Bundles of Pink

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Bundles of Pink Page 2

by Lia Davis

  “I don’t have anxiety.” Dani pouted and moved her feet in circles. “I just put the idea of having kids out of my mind since the accident. The news that I will be mom takes some getting used to.”

  A frown formed on Sasha’s face then she drew her brows together. “That’s interesting.”

  Panic tightened Dani’s chest. “What?”

  “I need to do a sonogram. There might be six in there.”

  “No. Way!” Dani caught the spark of mischief and a smile on the Healer before Sasha could hide it. “Shut up. You’re a dork.”

  Sasha laughed. “I should have taken a picture of your face. No, I only sense one lifeform in there.”

  It was Dani’s turn to laugh. “It’s a baby not an alien.”

  “Are you sure?” Sasha waggled her brows.

  “Yes. I know the father pretty intimately.”

  “In all seriousness. Your leopard wants to keep him or her. She’s curled around the baby.” Sasha clapped her hands together. “Congrats, Mama.”

  “Thanks.” Relief flooded her and she felt a weight lifted off her. Happiness bloomed within her and a whole new type of anxiety grew. She didn’t know a thing about how to be mom. Her parents died when she was very young. She’d never had a mother figure in her life. At least Dani had two best friends and Nevan’s mom, Sarah, to turn to and compare notes with and ask newbie mom questions. “I think I’ll text Christa and have her go visit with Jon.”

  “Good plan.” Sasha picked up her phone. “First I’m going to call him to check in.”

  Warmth crept in Dani’s heart. Sasha worried about Jon more than Dani did, even though the other Healer just told her not to worry. Dani hid her amusement. It made her wonder if Sasha was attracted to the male. Or scented him as her mate.

  “Hi, Jon. It’s Sasha…Yes, I’m checking up on you. Dani and I were concerned when you didn’t show for your appointment.” Sasha paused and met Dani’s gaze as she listened. “That’s great. You should talk with Nevan too. He’s human…I know, and I didn’t mean…Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Sasha sighed as she shoved her phone back into her pocket. “He just got back from a run with Hayden and Alec. The males talked him into joining the Enforcer training camp. Jon sounded excited about it.”

  “That’s great.” Dani hopped off the counter and moved to the door.

  Sasha followed and flipped the lights off as they exited the medical center. “I know. It’s great Hayden and Alec are bringing him into the fold.”

  Dani agreed. That was one less worry off her mind. One more to go. When and how to tell Nevan he was going to be a father.

  Cam stood in the middle of the community center and took in all the pink. She’d never been a girlie-girl and pink wasn’t one of her favorite colors. However, Shay—her best friend and sister-in-law—insisted the triplets needed pink in their lives.

  Blaine came up behind her and slid his arms around her, his hands flattened on her very large and slight oval belly. “That’s a lot of pink.”

  Cam nodded. “Yep. When they turn five, I’m starting them in the junior enforcer training.”

  Blaine bit down on her shoulder, sending zap of hot, liquid desire through her. “No, you’re not.”

  She leaned into him so his front pressed against her back and cupped his head. His Alpha power flowed in the mating link, wild and raw. She loved it. Loved him.

  “You two look hot.”

  Cam’s heart danced as Graham’s words entered her mind. She met Graham’s heated gaze as he crossed the room. When he reached them, she grabbed his black T-shirt and pulled him in for a kiss. “Where were you?”

  “Talking with Nevan. He’s a bundle of anxiety. The idea of possibly being a father and not knowing for sure is fucking with him big time.” Graham placed his hand over Blaine’s, which were still on her belly.

  Cam frowned. “I’ll talk with Dani when she gets here. We might go to the house for a private girl talk.”

  Just then Cam sensed that her brother’s mate, Sable, entered the center. With a smile, Cam waved the female over. Blaine let out a soft growl and Cam slapped at his thigh because it was all she could reach at the moment. “Hush. She has proven herself as a loyal packmate.”

  “I wasn’t growling at her. Well, not directly. She’s tense like she’s upset.”

  Cam scented the air. Pregnancy screwed with her senses. It was one reason her mates didn’t want her working her enforcer duties while pregnant. She was too vulnerable. Sable wasn’t just upset, she was pissed. “Looks like Sable, Shay, and I are going to the house for that girl talk. I’ll text Dani on the way.”

  Cam stepped out of Blaine’s embrace and kissed each of her mates before crossing the room to Sable.

  The tension faded when Sable stopped in front of Cam. “Hi.”

  “What’s up?” Cam wasn’t the type to beat around the bush about anything. Neither was Sable. So the female wasn’t going to brush off whatever upset her.

  There was still some tension among the Pack members with Sable there. Some dickheads couldn’t accept she killed her own parents to save them all. No, that wasn’t good enough for some.

  “Your brother.”

  Cam pressed her lips together to hold in a laugh. She knew all too well what her alpha-male, growly brother was like.

  Sable glared at her. “It’s not funny.” A small smile formed on her face. “He wouldn’t let me train with the Enforcers even though Dani cleared me to do so for a few more months. Nigel’s no better. Father and son are tag teaming against me.”

  A laugh burst from Cam. “I’m not sorry. I was ordered den mother duties as soon as my mates found out. Believe me, I feel your pain.”

  Even though Sable was the daughter of their enemy, she and Cam had quickly discovered they shared so much in common. They were both dominant females who protected their family and Pack.

  They’d become fast friends in the past month.

  A tiny squeal echoed through the center. Cam turned to see Max—her three-year-old stepson—running toward them. Holding her arms out, she expected him to leap at her like he usually did because he knew she couldn’t pick him up. Instead he went past her and hugged Sable’s legs.

  Cam let out a dramatic sigh. “Ah. That’s not right.”

  Sable picked him up and blew raspberries on his cheek, drawing a giggle from him. “He knows who his favorite aunt is.”

  “I was going to tell Shay to take a break and go back to the house. Come with us. I’ll text Dani to meet us there for some girl time.” Cam walked her fingers up Max’s back. He let out another laugh and wiggled in Sable’s arms.

  Sable’s features brightened. “You got chocolate milk?”

  “I sure do.”


  Dani’s phone chirped when she and Sasha were about halfway to the community center. She pulled it from her pocket and glanced at the screen. A text from Cam.

  Cam: Met us at my house.

  Dani: On my way. Sasha too.

  Cam: Great!

  Putting her phone in her back pocket, Dani motioned Sasha to cross the street. “Cam wants to meet at her house.”

  Sasha nodded but didn’t say anything. That was the wolf healer though. She was normally quiet and liked to stay to herself. Dani expected her to make an excuse not to go, but Sasha crossed the street with Dani.

  Her mood lifted. Spending the afternoon with the girls was what she needed.

  They turned down the dirt road that led to the Alpha’s house. She saw Cam, Shay, and Sable ahead of them. Sable was holding Max in her arms. Dani whistled, drawing their attention.

  Cam placed her hands on her hips and waited. She looked tired. Her long brown hair was in a high ponytail. She wore a flowered print sundress. Dani knew there were only two reasons the alpha female would wear a dress. One, it was coolest thing to wear besides her bra and panties. Two, nothing else fit right.

  Instantly, Dani’s hand went to her belly. Wonder, excitement, and dread washed o
ver her. As if sensing her whirlwind of emotions, Sasha touched her arm. “You will be a great mother.”

  Taking a deep breath, Dani nodded while meeting the knowing gaze of her two best friends. Sable, too, watched her as if sensing the change in her as she closed the distance between them.

  Shay looked like she was about to burst with excitement. “Congrats!”

  Dani rolled her eyes. “What gave it away?”

  Cam laughed and gestured to house. “It’s in your scent. Not strong, but we notice because you’re our girl. We notice these things.”

  Dani sighed and followed the females into the house. “I haven’t told Nevan.”

  Shay frowned. “Why?”

  Dani shrugged and sat on the sofa. Cam sat next to her, then cursed. “I’ll never get up from this spot now.”

  They laughed, and Sasha said, “I’m surprised Blaine let you walk home.”

  “It’s less than two blocks. He watched us walk to our street.” Cam rolled her eyes. “I’ll be glad when I can shift and run again. Plus, I want to meet the girls.”

  “We all do.” Dani hovered her hand over Cam’s belly. Her leopard was being very protective of the babies. Dani and anyone besides Graham and Blaine had to slowly approach her belly to see if Cam would let them touch it.

  Cam grabbed her hand and flattened it on her stomach. One of the triplets moved or stretched, pushing against Dani’s hand. “What does that feel like?”

  “It’s like someone stretching you from the inside.” Cam laughed. “Sometimes the movements feel like muscle twitches. Others it feels like they are wrestling around with one other in there. That’s usually when I try to lay down and sleep.”

  Dani pulled her hand away. “I’m not sure I’ll be a good mom.”

  “What are you talking about?” Cam punched her lightly on the arm. “You will be great. You already are with all the kids that come in the clinic.”

  She had a point. Dani was being paranoid. “It’s still early…”

  Sasha shook her head. “We had this conversation. Her leopard is keeping the baby. She has nothing to worry about.”

  Sable broke her silence from where she sat on the other side of Cam. “Why haven’t you told your mate? Wouldn’t he smell the difference in your scent?”

  “Nevan is human and might not pick up on the changes for another few weeks.” Dani picked at a small hole in her jeans. “He’s been a little distant since the weekend at the cabin. What if he is having second thoughts?”

  Shay shook her head. “You need to flat out ask him. Tell him what you are feeling, your fears, and demand him to tell you how he feels. Communicate. You’re a bonded pair, act like it.”

  A laugh bubbled from Dani. “I guess I’ve been pushing the possibility of having kids away for so long it’s hard to change that mindset. I’m planning a private reveal for him tonight, after the shower. I’m a little nervous about how he will react.”

  “Nevan will be happy. The both of you will be great parents.” Cam pointed at Shay. “Can you get the chips from the pantry?”

  Jumping to her feet, Shay darted into the kitchen. “Being a mom is awesome. And I agree with Cam, you two will be amazing.” Shay came back and handed Cam the chips. Then faced Dani and snapped her fingers, her eyes lighting up with excitement. “I can go decorate your house. That way when you get home it’ll be a surprise. Oh! I can leave a trail of clues from the front door to your bedroom.”

  Excitement filled Dani at the idea. “That would be great. Thank you.”

  “I love this party planning kick I’m on. Working at the nursey has me decorating everything. We have a party for every milestone the kids have. Plus, I love being there with Josie and Wes all day.” Shay sat on the chair.

  Sasha spoke up. “I could go with you. I know the gender of the baby. I just didn’t tell Dani I knew.” She met Dani’s stare. “Unless you don’t want to know.”

  The other Healer perked up. “Then it’ll be a surprise for you and a double surprise for Nevan.”

  “You’re lucky you can plan a surprise. Your mate is human and wouldn’t pick up on the scent change for another few weeks. Jared knew before I did.” Sable scrunched her face up and placed her hands on her small, swollen belly. Then sighed. “I miss when Nigel was little. So, I’m excited to be having another.”

  They laughed then fell silent when Sam—Graham’s adopted daughter—came into the living room from the hallway. Her face was flushed, and she had her arms wrapped around her middle. And she trembled all over. That wasn’t all Dani noticed about the eight-year-old.

  Sam’s scent was sharper than normal. “Sasha.”

  The other Healer nodded and went to Sam, kneeling in front of her. Sam was about to shift for the first time. She shook with fear. Shay stood and went to help Sasha.

  It wasn’t uncommon for the animal part to be aggressive after the first shift. Sasha and Shay would be able to keep Sam’s cat focused on them instead of the three pregnant females. Just in case the cat was confused or anxious by all the people around.

  Cam pulled her phone from her bra and started texting. “I’m letting Graham know. He would want to be here for her first shift.”

  Within seconds of Cam’s text the front door opened. Blaine and Graham entered the house. Blaine sat on the coffee table, blocking Dani, Sable, and Cam, while Graham crouched beside Sam. Sasha and Shay moved back a little to give Graham some room.

  Little Max, who sat quietly in Sable’s lap, started to wiggle and whine to be let down. Sable held on to him and whispered. “Not now. Sissy is about to let her puma out. You can go to her after.”

  Graham glanced at Max, then turned his attention back to Sam. He brushed her hair from her face and spoke softly. “Breathe. There is nothing to fear. You’ve felt your puma for a while. You know each other. Just let her come out.”

  Sam glanced around at everyone before meeting her dad’s gaze again. “Okay. Can you move back some? I feel crowded.”

  Graham, Sasha, and Shay stood and moved back. Sam took a deep breath then closed her eyes. Her body shimmered a moment, then in a flash of pale blue light, she shifted.

  Her golden puma stood on all fours. Her lips curled, and she growled. Graham stepped close and growled back. Sam perked her ears and titled her head. Then she began dancing around. She went to Blaine and jumped up, putting her front paws on his legs. With a laugh, he cupped her head and rubbed his nose to hers. “Hello, beautiful.”

  Sable let go of Max so the toddler could go met his sister’s puma. When he reached her, she sniffed him then licked his cheek. Max hugged her neck.

  Cam handed Dani and Sable tissues and sniffed. “That’s so sweet.”

  Sable said, “Nigel was six when he first shifted.”

  Kids in Ashwood Falls generally shifted around the age of ten, give or take a year or two. Theories were that Ashwood Falls had a huge support system with being two Packs merged into one.

  The security and support from the Pack made the kids feel protected.

  Nigel was born in the Onyx Pack before coming to Ashwood with Sable a month ago. Sable’s father, Felix, was a rogue who ran Onyx by placing fear in his Pack members. They either supported him or died. Kids were encouraged to shift at younger ages so they could train to protect themselves.

  “We’ve heard from other packs that they are encouraging their young to shift early too. Healthy Packs. When Keegan questioned it, they said it doesn’t harm them.” Cam rubbed her stomach. “Blaine and I think it’s more to prepare for something bigger that’s coming.”

  “There’s bound to be a fallout from the Felix supporters. The war isn’t over. I feel it in my bones.” Blaine stood and paced to the door. “We’re going to take Sam out for a run. Let her cat play with ours.”

  Cam nodded. “I’ll be here until it’s time to waddle my fat ass to the community center.”

  Shay threw a paper ball at Cam. “Shut it! You are beautiful.”

  Dani sat back and smiled. She loved he
r friends. Her Pack.


  The community center was transformed into a pink and white party room. It looked like a pink bomb went off inside the place.

  Nevan shook his head and scanned the large gym-sized room for Dani. It didn’t take him long to find her talking with Cam and Shay near the food table. She laughed at something. The sound called out to him like a siren’s song.

  Her long strawberry blond hair was loose around her shoulders. She wore a short-sleeved shirt and he loved how she didn’t hide her scars anymore.

  When he moved in behind her, she leaned back into him. He curled his arms around her and kissed her neck, inhaling. Her lavender scent was slightly sweeter than normal. Just like Graham had said it might be. Hope bloomed in his chest.

  Meeting Cam’s gaze, he said, “Sorry for missing the shower.”

  She waved him off. “It’s more a female thing anyway.” She leaned in and kissed Dani on the cheek. “Call me tomorrow.”

  Shay waved as she and Cam left them alone.

  Dani turned in his arms and wrapped hers around his neck. “Did you sniff me?”

  He raised a brow and the corners of his lips lifted. “I did.”

  She narrowed her eyes, and he swore he saw a hint of panic. That couldn’t be right. He was overworked and stressed from help out in the aftermath of Felix and Savannah’s death, ending the war. Although Blaine and Luna didn’t believe it was over.

  “Why?” Dani asked, bring him out of his thoughts.

  “Because I love your scent.”

  She leaned into him, pressing her body into his. Heat unfurled inside him while desire flooded the mating bond. “Let’s go home.”

  Nevan paused at the front door and glanced to his mate. An odd giddy sensation flowed from her like she was anticipating something. She’d been quiet on the walk to their home.

  She met his stare then motioned to the door. “Open it.”

  “Will something jump out at me?”

  A giggle escaped her, and she shook her head. “Just open it.”


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