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Hotshot Deceiver: A Hero Club Novel

Page 19

by K E Osborn

  “Exactly… do you have something in mind? Or do you need my brilliant expertise?”

  “I do. We just have to organize it. C’mon, let’s go,” I announce, dragging him off in my excitement as we rush back to the car.

  After what I have planned, Lyri will be falling at my feet in no time.

  You know what they say—phase three is the charm.

  Chapter Twenty


  Jase and I have spent all week organizing. It’s been hard to bring in the right people for phase three, but we’ve managed to procure what we needed. After Monday’s notes, I was eager to get this underway, but the planning took time. I know it’s taken four days for me to make another move, but I’ve still been by her house every night.

  She may not know I’m there, but it’s my way of showing I haven’t given up on her.

  The fact is, I never will.

  Whether she knows or not isn’t the point. I know I’m fighting. I know I’m putting in the effort. She might not want me, she might not like me very much, but I love her, and I’m going to do everything I can to get her back.

  Today’s the big day.

  I have a feeling in my gut—phase three will be the one to unravel her. To really break the anger she’s holding onto, maybe even crack the walls just enough for me to make my move and slip inside.

  Now, I just have to wait for Lyri to arrive home from work for her surprise. Jase and I are waiting in the car down the road, but we can see her front yard clearly, and the surprise is all set up.

  I’m pretty sure Lyri’s going to love it.

  Her truck drives past, and she pulls into her driveway. Slowly, Lyri hops out of her truck like she’s unsure of whether her eyes are deceiving her as she takes in the sight of the large playpen with all the golden retriever puppies bouncing around spiritedly.

  A young handler sits inside keeping them entertained, playing with the eight bouncing puppies with not a care in the world.

  Lyric peers around her street to see what the hell is going on. But there are too many cars parked for her to pick out Jase’s car. So, she walks up to the handler. We can’t hear what is being said, but her body language is tense as hell. I think for a minute she’s annoyed, pissed off even, as she turns, walking inside her home and leaving the handler and the puppies outside alone.

  Shit. Lyri didn’t go for it.

  I sink, my stomach slumping at the thought that maybe, just maybe, Lyri’s too far gone.

  I squint at Jase and exhale. “I don’t know what happened. I was sure she would melt over the puppies.”

  Jase’s eyes widen. “Wait… she’s coming back.” He points at Lyri moving back through her front door, her handbag absent and her heels off, now replaced with flip-flops as she walks to the playpen and steps over it.

  Puppies run to her, jumping at her legs, begging to be held as she slowly and carefully sits down in the middle of the pile of puppies. They bounce all over her, licking every inch of her exposed skin. Her face lights up with a happiness I haven’t seen on her since the night we were caught by the tubby security guard at the lookout. It warms my heart to know I’ve brought her some pure joy again.

  Nothing makes me happier than seeing her like this.

  Carefree and content like nothing matters in the world.

  It’s how I always want her to be.

  The puppies crowd her, making her fall onto her back. She giggles when they jump all over her, licking her face as she rolls around with them while the handler tries to pull some off her.

  Jase exhales. “You really do love her.”

  I somehow pull my eyes from Lyri and turn to Jase. “I do. Why? Were you questioning it?”

  He shrugs. “I guess I wasn’t questioning it per se, but I didn’t really see it till just now. Until I saw the way you’re looking at her. When her face lit up, so did yours. You’re connected to her. It’s kinda beautiful to watch, actually.”

  I jerk my head back in shock. “Fuck! Don’t you go all soft on me, Jase.”

  He smiles. “I’m just saying I’ve never seen you like this before… so committed, I mean.”

  “I’ve never seen you committed before either. I guess that’s what I was trying to say the other day.”

  “It’s not a good look on me, but you make it seem appealing. Dammit, Eddie, your pussy-whipped ways are turning me into a pussy, too. Pull your shit together, man!”

  I turn back to see Lyri pick up one of the puppies and cuddle into it, petting its fur. She seems more than content right now.

  Phase three seems like it was a great idea.

  Maybe now I can make my move.

  She’ll know this was from me. I mean, who else would have set up a puppy-petting zoo in her front yard?

  I exhale. “I’m going in.”

  Jase sits taller. “You think it’s a good idea? Going in so soon?”

  “Look how happy she i—”

  “Exactly! You want her to stay in this mood. Keep working on her. Trust me on this, Eddie.”

  I trust him, I do, but my need to see her, to touch her, to kiss her is growing far too strong. “I have to see her, Jase. She’s smiling, laughing… it’ll be okay.”

  He shakes his head. “It’s too soon, Eddie,” he begs me to stop as I step out of the car, totally ignoring him.

  My heart races, the adrenaline taking over. I need to be near her.

  She doesn’t notice me approaching, but when a puppy races toward my legs, she glances up, spotting me. Her happy demeanor instantly falls as she cradles a puppy to herself like it’s her lifeline. The tension between us is immediate. Puppies run over in their floppy way to greet me, jumping up at the side of the pen, but Lyri’s face doesn’t match their enthusiasm.

  She’s angry.

  Actually, she’s seething.

  No, she’s heartbroken.

  And me? Well, I’m confused.

  She was so happy moments ago. I thought I picked the right time to make my move. I thought I was breaking through her walls. I thought I was making progress. Maybe Jase is right. Maybe this was too soon. I glance into her eyes, and she stares at me, not saying anything. The tension in the air is so thick, so palpable, not even a freaking chainsaw could cut through it.

  Her intense green eyes shine back at me, but they’re not holding the same life they normally do. They’re dull, the sparkle has faded and are now only showing despair and sadness.

  I need to say something.

  Break this silence.

  So, I say the only thing I think can be said right now. “I’m so sorry.”

  She snorts out a laugh that’s almost maniacal. “Sorry you lied? Sorry you got caught out in that lie? Sorry you deceived me for months? Sorry you made up this persona of who you were, then I fell for it and you hook, line, and sinker, so now I feel like I can’t trust anything anyone says anymore? Are you sorry for that?”

  The puppy handler subtly purses her lips, then quickly averts her eyes like she doesn’t want to be anywhere near this explosive conversation. I don’t blame her. This wasn’t really what I was expecting either. “Lyri, I know what I did was wrong, and I will spend forever making it up to you. Just please… let me.”

  She scrunches up her face. “So, all this…” She waves her hands around. “The notes on Monday, the puppies today… this was your grand gesture?”

  I shrug. “You get to keep one of the puppies, too. Did the handler tell you?”

  Her eyes bug open wide as her head snaps around to the handler, who nods. “He’s correct. All paid for in full. You can choose any one you like.”

  Lyri gasps as the one she’s cuddling into nuzzles her further. She cuddles it back like she couldn’t possibly imagine life without it now. She huffs, glancing up at me “A puppy won’t fix our problems, Eddie. You lied to me about who you are.”

  My stomach sinks. “I know… but I did that for—”

  “I don’t want to know, Eddie. I’m not ready to hear any of your fucking excuses.
You told me you loved me. I said it back. That’s huge for me, and then your father shows up wanting to sign me to the very thing I want least in this world.” She scoffs. “You made a fool of me, Eddie. You ruined me, and I can’t forgive that, no matter how cute these puppies are. No matter how amazing your notes are. No matter how much I miss you. I. Can’t. Forgive. You.”

  My heart shatters.

  She’s rejecting me again, but this time it hurts so much more.

  Her words are final.

  Looks like we are done. For good.

  Maybe I completely ruined this by coming in too early.

  Dammit, Jase was right. I’m such a fucking idiot. Why didn’t I listen?

  “C’mon, brother, let’s go.” Jase pulls me by my arm. I didn’t even hear him walk up, and Lyri didn’t acknowledge he was there. Maybe presumed he would be here with me.

  My face falls as I make one last-ditch effort. “Lyric, I love you, and I’m not gonna quit. I’ll be here when you’re ready to talk.”

  She looks at the puppy in her arms, cuddling it tighter to her chest and avoiding eye contact with me. “Don’t hold your breath…” Then she adds, “But I am keeping the puppy.”

  Suddenly, a sliver of hope bolts inside me.

  That puppy can only be a reminder of me. That’s how I see it anyway.

  There’s no fucking way I’m giving up now or ever.

  She’s giving me an inch, fuck if I’m not going to take a damn mile. I exhale, turn, and start walking off with Jase, feeling a slight pep in my step.

  She hasn’t given up.

  Not completely.

  She’s just making me work for it. And I don’t blame her.

  I fucked up—royally.

  So, I have to do something big. Epic. Something she will never expect of me. Something no one else has been able to do. And I know just the thing.

  This isn’t time for phase four.

  Prepare for ‘All Systems Go.’

  Chapter Twenty-One


  This past month has been the hardest of my life. I’m fucking up at work all the time. I’m drinking myself to sleep. Despair is my middle name. I’m a screwed-up mess without Lyri.

  I’ve been driving past her house each night to check in on her like always. Seeing her puppy growing is like watching our child grow. I know the puppy’s a boy because she’s called him Mike. Weird name for a dog, you might think, but all I can think of when I found out was she called him that after Mike from Suits. The show we always binge-watched together on Netflix. Mike might be another man’s name, but he reminds her of me. I’m sure of it. So, I’ve marked that down as a win.

  The thing is, my work habits have gone to shit lately. I can’t get my mind off Lyri and our family. I say our family because I think of Mike and Polly as a part of my life now too.

  Today is no exception.

  Lyri’s at work, and I should be too, but like some days around lunchtime, I’ve found myself here, at her home. Her neighbor, Mrs. McIntosh, has spotted me a few times and threatened to call the police. I told her I was Lyri’s dog-sitter, a small lie, but she seemed to back off.

  I walk down Lyri’s driveway, waving at Mrs. McIntosh. The frail old lady waves back as I make my way toward the backyard, opening the rear gate. Mike greets me in his cute little puppy-dog way, jumping up on me, wagging his tail as I bend down and kick the gate shut behind me.

  “Hey, Mikey! How are we doing today, buddy?” I ask him as I lift him in my arms. His tongue darts out, smacking up the side of my face in a drooly lick.

  This is one of the highlights of my day—the other being when I’ll come back tonight and watch Lyri go to sleep through her bedroom window.

  I’m a creeper, a stalker, maybe even what they might class as a sicko. I know all that, but I have to take what I can get.

  I walk with Mikey around the back of her house and up onto the deck to the rear of the sunroom. Warmth floods my chest when I see Polly glancing out the giant windows like he’s waiting for me.

  “Rawrr... bonjour,” Polly screeches out the tiny opening in the window which Lyri leaves open for Polly to get fresh air. I move to the wooden chair on the back deck and sit with Mikey on my lap. He jumps about like the playful pup he is, so I pet his fur as he nuzzles into me and gradually drifts off to sleep.

  “Hey, Polly, are you having a good day?” I ask him. I know my conversations with him aren’t entirely accurate because he answers with random words, but I enjoy them anyway.

  “Rawrr... feed me, feed me.”

  I let out a small laugh. “Straight to it today, hey, Polly? Okay then, buddy,” I tell him reaching into my pocket to pull out a packet of precut apple slices. Mikey immediately stirs and nuzzles them with his nose, sniffing like he wants some too. “In a minute. Anyone would think your mom doesn’t feed you, which I know is not the case. You’re both just pigs.”

  “Rawrr... fuck off, fuck off.”

  I laugh again as I open the bag, pull out a slice, and slide it through the small crack in the window, handing it to Polly. He picks it up with his foot and starts to nibble. I hate the fact Lyri thinks Polly isn’t getting his fruit now that I’m not ‘around’ but at least I know he is.

  I just wish I could tell her. I wish I could touch base with her and tell her how much I miss her. Problem is, last time I came in too soon and ruined everything. This time I have to play it smart.

  She’s angry.

  Rightly so.

  I need to do this the correct way, no matter how much it’s killing me.

  Mikey nuzzles my hand, and I roll my eyes. “You’re learning bad manners from Polly, Mikey.” I bring a slice of apple to my mouth, biting it in half, and then hand the small piece to Mikey. He takes the apple, chewing on it like the playful puppy he is.

  Dogs like apple? Who knew?

  “I miss her, Polly,” I mumble under my breath while handing Polly another slice.

  He takes it, seemingly disinterested.

  Emotion floods me. “Fuck, Polly! I love her… I just…” I exhale a long huff, “… love her.”

  “Rawrr… love her, love her.”

  I chuckle. Sitting back, I soak up the summer sun, just being with my boys. They are technically Lyri’s pets, but I feel as though I spend as much time with them now as she does.

  It might be weird this arrangement we have—well, no, let’s get this right, I have with them—but I love these two little guys, and I know they like my visits.

  I glance at my watch. Shit! I better get back to work, or else Jase is going to kick my ass again for leaving. Let alone my father, who’s constantly on my back for dropping the ball these days. But I feel like I have bigger and much more important things to deal with right now.

  ‘All Systems Go’ is ready to launch. And I need to really have my game face on.

  It’s taken longer than expected because everything had to line up. I am still sending love notes to Lyri all the time. I found a couple of local kids, and with permission from their parents, they run notes from me to Lyri, then report back to me on how she took them. I pay them in cash, right in front of their parents. I was in a park one day, and while sitting on a bench in a disheveled state, one of the mothers started talking to me. I ended up telling her everything, and she was more than happy to have her kid involved. Actually, all the moms are rooting for me, and apparently Lyri’s reactions are getting better and better each time the kids deliver a note.

  But now I need to get back to work before I find myself fired. Plus, I have some calls I should make to ensure everything is set in place.

  “I’ll see you later, Polly,” I call out, poking my finger through the small gap in the window. He ducks his head down so I can pet his feathers.

  “Rawrr... bonjour, bonjour.”

  I give Mikey another cuddle and raise my brow. “You really gotta learn your hellos from your goodbyes, Polly.”

  “Rawrr... get lost, get lost.”

  Warmth floods me.<
br />
  “Yeah, I guess that’s good enough… see you tomorrow.”


  I end a call just as Jase walks into my office. I can’t help it as my lips turn up into a smirk while I sit back in my chair. I feel like things may be slipping into place.

  “Is it happening?” Jase asks.

  “It is. Tonight. I just have to figure out a way to get her there.”

  Jase steadies his shoulders. “Leave that part to me. You just tell me what time, and I will make it happen.”

  I exhale. “Her surprise will be arriving around eight. I’m hoping we can have dinner before then.”

  Jase grimaces. “If she stays.”

  “If she tries to leave, I might have to tell her what her surprise is to make her stick around.”

  Jase flares his nostrils. “Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that, and you guys can talk properly before it gets there.”

  I roll my shoulders to try to free myself from my nerves. “I just hope this works. It’s taken a lot of planning.”

  “She’s gonna fucking love it, Eddie. She’ll be putty in your big manly hands.”

  I fucking hope so.


  My nerves are on high alert. I’m dressed in a suit, trying to look my best. I wipe my forehead and slide my sweaty palm down the side of my dark pants, hoping Lyri won’t notice my apparent stress.

  Operation ‘All Systems Go’ is in full effect—there’s no going back now.

  I just hope like fucking hell I can pull this shit off.

  As I pace the floor, I check my watch multiple times.

  Where in the hell is Jase with Lyri?

  They should have been here more than two hours ago. Dinner’s gone cold, and I can’t get either of them on their cells, and I’m fucking worried. More like petrified something’s gone wrong on the drive up here. Then suddenly, a honking sound makes my heart skip a beat.

  Checking my watch again, I make sure it’s not the surprise. No, we still have a few minutes for that to arrive, so I race to the front door as it opens to see Jase and Lyri walking in.


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