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Rescuing The Wildcat

Page 7

by Angela Lain

  “She is agreeable.”

  “Agreeable?” Reuben leaned forward to wave a finger in Jared’s face. “I would hope there is a little more to it than that! I realize that many would consider her ruined by what has happened, but it ain’t true is it? She’s a beautiful woman, and she deserves more than a man who will take her just because it seems agreeable!”

  “I didn’t mean… that is… I mean she wants to marry me too!”

  “Does she now? Why?”

  “Because… because… well… I love her, maybe she thinks that is reason enough?”

  “Oh, Pa! Must you? Of course I want to marry him. I love him, the way you loved Ma, stop teasing!” Kanti entreated.

  “Well,” Reuben sat back with a smile. “That sounds more like it. When were you thinking? In the spring?”

  “Err, how about before Christmas?”

  “What?” Reuben spluttered.

  “Yes, Pa. We have to take this man to town, to the sheriff. Then everyone will know what happened, and I will be considered…”

  “No, you will not!” Jared declared. “I went after you because I wanted to marry you, not the other way around. I’d already told the sheriff you were going to be my bride. Now we will do it.” He turned serious eyes to Reuben. “Everything I said before still stands. I have to go back to England, so I will have to take her away from you. I promise we will come back, but as to where we finally settle, that is a decision for the future.”

  Reuben looked a little crestfallen. “I’m going to lose my girl?”

  “It would have to happen one day, Pa. This is just a little further. At least you know we want to be together.”

  “If it is all right with you, we will stay until the weather improves, and then I must go to Oregon to see my brother. From there we will have a long journey back to see my parents. Hopefully they will still be waiting, they are both strong, but they were not young when I was born.”


  23rd December

  J ared, Kanti and Reuben all rode into town the following morning. Rueben said as long as he didn’t have to do much more than ride straight, he could manage.

  Jared needed to square all this with the sheriff, and he needed to return Forncett’s body for some kind of burial. After that was done, he would see what the preacher could do for them, and quite possibly they would stay a day or two in town. Reuben knew a few people, and truthfully, he needed a bit of care.

  The sheriff greeted them with a scowl.

  “Hmmp, I see you found him. Why did you kill him?”

  “Because he was shooting at me! He had taken Kanti, he was taking her to the Hole in the Wall, against her will. The man was a fiend, and well you know it.”

  “Yeah, but people shouldn’t take the law into their own hands!”

  “And if I hadn’t? Where would Kanti be now? I didn’t see you, or anyone else from here, riding to her rescue.” Jared put Forncett’s gun on the desk. “Here is his weapon. What you do with it, and him, is now up to you. I am off to see the preacher.”

  “To ask forgiveness?”

  “To arrange my wedding!” Jared turned and walked out.


  Jared and Kanti accompanied Reuben to the doctor, and left him there while they visited the preacher.

  They ran him to ground in his small church building.

  “Good day to you, sir.” Jared was well aware that the man was eyeing Kanti in a knowing fashion. He felt his hand clench into a fist, and he forced himself to smile and relax his fingers. He needed this man to marry them, and that would not be achieved if he gave in to the impulse to punch him. “I am Jared Buckingham-Brown, son of the Earl of Edesbury, from Leicestershire in England. I believe you may already know my intended, Miss Kanti McGrath?”

  The preacher blinked, and flicked his gaze between the two of them. “Your intended?”

  “Certainly. Her father and I worked together this summer.” He smiled down at her. “When we are wed, which I hope you can organize in the very near future, we will be heading back to the Earldom, in England.” He laid it on thickly; generally he was happy not to exploit his aristocratic roots, but on this occasion he needed to assert himself. He wasn’t, truthfully, that important, but if he could make this man believe he was, he could get his way with the wedding plans.

  “You wish me to marry you?”

  “We do. How soon can we do this? Tomorrow possibly? A Christmas Eve wedding would be delightful.”

  “Well, I suppose that would be in order, if you are set on this.”

  “I am absolutely set on marrying Miss McGrath, I know my father, who in his youth married a Cherokee girl, will be very happy to meet her in the near future.”

  “Your father… an Earl…?” Jared gave one decisive nod of his head. “Oh. Well.” The man hesitated for a second. “I will be happy to perform the ceremony tomorrow. The service is at ten in the morning, I hope you are happy to be part of the Christmas celebration.”

  “We will, and we will be there.” Jared turned to her, “Come, Kanti, we need to prepare. A new dress is in order I think.” He held out his arm, and led her from the church.

  “A new dress?” Kanti glanced down at her split skirt which she rode in when in public. “I should have thought; I could have brought one with me.”

  “No, you deserve a new one. New dress, new life. I have the money, you will need to learn that in England you will need to be dressed well. Not that I don’t love you in britches, and when we are alone, you can do as you please, but in public you will need to be acceptable.”


  “I mean I would prefer it if you looked like a lady. I don’t expect airs and graces, I won’t force you to wear anything covered in frills and flounces, unless of course you want to. For the time we are there, I only ask that you try not to be too much of the wildcat!”

  Kanti glared up at him and caught the amusement on his eyes.

  “Would you really care if I was the wildcat?”

  He gave a small shrug. “No, not really. But it will be easier for you, and the rest of my family, if you try not to be too audacious. I do love my family!”


  Kanti regarded him thoughtfully. He was asking her to change, something she had sworn she would never do for a man. But if this bothered her so much, she could still change her mind.

  Change her mind? And do what? Live a life of not being accepted? Didn't she always have to temper her words and actions so as not to cause trouble?

  The truth was he was offering her so much more than she could ever have hoped for. Surely she could tame her wildcat instincts while in public, for the benefit of the man she loved?

  She pulled him to a halt, and reached up to drop a kiss on his cheek. “I can do it, for you. Promise me you will never desert me, no matter what awful mistakes I make in the future?”

  “I promise,” he smiled down at her. “Now, we need a dress, or maybe two.”

  Two dresses later, one of which was fancier than Kanti had ever thought to own, they returned to the doctor’s to find her father. He and the doctor were of an age, and had been friends for some time. What they learned gladdened Kanti’s heart.

  “I’ve told this old miser,” Reuben indicated the doctor, “that I will be happy enough to stay with him for a while, until my leg and my ribs are properly healed.”

  Seth Parnell scowled at his friend. “Less of the miser! If you are benefiting from my hospitality, and my Julia’s cooking, I think you can contribute a bit!”

  “Of course I will!” Reuben returned indignantly. “I didn’t mean…”

  “I know you didn’t. Now, I’m thinking these young people have news for us?”

  “We have.” Kanti beamed. “Tomorrow, Pa, you will have to stand on that leg to give me away. We are getting married, in church, at the ten o’clock service for Christmas Eve.”

  “Wonderful. And where will you be spending the night? And your Christmas day?”

Kanti glanced up at Jared, who was looking a little abashed. “I… um… I don’t know!”

  Reuben and Seth laughed.

  “Well, you can spend your Christmas day here, Julia will be cooking, and I’m sure you can help her.” Seth smiled at Kanti. “As for where you will stay, that’s not so…”

  “Oh, I can deal with that,” Kanti enthused. “I think a trip to see Mrs. Hislop is in order. It’s Christmas, she’s not likely to have many guests, and I think I can get us a room. Maybe two rooms tonight, and one for the day after!” She smiled at Jared.

  He smiled back, obviously pleased with her words, happy that she was happy. “So, we go to see Mrs. Hislop. No time like the present.” He pushed her towards the door. “We will be back when our accommodation is settled.”

  Mrs. Hislop was surprised and a little suspicious at their arrival. Small towns being what they were, she was already aware that Mr. Bradley Forncett had been apprehended and received his comeuppance.

  She eyed Jared warily.

  “Mrs. Hislop, may I introduce Mr. Jared Buckingham-Brown, son of the Earl of Edesbury, from England. He is a good friend of my father’s, and we are to be wed tomorrow.”

  Mrs. Hislop’s mouth dropped open in amazement.

  “You are, of course, invited. It will be the Christmas Eve service, but I would consider you a special guest.” Kanti smiled at her former employer. “We also have a favor to ask.”

  Jared took over. “No, not a favor. The lady runs a business, and we require rooms. We will not be expecting rooms without payment.” He gave Mrs. Hislop his most winning smile. “My fiancée tells me you do not let rooms to single men, I hope in this case you will make an exception. We will both require a room for tonight. The night after we will require just one room. Will this be possible?”

  “Well, umm…I… Yes, I suppose so. Umm, congratulations on your forthcoming wedding.” She raised her voice. “Miss Tatum, here if you please.”

  Miss Tatum entered the room.

  “Lisette, please can you prepare two rooms, one for Miss McGrath and the other for her fiancée. I think if you give Mr. Buckingham-Brown the front room, this will suffice for the next few nights as well.” She paused to deliver her next words. “Miss McGrath and Mr. Buckingham-Brown are to be wed, tomorrow.”

  Miss Tatum bobbed a curtsey and vanished from the room. As far as Kanti could see the girl appeared happy enough. She looked less pinched and nervous, and Mrs. Hislop had gravitated to calling her by her given name, something which had never occurred while Kanti had worked here.

  All in all, life appeared to be improving for everyone.


  Christmas Eve dawned. By ten in the morning Jared stood at the front of the small church, dressed in his best clothes. The church was full of worshippers, here for the Christmas Eve service; no-one seemed at all worried by the addition of a wedding to this morning’s worship.

  He heard the activity at the doorway and glanced over his shoulder to see Kanti at the door, on her father’s arm. He couldn’t contain the quiet chuckle; who was supporting whom down the aisle, he wondered? No matter, as long as Kanti arrived at his side he would be happy. He dipped his fingers into the pocket of his waist coat, just to check the ring was still there. It was, of course. Kanti had no knowledge of the ring, he had schemed with the doctor’s wife, and slipped out to buy it while she had kept Kanti occupied for an hour the afternoon before.

  And there she was, at his side.

  The service past in a flash, and before he knew it, the preacher told him to kiss his bride, which he did so with enthusiasm.

  The Christmas Eve service followed. As far as Jared was concerned, it was a celebration of their union. Christmas was a bonus on top of what he had just gained.

  As they left the church after the service, people gathered around to offer congratulations.

  Jared looked around at the well-wishers. No-one here had the slightest idea of what lay before them as a couple. To be truthful, neither did he.

  When the weather improved they would head for Oregon to visited Eddie, because he had promised. When they had spent a reasonable time there, they would head back to England.

  Oregon to New York by train, a steam ship to Liverpool, and back to Carruthers Hall in Leicestershire. A journey which would take weeks, to a life which would be so different from anything Kanti had ever known. But she would manage, and he would be by her side every step of the way.

  He looked down at the girl by his side. She was the best Christmas present he could ever have been given.

  This was the best Christmas ever.

  The future was uncertain, but if they were together it could be nothing but bright.

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  About the Author

  My name is Angela and I live in the countryside in Norfolk, UK, with my husband (who is an engineer and always busy) and my horse. My two children have left home, but I help my daughter with her horses and her whippets. I tend both house and garden, rather reluctantly, and I write and read.

  For years I had woven stories in my head, when travelling and watching the world go by, when lying in bed trying to sleep, or just when I was transported by a place or an event. The result was several handwritten manuscripts, hard labour over a typewriter and eventually a single romance novel accepted and published back in 1990. Then I gave up for a time. Now the revolution has happened. Computers. The internet. Self-publishing. I felt able to inflict my creations on the world once again.

  I write both historical and contemporary romance, although I prefer the historical; I enjoy the research. I have written some sweet stories, but most (as one of my lovely reviewers said) are a little bit naughty, I don’t leave at the bedroom door, but sex is part of the characters’ lives, not the main purpose.

  I like a bit of adventure, excitement and danger. My characters have been involved on the Oregon Trail, in Indian raids in the west, and in the Crimean war. They have been variously stranded in snow storms, caught in tornadoes, kidnapped by ruffians and trapped in cellars. Generally the heroes are tough and noble, and the heroines are feisty and independent. One thing they always get is their happy ending. I don’t like a book without a happy ending, so I really cannot write one.

  If you have enjoyed my story it would be much appreciated if you could leave a review.

  Other Books by this Author

  Historical western romance and adventure


  VENGENCE – Book 2.





  Historical romance - England and America.


  This is where we meet Jared Buckingham-Brown as a child.

  Chronological Order.

  RIDE A WILD TRAIL Lance and Kit - 1839-1853

  AFTER THE RAIN Rupert and Juliette - 1853

  MORE REBEL THAN LADY Susannah and Flynn-1854-1856

  SAVING SOPHIE Sophie and Joshua - 1857

  NOT QUITE A GENTLEMAN Carel and Constance - 1848-54, 1858

  FOUNTAINS CUCKOO Eleanor and Lucien - 1854-1859

  ANGEL’S HERO Elizabeth and Garrett – 1860

  VENTURE WEST Alexander, Eddie and Louisa -1868

  Companion book

  COME HOME TO MY HEART Frances and Leo- 1851-1856

  Contemporary Romance







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