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Rescuing Rudi

Page 13

by Carter, Polly

  “Ow!” Rudi cried in surprise, her eyes watering as the sting from each stroke fanned across her bottom. “I was, sir,” she cried.

  But her words just brought a hail of hard paddle strokes down on her upturned bottom.

  “You weren’t, which means you are now lying as well. You are incorrigible, naughty girl.”

  “Oh, ow, ow,” Rudi wailed as Denver repeatedly splattered the paddle hard across her bottom in a drubbing of authoritative disapproval.

  He paused to let her get her breath, gently rubbing her stinging behind.

  “I said when you disrespect others, like you have disrespected me, you disrespect yourself, and you obviously have made some poor choices in the past which is another way of disrespecting yourself.”

  The strong burning from the paddle was subsiding and Rudi was able to relax a little.

  “I didn’t mean to disrespect you,” she began.

  “Really?” he sounded completely disbelieving. “What did you mean to do?”

  “I… I… thought, I wanted…” Rudi stammered helplessly wishing she’d never opened her mouth.

  “Well, whatever you thought,” Denver interrupted and resumed his paddling, “or wanted, unless this is the result you were hoping for, you should have thought again.”

  Now more used to the burning sting created by each stroke of the paddle, Rudi was able to withstand the steady barrage without too much fuss. Each time the paddle landed, her face contorted and she gasped or gave a small cry, and if he hit a particularly tender spot, her feet gave an involuntary kick, but otherwise she was able to take her punishment bravely.

  There was no doubt, though, that the longer the spanking went on, the more tender her bottom was becoming. A couple of particularly painful cracks caused her to cry out and scrabble against Denver’s lap. She was held firmly and there was no escape, but Denver paused again in his administration of her paddling, rubbed her bottom and scolded her while she calmed down.

  “I’m sorry,” she started whimpering. “I’m sorry. I won’t do it again.”

  “Won’t do what again?”

  “Go in the pool, in your bed, not do what you say, anything.” Rudi was babbling, desperate to find the words which would convince Denver to consider her sufficiently well-spanked, but a couple of whacks to each cheek and a chuckle brought any hope of that crashing down.

  He stilled the paddle again and rubbed her bottom.

  “I know you are sorry, sorry you are across my knee getting a paddling,” he chided her.

  “No,” she tried again. “I’m sorry I did those things, was disobedient.”

  “Really?” Denver sounded incredulous as he brought the paddle down ten times quickly on alternating cheeks, making Rudi squirm, yelp and gasp for breath.

  He paused again.

  “I can’t think of any time I have seen someone looking less sorry about what they were doing than you sitting up here in my bed.”

  “I am sorry,” she tried again, but it was never going to work.

  Hooking his leg over hers to keep her still, he set back into paddling her bottom. She tried to wriggle, but he was so much bigger and stronger there was no way she could. As her bottom turned from pink to red and then cherry red, she screwed up her face and shut her eyes tight as if she could shut out what was happening to her other end.

  Her only respite was a few brief breaks Denver gave her to recover during which he rubbed her bottom and scolded her, demanding assurances that she understood how naughty she’d been, how deserving she was of this sound spanking and how determined she was to do better in the future.

  At last he stopped and put the paddle on the bed beside him. Rudi let out a sobbing gasp of gratitude as she realised it was over.

  “Hop up,” Denver ordered.

  She scrambled off his lap rubbing her sore behind. Now she’d get a cuddle, after that. Surely. Wouldn’t she?

  “Go and bend over the table,” Denver said sternly.

  “What?” Rudi had completely forgotten her ‘great’ idea.

  “You decided you deserved the cane as well, so off you go.”

  “No, but…”

  “No buts. Come on. It’ll be over soon. You’ve already had a pretty good blistering, so it’ll just be three strokes, but they will be hard. Hurry now, get yourself ready.”

  Miserably, Rudi walked to the table, lifted her nightdress and bent herself over the table. Coming up behind, Denver tucked her nightdress under her and made sure it was held securely before picking up the cane.

  “Hold onto the other side of the table with both hands and don’t let go. I don’t want you jumping up or moving between strokes. Keep your face turned toward me so I can see you, and count each stroke, please.”

  Gingerly, Rudi gripped the edge of the table and shifted her hips slightly, so she was comfortable. Never having even seen a cane before, let alone felt one cracking on her bottom, she wasn’t sure what to expect.

  It wasn’t long before she found out. After two swishes of the cane through the air, a few small taps on her bottom, and a sharp, “Ready?” Denver administered the first stroke. As her bottom had already been quite thoroughly punished, it was more of a sharp flick than a full stroke, but it still inflicted enough sting for Rudi to cry out in surprise and stamp her feet, shocked at the level of brief but intense pain. Before she could move, he placed the cane across her back.

  “Keep still. And count.”

  A firm tap with the cane prompted Rudi to answer quickly.

  “Yes, sir. One, thank you, sir.”

  “Right. Now no moving between the strokes or we’ll start from one again. Ready?”

  Another few small taps on each cheek and then the flick of his wrist that shot the cane down across her bottom with enough force to leave a red mark and a sharp and widening sting.

  “Ow, ow, ow. Two, thank you, sir,” Rudi managed to squeeze out. One to go. Only one to go, swirled around in her head as she readied herself for the last flick of the cane.

  Tap, tap, tap… Thwack!

  “Ohh, oh, three, thank you, sir,” Rudi blurted as quickly as she could. It was over! Could she get up? Maybe best she waited until he told her; the last thing she wanted to do now, especially while he was still holding the cane, was give him a reason to start again.

  “Wait there,” he said, rubbing her bottom and inspecting it. It was red and sore, but there was no damage. Tipping more lotion into his hands, he ran them gently over her inflamed skin. It was cool and soothing. His touch was gentle as he massaged the salve in, his hands going maddeningly close to the dark place between her thighs that were now crying out for his attention.

  Her eyes closed, her focus was no longer on her bottom, but on the wet and aching need beneath. Please, she silently begged him, gently moving her hips under his hands as she tried to tempt him, but despite his fingers going frustratingly close, they only got so close before moving away again.

  She wanted to scream.

  “Okay. It’s over now, little girl,” he said gently, pulling her nightdress down. “Come on. Hop up.”


  She stood up and rubbed her freshly spanked and lotioned bottom. Now that the punishment was over, she was surprised she was not as sore as she’d thought she would be. And then she stopped thinking about herself as Denver pulled her into his arms.

  Chapter 9

  “Okay, naughty girl? Are you angry with me?”

  Rudi sighed happily. It had worked. It had all been for this moment. She looked up at him with an adoring smile and shining eyes.

  “No. No, sir. I’m not angry with you.”

  She thought she heard a small groan as he wrapped his arms more tightly around her and brushed her hair with his lips, sending a jagged thrill coursing straight down her spine. She squeezed her thighs tightly together as the aching desire she had for him set her whole lower belly aflame and clung to him wanting this moment to last forever.

  “Go to the bathroom while I tidy up,” he
whispered in her ear, then pulled back and nodded to her to do as she was told. “Don’t take too long.”

  She wasn’t sure why she’d been sent to the bathroom, but her lesson in obedience was still very fresh in her mind and on her bottom.

  Closing the door behind her, she pulled her nightdress up and inspected the damage in the mirror. Ouch! Her poor bottom was still quite red and tender as she rubbed her hands across it. Had it been worth it, though? Was her plan working? So far, she’d only had a small, but heavenly, cuddle. Was that going to be it? Was he simply going to send her to her room now? Well, he’d told her not to be long, so she would soon have the answer, and she grimly determined that she wasn’t going to just be dismissed without a fight!

  After quickly taking advantage of being in the bathroom, she washed her hands and went to meet her fate.

  He’d tidied up, and the table was the only remaining sign of what had just taken place in his bedroom. As she re-entered, he looked at her from under his brows and her heart did a crazy flip-flop.

  “Okay?” he asked gently. He was standing by the bed. He’d turned the main light off, and only the soft light of a reading lamp lit the room.

  She was trembling so hard, she couldn’t speak. Please, she silently begged.

  “Come here.”

  On jelly legs, she walked to him. Cupping one side of her face in his hand, he bent his head and gently kissed her lips. A moan of aching longing rose in her throat as the kiss went on and on, its sweetness almost unendurable. At last, but too soon, he lifted his head.

  “Hold your arms up.”

  As she raised her arms, she could see the tension in his face and throat. He took hold of her nightdress and slipped it up over her head, carefully watching her eyes, which held only a declaration of love, desire and surrender.

  He laid her nightdress across the bed, put his hands gently on her shoulders and then looked down at her naked body. Rudi’s mouth was dry as his hands slowly followed his eyes to her breasts. For a moment, he just stared with his hands loosely around her ribs, then licking his lips, he moved his hands to enclose one breast in each.

  She shuddered and looked up at him as he gently squeezed and rubbed both of them. His eyes were on her olive flesh, shining a deep golden in the soft light of the lamp, as her breasts rolled and swelled under his hands. He looked up briefly and she felt a stab through her groin as their eyes met, then they both looked down again, mesmerised by the sight of his hands massaging her breasts.

  His hands left her breasts and moved down across her belly and nipped-in waist and fanned out across her hips. Lifting one hand, he trailed one finger down from her belly button to where tufts of her hair were regrowing on her mound. He looked back at her face and she raised her eyes to his.

  “You will never shave or wax here again,” he told her, brooking no argument.

  “But…” she began, but he cut her off.

  “I am more than happy to put a naughty girl over my knee, but I want a woman in my bed.”

  And that was that. Rudi didn’t care. Whatever Denver wanted was what she wanted too; she would give him his every desire. All that she desired was to be his: his assistant, his friend, his naughty girl, his woman.

  “And now I want you in my bed,” he murmured, turning and pulling back the bedclothes. “Wait here for me.”

  Rudi climbed beneath the sheets and watched as he went into the bathroom, then ran her hands over her own body following the trail his had taken. She was impatient for his return, her heart spilling over with joy that this moment for which she had so longed was finally here.

  There was just one thing.

  A few moments later, he returned, and she watched with growing excitement as he placed a handful of condoms on the table beside the bed and stripped off. Taking off his shoes and socks and putting them neatly under a chair, undoing the buttons on his shirt and slipping it off and hanging it over the back of the chair, then pulling off his singlet and folding it and placing it on the seat of the chair.

  Rudi watched him. His fastidiousness was so alien to her, but she loved it about him. She loved everything about him and, now, her eyes devoured his bare chest with its hard curves and black curls, and his flat, hard abdomen. Most of all, though, she loved his arms; they were so beautifully sculpted, like perfect works of art, representing both his virile masculine strength and his tender, protective care.

  She had seen him almost naked before at the pool, but as he stripped off his last garment, she saw him, for the first time, in all his manly splendour. He didn’t rush to join her, just proudly stood looking at her, allowing her to enjoy the sight of him.

  “This is what you want, isn’t it?” he asked softly.

  She nodded. “Yes, but…” Her eyes were troubled, and with a look of concern, he joined her in the bed, putting his strong arm around her shoulders and pulling her to his chest.

  “What is it, baby?” he asked gently against her hair. “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want. We don’t have…”

  She looked up urgently, putting her hand on his chest to stop him.

  “No, I do. I do want to. You mustn’t think I don’t. It’s just that I know about your life now, but you don’t know anything about me. If you did, maybe you wouldn’t want me here, and if you find out afterwards you may hate me for tricking you into doing something you are ashamed of.”

  She looked so stricken, Denver gently ran his finger across her cheek, looking lovingly into her eyes.

  “Don’t worry, sweet girl,” he assured her. “Whatever is in your past, I can deal with. I picked you off the street; I know you have secrets, and you will tell me when you are ready, but whatever it is, I won’t regret this and it won’t stop me wanting to do it again. I promise. Okay?”

  She nodded. Oh, how she loved him!

  “Now hush, beautiful girl. Talk only of love and how I can give you the most pleasure; everything else can wait until morning. Roll over. I want to see your bottom.”

  Rudi rolled onto her tummy as he pulled back the covers.

  “Poor naughty girl,” he murmured as he gently stroked and bent and kissed her cheeks, still showing a reminder of her recent punishment. “Is it sore?”

  She hesitated and he chuckled.

  “Don’t worry. I shan’t spank you again, well not now anyway. I just don’t want to hurt you when I am making love to you. Pain is for punishment.”

  “It doesn’t really hurt anymore,” she confessed. “A bit tender, but not much.”

  “Excellent,” he growled, turning her back to face him. “Why did you do it? Go to the pool?”

  “Because you were going to send me away and I don’t want to go, and I thought you were afraid to let yourself care about me because you felt guilty about Anna and I wanted to show you that I’m not her and you don’t have to be afraid to want me and…”

  And then he stopped her breathless rambling by pulling her to him and kissing her, holding himself back at first, but finally with all the longing and passion of a man claiming a woman for his own.

  He was an expert lover and seemed intuitively to know just how to touch her the way she liked it most, when to be gentle to tease her into madness, and when to be firmer. He laid her out like a feast before him, tasting, savouring, licking, and nibbling.

  And when she tried to reciprocate, he held her back.

  “You will get a chance to pleasure me later,” he said. “Right now, I just want to feel you giving yourself totally to me, surrendering yourself to my desires.”

  And she did, and it was oh so easy to just open herself to him completely and allow her mind to drift off leaving nothing but the intense voluptuousness of his every erotic touch as he kissed her breasts and suckled on the chocolate drop on the tip of each one, licked and kissed his way down her belly, teased her inner thighs with his mouth while his fingers played at the edges of her wet, dark need.

  And then he turned her over and gently ran his fingers and lips across her back a
nd down to her bottom. He kissed its pinkness and gently rubbed it.

  “Your bottom is absolutely glorious,” he said, his voice low. “So plump and firm and luscious, and it wobbles so deliciously when I spank it.”

  He ran his lips all the way down the back of one leg and down her foot, and then back up the other leg, and back to kiss her plump cheeks as though he couldn’t drag himself away, and then up her back to her neck. She shuddered as waves of shivery pleasure rippled over her as he kissed and sucked all around the back of her neck. How did he know that was such a sweet spot for her?

  At last he turned her over again, and she could see and feel his rigid erection signalling his own need for release, but still he focused just on her, his mouth moving sensuously and purposefully down her belly. Gently moving her legs apart, he settled between them, and then sliding his hands beneath her bottom, he tilted her hips up as he trailed his lips down to close his mouth over her succulent treasure.

  As his tongue found her most sensitive kernel, she shuddered and put her hands on his head as though to protect herself. But she was in no danger as he played her like a virtuoso, teasing, tantalizing, gently tormenting, until he felt her need reach a fever pitch and he settled into a sweet rhythm, her breathing getting louder and louder and becoming moans as he transported her ever up until at last her whole body erupted in sweet, sweet tingles coursing in waves over her body.

  And then it was time for the final possession and his own release. He reached over to the table, and as he kissed her belly and inner thighs, he slipped on the condom, and she smiled again at this wonderful, meticulous man. It took only seconds, and then he was looking into her eyes as she opened her legs wider and raised her hips as he slid up higher and she felt the first exciting pressure of his probing erection against her welcoming entrance.

  He was big and she had to force herself to relax to allow him in, and then he was filling her, leaning over her, smiling into her eyes and kissing her lips as he began to move, at first back and forth and then in circles. She’d not felt that before. It was heaven, and she was gasping and crying out in rapture in unison with his own growing breathlessness, as he plunged into her, kissing and nipping her shoulders as he ardently gripped her to him.


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