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Page 28

by Christopher Kirkland

  “Go have fun,” he chuckled. “Seriously. That’s enough to do anything in town. I need you to rest.”

  Penny took Chris’s hand and pulled him outside immediately without even looking back. Chris called over his shoulder to say thank you as they left. Autumn erupted into laughter as Penny took off full speed, dragging Chris along. Chris could see the headmaster smiling to himself as they left.

  “Wait, Penny. I was going to go talk to Emily,” Chris told her, halting her advance.

  “Okay...well I’ll meet you at the overlook.”

  “Where is that?”

  “Ask Emily, I have to go talk to Megan about something anyway.”

  “But I--” Chris didn’t get to finish his sentence before Penny took off once again and vanished into the crowd.

  Chapter 25

  Just the Beginning

  Chris knocked lightly on Emily’s door and waited for a response. Would this be awkward? They had just made up recently and he had saved her from being taken away by Hunter. What was he supposed to say? Hello, it’s your brother. You know the one that saved you. Got a minute?

  As the door opened Chris saw Emily once again. She was wearing a black dress with laces. Her hair was now in a bob cut with a black ribbon in it. Chris had no time to react as she took him in her arms and ruffled his hair, he struggled, but he did quite enjoy her doing that again.

  “You’re messing up my hair!”

  “Aw come on,” Emily seemed very chipper. “I’m so happy to see you.”

  “Because I’m your favorite brother?”

  “That and I got you a gift,” Emily flicked her hand to the side and summoned a blue sword with a clean white blade. It looked as if it was made new, no marks or damage. “I’ll also take your other sword,” she held out her hand. Chris summoned his sword and gave it to her and in turn she gave him the new one. “I’ll get your old one fixed up,” she continued.


  “Well lil’ bro,” Emily smirked. “You did beat Hunter while dual wielding.”

  “How did you--”



  “When you were unconscious I talked to her in private. She told me all of it,” Emily shook her head. “I figured I would teach you how to fight with two weapons after Christmas.”

  “Dual wielding?”

  “Yup. I can see what you know. I’m not letting you onto any battlefield until you know what to do.”

  Chris examined the new sword, it had the same material as the previous sword and the same feel, but something was different about it. It seemed to have a sort of aura around it that he had never felt before. What was with this sword? It was so different and it seemed to connect with him, unlike his other weapon.

  “Try to swing while using magic,” Emily took a step back. As Chris readied himself. “Not near my house…oh and try reverse-grip.”

  Chris turned the sword so that he held it in reverse grip, taking his preferred combat stance. He gave the sword one good swing while also focusing on casting an ice spell. The sword reacted with these actions together as the blade began to emit Ice magic, slightly shooting out from the shape of the blade. It went away as he lowered the sword. He tried again, but swung harder. This time making the sword travel in an arc, the Ice magic did as well as if a wave of energy flew from it.

  “You can use your Ice magic more aggressively now,” Emily walked over and ruffled his hair. “Since you want to do damage so bad.”

  “Emily? This is sweet and all but I--” Chris began to turn a shade a red.


  “I’m gonna be hanging out with Penny,” he shifted his glance away from her.

  Emily had a moment of realization and before Chris had the chance to stop her she cried out, “You’re going on a date!”

  “It’s not a date,” he went wide eyed at this accusation.

  “Bull,” Emily pinched his cheek hard and held it, Chris whined.


  “Aww you’re so shy!”

  “Emily,” he tried again.

  “Admit it,” she mused.

  “Okay okay...maybe a little. I mean I guess…” he sounded very small and shy now, his shoulders were raised slightly and he continued trying to dodge her eyes. “It’s not a date unless she agrees to it.”

  “True, true. What will you be doing?”

  “I have no clue, but she said to ask you where the overlook is.”

  “I’ll take you,” Emily wrapped her arm around Chris and guided him in the right direction. “I’ll take your gift to your dorm.”

  Chris had finally begun to put his mind at ease. He had nothing to worry about, at least for the moment. Emily seemed to be slightly distracted though.

  Without thinking he spoke, “Emily? What do you think Shadow Victoria wants with me?”

  “I don’t know. But I intend to find out. You’ll tell me when she tries something, right?” Emily sounded very stern now, her smile dropping to a thin line.

  “I will,” Chris paused. “But can you handle her?”

  “I could win in a fight,” Emily turned her attention to Chris as they walked, pulling him closer.

  “No, I and Victoria…”

  “She’s not my Tori. She sounds cruel and manipulative,” Emily bit her tongue to stop herself from saying anymore in front of her brother. It’s a good thing I didn’t tell her she had a gun pointed at me.

  “Well...maybe she’ll be a help? She did help me find you…”

  “For her own personal gain,” Emily reminded him as they ascended a flight of stairs, pushing past someone. “Excuse me, sorry.”

  “You’re probably right.”

  “She is not an ally. She is a threat,” her expression changed as she said this. “A threat I intend to handle.”

  Emily had never been so intense in front of him before. Perhaps the death of Victoria had affected her, but Chris figured that couldn’t have been it. Was she worried about his safety? Or was it something else entirely?

  “Sis? You know I can take care of myself, right?”

  “A little, but you’re not ready for the real threats.”


  “Chaos and Vedi for starters. Vic-- Shadow Victoria is also too strong for you.”

  “I guess you’re right…” Chris lowered his head, feeling his confidence plummet.

  “Hey.” Emily pulled him closer to her and rubbed his shoulder, her expression returned to normal. “But you did good for someone who hasn’t been here long. You’re picking up on your sister’s spunk.”

  “What the...heck does that even mean?” Chris tilted his head in confusion. Emily shook her head and smiled.

  The sky had begun to darken once again and the temperature was dropping at a rapid rate. According to his sister they were almost to the overlook. The overlook was located near the edge of town. From there you could see a good portion of the town, the village, the forests, and even Las Estrellas. There were glass panels lining the edge with golden railings.

  Penny was there waiting for him. She was wearing a black V-neck style shirt with a subtle baby blue outline, a black undershirt, a black skirt that dropped just to her knees, black leggings, and black ankle boots. Penny was leaning on the railing waiting for him, staring off into the distance. He could tell that she was wondering where he was.

  Chris started toward Penny but Emily pulled him back. She turned him to face her and gave him a soft look, “Before I let you go, promise me you’ll stay out of trouble tonight.”

  “I will,” he said quickly, determined to get to Penny as fast as possible.

  “Back in your dorm by--”


  “You’re just growing up on me…” she apologized. “Seems like just a while ago I was changing your diapers and--”

  “Emily,” Chris flushed to a slightly red color. Penny turned for a moment, saw it was them and smiled, waiting for him right where she was. Chris made a gesture
with his head to remind Emily about Penny who was within earshot. “...Right. Right. Wouldn’t want to embarrass you in front of your soon to be.”

  “We aren’t seeing each other!” he hissed, his cheeks were starting to hurt now.

  “Yeah, well you want it to happen,” she teased, “Now go on,” Emily kissed her brother’s forehead and ruffled his hair one last time before turning him back and letting him go. She watched him walk for a moment before smiling and heading back the way she came, occasionally glancing back.

  Chris made his way over to Penny and stood by her side, staring off into the distance. They stayed there in silence for a moment, and he really wasn’t sure what to say. He felt his chest tighten and his cheeks began to burn just by being near her. Chris did his best to suppress his thoughts because he knew Penny would hear them.

  “Hey,” Penny smiled.

  “Hey,” Chris replied, sounding more shy than he had intended, clearing his throat to try to cover it up.

  “I was starting to think you weren’t coming…”

  “I uh-- Emily...”

  “I’m joking,” she nudged him with her elbow. Penny paused and stared out into the distance. “I love this view…especially with the lights…”

  “’s cute--” What did I just say?! “I mean pretty!”

  Penny giggled and smiled wider than ever. Once again, he had managed to amuse her, “You can’t hide anything from me.”

  “Darn, I thought I was improving,” he chortled.

  “Gotta try harder.” Penny rolled her eyes and returned back to the view, the same gleeful smile on her face.

  “Hey Penn?” Chris paused, hesitating.

  “Yes, Chris?”

  Chris avoided eye contact, focusing only toward the distance. He was afraid to speak, but he did so anyway in a manner that made him seem confident, “I know you didn’t ask for a partner like me and you’re probably sick of me.” Penny stared at him with her big brown eyes, her smile vanished. He continued on. “When I tried to help you a while back, you said that you didn’t want a partner in the first place. And ever since then I felt like I got in your way,” Penny started to turn toward him, but Chris kept talking. “I did my best to make myself useful, but I just kind of got in your way.”


  “So, I’m sorry. I understand if you want a new partner,” he smiled a little. “But I had fun working with you. You really are awesome.”

  Penny stared at Chris for a moment in disbelief. Chris attempted to speak again, but Penny covered up his mouth before he had the chance to say anything more.

  She smiled and shook her head, “I didn’t mean it. I was upset. I’m sorry…” Penny removed her hand from his mouth. “I wasn’t used to you yet and after what happened to my sister...I just honestly didn’t know what to do anymore.”

  “And now you do?”

  “Yup. Win this war, keep you safe, and maybe...there can be more sorcerers like me here one day,” she shrugged. “But mostly the second one.”

  “But...I got in your way.”

  “I was so used to fighting alone,” Penny disregarded his previous comment, because she was about to address it, staring into the horizon where the sun had finally sunken into the sea of trees. “Then, I come across some crazy guy who wants to ask for my help, I punch him unconscious and then I’m fighting by his side…” she tilted her head up to look at the sky. “It felt good…having you by my side I mean…”

  “Same,” Chris felt warm inside knowing she felt the same in this regard. Snowflakes began to descend from the sky. Penny lowered her head and moved closer for warmth. Oh, please let it keep snowing.

  “I heard that,” Penny smirked as she hugged his arm closer to herself. “Stop moving, you’re warm.”

  “Let’s get going then. I hope wherever you wanted to go is inside,” he chuckled.

  “It is, but first,” Penny let go of his arm. “I’ve been thinking about what you said in the clocktower.” Chris’s heart sank immediately. Penny resumed this thought, “You was sweet. I’ve never had anyone but family tell me that and actually mean it, but I’ll be honest… I don’t fully know what love is outside of family.”


  “So,” Penny dodged the question to continue her thought, she stepped closer and poked his nose. “I might just return your feelings.”

  “What do you mean?” Chris blushed hard, wanting more details on this. Penny had begun to walk off without him. Chris followed behind her. “What did you mean by that?”

  “Chris?” Penny giggled.


  “Shhh,” she burst into laughter as he walked at a brisk pace to keep up with her. “Patience.”


  “Right,” Penny repeated, reassuring him that she would let him know.

  They walked together through the snowy night. Chris wasn’t sure what they were going to go do but he didn’t really care, he was doing it with her. Even if they just walked around in the cold, he would be fine with it. Although the future would be rough for him, Chris had no problem cherishing this moment. This moment that he was lucky enough to share with Penny.




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