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For Blood and Beast: Tomas, For Blood (Garko Book 1)

Page 13

by Gia P. Leonne

"Shit, I spoke out loud."

  "Yeah, and you cannot Withdraw, because I Object."

  I've viewed enough television court proceedings and participated, in a couple, I know some lingo.

  "You can't Object to a Withdraw."

  She's a snooty rabbit.

  And maybe my novice courtroom lingo isn't perfect.

  I check the locked door, shake my head, and frown. I haven't worked this hard for pussy since ... ever. I should walk away. Leave the acrobatic nut alone. However, this is my home, why should I leave. So, I try again.

  "Hmmph, well I 'Overrule you'!" This is my brilliant retort.

  "Once again—"

  "I said I 'Overrule' and in my fucking house, I rule this motherfucker."

  Overboard? Probably.

  "Evee, open the fucking door before I break it down." I bang on it.

  "Don't you dare Force!" Her voice wavers.

  I ram the door with my full weight. It buckles and gives, as the fragile lock is built to protect modesty and no forced entry. It comes slightly ajar, her body must be against the door.

  "You fucking Beast, what are you trying to do kill me?"

  "Step away from the door, Evelyne. I fuckin' had enough."

  Irate, cock like granite, and confused, Just five minutes ago she was riding my hand, legs spread wide and jerking me off. Now, this! Merde!

  I should roll it back a bit.

  But this dame is fuckin with me. This is out of character for the Evee I met at the lounge or the Evee strolling confidentially down Geranno Street with an Ex Mob Boss. Fuck, the Evee kickboxing the shit out of her opponent in the ring. She is a badass, fearless.

  I ask myself what is her deal, granting my family business, crime, shit I'm fresh out of prison. Only a certain kind of woman wants to entice a man with my reputation. Usually, if I date someone outside the life, by the time she learns what type of life I lead, it is too late. I've come and gone. Evee clearly knew who I was at the lounge. I figured since we are both offenders, she does not care. I was willing to look over the couple of times her crazy came out, mostly because she is hot as hell. Now, she is in my home, and I have a decision to make.

  Get her out of my house, let my driver take her home. Forget her. Maybe call the cook and maid back? My cock disagrees.

  The alternative...

  Overlook the quirkiness, fuck her till she drops, sleep with one eye open and toss her crazy ass out in the morning, or afternoon, whenever we stop fucking. My cock stirs. The big boy agrees. I am fucking this girl. But I will never get any ass this way.

  "Hey, sweetheart,"


  "What kind of flying acrobatics was that? Where did you learn how to springboard yourself, it was impressive?" I'll shit myself if she says she grew up in the circus. Funny shit.

  "It's called an aerial cartwheel and fifteen years of competitive gymnastics, thank you very much. It was some crazy high school shit." She mimics me.

  Merde, all I am getting is fucking attitude.

  "Come now, I didn't mean anything by that. I thought we were laughing together. Tell the truth, when you were in high school you—"


  "Okay, well college, at a party. They can get fuckin wild. I remem—"

  "I said No!"

  No as in never, I'm hesitant to ask. Stupid to assume… right?

  "I am a fucking virgin, Force, and you … you just ruined the best sexual experience of my life. I am, embarrassed, and humiliated. To think what we experienced reminded you of freaking high school. When for me ... well, I've said enough. Oh yeah, and your huge, pierced dick freaked me out, too."

  Now that's happened before. But I dare not say.

  I am silent. Is it even possible a twenty-five-year-old with the body of a porn star is a virgin? She's lying and this is too much. If she's not lying, it's still too much. What the fuck was I thinking? I get pussy thrown at me twenty-four seven. But virgin circus pussy?

  A laugh bursts through at my sick humor.

  "You asshole, are you laughing at me, again?" The door swings open, her head tilted, chin out, and fire in her eyes, she is going to attack, merde. I know it is not a lie, too late. But wait, she retreats into the bathroom instead of advancing. Which may provide me time to talk her down. "Whoa, hey I am not laughing at you, sweet—"

  However again, I have waited too late; she only retreated to obtain a runway start. She charges, her momentum knocks my 240-pound frame to the floor, not caring how we fall. See what I mean, she is fearless. My head bounces off the floor. I thank God for the carpet. Her knees come on the side of my head, thighs on my shoulders, athletic legs pinning my arms to the floor. I am stuck in a wrestling hold. The kill Tomas expression stuck on her face, only excites me. I could easily throw her off me; brute strength will win against agility on the mat, always. I take a moment, or maybe I am intrigued wondering what she will do next. Her scent calls to me, the pussy is directly under my chin, presenting impure concepts. I stretch my neck forward to inhale deeply, she is panti-less. mmm, I take a chance. I open my mouth fully on her sex.

  She stiffens at once, "Stop that… ohh…mmm."

  This night might be saved after all. I do my best to bite the flimsy t-shirt material away from my prize. She helps instead.

  "Open yourself for me."

  She stares processing my instructions but holds her pussy apart for me. Though the clit is free, I slowly lick the fingers and lips, taking my time to reach her innocent soft petal. When I arrive there, she loses control, all her anger forgotten she pants.

  "So responsive," and eager, like a woman who has never had her pussy eaten before. My mouth hugs her lips as I vigorously flick her clit with my tongue until it becomes fat. Then I suck and slurp a bit for effect, let her know just how wet she's become for me. Time for an exploratory mission, I intend to reach under her clitoral hood and play until her pleasure is increased tenfold.

  She lifts her thighs off my shoulders, releasing my arms. Immediately, I grab her flesh digging my fingers into her tight ass, palming it, kneading it hard like I've only dreamed of, shoving her harder into my face. Her body falls forward her arms catch her fall spread above my head on either side. She tastes, sweet and the sounds coming from deep within her throat have me ready to spread my seed, again, as if I am the fucking virgin.

  "Oh Tomas, oh it is so good, feels so nice." She chants repeatedly, body trembling at times. Her hips are undulating up and down, back and forth, as she fucks my face and builds to her orgasm. She is close I know because her motion has become unsteady, and faster. Her body raises and her head falls back thrusting her large breast out. My arms free now, I grab them squeezing and twisting her nipples. Following, she lets out the sweetest cry I will ever hear, my name, as she comes. "Tomas, Tomas, Tomas!" I drink everything she pours, sucking, and swallowing it as if this will be my last meal.

  She rises quietly and slowly, drained; climbing into the bed, Evee pulls the covers up to her neck. She feels exposed. For the first time, I think about how much younger she is than me, as a possible negative.

  A virgin.

  A conundrum. I should take her now, she clearly wants me, but the knot in my gut overrides the stiffness of my cock. The first thing Ernesto taught me, a boss never ignores his instincts. If they are wrong, so be it. He said, in a world where everyone wants what you have or a piece of it, you are always the target.

  I've ignored my gut, at every turn, concerning, Evee. However, she hasn't slain me yet.

  "It's been some afternoon. I'm not as young as I use to be. Let us rest."

  I enter the bed on the other side and hold out my arms to her. Signaling I want her to move closer. She comes and my chest tinges at the small gesture of trust.


  "Yes, sweetheart."

  "Tell me about your first wife."

  We are not fucking tonight thus I speak to her the story of young love—one I do not mind sharing.


  A Widow
r />   Tomas

  Tomas is the man I perfected for Celia, my first fuck, love, and wife. I met her on a school field trip when I turned nine. You know one of those the city-wide ones, where they open it up to all the schools. I remember because the same year my mama left taking my sisters along with her.

  "I tried to have sex with Celia the day I met her. Yes, at nine I thought I could fuck. Probably, could not even find the pussy." Evee chuckled at my admission.

  "But at home, I lived in a world filled with men who openly coveted sex and violence. They were relentless, either committing or watching both acts and encouraged my promiscuous behavior. Maybe the way only perverted uncles, and cousins can do. Celia would have none of it, though. Even as young as we were, around her I learned to be at my best behavior."

  "We loved each other; at least, I thought it was love," my voice low and hard sounding. "I begged Ernesto to transfer me when high school came. Soothing him with promises, I would stop missing classes, the school would stop calling the house. Wearingly he gave it a shot, fucking pissed at my past behavior which always ended with him, in a parent-teacher, or principal meeting to explain my expulsion.

  Celia held out until she turned fifteen and not too long after became pregnant. Elektra was born and named after Celia's favorite movie at the time, pissing off Ernesto, an old school Italian grandfather."

  "She was my childhood sweetheart. My best friend while I transitioned into adulthood. She knew me when I was young and impetuous and her influence on me was heavy, even before she became pregnant. The sex calmed me."

  Evee laughed, "I just bet it did."

  "Having a baby changed something inside me. Before … I prematurely looked like a man, but now I wanted to behave like one. I had my own little family.

  "The truth is for the first time the consequences of my actions extended beyond myself and Donny. And I no longer had to prove I was a big man, my baby girl, Elektra was evidence I was fucking. Men treated me differently. So, in turn, I viewed them differently, sizing them up, you know. Ernesto gave me more responsibility, too. I started making money runs at twelve. Big enough at fourteen to protect… precious things. At seventeen he made me, I was on the street, running crews of misfit kids, like myself although they thought I was a man. We beat the shit out of whoever, and dropped off whatever, wherever.

  The right people after five years on the street began to recognize me and ask, specifically for me. This created deeper rifts between men who I once called family and Boss. Unfortunately, they were not loyal to me. He is untried they said, easily we can set traps to discredit him. They were wrong. Their years of plotting against me, I was watching and learning from them, and in the end, they taught me the most painful lesson.

  Blood does not command love, self-preservation trumps everything. I trusted myself and my cousin Donny."

  "You love Donny. I can hear the affection whenever you say his name."

  "We were both orphaned at the same time and taken in by Ernesto our grandfather. Donny was only eight when I realized his loyalty knew no bounds and he looked to me as his brother. One night in our room, he asked, "You not gonna leave me, are you?" His eyes were glassy, but I knew he wouldn't dare allow any water to drop. I thought how small he looked, but still a tough little shit, he had to be. "No never. When I am Boss you will be my second." He grinned easily, but quickly as if he remembered something important, frowned. "I hear them talkin' bout you. They call you names like runt a da litta." I wanted to laugh at his mixed-up speech. But he had the look of someone determined. And what came out of his young mouth shocked me. "I don't want to hurt people as they do. But I will kill them all if they try to hurt you."

  "Don't worry I told him no one is going to hurt either of us. We are going to run the family one day how we want and live together with our women. He shook his head his dark curls swaying, "Yuck, no girls. Girls have cooties. Cecilia got you cooties." I wanted to tell him just wait a few years and he would be chasing skirts like me. When I looked over at him, his mouth was open and he was beginning his nightly snoring, which he denies to this day of doing. I have not made any decision since, which did not take in to account how it would affect Donny."

  "So not only did you have a baby, and girl to look after you had Donny also. How did you manage adult responsibilities?"

  "Mostly, I listened to what Celia wanted until I could make any real moves. She was smart in school; she was going to college. The plan was I would keep the baby while she did school during the day. My work was happening more at night anyways. She wanted me to graduate though. Now, after jerking off at school, I was behind, but only a little. To appease her—to get regular sex from her— I brought my ass in the house and studied. I trained at the gym and dealt with the duties of my family. I read the books she said I should read. Never changed my mind about school but I caught the bug for books. Her parents were professors and she had a large family like mine. Somehow, her family was in the life, but excommunicated. I never got the full story until years later. I took the GED and passed. I married her when she turned seventeen.

  They murdered her a year later."

  "Shit, that must have been hard."

  "What was hard was giving my baby girl away to Celia's brother and wife. No one knew who had come after us or if they were coming back for me. I agreed never to contact them, again. They had two small children already, an infant, and a toddler. I knew she would be loved and safe. My family was no place to grow up without a mother. Donny and I both knew this."

  "You did what was best … honorable Tomas… and you are even braver than I knew." Her words soothe my guilty heart. Even though Shawnee, what they changed her name too, and I had a relationship now, I would forever have regrets.

  Beams from the morning sun appeared as the timed automatic shades turned. We had talked the whole night. I will not tell Donny any of this ever. She fell asleep flush to my body, legs entwined in mine, her ass molded against my cock, her head nestled under my jaw, and we fit perfectly. Where were my balls? We have not even had sex. Fragile emotions a younger Tomas held seeped through easily with Evee. I am not proposing or anything, but she did say she was looking for a job, right. Si, I have her right where I want her.

  A small voice whispers, 'or does she have you right where she wants you.'

  My phone buzzes, I send it to voicemail, while I slip out of the bed.

  "You called, Donatello?"

  "Yeah, did you send me to voicemail?"

  "Yes, you whiny bitch. I called right back."

  "I'm in your stables. There is a situation."

  "Hmmm," I say looking back to the bedroom door.

  "What ... you busy?"

  "No, I mean yeah but I'll be right out," I tell Evee I need to talk to my cousin who's outside. I don't need her coming to look for me. I have no idea what Donny has going on in that stable. I alert security she is not to leave the house. Change into my clothes and head out. The mile walk is long, but the morning air is cool on my skin. I'm content. Until I reach the stable door. I hear whining, begging, in Gheg. Fuck!

  "You fuckin brought him to my house?"

  "Didn't have a choice. Intel said he was sniffing around your land, him and his buddies."

  "Who's out looking for them? How long has this been going on?"

  "No ones looking for them cause they're dead. I found out two hours ago. Called Tank, he said you had company, but he'd get you. I told him to just put everything on lockdown and for the guys to check the cameras. Took them five minutes to put eyes on them. They handled it and left this one here for me. I figured you'd shit bricks if I called you when it was over— he waves his hands to our captive—here we are."

  "Thanks. You do know your security shit. The fucking camera range up is brilliant."

  "Brilliant huh?"

  "Why don't you suck each other now!" The dead man says.

  "So how you want to do this?"

  "Depends on how much time you have."

  "I can swing an hour.

  "She's not sleeping. It's five in the morning. Didn't offer her the Garko special, huh?"

  I grunted, "let's do this."

  Donny presses his earphones.

  "Seriously, my cousins turned into Inspector Gadget."

  "I prefer the blonde Bond insult to some nerdy goofball. Anyway, the other Tank, called, we have incoming 30 minutes out just turned off the highway."

  Shit Evee.

  "Tank wake Evee and take her home through the tunnel. Tell her—"

  "Tell me yourself," she says somewhere in the background.

  "What the fuck. Why are you in my bedroom Tank?"

  "I'm not in your fuckin bedroom Boss! She, the woman—"

  "The woman has a name, Evelyne Basso."

  "Uh, the...Ms. Basso ... well,"

  "Dammit Tank, spit it out, we have incoming and I don't have all day." I talked lower hoping my voice didn't carry through over the phone.

  "I found Ms. Basso trying to go through the basement window, Boss. We are in the basement."

  Well shit. My little rabbit does not disappoint.

  "I'm sending Tommy to keep watch over her. Stay there until he comes. Under no circumstances are you to engage. She knows shit, not combat but sneaky moves kinda shit."

  "I got my taser boss."

  "If you taser my woman ... if she even sees that fucking taser I'll chop you and your bloodline into tiny pieces...."

  "Tomas! We don't have time for that shit," Donny yelling at me. He is right and I've gone too far.

  "Handle her Tank with caution and care, until Tommy gets there. And Tank..."

  "Yeah Boss."

  "Give me one on that threat, will ya?"

  "Fa-gedabout-it. If I thought for one minute… that's who you were, I couldn't follow ya… I get it Boss, ya like her."

  "Yeah, Tank, I think I do." And therein laid a big fuckin problem. But it could wait, we had in-coming.

  Beast wanted out, but most Albanians loved guns, even more than Americans every household is said to own one, not fists and knives. Another time my friend, "Let's do this!"

  "Let's ramp up our heat, fellas," Donny walks away talking on that fucking headset. I follow cause he's left us no choice. My men look at me I nod.


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