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Psychic Awakening: A Dragon Shifter LitRPG Harem Psychic Thriller (Primus Vitae Book 1)

Page 6

by Terrance Thorndyke

  “No,” he said through his teeth, power rushing through him, overflowing and spilling out into Zuha. “She is mine.”

  Something connected between him and Zuha. It was similar to when he’d given a suggestion, power projecting into her, but this time, instead of meeting her defenses and being repelled, it was as if they snapped up to grab a hold of his power and pull it eagerly into her. It was over in an instant. One second his power was flooding into her from him, the next, there was a snapping sensation and her power was his. He could feel it thrumming through her, almost as if she were an extension of herself.

  Zuha let out a sudden gasp, buried her face in his chest, and purred deeply.

  “Y-you!” Demetrius was practically vibrating in place. The two famulus with him didn’t seem to know what to do and the poor women shuffled from foot to foot awkwardly, glancing around at the people who were beginning to stare. “You are not a magis,” Demetrius hissed. “You are Houseless. You have no right. None at all. I challenge you.”

  “Uh, no,” Wilburn said, and this time when he walked away, Zuha didn’t stop him.

  “You dare! You dare!” Demetrius called after him, but Wilburn ignored him.

  Instead of finishing their assignment for Rhet. 1301, he and Zuha made their way back to his apartment. He couldn’t have said why other than it felt like the most natural thing in the world, especially with the way she was suddenly holding onto his arm.

  They didn’t say a word as they walked, and only when Wilburn was opening his apartment door, struggling to get the key to turn in the lock, did it occur to him to ask what had just happened. Unfortunately, door swung open, revealing Mitch, Buddy, and Gil, who had the TV set up with a multiplayer game and were in various states of dress and undress, clearly having not changed from whatever they woke up in.

  “Damn!” Buddy said when he saw them. “No wonder you didn’t crash at my place last night.”

  “Excuse us,” Wilburn said, pushing his way into the apartment, navigating the beer cans littering the floor, and pulling Zuha into his room behind him and shutting the door—much to the protest of his roommates and Buddy. He turned, ready to apologize for the state of the place when Zuha threw herself at him and their mouths locked together in a kiss so fierce he staggered backward, bumping the door and earning a chorus of cheers from the living room.

  “You made me your virga,” Zuha said when they came apart, breathing heavily. “You claimed me. You’re a magis.” Before he could ask what that meant, her mouth was back on his and whatever any of those words meant didn’t matter.

  He kissed her back with everything he had, hands exploring her back, feeling her silky fur where her dress dipped down. She stiffened for a moment when his hands made contact with her fur but then she started purring into their kiss. Wilburn took that as permission to continue.

  He pressed into her, pulling her more fiercely to him and the rumbling in her chest grew deeper. He didn’t want to push things too far too fast, but his erection strained against the confines of his clothing, pressing into her belly, driven to greater degrees of hardness by the feel of her beasts against his torso, her hard nipples poking into him. He shook with the effort of restraining himself. He had to be a gentleman. He had to—

  She threw her leg up around his waist, pulling his groin more tightly against her. The motion shifted the skirt of her dress and he could feel her hot sex through her panties as she pushed it against him right back. Fuck it.

  His hands found her tight ass and he lifted her up off the ground, causing her to squeal. In short order, he’d closed the distance to his bed and they toppled over onto it together, finally breaking their kiss. With savage glee he yanked her dress up over her head, feeling her kick free her shoes and socks in the process, leaving her laying before him in just her bra and panties. The set matched and was way too lacy and sexy to be intended for practical use. This was meant for seduction.

  “Expecting to get lucky?” he asked from above her, admiring the effect her lingerie had on her body.

  Zuha’s ears lowered in embarrassment. “Hoping,” she said quietly. “Does it look okay?”

  “You look beautiful,” he said, and claimed her mouth again with his own, swallowing her renewed purrs.

  His hands went everywhere, exploring her sides, her thighs, her back, her ass, her breasts. Every inch of her body was his to explore and lay claim to. Her bra vanished. Then her panties. Wilburn pulled back to admire her naked form and she lay down and spread her arms and legs so that he had complete and unobstructed view of her body. Her face was torn between embarrassment and excitement. She wanted this, he could sense that, but she was terrified that at any moment he’d reject her. Tell her she wasn’t beautiful enough or call her a freak.

  Wilburn reached down with one hand and caressed her face, earning a new purr. His hand slid down, over her throat, over her breasts, feeling silky white fur the whole way down her belly, until he finally came to her glistening sex. He gently squeezed, pressing his palm into her folds, feeling her moist heat as she thrust her hips up to meet him, her eyes alight with need.

  He slid a finger inside. Then two. Her passage was tight, clutching down on his digits as if it never intended to release them. She was wet and hot and perfect. He thrust his fingers into her, over and over again, curling them to explore every millimeter or her sex, pausing to focus on a particular spongey part that made her writhe when he curled his fingers over it. His ministrations were met by wet, squelching sounds and her whole body writhing beneath him. Wilburn had never felt so powerful as when she suddenly froze up, her entire body going rigid and sex clenching down on his fingers in a flood of fresh fluid.

  She came up gasping and threw herself at him, claiming his lips in a kiss before breaking it and yanking at his shirt. “I want to see you,” she gasped. “I want you. Right now!”

  His borrowed shirt was shredded and flung across the room and the rest of his clothing followed suit. She pushed him over onto his back and grabbing hold of his erection. For a moment, she simply stared at it, then, looking up to meet his eyes, she gave it a slow, languid lick all the way from the base to the tip. Her tongue was rougher than Belinda’s but felt no less good for it. Zuha began licking in earnest, coving every inch of his length and even going down to lick his balls.

  He gasped, then gasped again as she withdrew, only to nuzzle her soft face against his hardness, a look of pure pleasure on her face. He almost asked if it was better than catnip but thought he liked having his pieces attached. And the moment was too special to ruin with some stupid quip.

  “Belinda told me you’re a virgin,” she said, rubbing him against her cheek. “Is that true?”

  He swallowed. “Yeah.”

  “Then…if you don’t want to…we don’t have to go any fur—”

  He grabbed her and rolled them both over so that he was pinning her beneath him. He looked into her eyes and said, “I want you. Do you want me?”

  “God yes,” she whispered, lifting her hips up to rub her groin against his. “Yes. Take me.”

  He reached down and guided the head of his member to her opening. He could feel her heat before even making contact.

  “Take me,” she urged again, and he pressed into her.

  There was some momentary resistance, then he slid all the way inside, his length completely buried inside of her. They both gasped as she clamped down on him. She was so tight, it was an effort not to simply explode right away.

  Zuha lifted her head up, bringing her lips to his ear. “I’m yours.”

  He took her. Hard and fast, with every ounce of energy he possessed.

  Every time his hips met hers and he bottomed out she cried “Yes!” Over and over and over again. He could feel her tail writhing and thrashing behind him and her legs wrapped around his waist, squeezing him with every thrust.

  Her body tightened, went rigid, squeezing down on him. “I’m coming!” she cried.

He kept thrusting, pushing onward. Every ounce of her and her pleasure was his. She was coming because of him! He wanted to make her do it again. Wanted her to experience more pleasure in that moment with him than she ever had before.

  She squeezed down again. “Yes-yes-yes—Oh YES!”

  It was too much. This time when her orgasm struck, he couldn’t hold himself back and Wilburn exploded. He spilled himself deep inside of her and felt something more than seed leave him. Something else flowed through his body and into hers and he felt it exchange itself for something in her which flowed back along this blissful connection. It lit his nerves on fire and his orgasm blinded him with light.

  He fell off of her, gasping for air.

  They rolled over onto their sides so that they faced each other lying down. Wilburn took her hands in his, earning a pleased smile from her.

  “Is it always like that?” he asked.

  She shook her head, still grinning. For a moment she looked like she was struggling with herself, then said, “That wasn’t like anything I’ve ever felt.”

  Wilburn’s heart danced with joy.

  Chapter Nine

  Wilburn was a child. He didn’t know how old. He was playing outside. There was an enormous expanse of grass and several trees. He thought it might be out in the country somewhere, but he didn’t know. His child’s mind was only focused on the freedom that this place afforded him. He could do whatever he wanted. Be anything he wanted.

  There were girls. Two girls who were actually one girl. It shouldn’t have made any sense but in the way of dreams it was simply accepted. The girls were fun and they played together. He became a knight and they princesses and he had to rescue them from the evil dragon. They thought this was fun except that they didn’t care for the dragon being the bad guy, so he became their dragon and he kept them safely inside his castle.

  A giant came and crushed the castle underfoot, roaring and bellowing. The girls screamed and Wilburn’s head split open with pain as the giant loomed over him, trapping him underfoot. His princesses were screaming, crying. He had to protect them but the giant was too big, too powerful. It was rushing him. Crushing….

  Wilburn awoke panting with a slight pressure in his temples threatening to become a headache. He was covered in a fresh sheen of sweat but a quick examination of his naked body brought a smile to his face. He was a little sticky but immensely satisfied with himself and especially with the warm, sleeping presence next to him. He and Zuha had made love several more times—more times than he’d thought himself capable of, if he was being honest—and eventually fallen asleep together in his bed.

  He rolled over, muscles stretching pleasantly, and stroked his hand down Zuha’s bare back. A shiver went through her and her caramel skin pebbled with little goosebumps as she moaned. Skin? Wilburn froze. Skin, not pale white spotted fur.

  She shifted slightly and looked over her bare shoulder at him with a smile. “Hey.”

  “Hey,” he said, running his hand up and down her arm. “I thought you couldn’t change back into human form?”

  “I can’t,” she said, and then her eyes fell onto his hand.

  Zuha flew from the bed faster than Wilburn had ever seen her move. She stood naked in the center of his room twisting and turning, examining every inch of her bare, supple flesh. Wilburn sat up to enjoy the show and felt himself stirring despite the amount of times they’d already made love.

  “I’m not stuck!” Zuha said, running her hands over her face. “Hey, let me try….”

  She vanished. Wilburn gave a jump. Had she teleported or turned invisible? His head began to thrum with a familiar buzzing that brought a scowl to his face.

  “You can’t see me at all, can you?” said Zuha’s voice from only a foot away, making him jump again.

  “Don’t do that!” he shouted, nearly falling off the bed.

  She giggled and suddenly he could see her. “Aww, did I scare my new master?”

  The buzzing in his head faded when she came into view. “No—I mean yes, but that’s not what’s bothering me,” he said, bringing a hand to his head. The pressure in his temples had erupted into a full-blown headache after that buzzing pressure. “My head is killing me.”

  Zuha’s grin turned into a frown. “You mean, you could feel my ability working on you?”

  “Is that what it was?” he asked. “As soon as you disappeared my head started buzzing…it used to do that whenever I would try to talk with anyone. I’d get all tongue tied and couldn’t say anything. I got better when I came to college except for…” he eyed her up and down, a thought having just occurred to him.

  “Except for when?” Zuha pushed.

  “Except for when I was near you,” he said. “It would come back and I’d get all tongue tied again. When I first saw you in your leopard form before I was kidnapped I couldn’t say a word.”

  Zuha’s frowned deepened, then turned pitying and she stroked his face. “It sounds like a primus did a number on you.”

  Wilburn shook his head. “Until you I’d never met a primus.”

  “Some of us can tamper with people’s memories,” she said. “Not a lot, you understand, that is something you have to be very powerful to do because of how memories effect our abilities. And it would have to be someone powerful to leave you with a subliminal suggestion like that.”

  “Subliminal suggestion?” Wilburn asked. “You mean like subliminal messages?”

  “Basically. Think of it like a suggestion that activates whenever you encounter a specific trigger. They’re really hard to pull off properly.”

  Wilburn shook his head again. “I have a hard time believing that anyone would do something like that to me.”

  Zuha raised an eyebrow. “Demetrius would.”

  “Yeah, but he’s an asshole.”

  Zuha laughed but rolled her eyes. “Actually, he’s pretty par for the course. Most primuses don’t give the imuses much consideration. I’m guilty of this too. It’s really hard to relate to people when you can hear their thoughts or even direct them.” She shrugged and stood up, reminding Wilburn most pleasantly that she was naked.

  “Anyway, I think you gave me a serious power boost when you claimed me as your virga,” she said, putting her hands on her hips and smirking as she allowed his eyes to roam up and down her naked form, clearly reveling in her renewed humanity.

  Claimed her as his. He liked the sound of that. It was very primitive, primal even, and the thought of it made his whole body, starting somewhere deep in his chest, resonate with power. At first Wilburn thought that it was just himself being slightly misogynistic, but then he realized that the thrum was real. There literally was a power filling him from her acknowledgement. He made a mental note to go back to his mind palace the first opportunity he had.

  “What’s a virga?” he asked. “I mean, I like the idea of claiming you and us being together, but what exactly does that mean?”

  “It means,” she said, gliding across the floor and climbing up onto the bed with him. “That I am all yours.” She dragged her hand across his torso and brought it to rest over his sternum. “You feel it here, don’t you?”

  He nodded.

  Zuha smiled. “The thing you have to understand about being a primus is that we like to collect people, binding them to us with our abilities. The first is what we do with imuses, making them famulus. They are easy to bind and will make up most of your power base, feeding you energy.”

  She took a deep breath, pressing the palm of her hand more firmly against his chest. “Primuses on the other hand, are much more difficult to claim. We are not immune to each other’s powers but we resist them and claiming a primus who does not want to be claimed is…well, it’s hard enough with one who is willing.” She grinned at that and gave him a wink. “We call the few who can do it, magis primus, and there’s always a rush of power—of the energy that wells within us and lets us use our abilities—whenever a magis binds another primus.
You and I have both gained from this arrangement. It’s the way Houses are formed actually. All of my famulus are now yours and…and….”

  Her face took on a suddenly worried expression and she leapt off the bed. “Clothes-clothes-clothes-clothes!” Dancing about, she struggled to pull her discarded dress and underwear back on.

  Wilburn raised an eyebrow. “What just happened?”

  “I just realized that I’m not House Leo anymore,” she said in a rush. “I need to make sure that my house is still mine.”

  Wilburn furrowed his brow. “What do you mean?”

  “That house I’m staying at with my famulus, it technically belongs to House Leo. I was the psion but when I got stuck I became one of the lesser members. Now I’m not even part of the house anymore and that could mean a lot of complications. I can’t leave anything to chance.”

  Wilburn pushed himself up off the bed. “They wouldn’t just kick you out, would they?”

  “I don’t know,” Zuha answered. “They were quick enough to cast me down when I got stuck. Best I not make any assumptions. Stay!”

  Wilburn had started to get up and get dressed, intent on helping her out.

  “Sorry, Master,” she said, and strangely enough she seemed to mean both of those words. “I am not sure this will be safe for you. I need to talk to my family and the rest of the House Leo and…and this could be awkward.” She bit her lower lip, suddenly looking very sheepish. “I don’t suppose your roommates would mind if me and my famulus crashed here for a few nights if they kick us out?”

  “Probably,” Wilburn said. If it were just Zuha none of them would mind. Adding in two extra people though, and he didn’t think the other three would go for it. The apartment really didn’t have enough room for them all. “But we’ll work something out if that happens.”

  What was it she had said about her betas becoming his? What exactly did that mean? Was it like taking over a contract or was there more to it than that?


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