Book Read Free

Silent World

Page 44

by Natalie Warren

  "Hang on," Elaise spoke up and looked at Eliza. "Who's your date?"

  The answer came as Jake weaved through the crowd to meet Eliza, bowing politely and holding his hand out to her. Eliza smiled at the two girls before taking Jake's hand and allowing him to lead her away. Raven and Elaise exchanged glances and grins crept on their faces.

  "Eliza and Jake?" Raven giggled. "Now that is cute!" Elaise nodded her agreement but her grin faded when she looked past the blonde.

  Raven spun around and came face to face with Jason. She froze in place as the green-eyed boy looked her up and down with a smile, not saying a word. He wore dark jeans with a half-buttoned up white blouse and a black tie hung loosely around his neck. Raven stood uncomfortably in front of him and tried to stop herself from fidgeting.

  "Aren't you going to say anything?" she asked quickly, desperate for some sort of response!

  "I'm afraid I'm lost for words in front of such a beauty," he answered in a silky tone and Raven was caught off guard. He really thought she was that pretty? He smiled and nodded as if he had just read her thoughts.

  "My, my," Raven looked up as Der approached Elaise. "Don't you look like a cute little thing? Are you sure you're Elaise?"

  "Very sure," Elaise smiled and Der bowed before the brunette gave her hand to him. Elaise winked at Raven and Der led her away.

  Lupo was about to walk passed with Faith but he stopped to notice Raven and he laughed at the green-eyed boy in front of her. "Jason, I think you'd better take her hand before someone else tries to."

  Jason snapped out of whatever thought he was trapped in and he shot a mocking glare at him. He turned back to Raven and held his hand out. "You look beautiful," he said to her.

  Raven gave her hand to him and he led her over to where Elaise and Eliza had been taken. Raven was surprised when she saw Jake's arm around the golden-eyed girl's waist and she wondered if the two of them were an official couple. Should she ask?

  "What are we waiting for?" Elaise mumbled. "When does the party start?"

  "As soon as the headmaster says some stuff," Jake answered with a chuckle. "You think you're going to manage dancing in heels?"

  "Yes," Elaise scowled indignantly. "Just you watch!"

  Raven looked over to the back of the room where Elaise had put up the frame of Kyle's underwear a few weeks ago. A wooden stage was set there with stairs on either side and a microphone on a stand was placed up on it. She saw the headmaster walking up the stairs wearing a black suit with a bowtie around his neck.

  "It's about time that dog got a collar," Raven snorted quietly to herself but she shut her mouth when Der, Jason, Eliza and Jake suddenly choked on laughter. Elaise looked confused and Raven watched as Jake had to use Eliza for support before he fell over because of his laughter. "I didn't mean that!" Raven said guiltily. "That was kind of a thought I was supposed to keep to myself."

  "Hey, if your thoughts are always that funny, you need to share them more!" Jake laughed.

  "Welcome, students of White Grass Academy," the headmaster spoke into the microphone and the room settled into silence. Jake was still trying to contain himself while Eliza, Der and Jason recovered as much as they could and everyone looked up at Headmaster Smith. "It's so good to see everyone having fun tonight and you all deserve this after all of your hard work with the mid-term exams. I'm proud to have such wonderful students and I hope you all have fun tonight."

  "We will at the after-party," Jake whispered and Raven looked up, seeing Jason and Jake both nod to each other.

  "After-party?" Raven echoed quietly, not paying attention as the headmaster went on about the made-up history about the school.

  "You're coming too," Jason told her. "So is Elaise and our other friends."

  "I thought teachers forbade after-parties," the blonde frowned.

  "Let me guess, you're one of those girls who is too scared to break the rules?" Jake teased. Raven remembered him asking her something similar when he invited her to his party when she first arrived at White Grass.

  "You know that's not true!" Raven grumbled.

  "Prove it," the brunette boy challenged her.

  "I like after-parties," Elaise spoke up excitedly and everyone looked at Raven, waiting for an answer out of her.

  "It won't be any fun without you," Eliza added and shot a sneaky glance at Jason.

  Raven didn't understand what the two of them were on about when Jason slightly raised his hand, silently warning Eliza to stay quiet. The golden-eyed girl raised her chin and Raven exhaled loudly. "Fine, I'll go."

  "Good," Jason said and hugged her. "I need you there."


  "You'll see," he answered and Raven couldn't remember ever feeling so confused. She wanted to know what was going on but it didn't look like anyone was going to give her answers.

  "So enjoy yourselves!" the headmaster finished his speech and music started playing from a band that was on the other side of the stand which Raven hadn't seen before. They were playing very mellow ballroom music and Raven watched as people starting to break into pairs, girls with boys, and they began to dance around to the music.

  "Ready?" Jason looked down at Raven.

  "I guess so," she gulped and wondered how well she was going to go in heels. She allowed herself to be led over to the dance floor and she saw Der already dancing with Elaise and Eliza was happily slow dancing with Jake, her head on his shoulder with his hands on her waist, holding her close.

  "That's because of you, you know," Jason whispered in Raven's ear. "If you hadn't of come to White Grass and caught Jake's attention, he wouldn't have hung around so much."

  "How does that make me responsible for the two of them together?" Raven blinked.

  "They got to know each other more and I suppose they just fell for each other," the green-eyed boy chuckled. "Kinda cute."

  "I'll say," the blonde smiled. Jake and Eliza were together because of her? She thought about it more and more as Jason took her waist and she put her hands up on his shoulders, slowly letting him lead her as they started to dance slowly. Since Raven and Elaise turned up at the school, people who used to hang out in different groups had started to combine with others. Jake's friends and Jason's friends used to hang out on opposite sides of the school, and now they were all one big group.

  "More people to play basketball with," Jason grinned.

  Raven glared up at him. "Can you actually read my thoughts?"

  "Nope," he shook his head. "I've seen the vampire movies too, and I would not want to be able to read minds."

  "Why's that?" she asked.

  Jason leaned closer to Raven and she saw his smirk. "I don't really want to hear about the fun people have with each other in the bedroom. And I don't want to constantly hear all the dirty thoughts in everyone's minds."

  "Then why does it always seem like you can read my mind?" Raven growled.

  "Because you're predictable."

  Raven looked into Jason's mocking emerald eyes and found it impossible to feel offended. Jason noticed and pecked her on the lips; something she hadn't felt in a couple of days. She smiled and danced with him, not tripping at all in her heels. She was glad Jason had taught her how to dance and she followed his lead through many songs.

  She and her friends stopped for a little to catch their breath and get something to eat and they went straight back to the dance floor, all of them unable to wait for the after-party. Raven was patient enough but she noticed Jason wanted time to hurry up. What was on his mind? She thought.

  She let it go and the night went on. By the time the dance was finally over, it was midnight. Raven was tired and wanted to sleep, but as everyone cleared out of the hall, Jason led her up towards Jake's dorm. She had no idea what was going to happen but she guessed alcohol was going to be involved. She felt excited to drink but she had a funny feeling in her gut. Was something bad going to happen? Were they all going to get caught?

  "Chill out," Jason chuckled, knocking on Jake's door. It o
pened at once and Eliza greeted them, allowing them in. Jason let Raven enter first and he closed the door behind them. Raven looked around and saw Lyall, Lupo, Faith, Cheveyo, Gwen, Autumn and Elena with Der, Elaise and Jake; just the werewolves with Elaise and Raven.

  "Want a drink?" Jake asked, grabbing cans of Bundaberg and Cola from the fridge, handing them to Raven and Jason before they could answer.

  "Thanks," Raven smiled and watched as Gwen fiddled with the stereo, putting in a CD and playing the first track. Raven recognized the band as Linkin Park and the whole room seemed at ease.

  "Raven," Eliza spoke up and the blonde saw her holding something behind her back. "I have a gift for you."

  Raven was lost for words as the golden-eyed girl revealed what she was hiding. She placed the stuffed toy in Raven's hands gently and took a step back, waiting for the blonde girl to speak.

  "Rover?" Raven whispered, looking him over and seeing all the stitches keeping him together. She thought she had left him behind at the coven by accident…

  "You did leave him behind," Autumn giggled. "He carried your scent so we picked him up and brought him home."

  "He was in bad shape so Eliza fixed him," Faith added.

  "I couldn't save his eyes," Eliza pointed out. "So I got him new ones."

  Raven held Rover up and looked at his face, unable to keep the smile off her face as she stared at the golden beads replacing the black eyes he had lost. She looked up at her lycan friends and hugged Rover tightly, trying to keep her tears back. "My very own werewolf," she whispered. "Thank you so much."

  "Now you'll always have a werewolf watching over you when you sleep," Cheveyo laughed.

  "You guys are the best," Raven breathed.

  "We know," Jake grinned and put his arm around Eliza's shoulders, gently pulling her into him. Raven shot him a playful look and he returned it. Jake had tried to claim Raven when she first got to White Grass but he ended up with a steak knife in his hand and both of them would never forget it. Raven was just glad that Jake had finally moved on and found Eliza.

  "So where's this other surprise?" Elaise spoke up, looking impatient. "You told me the party couldn't start without it, so where is it? Why won't you guys tell me?"

  "Because the surprise is finally here," Der told her and looked up at Jason. "I believe someone has something he needs to announce before he gets cold feet and we have to kill him."

  "I'm not getting cold feet," Jason retorted with a playful tone and Raven turned around to face him.

  "So… what's up?" Raven asked, tilting her head to the side.

  Jason was quiet for a moment and Raven heard everyone muttering quietly, wanting the green-eyed boy to hurry up and speak. Elaise complained in a whisper, trying to ask Der what was going on. Raven glanced around at them all and saw the glimmer in their eyes. What were they all hoping for Jason to announce?

  "Raven," her head snapped up to face Jason and she saw him trying to maintain a straight face. "Look, I know I haven't exactly been around very much and I'm sorry that I never told you the truth about me in the beginning. You've been there for me since the day you arrived here at White Grass Academy and I finally found someone that I wanted to keep at my side and always protect. You were never scared of me when I told you about my past and you are the most sincere, trustworthy, beautiful girl I have ever met."

  Raven's body tingled as she stared into his green gaze and her heart raced a million miles an hour, thumping against her chest so hard that she prayed the werewolves wouldn't be able to hear it. "Jason, what are you trying to say?"

  "I promised I wasn't planning on leaving you behind," he flashed her a crooked smile. "And I still don't plan to. I know you've been getting the wrong signals from me and getting the feeling that maybe I don't want you after all, but that's not the case. I do want to be with you and I don't want to lose you. So will you go out with me?"

  Elaise let out a loud squeak and Raven turned her head to look at the brunette, seeing Lupo and Der both covering her mouth to keep her quiet. Everyone looked at Raven and her whole body heated up. Jason just asked her to be his girlfriend… After all the weeks they had spent together and after all the arguments they had… He was asking her out. She knew what she wanted to say, but she suddenly wondered if she was brave enough for this. As much as she had thought it over and prayed that Jason wasn't going to leave her behind, was she ready?

  She blinked up at him and saw the pleading look in his eyes. She held her breath for a few moments, pushing away all of her thoughts and letting her mind settle. She smiled up at him. "So that's why you were so touchy on the subject. You really are a sneaky bastard, you know that?"

  He couldn't keep the childish grin off his face as he nodded. "So… was that a yes?"

  "Of course it's a yes," Raven answered and wrapped her arms around his waist, despite her hands being full. She felt Jason's strong arms hold her tightly and she stepped away, looking up at him. Jason leaned down and locked lips with her, kissing her gently. Both of them smiled into it as their friends cheered.

  They broke away and Jason rested his forehead against hers. "So now you can call me your boyfriend."

  "It's about time!" Elaise called. "Congratulations, guys!"

  "Thanks, Elle," Raven smiled and hugged Jason again, putting her ear to his chest and listening to his steady heartbeat.

  "Now the party can begin!" Jake called and raised his can. Everyone cheered and Raven smiled, her fears finally put at ease and leaving her with nothing but pure bliss.


  "I can't believe that pest was accepted into the school! How could you let this happen?"

  Evan growled at the lycan standing before him, their face bathed in shadows. The newcomer snarled and Evan resisted the urge to shrink away and hide. "It was for the best. It's your fault for letting it happen. I pull the strings here!"

  "Yes, sir," the head vampire bowed respectfully. "I'm sorry that I failed you. What will we do about Jason and the girl?"

  One golden eye beamed at Evan from the darkness and a snarl rippled through the air, almost shaking the room. "Leave the pup to me. I know just the thing to exterminate him and all of his pathetic puppy followers; we won't need them in the long run."

  "And Raven?"

  "I want her dead!" the lycan snapped and Evan jumped, fear crawling across his cold skin. "If you can't do the job then go get the man who can!"

  "You mean her father?" Evan frowned. "But, sir… You know we can't do that. If I sent one of my people, they wouldn't come back… You know what he is. He'll-"

  "I know exactly what he'll do!" the newcomer roared, causing the vampire to shrink away. "If you tell that scumbag where to find his precious daughter then perhaps your leeches will live. Send your dog if you have to!"

  "Yes, sir," Evan bowed his head again and with a snort, the lycan disappeared out of the room. Evan waited a few moments before walking out and finding the staircase, seeing the last of the werewolf visitor as they headed for the door.

  "So he thinks I'm a dog?" Evan looked to his side where Boulder stood, his arms crossed. "I'll show that bag of bones who wears the collar!"

  "You will do no such thing," Evan hissed. "He pulls the string around here. If you attack him, Jason will know something's up."

  "Jason already knows there's someone in the school on our side," Boulder scoffed.

  Anger surged up in Evan's stomach and he turned on the lycan, grabbing him by the throat. Boulder didn't look bothered. "You told the pup? How dare you betray us!"

  "He's my brother," Boulder growled. "If anyone is going to kill him, it's going to be me. I'll confront him, we'll fight and I will be the victor! Killing a werewolf while his back is turned is against our way. Not even I would stoop so low as to take out my brother with a dirty trick like that."

  "You'd better remember where your loyalties lie, mutt!" Evan narrowed his eyes at the bulky man. "You were raised by vampires! You follow our way and if we choose to attack Jason when his back is
turned, then that's how the puppy is going to die!"

  Boulder snarled and ripped Evan's hand from his throat. "You're disgusting," he spat and stormed down the stairs.

  "I want you to go and get Raven's father," Evan hollered to him. Boulder stopped at the bottom of the stairs, turning to look at the vampire.

  "If I refuse?" he challenged and Evan raised his chin. In a second, Boulder was surrounded by the coven, glaring into the angry eyes of the vampires. "And you're just going to kill the only chance you have at snatching humans?"


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