Book Read Free

Finding the Lost Treasure

Page 21

by Helen M. Persons


  The judge, with Rene in his arms, ushered them inside.

  "Welcome--to Wolfville!" he cried, "and to the old Godet house."

  Jack and Desire stood quite speechless, and even the generally talkativePriscilla could find no words. They could only look while the judge andhis housekeeper watched them smilingly, though very close to tearsthemselves.

  Rene broke the spell.

  "Oh--o--o!" he wailed, digging his fists into his eyes, still halfasleep.

  "What's the matter--young fellow?" demanded the judge, who still heldhim.

  "I didn't finish my piece of cake!" wailed the child. He had dozed off atthe table, before finishing his supper.

  They all laughed, while Madam Lovemore consoled Rene by promising himanother piece the next day. Then the young Wistmores inspected theirhome.

  Partitions separated the cabin into three rooms: a large one, across oneend, which was to do duty as a general living room, with a place forcooking at one end; and two small ones as sleeping quarters. Thepartitions and floors were painted a soft blue, which was relieved by thedark logs of the side walls and the beamed roof. Rag rugs lay upon thefloor, a table occupied the centre of the living room, and around it werefour ladder-back chairs. Beside the stone fireplace was a low woodenrocker and a high-backed upholstered one. Each bedroom had a fullyfurnished double wooden bed, and a wash stand. There was a bright fire inthe fireplace; simple muslin curtains were hung at the windows; and a fewpots of geraniums on a small stand added to the homelikeness of theplace.

  "But--the furniture--" began Desire, when she was able to put herthoughts into words. Jack was still too dazed to speak.

  "Gifts from the people of Wolfville to the children of the ancientAcadians," replied the judge pompously.

  "We can never repay them," faltered Jack.

  "Don't want you to. They were glad--to do it. Liked idea--descendants tooccupy old house--deserted for so long."

  "Such a welcome I never dreamed of," murmured Desire. "I don't see whypeople are so kind to us."

  The judge and his good housekeeper exchanged smiles at her naive remark.

  "Why, don't you want them to be?" demanded Priscilla in astonishment.

  "Of course," answered her sister, attempting unsuccessfully to draw thechild to her side; but Priscilla was too bent on inspecting article byarticle in her new home to have any time for cuddling just then.

  "Now you folks--had better--get to bed," said the judge, preparing fordeparture. "You've had a hard day--lots of excitement. I'll lead the teamback with me. Will they follow--the Ford--do you think?"

  "I imagine so," replied Jack. "They're very gentle."

  He followed the judge outside to help him with the horses, while MadamLovemore bade an affectionate goodnight to her new friends.

  "Just run over any time anything bothers you, my dear," she said toDesire.

  "'N' not no other time?" asked Rene, fearful of such an agreement workingto his disadvantage.

  "Whenever you like--" began the housekeeper.

  "Don't tell him that," advised Desire, "or you may see him oftener thanyou wish."

  Meanwhile Jack was saying to the judge, "Of course I know that you arereally the one to be thanked for all that," waving his arm at the cozy,lighted cabin.

  "Not at all," asserted the man stoutly. "The neighbors all helped. Likedit. Lots of fun."

  "Yet they never would have known about us, or our needs, if you had nottold them, and made suggestions. I just can't express my very deepgratitude, especially on account of my little sisters. Rene can rough it,but I hate to have the girls deprived of ordinary comforts. Sometimes Iwonder if I have done the right thing--"

  "One always wonders that--no matter what one does. Go in, boy,--and sendmy housekeeper out. Want to get home."

  Housekeeping in the new home was a delight and a novelty, after the manyweeks of camp life; and the Wistmores were very happy. Jack tookPriscilla into Wolfville the second day after they arrived, and madearrangements for her to attend school, much to her chagrin, for she hadhoped for a longer holiday.

  "No sense in her running about for days, and missing something which willcause trouble for her later," Jack had said, when discussing the matterwith Desire. "While it is still pleasant, she can walk back and forthmorning and afternoon, and carry her lunch. In winter, we'll try to makesome different arrangements."

  After settling Priscilla, Jack consulted the judge about getting work forhimself.

  "See what I can do," he promised; and while he was waiting, Jack helpedDesire with the lessons she was trying to do by herself.

  The snow which had greeted them on their arrival disappeared almostimmediately, and the beautiful days of Indian summer hovered over thevalley of the Gaspereau. Jack and Desire, sometimes accompanied by Rene,but oftener leaving him with his staunch admirer, Madam Lovemore, spentmany hours rambling around the country after their work was done. It wasa treat to both; for though they had much in common, they seldom hadopportunities for private companionship, due to the constant demands ofthe younger members of the family.

  After a week of idling, Jack made some trips through the nearby countrywith the wagon, but the day schedules were soon exhausted; and he beganto be anxious about a different job. Some of the nearer neighbors beganto drop in occasionally; so Desire could not be his constant companion,and he grew restless.

  "The people within a day's drive are too near Wolfville for this to be avery good place for a store like ours," he told Desire when he returnedone afternoon after a rather profitless day. "One does not sell enough topay for expenses. So I guess we'll decide to put up the wagon and teamfor the winter. In the spring, as soon as the roads permit, I'll have totake it back to old Simon at Yarmouth."

  "Don't you mean _we'll_ take it back, dear?" asked Desire.

  "Perhaps; we'll see when the time comes. I hope the judge will be able tofind a job for me pretty soon; my own efforts are fruitless."

  "Don't worry; if we have to use up all of our little nest egg, we'll doit; that's all."

  Desire spoke bravely, but she felt sad to see Jack's prospects ofcontinuing his education retreat so far into the background as almost todisappear. The succeeding days were anxious ones. Jack roamed about,restless and worried, not having enough with which to occupy himself; forthe weather had changed, and outdoor rambles were over for that year.

  One afternoon a heavy rain began to fall, and it looked as if it meant tocontinue indefinitely.

  "Poor Prissy will get soaked," said Desire, gazing out of the window forthe fifth time.

  "I'll go after her," offered Jack.

  "But what good would it do for you to get soaked, too?"

  "None, I suppose. The poor kid ought to have a raincoat and an umbrella,"he muttered, half to himself.

  "I've been thinking about clothes, Jack, and it seems to me that we'llhave to draw some of what we got for the farm--"

  "But that's in the bank at Yarmouth," objected Jack quickly, "and youknow we said it shouldn't be touched except for sickness or otheremergencies."

  "I know, but this is an emergency; isn't it? If we don't buy a fewnecessary articles of clothing, we'll run the risk of sickness, and thatwould be far more expensive."

  "You're right, of course. Make out a list of what we need, and then we'llcount the probable cost."

  "We'll do it together," said Desire, getting pencil and paper, andsitting down at the table beside her brother.

  They were so engrossed in their problem that they both jumped violentlywhen there was a quick knock, and the judge stepped into the room,closely followed by Priscilla. Rene, who had been amusing himself in thecorner with some toys which had been part of the "furnishings" of thecabin, darted across the room to fling himself upon the caller.

  "This is a--terrible day!" exclaimed the judge. "Thought the girlmight--be drowned if--she tried to--walk home. So I hitched up the oldFord--and wen
t after her."

  Desire began to express her gratitude, but he brushed aside her attempts.

  "Nothing to it--wanted to see this boy--anyhow," taking the chair Jackoffered him, and glancing up at the tall, broad-shouldered fellow with asmile which, as Priscilla said, made his face "all crinkled."

  "Guess I've got--a job for you," he continued. "Know old man Beaumont?"

  Jack shook his head gravely, though his heart rejoiced at the prospect offinding employment at last.

  "He's been postman around here--for--I don't know how many years. Too oldnow--but won't give up; been trying to fix things--so he'd have a helper.Orders came couple of weeks ago--good job for you--if you want it."

  "_Want_ it!" repeated Jack. "You can't possibly imagine how much I wantit."

  "Government furnishes a little wagon--you'll use one of your ownhorses--that is until snow gets too deep. Then you'll have to go on--onsnowshoes. Have to go to town--to get your orders--better go now in myFord."

  So, in an excited bustle, Jack got ready and departed with the judge.

  "Don't worry--about his getting wet," the judge leaned far out of the carto call to Desire, who was standing in the doorway, "I'll bring him--backagain."

  It was supper time before they returned, and the rain had subsided for atime; but the judge refused to come in although Desire ran out to the carand urged him to stay.

  "I can't thank you enough," she added, leaning over the door after he hadstarted the engine, "for getting Jack the job. He was so restless andworried, and _almost_ unhappy; and when Jack's upset, well--it just aboutkills me."

  The judge's keen eyes softened, and he patted her hand kindly, saying,"Run in, child--you'll catch cold. Hear all Jack has to tell you."

  He drove rapidly down the lane, and Desire returned to her family. Theyspent a happy evening around the fire, making plans for the future. Nowthere would be no need of drawing on the previous funds for clothing!

  The next day the sun came out, and as soon as breakfast was over thewhole family started out for Wolfville, picking their way carefullyaround the big puddles. They left Priscilla at school, and then went onto Judge Herbine's to clear out the wagon preparatory to putting it upfor the winter.

  "Where are you going to put all that?" asked Madam Lovemore, coming outin the midst of their labors, to look at all the stock spread on paperson the barn floor.

  "Some of it we'll use ourselves, and the rest store until spring,"answered Desire, who was busy sorting goods that would keep from thosewhich would not, while Jack, with pencil and paper, was taking inventory.

  "There's lots of room in the attic. Just take what you want to save upthere. No use carting it down to your house, where you need all the spaceyou have."

  The judge had ambled in while she was talking, and strolled around,peering at first one pile and then another.

  "You've a day's job here," he observed. "When you hear the bell--come into dinner."

  By night the task was finished, and the wagon empty. The judge presentedJack with a shovel and an axe, saying, "Can't travel without these inthese parts in the winter time. You'll want them--in the mail wagon.They're going to send it down--in the morning."

  Desire looked at him in surprise.

  "Why will he need a shovel and an axe?" she asked.

  "Caught in storms sometimes--have to dig your way out--trees fall in highwinds--only way is to chop your way through."

  Throughout supper, to which the judge insisted upon their staying also,Desire was very quiet; and on the way home she took little part in thechildren's chatter.

  "What's the matter, Dissy?" inquired Jack, after the younger ones were inbed.

  "Oh, Jack! I was so very glad when you got the appointment; and now I'mso afraid for you," she whispered, dropping her head on his broadshoulder.

  "But why?" he asked in surprise, slipping his arm around her.

  "Because of the storms--the falling trees," she choked. "I never thoughtof that part of it."

  "But I'm strong and well, dear; and the work won't hurt me. And I promiseyou that I'll be very careful, and take no foolish chances. I don't liketo think of you sitting at home, nervous and unhappy, all the time I'maway. That would make the work much harder. So you'll try to be brave,and not worry?"

  Desire made a desperate effort to put aside her fears, and promised to doas Jack wished.


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