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Hotshot Deceiver: A Hero Club Novel

Page 6

by K E Osborn

  I place the cash in the register. My head’s still spinning from everything that’s transpired this morning. “Paise… I don’t even know where to start.”

  She bounces on her toes in the way she’s known to do. “Right at the beginning.”

  I groan, knowing she won’t let up.

  I close the register, face her, and exhale. “So…”


  Eddie didn’t waste any time in getting our date underway. I feel like this is all moving along rather fast, but I guess if I’m only searching for a quick fuck, then I may as well get straight to it.

  I’m FaceTiming my little sister, Aria, as I prance around my room, trying to figure out what to wear. Something to let him know I’m down but nothing that screams, ‘Hey, I’m trying to be a slut here.’

  No, I don’t want that.

  I hold up a little black dress to my body, showing Aria. I admire the choice in the mirror.

  Then I hear Aria giggle. “God no, Lyri. Are you trying to bore him to death?”

  I grimace, throwing it on the bed with a huff as I drop down on the mattress. “I don’t know what I’m doing, Aria. I haven’t been on a date, a real date, in so damn long. I mean, I’m taking advice from my baby sister for crying out loud.”

  Aria exhales. “Exactly why you need to get back out there. It’s been, what? Five years since Corey? He’s long gone, Lyri. By the sounds of it, this Eddie guy is nothing like Corey. He actually seems pretty cool. So, why you plan on throwing yourself at him and not testing the waters first with this guy to see if this could be the start of something is beyond me.”

  My jaw jerks from side to side as I mull over what she’s said. “Corey lied to me, Aria. He had another girlfriend. It still makes me physically ill to think about it.”

  Her highly made-up face falls. “I know, babe. But you think every man out there is going to do the exact same thing? Not a chance. Give Eddie a shot. Let him screw it up in his own way.”

  I snort out a laugh. “Great pep talk there, sis. You think we’re doomed, too.”

  “I don’t. I was joking. But seriously, don’t fling yourself at him. It will turn him off. You might be throwing something amazing away. Just let it play out how it will. Trust me. I might be the baby of this family, but I’m also the wisest fucking one.”

  Aria’s eyes are rimmed with dark eyeliner and black eyeshadow. Her lips are tinged a dark purple. Her nose has the same nose ring I have—we got them at the same time, but on her it’s way more grunge. Her dyed black hair is down in dreadlocks with a purple ribbon laced through it. She really has embraced her rock ‘n’ roll lifestyle.

  Me, on the other hand? With my wavy blonde hair and boho vibe, you can’t tell we’re sisters anymore. She’s adapted to the musical part of our family history by joining a punk-rock band. Her drumming and back-up singing talents are second to none.

  My brother, Clef, the middle child, also headed into the music industry. He’s the lead guitarist in an indie-rock group, who are currently touring around Asia.

  My family—the musical magicians.

  Not me, though.

  I thought about it for a short time.

  Corey? Yeah, he was the tipping point.

  I was wavering, trying to decide where my life should focus. Then I met him.

  Lead singer of Hazardous.

  Sex god.

  Rock god.

  I was burned alive until I was nothing but a pile of ash floating away with the coldest of winds.

  A shell.

  An empty void.

  Because he promised me the world, and all he delivered was regret.

  I thought for a moment, a brief moment, I could have made it in that music world. The world where my parents and siblings belong. A world I was made for.

  Corey told me my voice was like an angel, an angel crafted by the gods themselves. He told me he’d never heard anyone sing like I could. He needed me on a track, so we recorded a duet. I even went on stage at his concerts and sang along with him.

  The lights.

  The crowd.

  It was euphoric.

  I understand the rush my family gets from it all. But it all turned to shit when I found out Corey had another girlfriend. At the same time we were together.

  I couldn’t perform with him anymore.

  I didn’t want to be around him anymore.

  Any chance of record deals on my own went out the window. Refusing to perform your only song, a hit song at that, with the other artist kind of gives you a bad name in the industry, even though people didn’t really know me.

  I was just a girl, in this one song, that one time.

  It scared me.

  For life.

  The thought of singing again terrifies me to the core. It’s why I never ever want to be that girl again.

  “Lyri? Lyri,” Aria yells down the line, snapping me back from my thoughts.

  I glance at her worried face. “Shit! Sorry. I was a million miles away.”

  She grimaces. “I know. I saw. Stop! Stop thinking about him and concentrate on this great new guy who could be amazing for you. Or not. Just don’t put pressure on it, Lyri. Have some damn fun.”

  I internally pump myself up again for this date I’m looking forward to. Quickly, I grab a bright yellow dress out of the closet. “How ’bout yellow?”

  Aria cheers. “Yes. Now that’s what I’m talking about. Something to match your fun personality. Not the boring black, formal, and predictable bullshit.”

  I pull the yellow dress on over my white lace bra and leopard-print panties. “So, little sis, tell me… how are you enjoying touring?” I ask because this is her band’s first big break. They’re currently on a bus driving around North America.

  She exhales. “Livin’ the dream. Our family is built for this, Lyri. You’ll remember that fact one day. Anyway, gotta go. My drum kit’s awaitin’. You know how my bandmates can get. Love you. Don’t fuck him tonight. At least wait for date two if you actually like him, okay? Be a good girl. Not a slut like me.” She laughs loudly.


  “Love you. Bye, big sis.”

  “Bye, little sis.” I end the call, then walk over to the mirror to properly assess my attire. The yellow dress is cute. Sure, it’s February, and it is cold outside—I’ll have to wear a cardigan or jacket of some kind, but I’ll deal. I slide into some flats, then walk into my attached bathroom to make sure my makeup and hair are still on point. I take in my blonde curls—my hair’s hanging loose down my back. My face has a slight tan even though it’s winter. My small button nose has a nose ring sitting off to the right. My makeup is casual, but just enough to give me a glow. My eyes have been shadowed to make them pop. I don’t want it to seem like I’ve gone all-out for him, just enough to make it look like I’ve made an effort. I pin some loose tendrils of my hair back, giving it a half-up, half-down feel.

  I nod. “Better,” I tell myself as I turn, walking out to the sunroom.

  “Rawrr... holy fuck,” Polly squawks, then wolf whistles as I walk past him to grab him some apple before I head out.

  I place the pieces in a bowl, then take it over to his cage, positioning it at his feet. He promptly hisses at me, turning up his beak. With an exhale, I pick up a piece. “C’mon, Polly, just one slice? Today’s the day. I can feel it.”

  His orange eyes meet mine as he shakes his fluffy head from side to side. “Rawrr... get stuffed, get stuffed.”

  I bite my lips together while holding the apple to his face. He slowly brings his foot up to take it. Then he wraps his claw around the piece of apple. Bingo. My chest squeezes in hope as he brings it to his mouth. He takes a bite—elation flows through me as my heart hammers in my chest with pride that he’s finally going to eat properly—then he promptly spits it right back at me, the small chunk hitting me square in the chest.

  I groan as he drops the slice of apple to the floor.

  “Ha... ha... ha...” he lets out, fluffing up like he�
��s proud of himself.

  I flick the piece of wet apple from the top of my cleavage as I glare at him. “I swear, Polly, one day… one day I will get you to eat your damn apples.”

  He lets out a loud squawk. “Rawrr… not today, not today,” he replies, nudging the bowl of apple aside to get to his seeds.

  “You’re going to have to, Polly Parton, so help me God. Or you’re going to get way too fat eating only seed. You’ve gotta have your fruit. The vet’s gonna kill me if I can’t get you to eat it.”

  “Rawrr… fuck off.”

  I narrow my eyes at him. “I’m going to punch Clef for teaching you how to swear.”

  “Rawrr... love you,” Polly adds, sucking up.

  This bird, really?

  “Eat your damned fruit,” I demand, turning for the living room to grab my bag. I hear a clang and turn to see Polly has pushed the apple container to the ground. His head is facing away from me like he knows he’s done the wrong thing and is waiting for me to retaliate, but I know if I don’t leave now, I’m going to be late.

  “Urgh, you’re lucky I love you, Polly. Now behave. Have a good night,” I tell him while grabbing my bag as he ruffles up his feathers.

  I walk out to my truck, nerves hitting me like a tidal wave. I haven’t done this in so long. I’m rusty. I don’t know what the hell I’m doing. I guess I just need to play it cool. I mean, I’ve spent a couple of hours alone with Eddie already—it’s not like I don’t know how to talk to the guy.

  So, just relax, Lyri.

  I slide into the truck and make my way to the restaurant off Obama Boulevard.

  Here goes nothing.

  Chapter Six

  My stomach’s in knots. I don’t know why I’m so fucking nervous. I’m a strong, confident woman. Surely, I can handle something as mundane as a date. I pull back the door to the restaurant and walk inside. The soft music hits me first—it’s angelic, romantic, and it soothes me instantly. The glow of the amber-hued lighting makes me warm in the fresh climate of the Californian winter.

  To my left is a long bar with stonework as the texture. It’s rustic, but I like it. The entryway is narrow, and opposite the bar is a full-length window with a long wooden table made of a weathered oak, which is inset and expels on either side of the window. Barstools are situated along the length of the window, giving the look of the table a comfortable, cozy feel. The outdoor area, which I can see through the window, is completely protected from the winter temperatures, but there’s a medium-size, fully in-bloom tree sitting in the center of the outdoor room with fairy lights adorning it entirely, giving the whole back area a magical feel.

  Each table is layered with two crisp, white tablecloths set off-center while the walls have the same stonework as the bar. It feels rough, yet somehow modern at the same time.

  This is the kind of place you fall in love with instantly.

  I have no idea how I didn’t know it existed.

  A young waitress garners my attention as I approach the front-of-house podium. “Good evening, ma’am. Welcome to The Grove. How may I help you tonight?”

  I can’t see anyone—not a single patron in fact. The place is empty. It has me a little concerned.

  “Ahh… I’m meant to be meeting someone.”

  She dips her head. “Oh, yes, you must be Lyric. Nice to meet you. I’m Sammy. If you have any issues tonight, please don’t hesitate to call. For now, though, please, follow me.”

  I squeeze my eyebrows together a little at how formal this all is but figure I should just go with it.

  She walks me through to the back area where the sparkling tree is situated. I can’t help but feel a sense of joy as I take in its splendor. This place is beautiful. Enchanting. She leads me down the back where a log fire’s burning, and a table is set for two.

  I see Eddie, and my stomach flips.

  He’s sitting, watching me as I arrive. It’s like the room slips away from under my feet, and I’m floating. The lights, the fire, the ambiance is all dissolving. All I can see are his bright blue aster-colored eyes staring intensely, taking me in. It sends goosebumps prickling all over my skin as I walk toward him feeling like we’re the only two people in the world.



  My heart beats heavily, just like it did the first time he looked at me. Eddie has this way of making me feel something, even if I don’t know what that something is just yet.

  We approach the table, and he stands. His hand reaches out to Sammy, giving her something. I don’t know what—I’m too busy staring at Eddie while his face is alight with happiness. He walks around to grab my chair for me like the gentleman he is.

  But I pull it out, sitting down before he can. “It’s okay, lady can manage on her own. Got it?”

  His lips slowly pull to the side. “Got it.” He moves back to sit.

  I exhale. Shit! That came out way more defensive than I was aiming for.

  “I’ve been on my own for a while, Eddie. I know how to take care of myself anytime the need arises.”

  The most devilish of looks appear on his face.

  I gasp. “Oh, crap on a stick! That sounded way dirtier than I meant it to.”

  “It’s fine. You can talk dirty to me anytime you want.” He leans over, picking up a bottle of champagne that’s sitting off the side of the table in a chiller. He pours us both a glass. I can’t help but notice the single red rose in a small vase in the middle of the table. I let out a small snicker, and he peeks up at me.

  “By the way, Eddie, I said I wanted flowers, not a flower.” I point to the sorry attempt in front of me and chuckle.

  “You were serious?”

  “Yeah.” I laugh. “Way to my heart is through floristry.”

  He finishes pouring the champagne. “Noted. Maybe it’s not your heart I want to get into?”

  I open my eyes wide in shock as he bursts out laughing. “Kidding… kinda.” He raises his glass and takes a sip. I can’t help but be envious of those bubbles hitting his lips.

  “Geez, hotshot, you’re showing your true colors tonight.”

  “Then let me be clearer, Lyri. You’re stunning. Any man would be lucky to have you on his arm, not just in his bed.”

  Holy cow. “I’m nothing special. And how the hell would you know that already?”

  “I just know. I am a hotshot, after all. I have to live up to my name.”

  I scoff. “I think you’re trying to get into my panties, Mr. Big Game. That’s what I think.”

  “Think what you like, Lyri. I’m only trying to get to know you. What happens will happen. I’m certainly not heading into this expecting anything. I’m simply going with the flow.”

  “Good to know.” I pick up my champagne and take a sip.

  I can’t read him.

  I have no idea what he wants from me.

  I need to figure him out a little more.

  “So, this place must have bad food or something for them to be this dead on a Saturday night, right?” I take another sip of my bubbly goodness.

  He inhales slowly. “I booked it out, just for us.”

  My drink is lodged in my throat at his confession. I cough and splutter. A little bit of champagne flows down onto my chin. I lean forward, quickly grabbing a napkin, trying to wipe it away and recover all at the same time.

  Eddie stares at me like he was completely expecting that reaction. I clear my tight throat as I stare at him. He sits back in his chair, the cocky shit, like he owns the joint.

  Shit! Maybe he does?

  “Do you own this place?” I ask.

  “No. Nothing like that. But I do come here a lot for work. The staff knows me well.”

  I try to wrap my head around this. “And you booked out an entire restaurant… for me?”

  His eyes meet mine, his smile warm. It soothes my confusion a little. “Yes, Lyri. So, we could talk uninterrupted and have a nice dinner… in private.”

  The thought fills me with nerves, so I take anothe
r long drink of my champagne, nearly emptying my glass, the cold bubbly liquid tickling my throat.

  My eyes meet his. “You’re so weird,” I mumble.

  The corners of his mouth turn upward. “You’re welcome, Lyri.”

  I snort out a laugh. “You took that as a thank you?” He nods. “Well then, your nickname really suits you.”


  I grab the bottle of champagne, refilling my glass. “Yes… hotshot.”

  “I like keeping you on your toes. It’s fun to sit back and watch you squirm.”

  “You’re an asshole,” I mumble again, which only makes him chuckle.

  “Even with my assholery, I’m glad you came.”

  Carefully, I place my champagne glass on the table and sit back in my chair, trying to relax, but the butterflies swarm in my stomach.

  He’s wearing a suit again. No tie. God, he looks good. His defined jaw, dark hair, and piercing blue eyes give him that GQ model look. I’ve never known a man like him. He’s definitely nothing like the guys I’ve dated before.

  Musicians don’t look like him—they’re rougher around the edges.

  Eddie’s suave, sophisticated, enigmatic. He seems like he has his head screwed on.

  So, why the hell is he interested in me? A boho florist, who is not exactly in his league of model-worthy women.

  “I’m glad I came, too. Honestly, though, why all this expense for me? I don’t get it.”

  He leans forward in his seat to be closer to me. “You don’t?”

  I snort. It’s very unladylike. “Ahh… no. I don’t.”

  He reaches out, grabbing my hand across the table. The instant he touches me, my heart leaps into my throat. My skin lights up like there are tiny fireworks exploding all over my body.

  Eddie has this profound way of making me come alive.

  With a look.

  A touch.

  I’ve never felt this before.

  It’s astounding.

  “You’re different, Lyri. You’re not like the women I’m used to.” Funny, that’s just what I was thinking about him. “And I want to get to know you. The real you.”

  I swallow the lump in my throat, my eyes falling away from his. He noticed that, did he?


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