she could see sparks crackling. The beast let out a low rumble and sent a ball of flames soaring down toward the ground. The tree caught fire and burst into a large bonfire. Ream let out another fireball on the plants surrounding Devata until everything was engulfed in flames. Anjuu looked at all the sprites. As soon as Devata had caught fire, each of them bursts into flames as well. She knew Hartiel was bursting into flames as well and there was nothing that could be done.

  Anjuu could hear Kalio laughing on the back of Ream before turning the dragon away from the island and flying back to the mainland, just as everything turned to ash. The only thing left standing was the tree, burning a bright orange. She could just barely make out its shape.

  Anjuu was trapped on the island with the flames nearing her. She was surrounded. The heat burned her body and she felt the sweat drip between her breasts and down to the small of her back. If Devata had brought her here to save them, it was too late and now she was trapped on the island. There was no way to get off. No boats. Nothing. Tosh was still on the mainland, up in the hotel room. None knowing where she had been transported to.


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