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The Bachelor Bargain (Secrets, Scandals, and Spies)

Page 12

by Michaels, Maddison

  “Aye, sir.”

  The sound of Croucher retreating was overshadowed by an almighty roar from the crowd as another punch was occasioned upon the challenger, who toppled to the ground. But Seb found his entire attention focused on the lady behind him instead of the entertainment in front.

  “You have a distinct way of getting past my men.” Slowly, he swiveled around to face Lady Olivia, who he could see straightaway looked quietly confident standing there, a black veil pulled over her face.

  “Getting past them? Or recognizing them? You could have told me you’d sent some of your men to protect me.”

  Seb shrugged. “I didn’t want to scare you.”

  “I don’t scare easily.”

  “So I’m beginning to see. Tell me this, Livie, you carry a pistol, your cane has a hidden weapon in its shaft… How experienced are you in games of intrigue? From my point of view, it would seem to be very experienced, and it does stir my curiosity. I do wonder what else you are experienced in? Or perhaps inexperienced in?”

  All he could suddenly think of was the kiss they shared, and whether if he kissed her again in the cold light of day, would it still feel as ridiculously addictive as their first kiss had? He crossed the floor over to her, but she didn’t budge an inch as he towered above her. Nor did she lift her veil.

  Unable to help himself, Seb slowly reached out and rolled up the darn thing. He knew it was a mistake as soon as the crystal blue of her eyes struck him, scorching him with their intensity.

  Reflexively, he sucked in a deep breath, his eyes locking upon her own. He suddenly felt at a loss. This woman was having such a bizarre effect on his equilibrium to the point where he was beginning to feel the vestiges of his tightly maintained self-control begin to slip, something he could not afford to let happen.

  He was capable of too many horrendous things if it did.

  Pivoting away from her, he slammed his hands into his pockets while pretending to stare back toward the match. It would do no good to let her see how she was affecting him and how much he wanted to kiss her again. He took in a steadying breath and then another, before he plastered on a sardonic smile and slowly twisted around to face her again.

  The chit was brazen enough to arch an eyebrow at him in a sort of silent question over his behavior. But even he couldn’t articulate the strange feeling that had nearly overcome him.

  It was dangerous, and he had to put a stop to it. Put a stop to it before he wasn’t able to stop himself.

  Chapter Sixteen

  It was an unusual situation Livie found herself in. Standing facing Sebastian in his private box, with a bare-knuckle boxing match being wagered on below, blood splattering everyone in the immediate vicinity of the ring, and people cheering like lunatics.

  Not the usual sort of venue she attended. But once again, she had to speak with him.

  And wasn’t he behaving strangely, too?

  On one hand acting aloof and cold, but on the other, little glimpses of heat and desire flashing in his eyes. Rather disconcerting, but also compelling in the extreme. Although the man had just potentially insulted her by discussing her experience or lack thereof, and somehow Livie didn’t think it was her general life experience as a duke’s daughter he had been referring to. Perhaps he’d been referring to their kiss, and her inexperience had been plain.

  “I’m experienced in turning a conversation back around to its original purpose, Sebastian,” she eventually replied. “I have important matters to discuss.”

  “Oh, by all means, my lady, let us discuss those important matters,” he practically purred. “But first tell me how did you know to find me here?”

  “I confronted the men you had following me and demanded they take me to you immediately.” She wandered over to the balcony and briefly glanced down below. Livie could never quite understand a man’s preoccupation with blood sports and betting on them.

  “Of course you did,” he said, with his lips twitching slightly at the corners. “How did you know they were my men, though?”

  “I recognized one of them from your office, and normally I wouldn’t have bothered you at such an event,” she said, turning back to face him. “However, I had to speak with you.”

  “Desperate to see me again so soon? I would have thought after our early morning adventure in the Rookeries the other day, you would have not been at all keen to come traipsing back into them so soon. Although maybe you wanted another kiss?”

  He took a step closer to her, and she felt her breath quicken and had to tilt her head up to maintain eye contact. “Don’t flatter yourself. It was a passable kiss, but not something I’d chase you for.” She was lying, of course. But hopefully he wouldn’t be able to tell. The less he knew how he affected her, the better.

  “Passable?” The half grin on his face suggested he didn’t believe her. “How remiss of me. Perhaps I shall have to kiss you again, this time more thoroughly, to change your opinion?”

  “Or perhaps not.” The very thought of his lips against hers was sending a shaft of warmth to her belly. And she really didn’t know how much more thoroughly one could be kissed.

  “Spoilsport,” he whispered, bending his head down to her ear, the soft whisper of his breath brushing across her neck. “For I have been unable to think of little else except that kiss all damn day. But rest assured I won’t kiss you again until you tell me you want me to. Which you will.”

  He pulled away from her and she suddenly felt unaccountably disappointed, but then the arrogance of his words sunk in.

  “Will I just?” She twisted away and looked down from the balcony to regroup her thoughts, the silk skirts of her black dress swishing with the movement.

  “Yes, you will.” His voice sounded husky.

  Glancing back, she saw him staring at her hips before his eyes traveled briefly up to her neckline and the soft swell of her bosom, which her corset was pushing up against her décolletage. But then he swiftly turned his head away, and she saw him clench his jaw.

  There was desire in his eyes before he’d turned away, but then her self-doubt creeped in and she wondered if perhaps she’d only imagined such a thing. Because, really, how could any man look upon her with desire while she walked with a limp and cane?

  The realization was disheartening. Not that it should matter whether he desired her or not, but it did. Shaking her head free from the depressing thoughts, Livie reminded herself of why she was here in the first place. Alice.

  “I heard the release of your teaser pamphlet has been met with great success,” Sebastian said over his shoulder.

  “It has indeed,” she agreed. “Apparently it is all anyone could talk of yesterday at the Barrington ball. Your investment will be a great success, as I told you it would.”

  “I wouldn’t have invested my money if I had thought otherwise.” Sebastian slowly turned back to face her. “I must say I’ve never seen the gentlemen at Tartus so damn scared before. Some were literally sweating in their seats at the prospect of being named. It was bloody entertaining to watch.”

  Livie grinned. “It was just the reaction I was hoping the teaser would elicit. And now, with your funds, we shall be on schedule to release the first edition in a fortnight.”

  “And vengeance will then be yours, my lady.” Sebastian returned her grin.

  For a moment, she was mesmerized by his smile. He looked so darn handsome and so wicked at the same time. But wicked in a thrilling way. So thrilling that it sent her pulse galloping.

  Focus, Livie. Focus.

  “Vengeance will be mine only when I discover who it was who ruined Alice.” She had to get her mind back on what was important—finding Alice’s seducer and making him pay for the devastation he caused.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Lady Olivia was staring at him with such intense scrutiny that her eyes swam with the deepest azure blue he’d ever
seen. In the full light of day, the woman was too entrancing by far and altogether too delectable to ignore.

  He felt every inch of his body become alert, much like when he was on a hunt and had caught sight of his prey. An almost instinctual need came upon him to claim her as his. Especially when she’d all but thrown that challenge in his face, of his kiss being “passable.” Seb had never wanted anything more than right at that moment to sweep her up in his arms and cart her off into his carriage and back to his residence and bedchamber.

  So clearly could he envisage himself laying her upon the silky blue of his bedsheets and possessing her until she was his and his alone that he had to wrestle with himself to not do just that.

  Goddamnit! The woman was making him insane. There was no other rational explanation for his irrational and primitive thoughts. And Seb hated nothing more than to be irrational and primitive. Such behavior reminded him of his childhood and what he’d had to do to stay alive.

  He cleared his throat and walked over next to where she stood, then leaned back against the balustrade of the balcony and crossed his hands over his chest. “So? What is it you desperately had to talk with me about?”

  A huge grin spread over her lips. “I know the identity of the anonymous note sender from the other night!” There was such earnest enthusiasm in her voice that for a moment Seb was fascinated and quite forgot what she said.

  It took him a moment to return his attention back to her words, all the while berating himself in the process. “You do?” Seb wasn’t happy that his own network had been unable to unearth such information. Information was power, and if you didn’t have power, then you perished.

  “I believe so,” Livie replied. “You see, I just visited with my late friend Alice’s sister, the Countess of Chilton, who disclosed to me that Alice’s maid, Mary Applewaite, who fled the residence after Alice’s death, took Alice’s journal with her.”

  “And how does that have anything to do with the note you received?”

  Livie raised her brow in what was quickly becoming an expression Seb rather enjoyed seeing. “The countess received a blackmail note penned by the maid, demanding five hundred pounds in exchange for the journal she took. The writing on Lady Chilton’s note was identical to that written on mine. The maid must have sent both notes.”

  “Hm,” Seb mused. The news was interesting, though didn’t really make any sense. “What does the maid have to do with the Lads gang? And why would she be party to sending you into an ambush?”

  “Honestly, I don’t know,” she admitted. “But I intend to ask her tonight.”

  “Tonight?” Seb rubbed at his temples. “Why do I feel a headache coming on with the thought of what you intend to get up to?”

  “Who knows what goes on in that brain of yours?” She shrugged.

  “Out with it,” he demanded. “What are you intending to do tonight?”

  She quickly explained the blackmail demand made of Lady Chilton. “I shall go in her place and speak with Mary. I’m certain when she understands it is me and that I have no intention of calling the police or Bow Street Runners, she shall talk to me and tell me what she knows regarding Alice.”

  “Are you daft, woman? You will do no such thing.” Seb crossed his arms over his chest.

  Livie in turn shook her head. “You have no say over what I do. None at all.”

  “But I do. I am your business partner now—”

  “Silent business partner. And silent partners do not get a say in what I do or do not do.” She narrowed her eyes and stomped her right leg.

  Seb couldn’t help but think of how glorious she was standing there, defiantly opposing him, her chin jutting out and her eyes sparkling with fury. No one ever really dared oppose him. He found it stimulating. “Tell me to kiss you.”

  “Tell you to kiss me?” She blinked, confusion now replacing the fury.

  “That’s good enough for me.” And with that his mouth swept down upon her own and his lips pressed against hers.


  He is kissing me again?

  Her fingers tightened around the top of his arms to steady herself. His mouth was hot and heavy, and so tempting she couldn’t help but press herself against him tightly, her cane dropping to the floor, forgotten.

  Kissing him had been hovering at the peripherals of her awareness all day.

  How could it not, when their first kiss had been so decadent and delicious, and the man himself so dangerously magnificent? A man who looked like an Adonis with the sunlight from the windows streaming in from the top level of the building shining off his dark blond hair like gold, with his shoulders and chest looking even more impressive in the charcoal tailored jacket he was wearing over a crisp white shirt.

  “I can’t get enough of you,” he murmured, pulling his lips away from her own briefly. “You taste like nectar from the gods.”

  And then his lips found hers again and she was lost.

  Pressing her body even closer against him, she tentatively stroked her tongue along his and marveled at how delicious he tasted. He groaned in response, his hands trailing from her waist down her hips, until his palms cupped behind her bustle and pulled her even more tightly toward him.

  Shock and delight coursed through her when she felt the hard length of him pushing against her and she heard the rumble of satisfaction from his chest. The sound emboldened her as nothing else could.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and opened her mouth farther to him.

  A throat being cleared from behind them shattered the spell, and they both abruptly broke apart.

  Looking around Sebastian, Livie saw Lance Trantor standing there with an expression of unbridled curiosity as he glanced between Seb and her before a broad grin replaced the look.

  Livie felt a bright flush creep up her cheeks at being caught in such a compromising situation, and not for the second time, wholeheartedly wished the floor would open up and swallow her whole, right at the moment. She didn’t think she’d ever felt as embarrassed as she did right then to be caught kissing Sebastian.

  “Sorry to interrupt.” Lance cleared his throat, looking completely unrepentant. “But we’ve caught McGinchy.”

  Instantly, Seb’s whole body braced. “Good. Where is he?”

  “Rowan and the men have taken him down to the basement to await your instructions,” Lance replied.

  “I’ll head there now.” Seb glanced back over to Livie, his eyes capturing her own but giving nothing away. “I have to go.”

  Livie nodded, holding her head high and meeting his gaze directly with her own. “Of course.”

  He appeared calm and steady and completely unaffected by their kiss, unlike herself. But why was she surprised? Just because her whole body had been rocked to her core didn’t mean he had been, too. The kiss they’d shared had probably been nothing more than an amusement to him. Why, he’d probably kissed hundreds of women before, and all surely more experienced in the art of passion than Livie was.

  But then a glimmer of hope bloomed within when she noticed the pulse along his jawline thrumming rapidly against his skin, and he was breathing just a little bit heavier than normal. Perhaps their kiss had more of an impact upon him than she’d thought; probably nowhere near as what it had had upon her, but he couldn’t fully disguise that he had at least felt something.

  “Don’t do anything tonight without first consulting me,” he whispered abruptly as he picked up her cane and handed it to her.

  “You are not my husband, Sebastian. You have no say in what I do or don’t do.”

  “I might not be your husband, but I will do all in my power to keep you safe.” His gaze stayed upon hers for a moment longer before he turned to Lance. “Escort Lady Olivia to my office and authorize a bank note for two thousand pounds to be given to her.”

  Lance’s jaw dropped open at the figure, but quick
ly he nodded his assent. Livie still couldn’t believe he’d offered such a sum.

  “Thank you again for your generosity,” she said to him.

  With lightning speed, he pressed his index finger against her lips. “You’ll learn I’m a generous partner when it comes to my business endeavors.” He then leaned down and whispered in her ear, “And an even more generous lover.”

  Her breath caught in her throat and every part of her body froze. Lover? He couldn’t be serious, could he?

  He pulled away from her, and the burning intensity in his eyes as he watched her like a hawk suggested that perhaps he was. But such a thing was scandalous and simply not possible. Or was it? Goodness, she’d never contemplated having an illicit affair before, always assuming she’d end up an old and unassuming spinster.

  But Sebastian was suggesting an entirely different course…

  “I’ll send an unmarked carriage to the back of your residence tomorrow at ten in the morning to collect you,” he whispered again to her.

  “To collect me?” Good Lord, was he talking about making her his lover? She was flustered with the thought.

  “Yes,” he confirmed. “I shall instruct the carriage to take you to Cheapside where I shall introduce you to Charlotte before you have to take her to your godmother’s for their visit on Monday. You do remember about the visit your godmother requested, yes?”

  “Of course I do,” she replied, annoyance plain in her tone. The man didn’t have to remind her of her appointments, even if she’d been flustered with the thought of what he’d been alluding to.

  Without another word, he inclined his head toward her, then turned and strode across the space, passing Lance in the doorway before descending the stairs and out of sight.

  It took Livie a moment to calm herself after his pronouncement, and an even longer time for her to muster up the courage to face the watchful eyes of Lance Trantor. What must the man think of her? Her face was flaming at the thought.

  “Come, my lady,” Lance said, his voice thankfully without too much mockery. “Let’s go and get you your fortune.”


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