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Page 26

by Christopher Kirkland

  “Wait, you work with Hunter? I thought you were a part of the Empire.”

  “I work for myself,” she turned her back to him, still aiming her gun over her shoulder. “The Empire can go to hell.”

  “But your sister--” Chris furrowed his eyebrows. “Isn’t your version of Penny with the Empire?”

  “Yes. Okay...And?” she shrugged her shoulders.

  “And she’s your sister.”

  Victoria began to laugh. Apparently, something was funny, she turned toward him shaking her head, “Just because your Penny got along with her sister, doesn’t mean I want to,” she shook her head. “No, I’m going to kill her.”

  “Kill her? What--”

  “Bang,” she said as she pointed her pistol at her head. “A shot to the noggin.”

  “That’s horrible,” Chris shook his head. “How can you say that?”

  “I just did. Enough about me. Watch this,” Victoria reached down into her boot and removed a small golden computer chip. She took it and inserted it into his watch before he could ask. A holographic video jumped out from the watch. Hunter was rummaging through a backpack. He was indeed in the clock tower. Emily was behind him, conscious now, but her hands and feet were tied up. Chris figured that if she hadn’t been tied up, that he would have been dealt with by now. Her hair was messy, but she seemed mostly okay. He had not hurt her as far as he could tell.

  Hunter was wearing the same thing that he had worn previously: a red shirt, a black jacket, and black leather combat boots. He was talking on some sort of device that he had set up. It was not very large and it was simply sitting on the wooden clock tower floor.

  “I can’t seem to get a very good signal,” he heard him say, throwing his arms up.

  “Maybe that’s because your friends left you,” Emily was trying to free herself, but Hunter had clearly not caught on. She was having very little luck, but alas she kept trying. “The Alliance reinforcements are pushing them further from Terminus as we speak. “

  “Be quiet…” he muttered. “I don’t need your--”

  “Hunter, this is wrong and you know it!” she seemed to be trying to get through to him.

  “You don’t know right from wrong. You’re just lucky I care about you more than anyone else here,” he muttered, casting her a mean glance. “I could have killed you. You’re here because of me.”

  “You were setting the wolves on the town! You were helping to attack and sabotage the city!” Emily screamed. “You tried to kill my brother too.” she lowered her head. “If I wasn’t tied up…”

  “I wasn’t trying to kill him. Although he did die briefly from what I heard. Lucky for him he’s got that girl that drags him around.”

  “How can you say that so easily?” Emily’s face showed that she was in shock, her mouth slightly agape. “This-- isn’t even-- what’s wrong with you!?”

  Hunter ignored her and went back to trying to fix his device. He turned toward the holographic image, “Victoria, hand me that screwdriver.”

  “Of course,” Victoria came into frame and handed it to him. “They won’t be sending anyone to come get us anyway.”

  “Maybe they are. Maybe they’re not. And if not, we can run that blockade. It just wouldn’t be pretty,” Hunter began to fix the device as best he could, but his efforts were fruitless.

  The device began to power up and glow red, before sparking violently and powering down. It was clear that it would no longer work.

  Victoria stepped away from where Hunter was and headed toward the device capturing it all. Her hand covered it briefly. Once her hand had moved, Chris could see everything again. But what he saw next astounded him. Victoria pulled her gun on Hunter. She had done this without a moment’s hesitation.

  “Victoria?!” Hunter stood up quickly.

  “Na-uh. Don’t move,” she said as she began to back away. “I’m leaving, okay?”

  “Is that my watch?!”

  “It would seem so.”

  “What’s wrong?” Emily rolled her eyes as she focused her efforts on escaping her bindings. “Don’t like when you get double-crossed?”

  “Shut up!” Hunter shot at Emily. Hunter turned to Victoria, he pointed a finger at her, shaking with rage. “Victoria...I am giving you-- one-- warning.”

  “Oh Hunter,” she smiled and placed her hand on her chest. “You talk far too much,” Victoria stepped forward, tempting fate. “You want to kill me so bad right now, don’t you?”

  Hunter said nothing, he took deep breaths, he seemed to be debating his next move. She had him in a bad position and there was almost nothing he could really do. Perhaps he had underestimated how dangerous she was. He did seem legitimately surprised by this betrayal. He didn’t seem as cool or level headed as when Chris had seen him last.

  “Are you afraid to make a move?” Victoria took another step forward in one smooth motion, daring him to strike. “Don’t tell me you’re surprised. You’re too pathetic and--”

  Hunter swung. Victoria’s lip curled immediately. There was a sudden movement upwards so Chris couldn’t see what was happening. A ruby red orb flew by quickly, blocking something with a loud crash. Powerful gunshots could be heard soon after; it sounded like two pistols firing one after another. The camera moved back down, cartridges and bullet holes littered the floor in front of Hunter. His sword had been knocked out of his hand and landed on the other side of the room. He had tried closing the distance, but she promptly disarmed him, shot eight rounds at his feet, and was now giving him a smug look. Victoria laughed as she waved goodbye at the now defeated Hunter. The recording ended soon after.

  Chris looked up from his watch to see Victoria dangling a brown and red watch from her fingertips. At this point, Chris figured that this version of Victoria had no allegiance, did not care about morals, and was good at deception. What he had seen was entirely true, and he figured Hunter was preparing to leave at this very moment.

  “Now that I showed you all of this,” she took her finger and pressed it against his chest. “You owe me.”

  “Owe you?” Chris echoed, in complete and utter disbelief. “Yeah, no.” Chris turned to leave.

  “You owe me and I know exactly what I’ll use you for,” Victoria grabbed his wrist. “I’m keeping Hunter’s watch so you can contact me when we work together.”

  “Won’t you need to contact me?” he raised his eyebrow as Victoria stepped in front of him once again.

  “No, I can find you,” a sly smile appeared on her face. “I’ll know where you are, Christopher. Once you do me this certain favor, you won’t owe me again.”

  “I--” he paused, mulling this all over. I really don’t have a choice at all…” Fine,” he heaved.

  “Good boy,” Victoria seemed pleased. “Call your little friends.”

  Chris turned his back to Victoria and began to access his watch. He tried to call Megan and Ian, but they did not answer. Where were they? Neither of them were answering their watch, and no matter how many times he called, it was the same result. He tried calling Penny next and this time he actually got an answer pretty immediately. Penny’s voice began speak.

  “Hey, are you okay?” Penny sounded rather relaxed. “I was heading back to the dorm. I’ll have to get the food later, they had to close shop because--”

  “Not now!” Chris found himself saying this louder than he meant to. “I know where Hunter is, but he’s leaving soon! I’m about to head there now.”

  “Where?” Penny sounded concerned. “Are you heading there now?”

  “No. I’m--” Chris looked back at Victoria and stopped himself from finishing that statement. Could he tell her about Shadow Victoria? It might just hurt her to find out about her being in the city, and she had only just recently gotten happy again. “I found out from someone working with Hunter,” he said finally, slurring his words slightly. “I... I’m very sure I know where.”


  “The clocktower,” he said as he lifted his wrist to
his mouth to talk better, looking up at the ghostly structure. The clock appeared to have a ghostly yellow glow in the rain and the fog. “I’m heading there now.”

  “No. Not without me!” Penny disagreed immediately.

  “He’ll get away,” Chris argued. “I have to.”

  “Chris, I need you to wait,” Penny begged. “I’m worried. Last time--”

  “I can do it,” Chris assured. “I can’t let him get away, especially with Emily.”

  “I’ll be there soon…” Penny hung up her watch, but before she did Chris could have sworn he had heard her begin to run.

  Chris turned back to Victoria who was obviously listening in on his conversation. She spoke first and made each word very clear, “If you wait like that girl wants you to, you’ll lose Hunter and your sister. Hunter won’t wait.”

  “I see that,” Chris looked back at the big clock ticking away in the night. “I don’t think I can take him alone, though. Can you help?”

  “I have things to do,” Victoria purred. “But, I suppose I can tell your two friends about your whereabouts.”

  “Megan and Ian?”

  “Who else?” she replied harshly, casting him a glance. “I mean really…now run along.”

  “How will you get around the city without--”

  “They haven’t caught me. They never will, I’ll be taking my leave after this,” Victoria stepped backwards and faded into the darkness of the alley. Her eyes seemed to glow red in the shadows and it was rather terrifying to Chris. She stood there, waiting for him to leave.

  Chris walked out from the alley and looked left and then right. What’s the fastest way? Chris had never been near the clocktower in all of his time here; how was he supposed to find the fastest way there? There’s no time. He ran forward toward a stack of boxes and climbed up as fast as he could. He then turned and leapt toward the building in between him and the way forward, slipping slightly due to the heavy amounts of rain. Chris managed to get his leg up first, and then his elbow, and then he was able to pull the rest of himself up.

  He leapt from building to building, and once the buildings became too far apart he dropped down and continued on. It was not far now. The clock tower’s grey bricks were soaked in rainwater that slid down to the stone streets below. Its door was a dark brown wood with two large marble handles on each side.

  Hunter was in this clocktower. He was planning his escape right this second, there was no time to waste. Chris took a deep breath and pressed his hands against the doors and slowly pushed them apart. Light began to escape the interior, Chris pushed the doors more so he could get a better look.

  Chris could see Emily tied up in that same corner with her head down. Hunter was nowhere to be seen in the room. Chris was nervous about where he could have gone, but there was no time for that. He quickly moved across the wooden floor and began to untie her. She needed him, Hunter could come last. Emily began to stir, her voice put him at ease slightly.

  “Oh...little-- bro…” she lifted her head to look him in the eyes. “How did you get here?”

  “Can I use my sword on this?”

  “You can try,” she moaned. “I don’t know, he kept a good eye on me.”

  Chris hastily untied her feet, “Where is he?” Chris looked left and right to try to locate his adversary.

  “He? Oh...Hunter...?” Emily sounded very dazed. “I don’t head hurts so much.”

  “That’s fine,” Chris finished untying her feet, now he moved on to her hands that were behind her back. “Don’t move.”

  “Chris!” Emily screamed. Chris quickly spun and summoned his sword all in one motion, placing his hand on the other end of his blade to block the death blow. He winced slightly as the edge cut his finger and palm. He threw the assailant off.

  Hunter stood before him, pointing his sword at him. Chris leapt to his feet and pointed his sword back. There was nothing to say at all. Chris had no intention of speaking one word to this scum. He probably had a few seconds to plan his attack and he was not going to waste one second.

  Hunter took a step forward and jabbed his sword, Chris stepped to the right to dodge and swung his sword upward to the left to knock it away with both hands. Hunter swung downward, Chris blocked up and elbowed him as hard as he could in the gut, pushing him back against the wall. Chris slashed down, Hunter slid along the wall to dodge. He then tackled Chris to the ground. Both swords went flying away.

  Chris crawled quickly toward his weapon, getting to his feet and rearmed himself. Hunter had done the same, but by the time Chris turned back to continue the fight, Hunter was about to finish him off. Hunter fired a massive ball of fire was coming toward him. He had no chance of dodging in time. Emily made a move to get involved, but she did not have the strength to move at this time, and so she collapsed. Chris raised his hand in an attempt to protect himself and flinched.

  Someone flew in front of Chris, stepping in and blocking the devastating flames. It was Penny. Her shield was raised, protecting him entirely from the magic. She called over the roar of the fire, “Are you hurt?”

  “Nothing serious!” he replied.

  “Good. Go. Now!”

  Penny stepped aside. Chris took her place and fired a blast of Ice magic. Hunter’s fire was blown back toward him, stopping in between them. Hunter broke the engagement and dodged what was left of Chris magic, running up the wooden stairs to the next floor.

  “After him!” Penny’s voice came into his mind once again loud and clear. She took off up the stairs and he followed behind her, only stopping to look back at Emily.

  “Chris…” Emily managed weakly.

  “Stay there!” Chris urged. “Megan and Ian should be coming soon. He’s got nowhere to go.” he ran after Penny. Hunter had ascended the many floors to the top. The ticking of the clock and turning of the gears could be heard.

  Hunter paused and closed his eyes, taking a slow breath and releasing it. He turned back toward them, his expression showing nothing but irritation and discontent. He grasped his sword tightly in his hand and looked at the pair in front of him.

  Chris and Penny pointed their swords at him at the same time. Hunter readied himself. He obviously wasn’t going to surrender. Chris figured that he couldn’t take them both together, especially without his partner. No one said a word; the only sound was that of the mechanisms around them.

  Chris moved forward and stuck out with a long slash, Hunter parried. Hunter countered with two quick sword swings. Penny moved forward in an instant and blocked both, spinning and smacking him in the face with her shield. Hunter stepped back and covered his now bloodied cheek. Penny moved in again and swung her small sword, Hunter caught her wrist and squeezed hard, but Penny did not let it go. Chris moved in as he attempted to cut Penny down. He managed to block Hunter’s first blow, but the second cut his shoulder. He returned the favor by lashing out at Hunter who was forced to retreat backwards.

  Chris stepped back and held his arm that now had blood trickling down. It was healing, but it was very much open

  “Come on,” Hunter readied himself for another assault. “I thought you were a team.”

  “Heal. I got him”, Penny told him. She moved in and began to engage him once again. Chris knelt down on the floor, catching his breath. Once his arm had fully healed, he returned to the fight. He hoped Megan and Ian would arrive soon and free Emily, preferably with help.

  Chris charged in and collided swords with Hunter. They stayed that way until Penny made a move to cut him across his face. Hunter pushed Chris back and shot Fire magic at Penny, she raised her shield to block the blast. Chris came in one again, this time focusing on disabling Hunter. He held his sword in a horizontal manner and charged directly at him. This caught him off guard, but Hunter prepared in the short time he had to think.

  Hunter stepped aside and threw Chris into the wall; his sword became stuck in the wall. Hunter grabbed the back of Chris’s head and slammed it hard into the butt of the sword. Chris fel
l, disoriented. Everything was spinning and he could hear a ringing. All he could make out was Penny still engaged with Hunter. He was healing once again, but it was taking time. Chris needed to get back on his feet and help.

  He placed both hands in front of him and lifted himself up shakily. He could barely see, but he needed to keep moving. He turned back toward his blade, placed his foot against the wall and attempted to pry it out. It inched out, but it was barely moving. Penny was still engaged with Hunter behind him, but she seemed to be doing just fine. How long could she continue without him? She was mostly on the defensive, but she was also striking out.

  Hunter caught Penny’s blade as she attempted a desperate attack and threw it over to where Chris was trying to retrieve his sword. Chris glanced down at it, realizing Penny was in trouble, turning back to see what was happening. Penny was struggling now, Hunter was pressing his advantage, she was backing away and blocking what she could with her shield, but he was overwhelming her. Finally, Hunter punched Penny causing her to turn away and slashed her across the spine. Penny’s eyes went wide as she fell to the ground. Chris tried harder to free his weapon.

  Chris turned back, “Penny!” No reply at all. Her eyes were closed and she was not moving or making any sounds. Is... she… Chris felt his eyes sting, but he was not going to cry. Could Penny actually be dead? He was alone again...against Hunter. Chris was not afraid, he wanted nothing more than to kill him now. Hunter wouldn’t escape.

  Hunter ran up behind Chris and attempted to strike, Chris ripped the sword violently from the wall with great effort and collided swords with him. Sparks flew as they both drew backwards. Chris reached down after knocking Hunter back and took Penny’s small sword. He held Penny’s sword in his right hand facing forward and his own sword in his left, reverse grip.

  “If you want to get in my way,” Hunter readied his sword, panting heavily. “I’m going to make sure you join her.”


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