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Kiss Talent Agency Boxed Set (Books 1-6)

Page 77

by Virna DePaul

  He scowls. “You’re fucking gorgeous. I wouldn’t be here otherwise. Now say you’ll go to the concert with me.”

  I hesitate. But he just said he thinks I’m gorgeous and I’m suddenly convinced that hell no, this isn’t a joke. He’s just as attracted to me as I am to him. Excitement makes me tremble and I clutch the edge of the sample stand for support. But when I speak, my voice is steady. “I work until six on Saturday, so I probably can’t do dinner beforehand. But if that’s okay . . . I’ll go with you to the concert.”

  “That’s fine. We’ll do dinner another time.” He takes out his phone and begins typing away. “What’s your number? I’ll pick you up on the way there.”

  I’m still reeling from his casual statement that we’re going to be doing something together again after the concert, but somehow I manage to give him my number.

  Before he leaves, he reaches out and touches my arm lightly. “I’m looking forward to seeing you Saturday, Julia. Take care.”

  “You, too,” I say softly.

  Then he’s gone. And for a solid minute, I don’t think I do anything at all but stare after him. And then I start to laugh with pure joy.

  Who am I, and where has boring Julia Rominger gone?



  After work, I find Kevin so we can have those drinks we planned. When I ask him about his date with the guy from his gym, he rolls his eyes and waves his hand dismissively. “Waste of time. Let’s just say Henry’s hot as ever but a little too deficient in others ways for me—and no, I’m not talking about the size of his cock, but his personality.”

  “I’m sorry,” I say, completely aware that I’m grinning and practically dancing when I say it.

  He narrows his eyes. “Spill, Julia.”

  I tell him what happened, and he squeals so loudly I cover his mouth.

  “Oh my God, he asked you out?!” Kevin looks like he’s about to have a stroke. “Big Sexy Asshole asked you out? Are you sure? It wasn’t some hallucination from eating too many granola bars?”

  “No, he really asked me out. Thanks for the vote of confidence, though. Also, he’s not an asshole; he apologized. Came right out and said he was sorry.” I smile so widely I probably look like an idiot.

  “Uh-huh,” Kevin says as he eyes me. “You look like he just gave you the best orgasm of your life and he hasn’t even touched you. Or has he?”

  I pinch him; he yelps. “Don’t be rude,” I say.

  “So where is he taking you on this date? We already know he has money, so it better be good. He’s not taking you to Arby’s or something, right?”

  “Why would he—? Never mind. No, he’s taking me to Ryland Masters’s concert on Saturday.”

  Kevin gasps. “No! You’re kidding! You’re not? Oh my God! We have to go shopping. Right now.” He takes hold of my wrist and we almost run out of Cooper’s, bumping into She-Hulk as we pass her.

  “Watch where you’re going, you two!” she yells at us.

  We both burst out laughing when we reach the parking lot.

  “Did you see her face?” I wheeze.

  “She’s going to kill us on our next shift for that. But who cares! Let’s go get you beautified!”

  At the mall, Kevin makes me try on dress after dress, and I almost give up and go home when we land on a sexy red number that shows off my curves but isn’t saying “I’m totally easy,” either. Kevin claps as I model it for him.

  “Oh girl, he’s going to lose his damn mind seeing you in that. If I weren’t gay I’d bang you myself.”

  “Thanks, hon. You always say the nicest things to me.”

  He then helps me pick out makeup and new nail polish plus a new pair of shoes. I know I should save the hundred bucks Bastian gave back to me for more practical things, but then I push the thought out of my mind. My adventure is continuing and damn it, I’m going to meet it head on. We take everything back to my place, where we watch reality shows on Netflix and eat popcorn.

  Kevin leaves around 1:00 a.m., telling me he’ll be over Saturday afternoon to help me get ready for the big date. “He won’t know what hit him,” he promises me as he gets into his car.

  Saturday night, I’m waiting for Bastian to arrive after texting him my address, and I can’t stop trying to pull my dress down. Is it too short? Maybe I should’ve gotten that blue one instead. Kevin already left, leaving me to wait for my date, and now I’m having every doubt in the book.

  Maybe I look like I tried too hard? I glance at my compact mirror, rethinking the lipstick. What if Bastian doesn’t like women who wear red lipstick? What if he hates the color red in general? Is my hair too much? Maybe I should’ve just left it down?

  I’m a mess of worries when I see the fanciest car I’ve ever seen on this side of town drive up into my apartment complex. Bastian parks it and then gets out, sunglasses on his face. He looks so suave and cool that I almost decide to tell him I can’t go after all. I’m sick, I think frantically. I have crabs. No, diarrhea. No, strep throat! I cough a little, but it’s no use. He’s knocking on my door, and I can either hide under my bed until he leaves or I can face the music.

  I decide to face the music.

  Opening the door, my heart in my throat, I watch as he pushes his sunglasses on top of his head and then give me a once-over. His gaze can only be described as lingering, and I’m tingling from head to toe when he meets my eyes.

  “You look great,” he says. “Ready to go?”

  I snag my clutch and almost forget to lock my own door. I follow Bastian out to his car, and he opens the door for me before getting in on the driver’s side. Once inside his car, I can’t stop looking around: the seats are the finest leather, and he has every gadget a car could possibly hold, and then some. My poor, old car has manual windows and locks and the AC doesn’t even work.

  It smells like new car and Bastian. I sink down into the seat, my heart fluttering still.

  “Are you okay?” he asks me after we’ve been driving for a bit.

  I realize that I haven’t said a word. I gulp. “Fine. I’m fine. Just a little tired. I stayed up late last night.” I slap my forehead lightly. “Silly me.”

  Bastian looks at me from the corner of his eye, but he doesn’t try to get me to explain.

  When we arrive at the concert, a valet takes care of his car. Taking my arm, Bastian escorts me to a private room that overlooks the entire stage. It’s an indoor theater, and I’ve only been here once in the nosebleed section for a concert. Now, though, I get to sit with Bastian and order fancy food and drinks and act like I’m some kind of rich girl. It’s heady, and it’s rather overwhelming.

  What does he even see in me? I can’t help thinking. I’m not some sophisticated woman from a good family. He had more money in his wallet than I earn in a month.

  Bastian orders us food and drinks, making sure to get me a fruity cocktail instead of beer. I smile when the server hands a bright pink drink to me.

  “How did you know I like the girliest drinks ever?”

  “Just a hunch. You want to hear a secret?”

  I nod as I sip my drink. It’s definitely fruity, and most definitely full of plenty of alcohol. My favorite.

  “I didn’t like beer until a year ago. I always drank white wine.”

  I fake-gasp in shock, which makes him laugh. “What kind of man are you? Real men drink beer and wrestle bears and can grow a beard overnight.”

  He leans toward me to whisper, “I assure you, I’m more than man enough for you.” His words cause a shiver down my spine, and my body heats.

  My initial nervousness fades away as he plies me with various high-end appetizers. Talk about night and day from the food I have to hand out at my job! No greasy chicken wings here. When I pop some kind of potato into my mouth, I can’t help but moan at the taste.

  “Like that?” Bastian hands me another.

  “Oh God, I’m going to gain twenty pounds just from tonight, but I don’t care!”

  I glance
at the time, and I realize that we have an hour still before the show starts. I wipe my hands on a napkin and grab Bastian’s hand. “Let’s explore,” I say.

  He just raises an eyebrow but rises without protest. Leaving the room, we soon become enveloped in the huge crowd that’s gathered for Ryland’s show. People yell and shout and laugh around us, and the excited energy only bolsters my own. I squeeze Bastian’s hand as I smile up at him.

  “You know what we need?” I shout over the noise.


  “We need some souvenirs! Come on!”

  We make our way through the crowd, although Bastian takes the lead since he’s taller and people let him get through more easily than they do for me. I can’t help but notice how the women—and some of the men—here look at him, with both desire and awe. His presence is commanding no matter where he goes.

  A small voice in my head once again wonders what the hell he’s doing with a girl like me, but I shove the voice aside. I’m not going to let my insecurities ruin this night. He’s chosen to be with me for whatever reason. I need to focus on that.

  Finally, we arrive at one of the stands selling merchandise, from T-shirts to jewelry to bobbleheads. I burst out laughing when I pick up a Ryland bobblehead that wobbles in my hand.

  “It looks just like him,” Bastian says wryly, pointing at the oversized head.

  I laugh again. “I’ll be sure to tell him you said that.”

  “If you do, I’ll put you over my knee and spank you.”

  The heat in his gaze makes me wish he would do just that. Swallowing, I return the bobblehead to its spot and begin searching through the T-shirts. I’m not even sure what I’m looking for; I just know that if I keep looking at Bastian, I’m going to end up doing something stupid like ripping off his clothes and climbing him.

  I’m about to give up on the T-shirts entirely when my gaze snags on a brightly colored one near the back. When I lift it up, I end up laughing again.

  “You have to buy this,” I say, holding it up in front of Bastian.

  On the front is a photo of Ryland, shirtless, and looking seductive and sexy.

  Bastian grins. “I’m sure Masters would just love that.” To my delight, he tries on the shirt over his clothes—that it’s too small only makes the whole thing even funnier. I’m giggling like an idiot as Bastian turns and models for me. Finally, I grab his arm, gasping for air.

  “Stop, stop! You’re killing me.” I look up into his face, sobering when I see his expression has turned heated.

  The moment changes into one that makes my skin prickle. When he leans toward me, I’m anticipating the kiss.

  But then someone jostles me from behind, and the moment breaks.

  He pulls the shirt off and I buy it for him, mostly because I’m so off-kilter that I need something to do. I hand him the shirt with a small smile.

  “Something to remember me by,” I say, and I’m not even sure why I say it.

  He frowns. “Julia—”

  Someone pushes me straight into Bastian’s chest.

  “Oh geez, sorry!” I hear a voice behind me. “I didn’t see you there!”

  I don’t even care that someone pushed me. My palms are pressed against Bastian’s muscled chest, and his arms are around me. I’m breathing hard. He smells amazing, and he’s so hot and hard and delicious. I could count the stubble on his cheeks at this angle, but I can’t take my eyes off the curve of his bottom lip.

  “You okay?” His voice is low. He still hasn’t let go of me.

  I nod jerkily. “It was an accident. No big deal.”

  When the crowd converges on us, Bastian lets me go and I immediately want to throw myself back into his embrace.

  “Come on. We’d better get back.” He takes my arm and leads me back to the private room just as the opening band appears onstage. I don’t recognize the lead singer.

  “Who’s opening for them?” I ask.

  “A band called Adrenaline.” He gives me a look. “Very creative, no?”

  “Very. I’ve never heard of them, but I guess they have to be pretty good to open for Ryland.”

  Bastian doesn’t respond, and I can’t help but peek at his expression. He seems tense all of a sudden. Is he annoyed that I complimented Ryland, his client, of all people?

  Adrenaline begins to play an energetic rock song that I can’t help but tap my foot to. The lead singer plays the guitar with ease, and the crowd goes wild.

  “Come on, you want another drink?” Bastian leads me to the sitting area again, and he orders me another cocktail.

  When Adrenaline starts playing a slow song, goosebumps rise on my arms. It’s clearly a love song, and the lead singer croons the lyrics like he’s singing to the love of his life right now.

  “I’ll never stop searching for you/You’re the one that makes me whole and new,” he sings. “I dream of your skin/the smell of you on my sheets/You make me go insane.”

  My heart’s pounding when I finally look over at Bastian. And it beats even faster when I realize that he’s been gazing at me the entire time the song has been playing. The temperature of the room heats up, and I’m flushing under his penetrating gaze.

  When Adrenaline begins the chorus again, Bastian moves toward me until his knee brushes mine. I gasp at that small touch. He cups my face, touching my cheek with his thumb, and then his lips touch mine.

  The kiss is electric. The music swells around us, and the taste of him and the softness of his lips as they move over mine sends me into a tailspin of desire. I don’t even realize I’ve moved so close that I’m practically in his lap. Bastian deepens the kiss. I half-wonder if any girl has ever fainted from being kissed like this. I almost laugh, because I know I’m losing it. I’m losing it because I’m falling even harder for this man who I can never have.

  When the song ends, he pulls away. Puts distance between us. I almost moan in frustration. I want to yank him back toward me so we can keep on kissing. Kissing and touching until we forget our own names.

  I hear applause, and I watch as Adrenaline leaves the stage to make way for Ryland. Although I’d much rather be kissing Bastian again (duh!), I find myself excited to see Ryland perform. If he’s as interesting onstage as he is in real life, then the show will be a great one.

  I must admit my focus shifts some when Ryland starts singing; he’s such a dynamic performer, and I’m in awe as he plays his guitar with such obvious skill. His voice makes me shiver.

  But nothing can compare to Bastian. He drapes an arm around me and murmurs in my ear, “Having a good time?”

  I nod. “Thank you for inviting me.”


  Bastian doesn’t try to make any more moves on me, even though he could, given that we’re mostly alone. He simply keeps his arm draped around me and murmurs something every so often. It’s surprising, charming.


  He smells so damn good, like evergreens. His warmth flows into me, and I can’t stop imagining him embracing me. Kissing me. Covering me with his hard body and plunging inside me . . .

  I close my eyes. I’m already wet just thinking about him. I’ve never wanted a man as much as I want him. But I can’t give in so easily. What would he think of me if I had sex with him on the first date?

  The concert continues, and by the end, I’m dizzy from Bastian’s presence and the drinks I’ve had. I’m not drunk, but more tipsy and happy. To my surprise, he has even more planned for us. “We have VIP passes. Shall we see what’s going on backstage?”

  I practically squeal. “Really?”

  He smiles so the corners of his eyes crinkle. “Really.”

  Backstage is all hustle and bustle, what with taking down everything from the concert and all of the musicians and singers milling about. I don’t spot Ryland anywhere, but Bastian speaks to a crew member, and soon, we’re being led down a hallway.


  I whirl, and there’s Ryland. He’s sweaty from his performance
, and he gives me a quick hug before shaking Bastian’s hand. “Declan told me to expect you, Bastian, but I didn’t know you were bringing Julia.”

  He’s still wearing his concert gear of tight black jeans and a similarly tight T-shirt, highlighting the outlines of his muscled torso. His eyeliner is a little smeared, but it looks good on him.

  “How did you guys like the concert?” he asks.

  “It was amazing,” I reply. “I loved it.”

  “It was impressive, Masters,” Bastian says.

  “Thanks, you two. Want to come back to my room with me? It’s pretty crazy out here. I need a little quiet after all of that.” He winks at me.

  Bastian takes me by the elbow and guides me along. His fingers on my elbow are firm, almost possessive.

  Ryland takes us back to his dressing room, where a few of his band members are also hanging out. He introduces us around the room, and then when we sit down, Bastian takes my hand in his. I’m surprised, but then a warmth spreads throughout my body.

  Ryland, though, ignores Bastian’s display of possessiveness and sits down in the chair right next to me. “So, Julia, favorite song? Still the same one?”

  I can barely think with Bastian stroking my knuckles. I probably think about the question too long, because Ryland gives me an odd look.

  “Um, I loved the arrangement for ‘Entranced.’ I hadn’t heard the acoustic version and I think I like it better that way,” I say finally.

  “Really?” Ryland asks. “I love it, too, but my bandmates here aren’t a fan of it. Now I’m glad I’m not alone.” He smiles at me, and then he leans in close to me to say, “I knew you were a girl I wanted to get to know better.”

  It’s an obvious move, and everyone in the room notices it. Including Bastian, whose knuckle stroking turns into a slightly tighter hold on my hand.

  “When’s your next concert, Masters?” Bastian asks.

  “Houston is next,” Ryland says, “and we get going tomorrow afternoon.” He touches me on the arm to catch my attention. “Hey, why don’t you come hang with us tomorrow morning? Well, more like late morning or midday. We always go to this place downtown and have a huge brunch. Wanna come?”


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