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Blood: A Diamond Doms Novel

Page 18

by Ivy Nelson

  He sat her on the bed and pulled her dress off, showering her in kisses as he did. When she was naked, he stripped his own clothes off and pushed her farther onto the mattress where he rolled on a condom and took her.

  When they had satiated themselves, they drifted off to sleep in each other’s arms. As she drifted, Holly realized she never packed anything.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The next morning, they were on Elijah’s private jet by seven for the short flight to Colorado. As promised, Elijah brought a selection of documents for her to read, about the time her mother was in Africa during the hostage crisis. It was turning her stomach though and she decided to enjoy the weekend. She could worry about all of this on Sunday when they returned to the real world.

  A car was waiting for them when they landed, but there was no driver.

  “I’ve always wanted to drive one of these,” he said as he escorted her to the passenger side of a sleek Aston Martin. “I rented it for the weekend,”

  Holly rolled her eyes. Another crazy display of wealth. When she woke up this morning, there had been a brand new, fully stocked suitcase waiting for her. When she questioned how he did it, he just said if you were willing to pay enough you could get almost anything done.

  Now he held her hand as he navigated the small town on the way up to the old ski lodge turned kinky sex club.

  When they reached the familiar path to the club, he pressed a kiss to her hand before he let go of it to focus on the road.

  They didn’t stop at the main building but continued past it to a small cabin like structure.

  “What’s this?” she asked.

  “We had several cabins built for members to rent out after the suites became popular. I thought we could stay here this weekend since it was available.”

  Holly’s smile stretched wide. “I love it.”

  Elijah stepped out of the car and jogged around to her side to open her door. When he did, he bent down for a kiss. A breath stealing, toe curling kiss that had Holly in a hurry to get inside. She tried to push him away so she could get out of the car, but he deepened the kiss. When he broke away, he said, “Nobody can see us out here. What would you say if I wanted to strip you naked and take you on the hood of the car?”

  Holly’s insides turned to jelly, and she felt her pussy clench. What would she say to such a proposal?

  Elijah chuckled and slid an arm under her legs and around her waist.

  “You’re lucky it’s a little too cold out here for that.”

  When he carried her inside, Holly was once again in awe of her surroundings. No expense had been spared to make the cabins both functional and luxurious. Elijah gave her a quick tour before depositing her on the bed where he stripped her clothes off of her and milked four orgasms from her. When she was spent, he took her to the bathroom where he filled the large jacuzzi.

  Helping her into the tub, he said, “We still have a couple of hours until we need to get ready for the party. Is there anything you want to know before we go?”

  Holly had dozens of questions but wasn’t sure where to start.

  Settling against his chest after he slid into the tub behind her, she said, “I don’t know. I have a pretty good grasp of what goes on in the club. I think I want to know more about you and your kinks since I don’t plan on sleeping with anyone else from the club.”

  Elijah growled in her ear. “Damn right you don’t,” he said as he slid a hand into the soapy water and between her legs.

  A giggle morphed into a moan as he found her clit again.

  “What do you want to know, baby?” he murmured as he massaged her gently.

  Holly shook her head. “Can’t think when you’re doing that.”

  He hummed. “Good to know.”

  When he slowed his fingers and pulled them up to her thigh, she said, “Let’s start with an easy one. What are some of your kinks?”

  His hand trailed up and down her thigh as he spoke. “I like the push and pull of the Dominant-submissive dynamic. I enjoy spanking, rope, floggers, orgasm control, various types of sensation play, the list goes on. But even all that is about the give and take of a D/s dynamic. The trust, the commitment that goes into the relationship is intoxicating.

  Holly leaned her head against his chest and looked up at him. “You make it sound sexy as fuck.”

  He flashed her a grin. “That’s because it is.”

  “So, what do you say to the people who say having a submissive is abusive or misogynistic?”

  His response was quick. “If I’m practicing misogyny by having a female submissive, then those who have a male submissive are practicing misandry. That’s the first thing I would tell them. Second, everything is consensual, and the dynamic is about enhancing both people’s lives or at the very least enhancing their sexual pleasure. Solitaire caters to many people, not just male-female partnerships. There are gay, straight, bi, pansexual, transgender, you name it and there’s a member who lives it at Solitaire. We don’t discriminate and we insist on good consent practices.”

  He made it all sound so normal and perhaps it was. The books she read often had some dark, nefarious reason the protagonists were into kink, but maybe people really did just enjoy kinky sex.

  “So, how does obeying your every command enhance a submissive’s life?”

  Elijah chuckled. “That’s not exactly how it works. We negotiate. There might be commands you tell me I’m not allowed to give you. We may reserve some things for special circumstances. I may not be willing to do some things. Everything is based on what we negotiate.”

  “What about spanking and punishment?”

  He smiled. “That can be a tricky thing. Some couples use real punishment to enhance their dynamic, and it works for them. Others use fun playful forms of punishment, and some people don’t use punishment at all. I fall somewhere in the middle. If you give me a reason to turn you over my knee, I’ll do it, but we’ll wind up in bed together when I’m done. But if you break my one or two cardinal rules, there will be more dire consequences.”

  Holly shifted in the water. “What are your cardinal rules?”

  Elijah shook his head. “I don’t think we’re ready to talk about all of that yet.”

  Holly stuck her lip out in a pout.

  Elijah chuckled and leaned down to nip her lip. “No pouting. I’ll tell you my biggest one. I don’t allow my submissives to knowingly put themselves into danger if they can prevent it.”

  Holly thought about it for a minute. “That makes sense, but what sort of punishment would be involved if your sub broke that rule?”

  “That depends on the sub and the types of things we’ve negotiated. It might be a hard spanking with no sexual aspect. It might be something else that will reinforce the notion that you belong to me and I take care of what’s mine.”

  Was he talking about her? Did he think she was his? Was she?

  “Of course, that’s all predicated on you agreeing to be mine,” he said, kissing the top of her head.

  Holly smiled. She knew he couldn’t, but sometimes it felt like he was reading her mind.

  “How many submissives have you had?” she asked.

  Elijah stiffened behind her.

  “Relax,” she said. “I know you’re a bit of a player. I’m not intimidated, just curious.”

  Elijah scowled down at her and tickled her ribs until she squirmed. “What makes you think I’m a player?”

  Holly rolled her eyes. “I’ve seen the hundreds of pictures of you with dozens and dozens of women at various functions. You can’t expect me to believe you haven’t slept with some of them.”

  He laughed. “Fair enough. Some yes, but definitely not all of them. I prefer not to go to those things alone and Patrick makes a terrible date.”

  Holly giggled. “That still doesn’t answer my question.”

  Elijah sighed. “I’ve played with lots of submissives at parties. Too many to count. Long-term partners with negotiated D/s? I’ve had three.” />
  “Thank you for telling me. Is there a reason they didn’t work out?”

  “Lots of reasons, baby. Sometimes it just turns out you don’t mesh with someone like you think you will. One left because it wasn’t thrilling enough for her after we got past the new relationship excitement. One cheated on me and the other just didn’t work so we parted ways.”

  Holly nodded. “OK. So how does someone become a member of Solitaire?” she asked, sensing that he was uncomfortable talking about his exes.

  Elijah laid out the process and it seemed simple enough. Did she want to do it? Her brother would lose his shit, and it might be weird to have him voting on whether or not she could join, but if she were going to be with Elijah for any amount of time, it would make sense to be a member. Her guest visits would run out soon.

  They stayed in the tub, kissing and talking until the water turned chilly.

  Elijah helped her out and into the separate shower to rinse off under hot water.

  A fluffy robe with Solitaire’s logo was waiting for each of them when they returned to the bedroom. “What should I wear tonight?”

  “I prefer you naked, but since it’s not up to me, I did have a few fun things packed for you in your new suitcase. Pick whatever you like.”

  Holly wrinkled her nose and shook her head. “I don’t think I like the idea of being naked in public.”

  Elijah wrapped his arms around her. “That’s OK. It’s not a requirement. I’m an exhibitionist, but we can work up to it or not.”

  “Will Dakota be there tonight?” Holly hoped to see the pretty southern woman again.

  “As far as I know. Despite being heir to one of the biggest cattle ranches in the country, she rarely misses a weekend in Colorado.”

  Holly chose a red mini skirt with a black lace top and matching bra and panty set. When he saw what she’d chosen, Elijah pulled a box out of the closet and said, “If they don’t make you uncomfortable, I would love it if you wore these. I have a thing for gorgeous legs in heels and yours are some of the best.”

  Holly blushed as she opened the box. Inside lay a sky-high pair of expensive black stilettos.

  “They’re beautiful. Of course, I’ll wear them.”

  “Excellent.” Turning to his bag he said, “I have one more thing for you to wear but you’re free to say no.”

  Her curiosity was piqued as she sat on the bench at the foot of the bed to slip on the heels.

  He moved to her side and held out his hand. The object he held was a small cylinder, about an inch and a half in length. “What is it?” she asked, her brows scrunched in confusion.

  “It’s a remote-controlled vibrator. Since you’re probably not ready to do a public scene with me at the club yet, I thought it might be fun to play in secret. Nobody will be the wiser. I’ll have the remote in my pocket and if you want to take it out and stop playing at any point, all you have to do is tell me.”

  Holly mulled it over. Did she want to play this game? The throbbing already present between her thighs told her it wasn’t even a question.

  “OK. I’ll wear it.” She paused. “How exactly do I wear it?”

  Elijah chuckled. “Give me your panties and I’ll show you.”

  Holly slipped her hands under her skirt and hooked her fingers into the waistband of her black lacy thong. When she handed them to Elijah, he showed her the panel built into them. It was like a little pocket and the vibrator fit perfectly.

  When it was in place, he dropped to one knee and slid the panties over her ankles and up to her knees.

  “Up,” he ordered softly and rose with her as she obeyed.

  Her skirt slid up her thighs and past her bottom as he pulled the panties up and into place. His hand slid between her legs and cupped her pussy, his palm pressing against her. The vibrator was in the perfect spot to brush against her clit and she swallowed. Tonight, was going to be interesting.

  Elijah’s hand slid into his pants pocket and seconds later, the vibrator buzzed quietly. Holly jumped from the surprise of it but soon relaxed into the sensations and she closed her eyes, enjoying the pleasurable vibrations. She felt bereft and needy when he turned it off.

  “Now, I won’t tell you that you have to ask me for permission to come, or worse, forbid you from coming at all, but I would like you to keep track of how many orgasms you have and give me a number when we get back here tonight. Is that fair?”

  Holly nodded. “I’ll do my best. That’s very distracting though.”

  Elijah grinned. “Excellent. I have faith in you. It’s almost time to leave. Are you ready?”

  Holly nodded and he offered her his arm. Together, they walked outside.

  To her surprise, a young man she didn’t recognize was waiting in front of the cabin in a golf cart.

  “This is Simon. He’s a house submissive and works for the club as part of his membership conditions. The golf cart will be better than taking the car such a short distance,” Elijah explained.

  Simon waved with a jovial smile as they climbed aboard the card. “Nice to see you again, Master Eli, and nice to meet you, Holly.”

  Soon they were on their way to the front doors of Solitaire. Simon wished them a good night, then went to pick up another set of guests from another cabin.

  Inside, Holly was once again taken aback by the beauty of the place. She liked that it was pure luxury without being gaudy or over the top. People were milling about the lobby talking happily as they waited for the main doors to open in another ten minutes.

  “Do you do themed nights or anything?” Holly asked while they waited.

  Elijah nodded as he waved to someone across the room. “We’ve done a couple. We’re not even a year old yet so we’re still figuring out what does and doesn’t work. Why do you ask?”

  “No reason. Just…” Holly trailed off and she tried not to gasp. The vibrator in her panties buzzed against her clit. She’d nearly forgotten about it.

  “What were you saying?” Elijah asked in a casual tone, sliding an arm around her shoulders.

  Holly took a deep breath. She could do this. “I was just thinking there are probably a lot of fun themes you could play with. The charity gala world is full of themed parties.”

  “Hmm.” He pulled her so her back was to his chest and wrapped both arms around her waist. The vibrator still buzzed as he pressed soft kisses to her neck. “How you doing?” he whispered.

  “I’m good,” she murmured, feeling too breathless for a longer answer.

  “Good.” The buzzing stopped and Holly wanted to cry out.

  Elijah just pressed a kiss to her hair and waved at another member who greeted him.

  The doors opened up and Elijah and Holly made their way to the bar where he ordered them both wine. His hand never left her. He was always holding her hand, rubbing her shoulder, or some other form of connection.

  As she sipped her wine, Elijah’s other hand stayed in his pocket, his own glass untouched. As people approached to talk to Elijah and introduce themselves to Holly, he had fun turning the vibrator on and off, driving her mad.

  As the vibrator clicked off for the fourth time, Dakota came rushing up to them. “I’m so glad you brought her back,” she gushed to Elijah after ordering a martini. “I just knew there were sparks between y’all.”

  Elijah winked at Holly and she knew he was about to turn the vibrator on again. This time, the vibrations were stronger, and he leaned in to whisper in her ear. “Speaking of sparks.”

  Dakota looked back and forth between them.

  “What’s wrong? You look a little flush there, sweetie. Drink too much wine?”

  Elijah gave her a mock scowl. “You know better than to be so nosy, Dakota.”

  A slow smile spread across her face. “OK. No questions. Y’all have fun. I’m off to see if I can find someone to tie me up later.”

  Dakota was gone as quickly as she’d appeared, leaving Holly to chuckle. She realized then that the vibrator had been turned off.

sp; “Having fun?” Elijah asked as he pulled his hand from his pocket and took a sip of wine.

  “I am. Still a little overwhelmed but definitely more comfortable this time.”

  Elijah smiled and squeezed her hand. “I think it’s different this time because we’re together.”

  A gasp left her lips. She hadn’t noticed his hand retreat into his pocket again and he’d switched the toy on high.

  His thumb gently grazed the space between her thumb and first finger, and he inched his barstool closer to hers.

  When he was close enough, he leaned into her fully, allowing her to inhale his masculine scent as his lips grazed her neck and shoulder. Pleasure was building at her center. Was she really about to have an orgasm right here in front of all these people? The thought had her blushing and the intense wave that threatened to burst free receded some.

  The vibrator switched off again and Elijah leaned back to drink the rest of his wine. “Shall we go inside the dungeon?” he asked as if he hadn’t just been stimulating her to the edge of orgasm.

  Holly nodded but wasn’t sure if she could stand on her own so waited until he stood and offered his hand.

  Once in the dungeon, Holly was engulfed in the sights and sounds of hedonism. The music thumbed and she practically felt the beat in her overly sensitized pussy. Elijah kept her hand in his, but his free hand remained in his pocket. His subtle way of reminding her that he could send her over the edge at any moment.

  “We can go to the seating area over there or we can go hide in the corner there,” Elijah said as he pulled his hand from his pocket and pointed to the two spaces.

  “The seating area looks like a good spot,” Holly said, as her eyes darted from place to place. It offered a good view of most of the room, and tonight, Holly wanted to see more than she had on her previous visit.

  “Excellent choice.”

  As he led them through the maze of dungeon equipment, Holly watched his free hand slip into his pocket again and tensed up, anticipating the pulse of the vibrator, but it didn’t come. At least not at first.

  As they passed a table holding a naked woman, the vibrator shocked Holly into halting and nearly tumbling into the scene playing out in front of her. Elijah steadied her and pulled her into his arms from behind. “If you wanted to watch you just had to say so,” he teased.


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