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Switching Leagues

Page 5

by Lexi Archer

  He held me there for what felt like forever, but it couldn't have been more than maybe a few minutes. And then finally it was done. His grip on me loosened. That was it.

  And as his grip loosened on me I finally started to come back to reality. My eyes opened wide as I realized what the fuck I'd done and I no longer had the excuse of lust to shield me from the reality of what I'd just done with this man. I looked at Liam and he grinned at me, and that grin said he was enjoying this moment of realization almost as much as he'd enjoyed fucking me. The moment when the pretty married woman on top of his cock realized what she'd just done as she came back to reality.

  Yeah, something told me that was the kind of thing that happened with Liam quite a bit. I scrambled to get off of him, and he finally let go. Though I did still feel a moment of loss as his cock pulled out of me. That thing had felt wonderful as he pressed his cock deep inside me, and I was going to miss it. I also knew there wasn't anything I could've done if he decided to keep me on it for round two. Not because he would hold me down and force me, though that was pretty hot, so much as I wanted him so much in that moment that I wouldn’t have been able to stop myself.

  Hell, his cock was still so hard that it wouldn't surprise me if he was already good to go for round two.

  Paul had never been ready for anything like that. Not even when he’d been back in his prime, and I was well aware that one of the problems that’d led to this moment was my husband being well past his prime and not giving a fuck about doing something about it.

  I took a couple of steps back. He grabbed the towel off of the bench next to him. He looked at the sweaty spot where we’d fucked. Though I'm sure not all of that was sweat.

  I felt kind of bad for whatever unlucky bastard happened to take that seat, but I was more panicked and frantic thinking about all the crazy shit I'd just done with this man.

  His cock was slick and bright reflecting with our combined juices. Some come leaked out of the tip, and I looked down between my legs. My pussy was swollen and red. I was still so slick and so wet. Because I'd been so turned on while he fucked me. And as I watched I could see a small trickle of his come moving out from between his legs and down my inner thigh.

  I squeezed my eyes shut and shivered despite the intense heat in the room. Intense heat both from what we’d just done and from the heater. It was wrong to be so turned on by what we’d just done, but I couldn't help myself. Because there was something about what we’d done that was so fucking hot even as I was starting to come to terms with the crushing reality of what I'd just done.

  Holy shit! I’d just fucked another man! What the fuck was wrong with me? I was a married woman. I wasn’t supposed to even be thinking about another man, and yet I’d just fucked this guy’s brains out and I’d loved every moment of it. Hell, there’d been a part of me that even maybe enjoyed the thought of getting a little bit of revenge on Paul and his poor selfish performance lately by doing what I’d just done with Liam.

  Still, under all that was the terror of a married woman who’d just fucked around on her husband, and it was getting more and more intense as I came down from the incredible high that was fucking Liam.

  "I have to go," I finally managed to choke out.

  I wrapped a towel around me. As though that thin towel could somehow protect me from him. Could somehow protect me from what I'd just done.

  Liam smiled and shook his head. He looked me up and down with pure lust in his eyes, but there was something else there now. Before he'd seemed cocky and confident, but he'd also been a little hesitant. As though there was a part of him that thought he didn't have a chance with me or he wasn’t sure whether or not he could seal the deal.

  That was all gone now, though. He was as cocky and confident as ever now, and that turned me on so fucking much that I was tempted to walk over to him and give him the round two that I knew he had to be craving, because I was going weak in my knees thinking about it!

  "You go," he said. "But know I'll be here waiting for you when you’re ready for round two.”

  My mouth worked and I tried to think of something, anything to say. Something that would let him know there wasn't a chance in hell that we were going to have another go. I didn't care how hot that had been. I didn't care how I'd let myself go.


  I could tell him there wasn't going to be another time, but I knew that was a lie. Just looking at him was enough to make my legs go all rubbery. Just looking at that cock, at that muscular body, told me this was going to happen again. That there wasn't much I could do to stop it. I'd been overcome by lust once, and if I came back to this gym again, if I saw him working out, if I saw those muscles and thought of what he'd done to me…

  I turned and left the sauna as fast as my rubbery legs could carry me, not even bothering to check if anyone might see me wearing practically nothing in that towel. I needed to get out of here before I made another mistake, even though I was having trouble telling myself that it truly was a mistake.



  I was already feeling pretty good by the time I walked through the front door. It's not like I did the whole drink and drive thing.

  Okay, so maybe I did drink just a little bit at the office. It was something we did every Friday. Have some beers with coworkers at the end of a long week to unwind and have a meeting and talk about how great it was that everyone was working so hard to put more money in the president's bank account.

  I didn't give a flying fuck how much money we were putting in that asshole’s pocket, he wouldn't know how to lead his dick out of a wet paper bag if he was fucking it from the wrong end and was lucky enough to get into a good niche that didn't require smarts so much as plodding along and kissing the right ass from needy customers on the regular.

  The booze that they gave everybody, though? Well that was really nice. A perk of the job, if you will. Sure I'd had a couple of beers, but it's not like I was drunk. I just felt good. It took the edge off after a long week at the office, is all.

  "Honey, I'm home!" I shouted, the words coming out a little louder than I'd intended.

  I frowned. Something was off, and it took me a moment to realize what was going on. I didn't hear the kids like usual. Typically they were all over me when I came through the door, and I was always happy to hug them and dote over them and ask them about how their day had been. Put in a little quality dad time before I moved down to the basement to unwind and decompress, only there was that silence.

  "Hello?" I called into the eerily empty house. "Is anyone here?"

  I was starting to get annoyed. What the hell did Connie think she was doing? Had she been out late or something? Though that wasn't like her. Usually she was a home cooking some sort of meal or something at this time of night. Only now there was a whole lot of nothing.

  What the hell?

  "Connie?" I asked.

  The beginnings of a worry started to worm its way through me. Something that’d been in the back of my mind ever since I started to put on a little weight and she’d started to exercise and made it clear she wouldn't mind if I did the same thing.

  I’d always told myself it was a ridiculous worry, but it was always there. The worry that maybe she’d decide she'd gotten too hot for me. That she was going to go and find someone else because she’d worked out to the point that she was out of my league. That she could do better than me now.

  I mean sure there was always the thought that going through a divorce would be such a monumental pain in the ass, such a financial hardship, that she wouldn't be willing to go through with it. Only what if she found someone who made more than me? A girl like her, well she could pull pretty much any dude she wanted. She was trophy wife material these days, is what I was getting at.

  What if she'd left? What if she decided to become somebody's trophy wife leaving me high and dry? The thought of her getting with a dude who could finance a real pitbull of a divorce attorney was a ball dropping notion, that was for damn sure

  Sure it wasn't a very charitable thing to think of my wife, but at the same time it was something I'd seen time and again with other guys at work. They worked a little too late a little too often. To the point that their wives finally got sick of their shit, and they ended up walking out on them. It’d happened to enough guys working the long hours that were required for my department that it was definitely something that’d always been a worry in the back of my mind. And now as I looked around the empty house…

  "Is that you Paul?" a voice came down from upstairs.

  I breathed a sigh of relief as tension drained from my body. I had no idea why I suddenly got that feeling of dread. That thought that maybe I'd finally pushed my wife a little too far with what’d happened the night before.

  Maybe it had something to do with her calling out another man's name while we were fucking last night. That was something else that’d been worming its way through my mind all day today. I didn't know who that guy was, I'd barely heard the name, but I was pretty sure it started with an L .

  The thought of her crying out some other guy’s name had been getting me pretty hot and bothered all through the day. I wasn't sure why the hell I’d get so turned on by something like that. The thought of another man fucking my wife should've infuriated me, but here we were.

  Nothing in my marriage was making a whole lot of sense these days, I guess.

  “I’m down here," I said.

  Connie came down the stairs, and when I got a good look at her my breath caught. She wore white lingerie I remembered quite well, because it was a piece of lingerie she’d worn on our wedding night. The night we’d consummated the vows we took to each other.

  Sure we'd done a hell of a lot of consummating before the marriage as well. We’d been insatiable once upon a time, with the kind of sex life that most people could only dream about. Even after we got married there’d been plenty of fucking. Back before I got a job that was nothing but stress and calories because of all of the snacking I did at the desk on top of all the drinking and meetings after hours that were an unofficial requirement for making it at the office.

  Connie looked even more stunning in that lingerie than she had on our wedding night. I mean sure there’d been the hotness of knowing I was looking at my new wife that night. There was the intensity of knowing it was the first time I was going to get to fuck her as a married woman.

  There had been something about fucking her with a ring on her finger after so many times of fucking her without that ring on her finger, or with only the engagement ring on her finger, that had been hot for some reason.

  So yeah, maybe in terms of pure hotness the moment wasn't quite the same as seeing my new wife in that kind of lingerie for the first time, but in terms of how hot she looked after spending all that time exercising… Well let's just say my cock immediately stood to attention.

  "Damn,” I said.

  Then I came to my senses. What the hell was wrong with me? She was coming down the stairs in a set of lingerie like that, and we had to worry about the kids being around. What if one of them came along and saw mommy wearing practically nothing and got the wrong idea? Even worse, what if they got the right idea?

  "What about…"

  She held up a hand and stopped me before I could say anything. It was as though she could read my mind and was out ahead of it before I could say anything.

  "I sent the kids to stay the night with my mom," she said. "I wanted tonight to be special. Just for the two of us.”

  I frowned, and my eyes narrowed. There was a hitch in her voice that had me wondering if there was something up here.

  "What's the occasion?" I asked, trying to make my voice sound casual and knowing I wasn’t doing a very good job of it.

  I wasn’t panicking yet. Not quite. I knew I hadn’t missed an anniversary or a birthday or anything like that. No, I’d long ago put all sorts of reminders in my calendar at the office. The one I used on a daily basis because if I didn't check that motherfucker then I was in very real danger of losing my job for not keeping on top of things.

  No, there wasn't a chance I was going to miss an anniversary or a birthday. I'd even been really smart and went in and put reminders a week ahead of the event as well, so I wasn't stuck scrambling for something on the day of. Being stuck scrambling to get something done the day of could be deadly when I was already under the hammer with projects at work.

  So I knew there wasn't any sort of anniversary coming up. At least not the important ones. Though I was casting around trying to figure out if there was something else going on. Like maybe the anniversary of our first date or something like that. I hadn't remembered that kind of crap or even thought about it in years, but that was the kind of thing that Connie would remember and spring on me at the last moment to keep me on my toes. Especially with the way she’d been seemingly looking for any excuse to get on my ass about stuff lately.

  "Does there have to be an occasion?" she asked.

  Again there was that hesitation as she said it. There was that momentary hitch that told me there definitely was something going on here. I took a step forward. Wrapped my arms around her and pulled her against me.

  It was weird, but I almost thought I saw a slight grimace there. As though she didn't want me putting my arms around her. Me, her husband! What the hell was wrong with her that she was acting like this?



  Only that look had been there. I wasn't imagining things. What the hell was going on here? Why did I get the feeling there was something dangerous happening here, and I was in very fucking dangerous territory?

  Still, she was pressing against me and damn did she feel good. Really good. There was something about her body tonight that felt different. She seemed way more turned on than she usually did when I was pressing up against her like this. Like I could feel her nipples pressing out from that lingerie like little bullets, and it only served to make my cock even more painfully hard.

  And if the kids really were out of the house and their grandparents’ problem for the night…

  Well then this truly was one of those rare and wonderful nights as a married couple with children where we could get up to whatever we wanted to. Like we were young and child free again. It was something I appreciated way more than I ever thought I would’ve back when we were first together and the thought of children was still in the far distant future, for all that we started our family a couple of years after tying the knot.

  Nights like tonight were an extra special treat after coming home from a long day at the office.

  "So what were you thinking of doing?" I asked.

  "I was thinking of having a talk with you," she said.

  I arched an eyebrow. "A talk?"

  If we'd been in high school then I would've been worried about her talking like that. Wasn't "we need to talk" the sort of thing that always came right before someone got dumped? Though of course we'd been married for years. It's not like I had to worry about her finding someone else at this point.

  Though again there was that worry worming its way through me. A tiny voice reminding me she’d called out another man's name while she was fucking me the night before. That tiny worm of doubt was telling me there was danger here. I couldn't quite put my finger on exactly what that danger was, but it was definitely there.

  "It's about something that happened today at the gym," she said.

  She reached down and put her hand on my cock. Her eyebrows shot up as she realized I was already rock hard. Though I'm not sure why she should be surprised that I was already rock hard. After all, she was the one who was pressing up against me with that sexy body. God she was so hot. She had no idea what she did to me!

  Well, scratch that. She probably had a pretty good idea what she was doing to me considering what she was feeling pressing against her right about now.

  "So what did you need to talk about," I asked, looking her up and down again and thinking about all the things I’d do that didn�
��t involve talking. “And can it wait?”

  "I don't think this can wait," she said, biting her lip.

  God that was pure sex when she bit her lip like that. I loved it so much. It was something I'd loved ever since the first time I laid eyes on her and she looked at me like that.

  Sure I didn't see her looking at me like that quite as much these days, but whatever. I was getting that look now, and that was a look that had my cock rock hard and throbbing thinking about all the things I’d love to do to her. She could be such a naughty little minx in bed, and it was especially something I loved now that she'd been spending time in the gym getting herself to look so fucking sexy!

  "Something happened at the gym today," she said, taking a deep breath and looking like she was getting ready to say something she wasn’t going to like. Or maybe I wasn’t going to like it. Though it was hard of me to think of anything she could do that I wouldn’t forgive with her standing in front of me in that lingerie looking like pure sex. "With one of the guys who works out there."

  I licked my lips. Suddenly I wasn't nearly as sure what was going on here as I’d been moments ago. I felt like my world was falling out from under me.

  It was one thing to be turned on at the thought of her getting with another guy when I told myself there wasn't a chance she was actually getting with another guy. When I kept telling myself it was a hypothetical that wasn't ever going to happen.

  It was totally different now, though. Now I knew she'd done it. Now my cock was rock hard and raging as I thought of my wife getting hot and heavy with a guy from the gym. I licked my lips, not quite sure what to make of these strange feelings that were coursing through me.

  "What happened?" I asked, my voice coming out in a dry croak. I guess the on thing I was sure of was I wanted to hear more!


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