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Page 17

by Christopher Kirkland

  Chris told her about the streets, the lights, the sounds, the people and the cities. He then moved on to explain exciting things like fairs, and deferred more dull things like school and boring jobs. Her eyes seemed to light up the more he told her about it.

  “So... there are five oceans, three countries, and seven continents?” she asked. “Wow, it’s like someone tore the planet apart…”

  “Yup! Some people think all the land masses used to connect like a puzzle,” he took both of his hands and connected the index finger to the space in between his middle and ring finger. Penny was watching him intently.

  “Yeah you’re right. I never really studied the planet much,” she admitted. “It didn’t really cross my mind.”

  “Well it has multiple climates on the planet and animals. Like a penguin… an elephant,” he explained.

  “What the heck is that?”

  “Which one?”

  “What is a penguin-an-elephant?” Chris exploded into laughter. Penny began to pout and squeeze his arm hard to get him to stop laughing. “What?”

  “They’re two animals. An elephant and a penguin,” he corrected. “Not a... Whatever you said.” Penny squeezed his arm hard, Chris yelped. “Why?” he questioned. “What did I say?”

  “You teased me,” she said as she stuck out her tongue. Chris rolled his eyes. She squeezed his arm again and giggled quietly. He took his finger and flicked her in the head.

  “Ow,” she glanced up at him. “That was mean.”

  “Okay, Penny,” he smiled.

  Chris continued to tell her about Earth. She smiled when he told her about the creatures known as bats. Penny remained quiet the entire time. He gave recounts of his time on the planet and some of his favorite experiences. Penny sagged against his arm and closed her eyes.

  Chris continued on for an hour or so before noticing that Penny had not been talking for a while. He glanced down to see that she had indeed drifted to sleep. She was still attached to his arm and had a rather peaceful expression on her face. He figured she looked really cute even though she had been crying, and even more so now that she was asleep. He attempted to gently remove her from his arm, but she clung to it tighter as if she didn't want to let him go.

  He laid back and gave it a few moments to see if she would let go. She did not. In fact, Penny seemed to have wrapped herself around his arm so much that he couldn’t even free it slightly. Her sleepy face was nuzzled against his arm. He gave up. She was not going to let go, and he didn’t want to wake her. Chris was feeling pretty tired as well, but he was using what energy he had left to help Penny. He felt he had succeeded at least for today.

  As he drifted to sleep his last thoughts were of Penny. Not necessarily on the fact that he had helped her, but that he was actually pretty comfortable with her on him like this. He actually found it really nice. She was soft, warm, and smooth. She slept like a princess too: quiet and delicate. He knew now more than ever that he had to protect her. Not because he was told to by her sister, or because it was the right thing to do, but because he wanted to. Because of the way she was making him feel.

  Chapter 14


  Chris awakened the next morning to Penny staring at him with her big brown eyes. He was honestly relieved to see her. Last night, he had a nightmare about fighting Vedi again and losing horribly. This time Vedi had not killed Victoria, but he had killed Penny. Chris then managed to defeat him, but he felt empty after. Thus, waking up to this face made him feel many levels of relief.

  Penny appeared to be mostly awake, and so he assumed she had been up for a while. Why had she not moved? She could have easily left or let go. She didn’t even go get food like usual.

  “You’re up,” she said. “Good morning.”

  “How long have you been up?” he questioned, yawning.

  “Um,” she pondered for a moment and then shrugged. “I don’t know. I’ve just waited for you. We fell asleep together.”

  Chris started to blush profusely. Penny tilted her head and stared at him, baffled. She knew he was blushing, but didn’t seem sure why. Penny uncoiled her arms from around his and slipped out of bed. Chris stayed in bed for now. After some time passed he also climbed from Penny’s bed and got dressed. He wore a grey long-sleeved shirt, blue jeans, and brown boots.

  Penny stepped out wearing a black and purple top, a black skirt, and black and purple boots. Chris stared for a moment before playing it off. He stood up and smiled.

  “What? Is there something wrong with this...?”

  “No!” Chris replied instantly. He got a bit shy. Penny look surprised that he had answered that so fast. “No... You look great.”

  “Are you hungry?” Penny asked.

  “Yup!” he answered.

  “Then let’s go get something to--” Penny paused for a moment and stared off. She must have realized something now that she was back to her normal self.

  “What?” he asked.

  “I need to talk to Autumn, come with me okay?” she urged. She took his arm and took him straight to the administration building. They made it to the library where he had arrived on his first day.

  Autumn was wearing a red top with grey shorts and white shoes. She was sitting at her desk reading a book. She looked rather down actually. Autumn was laying her face on her knuckles as she read. She jumped when the door opened.

  “Chris. Penny. What brings you two here?” she asked as she closed her book. “I’m actually glad you’re here I was going to call you down--”

  “Autumn wait,” Penny requested. “Have you seen Hunter at all since before the attack? Not even during the attack just at all?”

  “...No…” she placed her hand on her chin. “Actually, he wasn’t at his post before the attack…”

  “I just thought about it. Not because of what he did to Chris, but because he’s been acting weird. Especially when those wolves attacked…”

  “Actually Penny…” Autumn took a deep breath. “I was going to ask if you two had seen Emily.”

  “What?” Chris asked as he stepped forward.

  “She never came to help me and she never went home last night,” she was in deep thought, her tone indicated that much. “I-- I will talk to my grandfather about this…”

  Chris felt his heart sink. He had just made up with Emily and spent time with her. Now she was missing and so was Hunter. Deep down Chris was terrified; he tried not to worry too much, but even Autumn didn’t know where she was. If she didn’t know Emily could be in a lot of danger. He turned away from Penny and Autumn who were still talking and walked away to think.

  “In any case...granddad has been informed that-- Well...” Autumn paused and tried to find the best way to say this. “The Senate found out that you and Chris were made partners. They don’t seem to want to listen that you two are a good pairing, and the fastest yet in the competition…”

  Chris turned back to Autumn, “Don’t say it…” he seemed crestfallen. “They don’t like Penny having a partner.”

  Penny folded her arms and shifted her weight. Autumn nodded and looked at Chris and then Penny. “There will be a hearing about it. You will both attend. It’s tomorrow…That’s why I’m so worked up. Not to mention everything else,” Autumn told them.

  Chris looked at Penny who merely hid behind her hair. He could not see anything but her mouth forming a straight line. "Why now? Isn’t there enough going on?” she said. She was nearly inaudible.

  “They prioritized it...They think you are a traitor.”

  “What?!” Chris barked causing Autumn to jump slightly. He immediately grew angry. “She helped fight them off and her sister is dead!”

  “Chris, this...” Penny sighed, reminding him, “this is what I meant…” She gazed at him with a calm expression. “It’s why I said I’d cause you trouble.”

  “I’ll defend you,” Chris stepped forward, determination in his voice.

  “We won’t win,” Penny breathed.

I just got you happy again…” Chris gritted his teeth.

  “Let it go...What about Emily?” Penny returned to the problem at hand.

  “Right, well, until we have proof that it’s Hunter, I can’t do much. I mean you can’t just make accusations like that.” Autumn brushed her hair back.” I’ll investigate into it and get the general to interrogate the Sorcerers. We don’t have time to chase whims.”

  “But if they see the traitor is Hunter they might--” Chris tried.

  “They’ll still put Penny on the spot. They don’t want her to have a Wizard partner,” Autumn corrected. “I’m sorry, she’ll just have to defend herself.”

  “I’ll defend her too,” Chris reminded her.

  “I know,” Penny smiled and looked back at him. She still seemed really shaken up again. Chris figured Penny was expecting them to be separated. He wasn’t going to let them take her away or hurt her.

  “I would recommend consulting Hunter’s partner,” Autumn continued. “She’ll probably help. Just don’t accuse him. There isn’t much proof right now.”

  “Who is his partner?” Chris asked.

  “Morgan Nightgem,” Autumn answered.

  “She’s my friend,” Penny told him. “She was my first friend when I came here. She’s very... colorful-- she loves to wear pink and she’s a mage.”

  Chris recalled seeing a girl of that description the night of the attack. She was standing nearest to the middle with her hands on her hips. He had also seen her just before the partner competition talking to Penny. She seemed like a social butterfly. Penny got along with her very well from what he could tell.

  “I will also have one of the investigators check out her house--” Autumn began.

  “No point,” Chris interjected. “She never went home, remember?”

  “Right...Well, go find Morgan. She should be with the other mages. They are being briefed in the war room. It’s the building to the left of this one. Third floor,” she handed them both silver pass cards. “Don’t lose these. If anyone asks, you’re bringing important information…. which isn’t a lie.”

  “Thanks Autumn,” Chris smiled. “Seriously, you’ve already taught me a lot, and now you’re helping me again.”

  “Anytime,” she smiled shyly. “Now get going-- tomorrow, most of your time will be with the senate…”

  Chris and Penny made their way across the lawn and toward the brown building. When they arrived, the guards stopped them for a moment. Penny presented their passes and explained that they had important news about developments. The guards stepped aside and they continued inside.

  The interior housed a marble floor with unique designs, white columns, and some furniture. There were military personnel engaging in their own conversations in each corner. Some looked around warily when they heard the door, but upon seeing that they were mere students, they continued with their conversations.

  There were a few soldiers and officials that had different attire. Instead of the normal black uniform they had grey, dark blue and proud gold, and many other colors. Chris figured that this building acted as an embassy. The alliance was said to have been made up of different militaries along with its own. It was rather fascinating to him to see them all gathered together.

  Chris and Penny made their way to the stairs. They descended about thirty or so stairs before reaching the third floor. The third floor was dimly lit with a soft baby blue light that pulsed along the walls. It was built into the wall and there seemed to be almost a pulse that trailed down the hallway every few seconds. Penny stopped for a moment and checked each door to see what the sign beside it said. Conference, interrogation, and finally the one they were looking for: war room.

  “This is us,” Penny told him as she moved over to that side of the hallway.

  Penny held up her card to the right of the door. A light projected from the mechanism and began to pan up and down the card slowly. After a few moments it beeped quietly and flashed green. The door slid open to the right and allowed entry. Once they stepped through it closed behind them and sealed.

  Faint voices could be made out in the distance. The room was extremely dark with a path leading forward to a large room with multiple seats. There was a circular table in the center with a hologram of three planets. The only ones in the room appeared to be the mages. There were seven of them now, previously eight.

  Miyato was wearing a black shirt, a grey coat, black dress pants, black dress shoes, and he appeared to be checking some sort of tablet. Chris recognized his voice immediately.

  “Everyone listen. We can’t keep arguing about this. It’s obvious that we have a security breach, but the war takes precedence, right?”

  “Right, but if we’re going to war the last thing we need is a backstabber,” a female voice replied. It was the girl with the flute. She was wearing a light pale green jacket, a dark blue top, skinny jeans, and brown boots. “I mean we seriously can’t be expected to go fight when the city is practically still licking its wounds.”

  “And without Tori we’re down by one and until we get a replacement…” the boy with the staff began rubbing his chin. He walked away from the table and faced toward the wall to think.

  Morgan hunched over the table and stared at the diagram laid before her. She was wearing a similar outfit to last time he had seen her.

  “Enough everyone,” Morgan’s voice came, the entire table silenced. Her hand came down onto the table, demanding attention. “I say we search the city again. We keep searching until they force us to go fight on these other worlds. The Empire is still nearby and can attack anytime they want. We have more defenses and we’re ready for them, but that doesn’t mean they can’t do more damage,” her eyes began to scan them over one by one. “We already know that we have two planets under attack. Liana city has been lost on Penrose, and the fighting has advanced to the jungles. Our people are using guerrilla tactics, but eventually we will be deployed there.”

  “That’s going to be hell for everyone involved,” Miyato noted.

  “Not you,” she corrected. “You’re staying here. If anything at all happens to the city I want you to keep the people safe. We won’t be long, but I’m sure you don’t mind since you want to find the traitor so bad, right?” she somewhat smiled at him.

  “Gladly,” he replied in a laid-back manner, slipping his hands into his pockets.

  “Then it’s decided. Now the military will get the support they need out there, and we have a mage here,” she concluded. “You five should probably look over the battle plan again.”

  “Morgan we aren’t new jacks,” the girl with the flute began. “I’m offended.”

  “Melody I have to beg you just to study,” Morgan countered.

  “Fine,” she groaned as she turned back to the maps. “I’ll study the gosh dang plans.”

  “Hey,” Morgan said as she turned, surprised to see Chris and Penny standing there. Morgan hugged Penny. “What are you doing here? You’re not breaking the rules, are you?”

  “Me? Have I ever broken a rule?” Penny asked her.

  “No, but I don’t want you to get in trou-” she paused when Penny held up the silver key cards. Morgan nodded.

  “It’s really important we need to talk to you.”

  “Okay go ahead,” Morgan agreed.

  “Have you seen Hunter lately?” Penny said under her breath. “At all?”

  “No. I’ve only seen Jerard today. I haven’t seen Hunter.”

  “You haven’t seen Hunter at all? Not even last night?” Penny pressed on.

  “I have two partners, I struggle to keep up with one. Sometimes I curse the day I got two because I can hardly keep up with one,” Morgan mused. “Wait did he do something wrong?”

  Chris started to say something, but Penny silenced him by flicking him discretely. She pulled Morgan to the side away from everyone and began to speak to her privately. Morgan seemed to be protesting slightly from what he could tell. Penny didn’t want Chris to interfere.
/>   “So, Chris,” Miyato’s voice came out of the blue. Chris turned his attention to Miyato who had now turned toward him, and was leaning against the table. “How’s your morning?”

  “Man... I don’t even know,” Chris replied honestly.

  “I’m sorry you came here at a time like this. It’s messy right now. Hell, I’d be wanting to leave by now,” he paused a moment. “How’s Emily?”

  “Oh uh--” Chris wasn't sure how to answer. “She’s around…”

  “Oh okay, I was just wondering. She was supposed to help me with my half of the cleanup in the southern part of town. She never showed, so she owes me next time!” he chuckled and smiled. “I’m sure she had a good reason.”

  “Miyato right? What brought you here?” Chris asked him.

  “I was in the Empire…” he made a straight face as he said this.

  “Really?!” Chris was stunned for a moment.

  Miyato began to laugh a little, his facing forming a smile, “No that’s Penny’s story. I transferred from another one of the magic schools. I just happened to get noticed as a student excels with his mind and imagination. Because of that I got to be a mage.”

  “So that string you had was summoned…”

  “Oh this?” he waved his hand lightly through the air as the wire formed into his hands. “I don’t summon it I imagine it. You had a run in with an Imagination user. I can do wonders with my mind.” he balled his hand up and reopened it. The string was now a dagger. “See that?”

  Chris internally wished he had that power. It seemed really cool. He could summon anything he wanted at will really. It seemed to be the best type of magic, and so far, Ice wasn’t doing much for him. He still couldn’t aim his spells.

  “See here’s the thing I have my limitations. I have a vivid imagination, but if I can’t think of anything I’m dead. So, I have to keep myself inspired.”

  “That’s so cool…” Chris smiled. “Better than Ice.”

  “Depends on the user. All magic types are equal,” he said, correcting Chris’ notion. “Oh, and about Tori?”


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