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The Tree and the Tablet (The St. James Chronicles Book 1)

Page 18

by Kathryn O'Brien

  “Yes, I suppose it is.” Was Andrea really here or was it just my mind playing tricks on me? "Well, it doesn’t really matter, I’m just happy to have you here with me now.” My grin split my face in two as I rolled onto my back. Grasping her upturned hand in mine, I sat up. Releasing her hand as I turned to look around and take in all the sights, I’d forgotten how beautiful this could be. It was almost like another world.

  There were strange animals grazing in the distance that looked like a combination of a hippopotamus and a flamingo with a large round body covered in pink feathers and sporting a large bill that was curled downward. The head was broad and had large eyes. Large tusks protruded from beneath the bill, and the entire weight of this odd creature was balanced on two spindly looking legs. A chuckle caught in my throat at the odd site. What an amazing imagination she had. In the past, I’d always assumed it was Andrea’s imagination fueling the strange visual representations when we would have our mind-links since she’d spent hours drawing odd pictures of things that we would see in these episodes.

  Sighing and sitting up next to me, Andrea placed her hand on mine, which was still resting on the soft earth. “Isn’t it beautiful, Maggie?” She asked in awe.

  Nodding my head, I turned to her, “‘Drea, was it always like this?” My arm swept through the air indicating the expanse of the amazing visions stretched out as far as the eye could see.

  “Oh, yes! Don’t you remember?” Our eyes met for a moment and suddenly, it was like a key clicked in a lock. A flood of memories, sights, and sounds, as well as physical sensations and remembered smells, swirled through my mind.

  Taking in a deep breath, refocusing my eyes, and exhaling, I exclaimed, “Oh....My.... God!” Tears filled my eyes.

  Reaching over and wiping the tears away, she smiled gently, “Oh, Maggie, don’t cry! It’ll be okay.”

  Laughing, I replied knowingly, “Yes, it will!” Jumping up and grabbing Andrea’s hands to pull her up next to me. Looking her in the eye, I asked, “Are you ready for this?” She nodded hesitantly but smiled reassuringly. Excitement coursed through me, “Okay, ‘Drea, here we go.” Instinctively, I raised my hands up, palms outstretched toward her.

  Raising our arms in front of us, fully extended, and placing our hands approximately one inch from each other palm to palm, I closed my eyes and focused my energy outward. It felt like pushing out with one hand and pulling with the other, even though we weren’t actually touching. Drawing on Andrea’s energy, it felt like a force was circling between us and through us at the same time. A blue light flared between our hands, quickly becoming a line of light that held our hands from separating. Mist began to rise between us and with a sound like that of rushing water, Kelsey began to materialize between us. Her form was thin, like a wraith; however, her voice was strong like she was standing right in front of us. She didn’t seem phased by what was happening at all. She smiled and asked, “Aunt Maggie? Mommy?” She looked at Andrea again, her eyes wide, “Mommy, you’re alive?”

  Smiling down at her, “No, love. We’re in your mind.”

  She frowned for a moment. The sadness was quickly replaced with a giggle. “It feels funny in my tummy. Like I’m being tickled by the feathers on my scarf.”

  Grinning down at her cute little face, I said, “Yes, it does feel funny! It’s a sort of magic trick.” She giggled again. “Kelsey, I need you to focus for me. Listen carefully and tell me, what do you see and hear? Think about all the things that have happened. What have you seen? Did you see anything on the road when you were going to where you are? Any signs or posts or any stores or buildings?”

  Kelsey put her head down to concentrate and looking up at me, she shook her head. “I’m sorry, Auntie, I fell asleep.” She clenched her little fists in frustration. A sad look crossed her face, “I was so tired right after I was put in the big truck, I barely saw Peanut jump in and snuggle under the seat.” She started to cry. Her voice trembled as she asked, “Are you going to come and get me today?” Her voice came now as a whisper, “I don’t like it here.” She looked over her shoulder, frightened eyes made contact with mine.

  Andrea tried to reassure her. “There’s my brave girl, I love you so much.”

  Kelsey looked up at her, her lower lip quivering. “Mommy. Please don’t leave me.”

  Andrea looked down on Kelsey lovingly, “Oh, sweet, angel. I’m always right in your heart, baby. I’ll always be with you. Even when you can’t see or hear me.” Looking at mother and daughter, so sad and separated by tragedy, I couldn’t help but feel a deep sorrow. However, that wasn’t going to help Kelsey right now.

  “Shh. It’s okay, sweetie,” my voice was calm and steady as I tried to sooth her. My heart hurt so bad. A desire to reach down and pluck her from wherever the hiding place was engulfed me, but I knew it wasn’t possible and it wasn’t helpful right then as I needed her to focus on her surroundings so I could find her. “Kelsey, I’m trying to get to you. Is there anything you can tell me? Are you eating? Are you warm?”

  “Yes, he is giving us food and blankets. He talks to himself mostly. I just sit here quietly and pet Peanut.” She smiled at that last confession.

  “That’s good, sweetie. What kinds of things does he say?”

  Scrunching up her little face in consternation, she tilted her head sideways, “He mostly just mumbles a lot, but he talks about a... omelet?”

  A small giggle at her word usage escaped me as I said, “You mean an amulet?”

  Nodding, she continued, “Yes, and dragons, and stones or birds made of rock and ledges? No, legends,” she enunciated the word slowly, “but I don’t really know for sure.” She stopped and thought for a second, “Oh, and he said something about seven sisters and fingers.” She looked at me, seeking approval.

  Not really understanding what that meant but trying to comfort her and help her feel like she was being helpful, I lied smoothly, “Oh, Kelsey, that’s really good.” She smiled and I felt my power weakening, “Kelsey, I’ll try to reach out to you like this again, but make sure you are a very good girl and listen carefully. Eat your food and try to stay still. I’ll do everything I can to get to you. Do you understand?”

  She nodded her head vigorously, “Do I have magic, too?”

  “I’m not sure, sweetie.” Inwardly, I wondered if this was magic, or if it was something else. Feeling like my energy was fading, I quickly reassured Kelsey, “Stay strong, love. We’re doing everything we can to find you. I’ll try to contact you again tonight if I can. Daddy’s out looking for you too.” Kelsey clapped her hands happily. “We love you, sweet girl.”

  She started to fade, “I’ll be strong. I love you.” Her voice faded as she spoke. With a popping sound, the light went out and the mist vanished. She was gone.

  Tears streamed down Andrea’s face. “Oh, Maggie!” Fiercely, I hugged her close.

  “Andrea, we’ll find her. I just know it.” A voice that I recognized as Daniel was echoing around us calling my name. Pushing myself away from Andrea, “I have to go back. I’ll check in when I get a chance. Stay positive.”

  Andrea smiled and nodded. “Stay safe, Magpie.”

  The gossamer clouds fell around me pooling on the ground. A pulling sensation could be felt in my chest like someone had tied a string to my back and then strung it through my chest. It was as if someone then pulled the cord forcefully jerking me forward into an unknown and unseen destination. In my mind, I was falling with my eyes shut. Telling myself to open my eyes, I was suddenly transformed to a sitting position in the center of my bed seeming like I never left. Sunshine poured through the windows and Daniel opened my bedroom door. “Maggie?”

  “Don’t you ever knock?” I asked tersely.

  Clearing his throat, he replied shamefaced, “Oh, I called out, but you didn’t answer. I’m sorry.” He was backing out of the doorway pulling the door closed. Popping his head back in the open door, briefly, he chirped, “The team will be here in an hour.” He hesitated briefly to a
dd, “Coffee’s ready.” He was already pulling the door closed again.

  “Wait!” The door opened again, slowly, “Sorry, I’m not a morning person.” He smiled as I hesitantly added, “Thanks for making coffee.”

  Another huge grin, “No problem. You might want to hurry, or I may drink it all,” he teased.

  His smile was infectious, and I returned it, “Okay. Thanks, again.”

  As he closed the door, I jumped out of my bed, pulled on some jeans and a baby blue t-shirt, and quickly threw my hair into a messy bun. Quickly, I made my way into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. Upon entering the kitchen, I saw that he’d packed a backpack full of stuff and there was a spread of scrambled eggs, toast, bacon, and juice on the island. Raising my eyebrows, I looked at him, “You did this?”

  Shrugging his shoulders, he smiled and said, “Eat. You need to be ready. We’ll have a lot of hours of hiking ahead of us.”

  At a loss for words, I sat down and filled a plate, “Wow! Thanks!” He nodded at me and handed me a cup of coffee. As reveled in my first sip of the warm brew, I could tell, he had been observant as there was the perfect amount of creamer. Smiling broadly, I nodded at him in affirmation of a well-made cup of joe and we both ate hardily.

  He offered to clean up and asked me to go pack a backpack that he handed me. “No makeup or silly stuff. Just necessities.”

  “That won’t be a problem, I rarely wear makeup.” A devil-may-care grin was plastered on my face as I walked back down to my room to pack a couple pairs of pants, socks, shirts, and underwear. After washing my face and hands, I pulled out my hiking boots and some wool socks and headed back down the hallway. It must have taken longer than I thought it would because no sooner had I put on my boots then the doorbell rang. Startled, I jumped, and I swear it took a full thirty seconds to get my heart back out of my throat and into its natural position within my chest.

  Daniel walked across the living room toward the front door holding his hand out to stop me from rising to answer the door. Upon opening the door, a boisterous and beautiful woman of a little over five foot came barging in the door followed by a younger male who appeared to be Native American. The woman stopped in front of me and looking over her shoulder at Daniel, she said, “You are introducing us, yes?” Her accent was not too thick, and I could tell she was probably from some other country. If I had to guess, I’d say the accent was Russian. She placed her hands on her hips, still waiting. Tapping her foot impatiently, she expounded, “Well? You are waiting for me to maybe sniff her butt like dog?” Squinting her eyes, she continued to stare at him.

  Daniel laughed hysterically. “Tatyana, this is Maggie St. James.” He waved in my direction.

  The vivacious woman now turned toward me and said quite matter-of-factly reaching her hand toward me, “It is nice to meeting you. I am very exciting to start this trip.” Having reached out to shake her hand, she pumped my hand vigorously with hers and asked, “You are ready to go?” Was that a question or a statement?

  Daniel then turned and said, “Maggie, this is Joseph.” He turned and allowed Joseph to step forward from his hiding place behind him. He was smiling slightly at Tatyana and reaching up with two fingers, made a slight salute and nodded his head, “Ma’am.”

  Raising my hand partially, I sort of gave him a little wave and said, “Hi.”

  Tatyana then turned to Daniel and said, “Well, the moon is not waiting on you. Let us go.” With that, she grabbed Daniel’s pack and headed back out the front door. Joseph followed behind and Daniel stepped over to where I sat stunned and silent.

  Well, this ought to be interesting.

  Daniel smiled and said, “Yes, it should.”

  Turning to him surprised, I wondered for a moment if he could read my mind, realizing that I probably said that out loud. He just turned to me and said, “You should probably watch what you say around Tatyana.” At my questioning look, he shrugged and said, “Or don’t, it’s not my butt.” Laughing, he handed me my pack and said, “I let Andrea know we were going to be leaving when you were getting packed. Do you want to say goodbye?”

  Geez! When would I learn to keep my mouth shut? Feeling a little peeved for speaking my thoughts out loud, I was still excited and anxious to talk to ‘Drea, so I replied over my shoulder, “Yes, I’ll be right back,” and headed out the back door.

  “Andrea.” The tree came to life.

  “Maggie.” The bark shifted forming the shape of a smile on her lips. “It was real, wasn't it?” She exclaimed. As I nodded, her excited squeal perforated the silent morning air and while I was a little surprised by the affirmation, inside I’d already known the answer to my unspoken question. Sensing my next questions, her branches fluttered even though there was no breeze and she spoke in a rush, “Jaxon’s searching based on the information I gave him.”

  “Has he found anything else that would be helpful?”

  “He said that there is a sign that read Sold U C?” She said it more like a question than a statement. My mind worked through what she said and inhaling sharply with comprehension, I smiled.

  “Sol Duc!” Excitement made me jump up and down as I exclaimed. “It’s an area west of here that has a hiking trail, a valley, waterfalls, and the River is fed by a grouping of inlets called the seven sisters.” Clapping my hands together quickly, I exclaimed, “Yes! That must be it!”

  “Oh, Maggie.” Andrea sounded so hopeful. Seeing that I was firmly set on my idea, she commanded me “Well, what are you waiting for? Go get my baby!”

  Laughing and filled with eagerness, I said, “Yes, Ma’am.” Smiling and turning on my heel, I left my home and my sister without looking backward. Stepping out the front door into the sunshine, I looked up at Daniel and said, “Well, the moon’s not waiting on you.” Laughing raucously over my shoulder at him, I stepped lightly to the truck waiting outside and noticed that Tatyana was scowling at me, I flashed a funny little smile in her direction and jumped into the passenger seat.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Looking out the window, I could see that Daniel was still standing on the front step contemplating my words. There was a small frown on his face, but he must have decided that time was pressing as he made his way to the truck and jumped into the driver’s seat. Looking at me sideways, he asked, “Any ideas on where we should go?”

  “Oh, Yes!” My voice squeaked slightly —too excited— clearing my throat, “Let me see your map and I’ll show you.”

  “Here you go.” Opening the map wide, I swiftly pointed at a spot that he’d already marked on the map with a red “x” surrounded by a large circle. Looking up at him with a question in my eyes, he responded, “Based on the writings in the journal, we had figured the tablet to be somewhere in the area that's marked.” Attentively, I watched him move his slender finger across the map as he outlined the riddles and drawings in the journal which seemed familiar to him.

  Glancing over the map to make eye contact, I asked, “But, where’s the journal?”

  Daniel reached into his backpack and handed me a leather-bound notebook covered in dirt and smudged with bloody fingerprints. Tentatively reaching for the journal, I dreaded what I’d find within it. Looking up at him questioningly, he shrugged, “I presume it’s from his many months in the forest. I’ve tried to clean it, but it won’t come off.”

  Sighing, I said, “Well, we have a ways to go to get there, so we should probably be going. I’ll see if I can make any sense of the writings in the journal while we travel.”

  Smiling gently at me, “We have tried to figure out his writings, but if you have some other information from Andrea and Jaxon that will help, I welcome a new set of eyes.” He put the truck in drive and reached out the open window, signaling for Tatyana and Joseph to follow us.

  Pulling the vehicle out into the highway, I looked back at my home briefly and wondered if I’d ever be back. Chiding myself for being silly, I sent a little prayer outward to the universe to watch over Andrea, Jaxon, Kelsey, and
Peanut. Soon, I refocused my energy on the task at hand... Deciphering this ridiculous journal.

  Flipping through the pages on the old leather-bound book, I could see how the passion for the ancient Mayan legends was woven into each and every page. There were drawings and hieroglyphs and various phrases written throughout. The edges of each page were slightly frayed and worn with staining from being continuously touched. There were smudges and fingerprints throughout. One page, in particular, caught my interest. It contained a drawing of a clawed foot and below it a phrase and poem of sorts was scrawled across the page.

  Beware the Golem. Hmm. This sounds interesting, I thought.

  Beware the Winged Warrior who perches precariously upon the precipice of peace.

  On the side of the page there was a rough drawing of a creature that looked remarkably like a jade dragon but had a more squared looking head. My fingers gently traced the outline of the drawing and I felt a little tingling sensation as excitement and uncertainty coursed through my veins. As I read the words written below the drawing, I became intrigued to see what it all meant. The words of the poem danced in my vision...

  He who travels the lands of woe

  Will surely find a friend or foe.

  A heart so pure will find the scrolls

  That the winding paths will unfold.

  His sight obscured will shift and wane

  And soon the world will feel the pain

  Of the wanderer’s weary flights

  Throughout the long and troubled nights.

  You must look deeply through the mist

  To find the seer’s catalyst

  Viewing creation’s cloaked desires

  Feeding the flames of hidden fires.

  In the tree of ancient power

  Lies the seed of the God’s flower.

  The flame of a lover’s pain beget

  The moon-stone seer’s amulet

  The lover’s pain will right the wrong


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