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Blended with Pain: Notorious Devils (Cash Bar Book 4)

Page 19

by Hayley Faiman

  Her fingers squeeze mine again, but she doesn’t speak. She nods and smiles even wider. This fucking little girl. Goddamn. I don’t know how this worked out the way it did, but fuck me I’m glad for it. I’m holding onto her with two hands, never letting her go, no matter what.

  Once we’re inside of the bar, I see Axe and Traci with their heads close, looking as if they’re whispering to one another. Both of their heads turn to look at us and Traci smiles with a small wave, but Axe’s face lights up. His eyes dance from across the room, just like Carson’s.

  I watch as he scrambles down from the bar stool and runs toward us. He launches himself into my arms and I quickly scoop him up. “Wasn’t gone that long, buddy,” I chuckle.

  He tilts his head to the side, his eyes no longer dancing, instead looking extremely serious. “It felt like forever, and I wanted dessert,” he announces.

  Carson laughs softly next to me as she slides her arm around my waist, tucking herself in close to my side. “Did you eat all of your lunch?” she asks.

  Axe nods his head, swiftly and hard. “I did, all my chicken nuggets and fries,” he announces.

  She leans closer to him as if she’s going to tell him a big secret, Axe leans closer as well. “What if I made cookies?” she whispers.

  Axe lets out a heavy exhale of pure delight, and his head tips back to look up at me. “You’ll love them, Daddy. CarCar makes the best cookies ever,” he states.

  Moving one of my hands from holding Axe, I slip it around to press my palm against Carson’s back, then slide it down until I’m cupping her ass. Squeezing her jean covered cheek, I grunt. “I can’t wait to taste Carson’s cookies,” I chuckle.

  Carson pants next to me softly. “I’m sure,” she breathes.

  Turning my head to the side, I lower my face and brush my lips across hers. “I’m tasting every part of you, soon, Sweet Pea,” I rasp against her lips.

  She shivers next to me, and Traci clears her throat. We both lift our heads to her. She arches a brow with a grin and I shake my head. Thanking her we leave the bar, walking the short distance from the bar to the trailer so that Carson can make me some fucking cookies.



  I FEEL a hand wrap around my breast giving it a squeeze. Letting out an exhale, my eyes slowly open. We’re in my room in the trailer, Axe is sleeping just a few feet from us, and Ace’s hand is wrapped around my boob.

  Turning over in his arms, I hiss when my top scrapes against the new ink on my side. Ace’s blue eyes are open, and looking directly at me. He leans forward, his nose sliding alongside my own. It’s intimate, lovely, and out of character. It’s definitely Ace, not Keys, in bed with me right now.

  “Ace,” I breathe.

  He hums. “We’re moving into the new place today,” he mumbles.

  I laugh softly, placing my hand on his hip, “Why?” I ask, acting like a smartass.

  With a grunt, he rolls me so that I’m on my back. The tattoo on my neck stings, but I don’t tell him. His warm heavy body is pressed against mine, and I sigh at the feeling of his weight pressing along my entire body.

  “I like to fuck first thing in the morning, especially with your sweet body pressed up against mine all night. Sharing a room with my son doesn’t really allow for that, so we’re moving today,” he growls.

  I giggle, my body shaking beneath his.

  “Goddammit, Carson,” he groans, his lips tipping into a grin, then he starts to laugh as well. “I’m spanking your ass, later,” he announces.

  I hum, brushing my lips across his. “I’ll probably like it. I like everything you do to me,” I breathe.

  His breath hitches and he slants his head to the side, his mouth pressing against mine and his tongue filling me. He rolls his hips, his hard length pressing against the center of my panties. I want him inside of me. I want his lips on all of me, his tongue tasting me—I just want all of him.

  “Damn straight you’ll like it, Sweet Pea,” he grunts against my mouth. “Fuck,” he groans. “Gotta stop.”

  I want to tell him not to, but I know that Axe is just a few feet away. I let out a heavy sigh, my body humming with the need to find release. I feel like I’m always on edge when he’s around, always aching and silently begging for more.

  “I have to work today,” I announce.

  Ace rolls over to his side of the small bed and sits up. I watch as he scrubs his hand down his face, then he glances down at me. “What time?”

  “I’m working a later shift now that I know the system,” I explain. He just watches, waiting for me to continue. “I’m working from six to three.”

  Ace’s body stills next to me, his eyes narrowing slightly as he silently stares at me. “Who’s watching Axe? Gracie?” he barks.

  “It’s only two nights a week that I work these hours, the rest of the time I work during the day and dinner shift,” I explain.

  He tilts his head to the side waiting for me to answer his question. I roll my eyes. “Roxanne is, Ace,” I sigh.

  Ace shakes his head. “I’ll keep him with me. She’s not watching him,” he states. I open my mouth to ask why, but he holds his hand up. “There’s something not right with her, Carson. She hasn’t been able to get her shit together for over two days. I know she’s your friend, but she ain’t right.”

  I press my lips together, nodding, then I let out a breath. “I think she gets depressed,” I whisper. “When she lived next door to me I only saw her happy side. I never saw that woman from the past two days. But we only lived next door. I didn’t even know her boyfriend was abusive.”

  He cups my cheek, his thumb sliding across my top lip. “We don’t ever know someone’s demons, not really. She needs time to figure herself out, to heal. Hopefully Houston is helping her with that, especially since they been holed up in that room all night. Today you work, the boy and I will get the house situated.”

  “What are you going to situate?” I ask.

  Ace grins, leaning forward he brushes his lips across mine, his tongue tracing the same path that his finger took not just a moment ago. “Don’t you worry about it, Sweet Pea, we’re going to get your castle set up.”

  My heart slams against my chest at his words.

  My castle.

  My castle.

  “Okay,” I breathe. “At least let me get a good breakfast in my boys,” I murmur against his lips.

  He grunts. “Fuck, Carson. When you say that, it does something to me.”

  “Say what?”

  “My boys.”

  A shiver of excitement rolls through me. I like the way it sounds, too. It’s not just my boy anymore, my Axe, it’s my boys. They’re mine, both of them. I’m marked by them, permanently on my skin, and also forever in my heart.

  Ace slides his hand into the back of my hair, gripping the strands and pulls my face closer to his, his mouth touching mine in another hard, yet beautiful kiss. When he’s finished, he nibbles my bottom lip before he speaks.

  “Go make us food, woman. We’re going to have a long day,” he grunts.

  Lifting my hand, I press it against his hard, smooth chest. “Okay, sweetheart,” I breathe. I watch his eyes soften at my words and his lips tip up in a lopsided grin.

  “You can call me sweetheart next time I’m inside of you, goddamn it’s sexy as fuck,” he grins.

  I shake my head, my own smile playing on my lips. “Set up my castle prince charming, and it’s yours,” I exhale.

  He grunts. “Mine with or without the castle, Sweet Pea,” he winks.

  I climb out of bed, unable to hide my smile. I don’t look back at Ace lounging in the bed, I know that the sheet is pulled up to his waist and that his hair is a gorgeous blond tousled mess from my hands. If I see him though, in all of his gorgeous lean muscled glory, I’m going to want to run and jump back into his arms. I’m going to want more—so much more.


  AXE and I eat Carson’s amazing as fuck French toast, t
hen I gather him and all of the shit she says he needs for the day, and load it all up in her shitty car. She walks us outside, still in her sexy little sleep shorts and camisole, her nipples hard and begging for my mouth. Yeah, I can’t not get laid in the mornings when I stay with this girl.

  “I’ll pick you up from work at three,” I announce.

  She lifts her eyes to me, they’re wide with surprise and she shakes her head. “That’s too late, what about Axe? I’ll just walk here and sleep.”

  I shake my head. “He’ll be fine, kid doesn’t wake up for shit. I’ll just strap him in. I’m picking you up though. This weekend we’re going to have Lea watch him, I’m going to take my girl to a party, show off my brand,” I announce.

  “Ace,” she rasps, taking a step back.

  Reaching out, I wrap my hand around her waist and pull her against my chest. Tipping my chin, I brush my lips across hers. “You need to have some time to have fun, Sweet Pea. Lea is a good kid, she always watches the other kids and we always have a prospect on them for safety. Next week there’s a family party, but this weekend it’s adults. I want to show you off, you’ll let me, won’t you?” I cajole.

  She shakes her head, her eyes lifting to mine. She doesn’t seem like a woman in her early twenties, she seems so much older. But now that she has me, and the entire club at her back, she needs to let loose. I know there’s a little wild thing inside of her, waiting to bust through.

  Carson wraps her hand around the front of her throat, inhaling and letting out a shaky exhaled breath. “That’s not my life, Ace,” she rasps. “The parties, the drugs, it’s not me. Your boss already thinks I’m some kind of crackwhore. I don’t want any part of it. It’s you, and that’s fine, but I’m not Sadie,” she announces.

  Heat flows through me and not because I’m turned on. I can’t believe I’m having this goddamn conversation with her, right now. I just can’t fucking believe we’re here—again. The fact that she keeps bringing Sadie into our relationship, into what we have, is pissing me the fuck off.

  “I know you aren’t Sadie,” I hiss. “I’m tired of your bringing that cunt up,” I bark. Luckily, Axe is in the car and hopefully doesn’t hear me call his birth mother a cunt, but that’s what she was. “You see me shooting that shit in my veins? You see any of us doing that in the time you’ve been here? Ginger? Traci? Houston? Snake will get to know you, and he’ll see you aren’t that, I ain’t worried about him.”

  Carson shakes her head, her eyes widen and a look of fear on her face. She should be fucking scared. “Nobody here is hooked on that shit, Carson. Most anyone does is smoke a little weed, and drink. I’m sure some of the guys party a little harder recreationally, but none of them are hooked like Sadie. I’ve never even seen one of the Old Ladies smoke a joint,” I point out.

  She gulps, I can hear it from the short distance away. “You can’t blame me, she partied with you in North Dakota. You knew what she was like. I’m not her. Not even a little bit. I saw the way Snake looked at me, like I was scum because of her choices. Everybody looks at me like that when they know I’m Sadie’s little sister.”

  I lift my face to the sky and roll my eyes before I lower my gaze back to her. “Yeah, I know. Fuck, babe. I’ll see you at three,” I state. I’m done with this conversation. So goddamn done.

  Turning away from her, I slide into the driver’s seat of her car and I start it up. Her eyes focus on me, and I do my best to ignore how she’s obviously upset with my reaction. She needs to stop fucking comparing herself to Sadie, God knows that I don’t.

  I could give a fuck about that bitch.

  She didn’t even have herself together enough to name my kid, or you know, keep her shit clean enough to take care of him. Plus, she kept him from me, for no other reason than to play one of her fucked up games. She can fuck herself. Dead or not, I don’t really give much of a fuck about her.

  The fact that Carson still thinks I want someone like Sadie is really starting to piss me off. Every time we get a little closer, she throws up her hands to push me away. It isn’t working. I’m still falling for the bitch, no matter how pissed I am at her right now.

  I’m still driving to a car lot to buy her a new ride. Even though she’s on my shit list today. I’m still going to outfit that house so fucking full of brand new furniture that it’s goddamn bursting. I’m still going to give my queen the castle she deserves.

  Even when I’m pissed the fuck off.


  Because I fucking love the bitch.


  HE LEAVES me standing on the front porch of the trailer, tears swimming in my eyes. Shit. Why did I pop off? Why did I say anything at all. I should have just shut up, followed him to whatever party this is, and smiled no matter what was happening around me.

  I shouldn’t care what other people do around me. I really shouldn’t. Ace knows enough about me to know that I wouldn’t be doing that shit, so I shouldn’t have even reminded him that I wasn’t Sadie. Why do I feel the need to constantly remind him that I’m not her?

  Sinking down on the top step, I bring my feet up and rest my cheek on my knees. A shadow appears next to me and the stair groans when Houston sits down.

  “Tell me about Roxanne,” I demand softly.

  He clears his throat, a heavy sigh escaping his lips. “She’s got some mental issues. I don’t know what they are, but she needs help,” he murmurs.

  I nod, assuming that was what he was going to tell me. “You’ll help her?” I ask, looking up at him.

  His face is serious, his eyes hard but not angry. Just serious. “She’s mine, so yeah,” he nods.

  “Yours?” I breathe.

  He grins. “Yeah, Car, she’s mine. Knew it the moment I saw her. Lived a hard life, used to working my ass off. I’ll work for her, work my fingers to the goddamn bone to keep her happy and healthy,” he murmurs.

  I reach out and wrap my fingers around his bicep. “Do I want to know?” I ask, giving his arm a squeeze.

  He grunts, shaking his head. “I was a vet in the states before I found the Devils. Moved to Canada to get away from life. To be alone and wallow in my own shit. Found the Devils. Knew they were men I could trust right off the bat. Been to war, mentally and physically, Car. Seen a lot of shit, dealt with a lot of it, too. If there’s a man who can help her, who can guide her, it’s me.”

  “You seem really sure of yourself, Houston.”

  He grins, covering my hand with his. “Never been more sure of anything in my life. I know without a doubt that, that woman in that trailer, she’s mine and I’m going to be at her side.”

  He stands, my hand falls from his arm when he does and I watch him disappear back into the trailer. My friend is in his capable hands. I assumed Houston was younger than he is. He’s got a babyface, but now talking to him, he’s older and wiser than I ever imagined.

  For whatever reason, I trust him to take care of Roxanne. I’m not someone who blindly trusts people, but Houston with Roxie, I think he’s going to be the only one that can and will take care of her.

  Ace, on the other hand, I want to trust him so badly, but I just can’t, at least not yet. Maybe one day, maybe never. I don’t know. I trust him with my body, but beyond that, I’m not sure. It sounds stupid, horrible, and irresponsible of me, I know that. But Ace is a man that I cannot figure out, not in the slightest. I’ll just have to wait and see what the future holds.



  WAITING OUTSIDE of the Cash Bar with a sleeping four-year-old in the back of a tricked out SUV is probably not something most men want to be doing on a Wednesday night. Me? I’m fucking ecstatic to do it though. It’s exciting.

  I didn’t fuck around today.

  This brand new ride is all Carson’s and the house has essentials. Beds for everyone, a sofa in the living room along with a big screen TV hanging on the wall, and a dining room set. I also had a TV put in our bedroom. The rest of the decorating shit Carson can deal
with, but we all have our own spaces now.

  I watch her walk out the back door and her eyes shift over to the car and frown, but she doesn’t make her way toward me. Opening the driver’s door, I whistle at her and she stops, slowly turning to face me. I grin as her eyes widen, she takes me in, the SUV, and then me again.

  Her feet finally shuffle toward me. She’s wearing a pair of her skin-tight jeans, and a loose, but extremely low cut top. Her hair is gathered to one side and braided just the way I prefer it. I know if she turned around that the tattoo of my name is on display, just how I fucking want it.

  “What the hell is this?” she asks as soon as she’s close enough that she doesn’t have to yell across the empty back parking lot.

  I grin. “It’s your new ride, Mama,” I chuckle.

  “No,” she gasps, lifting her fingers to her lips.

  I lift my chin, unable to contain my smile. Feeling pretty goddamn victorious. “Yeah, Sweet Pea, it’s your new ride. Your car was shit, it wasn’t safe, and I want my family in something reliable, especially when the snow starts falling.”

  Carson shakes her head, her fingers still in front of her parted lips. “I can’t believe it. I just can’t,” she rasps.

  Reaching out, I slide my arm around her waist and yank her against my chest, unable to stay away from her for another moment longer. Lowering my head, I press my lips against hers and drive my tongue into her warm mouth. She moans, immediately pressing her sweet tits against my chest, her body going soft and pliant in my grasp.

  Slowly, I break the kiss, my lips making their way over to her ear. “It’s yours, Carson. The queen of our castle. You deserve a sweet ride. Let’s go home so you can see the other shit I bought my girl today.”

  “It’s too much,” she breathes.

  Lifting my face from hers, I look down into her wet shimmering eyes. “It’s not enough. You’ll earn every fucking thing I give you. I’ll be an asshole, I’ll be fucking unreasonable, and you’re going to raise my son, and carry my babies. So you’ll earn every fucking thing I give you, Sweet Pea.”


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