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Saving Poughkeepsie

Page 10

by Debra Anastasia

  “Hey, killer. You going all Dr. Frankenstein on me?” Beckett asked.

  Eve just smiled. “I told you about this little toy,” she said. They’d had a good laugh the other day about the ability to make bad guys into mobile bombs.

  But no one was laughing now. She loaded the impact gun and checked that it was properly lined up. She hadn’t used it yet, but Sevan seemed like a great test subject.

  “Hold him.” He started to struggle, but Beckett and Shark immobilized him almost immediately. Oh, how he’d fallen since being the man who conquered Mary Ellen Vitullo.

  She looked from one handsome face to the next. It was a rush to have this much manpower under her command. She set the gun on the coffee table and opened Sevan’s shirt wider.

  “What is this? What are you doing?” he asked, eyes wild.

  It was as if he hadn’t spoken at all. She wiped his skin with the alcohol. Next she thought for a few seconds about the best placement. The neck wasn’t recommended, but limbs could be cut off. Feeling his tendons under her fingers, she found the small gap she was looking for. After lining up the gun, she pulled the trigger with no hesitation. Sevan yelped. Shark and Beckett let him go.

  “Fuck this.” Sevan held his neck as snatched the Band-Aid out of her hand.

  Beckett stepped in front of the man and grabbed his face. He slapped Sevan over and over until his eyes rolled in his sockets. He finished it off by punching him in the groin. The man crumpled.

  “You say, ‘Thank you, pretty lady.’ That’s what you say to her. Now.”

  Sevan grunted out the demanded words around groans of pain.

  Once he was upright again, Eve explained the situation. “You now have a cutting-edge, non-FDA-approved tracker in your neck. I can find you anywhere. This is for your safety and ours. If you attempt to remove the tracker, the barbs will engage and release a neurotoxin that will kill you instantly. It’s a horrific way to go. Every single blood vessel it touches explodes.”

  Sevan took his hands away from his penis and placed them back on his neck. “How? What? I can’t…Does it need batteries? Will it kill me when the batteries die?”

  Eve shook her head. “Nope. It’s powered by the motion of your body. And don’t think laying still will hide you. As long as your heart beats, there’s enough movement to keep it going. At least that’s what the instructions say.”

  Beckett slapped Sevan again before straightening his collar. “I own you now. Shark, can you take him to the apartment in beautiful NYC I told you about? I’ll be out there in a few hours.”

  “That’s it? What am I supposed to do there?” Sevan asked. “How are you keeping me alive?”

  Shark nodded and went to the door.

  Beckett pulled Eve into his arms. “Right now? I’m keeping you alive by not killing you. Say thank you, Sevan.”

  “Thank you, Sevan,” the insolent bastard sassed before walking out the door.

  “He’s a pecker plug.” Beckett tilted Eve’s chin up and kissed her fiercely as the door slammed.

  She moaned. “Seeing you rough him up was hot.”

  “And seeing you terrify him made me hard.”

  “I can tell.” She bit her lip.

  “Let’s go handle that situation. I promise I’ll be as gentle as a priest.”

  “You’re evil.”

  “Every chance I can get.”

  Eve pushed away from him and gathered her tracker gun and accessories as he lightly slapped her ass.


  Just Married

  Just a few days before Christmas, Ryan sat across the police station conference room table from Capt. John McHugh, who was shaking his head. The man was frustrated.

  “I expected to be ankle deep in blood by now. After this latest thing with Eve, I just knew I’d get enough to put Taylor away. How could he resist retaliation? But instead, the crime rate is pretty low. I’ve been working in this town for over twenty years. Right now it’s like the tide is slipping out and staying out and we’re all like, ‘Look how big our beach is!’ But the tsunami is coming.”

  Ryan nodded.

  “How is Eve?”

  “She’s getting stronger. She’s pissed that she’s had to slow down.” Ryan pictured the determination in her face as she’d tried to walk faster on their last outing. She kept at it a whole two blocks before he made her stop.

  “I’m seeing new faces—people I don’t trust.”

  “Boss, I agree. Lots of abandoned property showing life.”

  “So far those places are getting bought legal, mostly by a couple of businesses with nondescript names. Their backgrounds are vague.” McHugh stretched his arms above his head and locked his fingers behind his neck.

  Ryan copied the motion while they thought in tandem.

  “You could ask…” McHugh began.

  Ryan shook his head. “Eve won’t tell me shit if I nose around. I’m better off staying on her good side.” There isn’t a side of her that’s not good. Mmm…

  “Yeah, I figured. I guess the best we’ve got right now is observation. I don’t trust this. And I don’t like it.” McHugh slapped the table with both hands as he stood.

  Ryan followed and offered his boss a handshake. It wasn’t exactly a bromance, and maybe Ryan did have daddy issues, but he respected the crap out of this man.

  As he walked out, Ryan made some small talk with Kathy. She was a welcoming, efficient respite in the busy station house. He wanted to get over to Taylor’s for Eve’s walk, but he would be hours early if he left now. It was stupid cold out, but he knew she’d go no matter what. He should have stayed and worked on his paperwork, but he decided to go to the gym instead.

  He hopped in his truck and threw it in reverse just as a loud clanging forced him to stomp on the brakes. He was out in a flash, slamming the door behind him as he rounded the vehicle to the tailgate. Dangling from his bumper were long strings with cans attached.

  He exhaled loudly. “Goddamn it, Trish.”

  The sign looked celebratory, but it proudly proclaimed: Morales Just Married His Left Hand!


  Four officers had their phones at the ready. He gave them all the finger as their flashes went off.

  “You screw some batshit-crazy chicks, man.”

  “Your hand does look pretty.”

  “You want some alone time?”

  “Fuck you all very much. And yes, she’s insane.” Ryan tried ripping off the first string, but it was way stronger than it looked.

  He pulled out his pocket knife and began sawing. “Didn’t you all see her doing this?”

  “No. Maybe she’s a ninja.”

  It took longer than it should have to free his truck from Trish’s psychosis. She’d threaded the string in and out of his muffler. The bitch must have crawled underneath too. The sign was super-glued on. Damned if she hadn’t done two thousand dollars in damage over the last year.

  He drove to the local Best Buy instead of the gym and bought two dashboard cameras. He set one up facing the hood and the second out over his truck bed. He was, frankly, sick of this shit.

  Eve walked slowly to the courthouse. Normally she’d wear a suit and heels, but today it was loose jeans and sweater. She was unarmed, so she scanned the area with extra caution as she went through the metal detectors. The douchebags assigned to her waited in a Suburban in the parking lot. Beckett had done as much legal fact checking as he could. Now she was hitting up her secret weapons.

  Midian and Tashika, who worked at the courthouse, were contacts from back in the Mouse days. She had a sneaking suspicion that when the knitting badass had introduced her to these ladies, he’d been trying to find her friends.

  He had good taste. Midian was small with dark, thick hair and brown eyes. Her figure would make an hourglass jealous. She was like a firework. At first she’d seemed sweet and innocent, but she was known for filling the quiet with accented curse words, which made her more adorable. And her talent for remembering every quest
ionable transaction that came through her hands as a courthouse clerk made her indispensable.

  Midian waved her elaborately manicured nails as she approached from the other end of the hallway. Eve tried not to pay too much attention to all the little things she did differently to accommodate her fingernail length. She took the hug from Midian with a gentle pat.

  “How are you feeling, girl?” Midian asked. “You look pale, but strong. Bitch, don’t you ever get shot again.” She sat on the bench in the hall. This was where they met. No cameras, easy to see who was coming and going.

  “I feel like a caveman’s balls. Dragging. This recovery is going to drive me to drink.”

  Midian checked her texts, fingernails clacking on the screen. “That sucks. This must be important for you to come all the way here today, then. Or did you just need to get out of the house? Wanted to wish me merry Christmas in person?”

  Eve looked around for Tashika, who came around the corner in workout gear. She apologized profusely for being a few minutes late.

  Eve nodded as the woman sat next to her. Tashika was gorgeous enough to be a model, but instead she was a bail bondsman. Eve had always known the woman was ripped, but normally she kept her ridiculous physique covered. Today, however, between the skin-tight compression pants and tank top, there was no doubt this woman could crack a walnut with any part of her body she wanted to.

  Tashika unwrapped her jacket from around her waist and tucked her iPod and headphones into her pocket.

  Midian laughed. “Seriously? Your body’s so intense. Can I just feel a gun?”

  Tashika rolled her eyes before making the demanded muscle.

  Midian reached over Eve to squeeze. “You’re so freaking hot.”

  This was how it went. Periodically the three would catch each other up on little tidbits of information that might be helpful to someone. Years had provided the trust Eve had in these ladies.

  “I need to know who owns these properties and any contact info you have.” Eve passed the list to Midian discreetly.

  She clicked her tongue. “I recognize a few of these. This one the man went bat shit. Refuses to sell. Claims the devil lives in the basement.”

  “Can you help?” Eve kept watch in the hallway.

  “Of course. I’ll have it to you before the day ends. Can I ask why we care about this?”

  Eve nodded. “I’m staying in the area, and I’m interested in renovating and flipping.”

  Tashika gave her a hard look. “That sounds tame for a girl with a gunshot wound.”

  Eve appreciated Tashika’s ability to cut to the chase. “I’m staying here in Poughkeepsie. I want to know who lives where. No more surprises. I’m putting eyes everywhere. But on top of that, it’s going to be as legit as possible—giving people a chance who need one. That’s where you come in.”

  She turned to face her confidantes. “If you got people you know who are in the shitter, but deserve a chance, I want to know where they are.”

  “What do you mean?” Tashika adjusted her ponytail and canvassed the hallway.

  “Like, say you got a kid who shouldn’t really be in trouble, who’s a good guy? Just needs some direction? I want to give him a job on a crew flipping a house. Then we’re going to rent that house to a low-income mom.” Eve shrugged.

  “What are the strings?” Tashika pulled out her phone and scrolled through her contacts.

  “They have to work hard, stay clean, stay loyal, and be willing to try to make the experience into something worthwhile. And there might be a dog or two involved.”

  “You’re shitting me? Really? Girl, what the hell is this? Did you knock your head?” Midian patted Eve’s face.

  Eve laughed. “No, for real.”

  “You with Taylor for good now?” Tashika stomped her feet and stretched out her calves.

  Eve answered hesitantly. “Yes.”

  “Damn you. I was going to pick up every single gorgeous piece of that man after you left him.” Midian pouted comically before smiling.

  “And he’s into this?” Tashika still looked apprehensive.

  “Yeah. He is. It’s our new thing. And it’ll probably blow up in our faces. But we’re two tits into it now.” Eve made sure to look Tashika in the eye. “No pressure for you to be involved, and I understand if this isn’t your game.”

  Tashika shook her head. “You know I owe you.”

  “No, you don’t. You’ve helped me a ton. You helped Mouse a bunch. This is just if you want to.”

  Midian was already researching the addresses on her phone. “I’m in. I’ll get you a few names of good kids. But if they get screwed up by this, I’ll find Taylor.”

  “I think that’s fair.” Eve nodded before leaving the women. Being with them made her long for Mouse. She’d learned that missing him wasn’t going to get any easier as the years piled on.

  Still, even if it couldn’t be him, having people in on her and Beckett’s plan made it seem a little less insane.

  Looking down on his family, Cole tucked the blanket around JB and kissed Kyle on the mouth, aiming carefully as she rocked the baby back and forth in his room with the hopes of an afternoon nap. “I’ll bring food on my way home. Should be back in time for it to be dinner.”

  She nodded. He set the house alarm on his way out and blinked at the sunshine, feeling like he hadn’t seen it in a very long while. His nervous system was numb. It was like baby boot camp in there. He pulled his gloves out of his pocket and got in his car, which took a bit to warm up in the cold so there was no use waiting. And anyway, he was excited to see his brothers. They were meeting at a house a few blocks from Blake’s. As far as he knew, it was for sale.

  He stopped at Blake’s house and found him already waiting outside.

  “We could just walk over?” Blake closed the passenger door behind him.

  “I like to have a getaway vehicle whenever Becky’s involved.” Cole backed the huge car down the driveway.

  “Sound reasonable.” Blake buckled his seatbelt. “So how much life does this old beast have in it?”

  Once the car was going straight down the street, Cole offered Blake his arm for the brothers’ shake.

  “Well, it still runs just fine, but Kyle wants a nice brand-new minivan too. She says she wants enough airbags to blow herself to Hell. Which is a great idea, considering the baby.”

  “How’s my nephew?” Blake smiled.

  “So, so amazing. And small. Goes through diapers like a champ. Remind me, I have to pick up a package on the way home.” Cole put on his blinker and waited at the stop sign.

  “No problem. And by no problem I mean I won’t think of it until you’re dropping me off later, if you’re lucky.” Blake waited as Cole finished their brief drive and parked. “This place has been abandoned for at least a year.”

  Construction debris littered the yard.

  “Wonder if you’re getting a new neighbor?” Cole knocked on the slightly open front door.

  “Come in, you sexy bitches!” Beckett’s voice echoed off the walls of the empty house.

  Cole walked in and shot a look around. This was a home in transition.

  Beckett stomped into the living room, wiping his hands on his jeans. “Brothers.”

  They met in the middle and wrapped arms while patting each other on the back.

  “One of my favorite fucking things,” Beckett said.

  “Me too.” Blake grinned.

  “For me as well.” Cole rocked back on his heels. “You get this place cheap, I hope?”

  “Dirt cheap.” Beckett gave an appraising glance around. “Still needs lots done, but I think it’ll get there.” He motioned to two upside-down cement buckets and a pallet of flooring. “Come into my office.”

  They each took a seat. After a leisurely update on both of the families and Eve, Beckett nodded at Cole and Blake. “I brought you here for a reason.”

  Cole’s stomach turned. It was always a secret fear of his that Beckett would ask them to be a pa
rt of something illegal. It was stupid, though. He knew Beckett liked them both out of his business.

  Beckett pointed at each of the four corners of the house. “This is one of six houses in Poughkeepsie I’m working on right now—all previously foreclosed or abandoned. Basically, I want these kinds of places fixed up and under my direction.”

  The brothers waited for Beckett to continue.

  “I’ve got my guys on them now, rebuilding, working with some construction crews. The houses close to you and Livia and you and Kyle” —he pointed as he described— “are basically safe houses. I’m going to have people there for your protection. You can have my guys, you can have cops, whatever you want, whatever you’re comfortable with—if you want to stay in Poughkeepsie.”

  He held up his hands, halting the questions he must have seen forming on their faces.

  “And I know you do want to stay, I get that. I just want you to know as much as you need to make an informed decision. You all keep having kids and being married and whatnot, so my circle of protection must get wider. It’s got to have schools and shops and roads for your wives to travel, your kids to be on. I’m still sorting out what I need to do to keep Eve safe, but I don’t want to go in guns blazing anymore.”

  Blake stood and paced. “I’m confused.”

  “I know. Just give me a bit of room to run with this, and I promise you’ll walk out that door with everything you need to know.”

  Blake sat back down.

  “Well, this will ruin the Christmas surprise, but I’ve bought houses for you guys, and for John and Kathy, in Hawaii. It’s an out. I can set it up like the most secure commune ever. You will be safe there. But…”

  Beckett stood now. “In case either or both of you decides to stay in town, I’m implementing a plan. It’s the best I can do, and I hope it will eventually benefit not just you guys but the whole town. But I can’t promise absolute safety. There are too many variables, too many players in the game.”

  Cole inhaled and exhaled. Maybe his fear would be actualized after all. “What game are we playing?”

  Beckett closed his eyes. “I’m looking to give Poughkeepsie a second chance. I want to be a force here. But since my time in Maryland, I’ve realized there’s something more important than fear. Loyalty matters. And you get loyalty by being fucking decent, giving people a choice that doesn’t twist their nuts in a vice. Then, when you ask them to keep watch on a street? They take that job seriously. Because you respected them, they respect you back.”


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