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Stumbling Into Forever (Stumbling Through Life Book 2)

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by Molly O'Hare

  “Are you trying to intimidate me?” Mildred placed one of her hands on her hips.

  “Is it working?”

  “Not on your life, little miss. Where do you think that stare came from?” She pointed at herself. “I’ve perfected it over the years.”

  Giving up, Holly moved her eyes to the donut she’d grabbed. Why the hell didn’t I just buy a dozen of the peanut butter ones? Holly rolled her eyes. That’s what I get for trying to be more health conscious.

  “What are you doing here so early, anyway?” Mildred asked, plopping herself onto the corner of the desk. “Ole’ Benny boy not performing as he should? Did you know they make this pill that—”

  “Oh, for the love of all things.”

  “That’s what I’m saying. If Mr. Hotness has a problem in the love department, I know a guy.”

  “Eww.” Holly threw her fingers in her ears as she shook her head. “I don’t want to hear that.”

  Mildred held up her hands in surrender. “Fine. I’ll call Ben myself and tell him.” She picked up the phone, but Holly snatched it back.

  “How do you go from zero to ten thousand in the span of two seconds?” Holly placed the phone back onto the receiver.

  “It’s a gift.” Mildred eyed the donut box. “Ask my husband.”

  “I’ll be sure to mention to him how you need to be placed in a home under intense supervision.”

  Mildred shrugged before reaching for another treat.

  I should have known better than to bring them here.

  “If Benny isn’t the problem then what’s got you all in a huff?”

  “I’m stuck.”

  Mildred arched her brow. “To the chair? Do I need to call the fire department? Remember the last time we had to call them when you tried to heat up leftovers. Oh god, they were mouthwatering.”

  Holly saw drool coming from Mildred. “How does your husband handle you?”

  “With rough hands, if I’m lucky.”

  “For the love of —” Holly stopped before taking a deep breath to calm herself. “Mildred, I’m stuck in my story. I’ve been going back and forth for weeks trying to get it right but everything I do is a disaster. I don’t know which way to turn.”

  The old bat scrutinized her for a few seconds. “Are you sure it’s not Ben and his dong?”

  Holly jumped from her seat. “Why do I even bother talking to you?”

  “You love me, and you know I can help.”

  Holly started making her way to the book return ignoring Mildred. You think she would have known better than to believe walking away from her would have stopped the conversation.

  “You’re unsettled,” Mildred remarked.

  Holly spun to face her. “What?”

  “Missy, do not what me like that.” Mildred placed her hands on her hips. “I’m telling you, I can see it in your eyes. You’re unsettled. Something is missing from your life.”

  “My life is perfect,” Holly protested. “Well, other than the missing words. I couldn’t ask for anything more.”

  “Liar.” Mildred turned on her heel and started making her way back to the desk.

  “I am not!” Ignoring the fact Mildred was chomping on one of the donuts Holly turned back to her task. “I am not a liar. My life is perfect,” she mumbled.

  And it was.

  She had Ben by her side. He was the love of her life. She still hadn’t quite figured out why a hunk like him, was interested in a world champion klutz machine like her, but at this point, she learned to accept it. Their home was filled with love. Even if Lord Waffles felt he owned the place and only allowed the rest of them live there, she loved it. She had Twitch, Ripley, and Ben there.

  Stupid old woman. Holly looked back toward the desk and noticed Mildred was gone. “I bet she ate the last of my donuts too.”

  Would it be crazy if I got a lockbox and put donuts in it? She pondered the idea for a moment before dismissing it. Man, this writer’s block is making me crazy. I doubt other aspiring authors argue with themselves over donuts. Who does that? Oh yeah, me. I do that.

  Holly felt her phone vibrate in her pocket.

  She sighed.

  For some reason her agitation was in full swing. Maybe I’m PMSing.

  With a quick glance at the screen, she answered. “Hey, Dad.”

  “Pumpkin, how are you?”

  “I’m doing good, Dad. What’s up?” Holly took a cleansing breath. Whatever was bugging her was her problem, not her father’s. She wasn’t going to take it out on Henry.

  “Oh, nothing. Why does something have to be up for me to call my daughter? Can’t an old man just want to say hi?”

  The guilt rushed through her. “Yes, Dad, of course. I didn’t mean to imply anything.” Holly grabbed one of the books and placed it on the shelf. Great, now I feel like a jerk. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m talking to you of course.”


  “Okay, fine. I wanted to see if you and Ben were free to come over for dinner tonight?”

  Holly’s felt the start of a headache coming. “I planned on coming over after work tonight you know that,” she reminded him.

  “Yes, I know you were planning on coming over. But, I want to extend the invitation to Ben and the pups.”

  Holly eyed the phone suspiciously. “Okay fine, I’ll call Ben on my lunch break. He took Ripley and Waffles to work today.”

  “Good, good.”

  “You sure you’re okay?” It had only been two days since she saw her father last, but with his disabilities, anything could have happened in her absence. Her worry started to rise. What if something happened? What if he was trying to fix something in the house and fell and hurt himself? What if he was calling from the floor with a broken hip? What if he needed more food? What if-

  “Of course, I am…” Holly could swear she heard him growl. “Now, I’m going to hang up and let you get back to work.”

  Holly’s brows knitted together. “Sorry, Dad. I guess I’m in a mood or something.” She sighed. “We’ll be over later. I know Ben will want to come.”

  “Perfect. Oh, and Pumpkin?”

  Just like that Holly’s eye began to twitch. “Yeah, Dad?”

  “Do you think Ben would be able to make his spicy chicken tonight?”

  Oh, for the love of all things! She knew her father better than to just have a quick “how you doing” phone call in the middle of the day. First, Waffles eats my donut, then Mildred eats my replacements and now my dad wants nothing to do with me, but wants Ben to make him his favorite food. She bit back a growl.

  Holly shook her head as she tapped her finger on one of the books. “Yeah, Dad. I’ll tell him that’s what you’re requesting. Is there anything else?”

  “Wonderful! Oh, and Holly, please don’t make anything. Leave the cooking up to Ben. See you tonight, Pumpkin!”

  Holly squeezed her phone a little tighter after the call ended. She took another cleansing breath trying to ease her annoyance.

  Holly had absolutely no idea why everything was getting to her today.

  It’s all Mildred’s fault. Her lips thinned.

  Holly quickly sent a text message to Ben letting him know they’d be going to her Dad’s for dinner and if he wouldn’t mind making his spicy chicken.

  She knew Ben would be all for it. He loved hanging out with Henry.

  Holly put her phone in her back pocket and picked up the last return book before placing it onto the shelf.

  Unfortunately for her, the frustration she’d been feeling reared its ugly head in her movements. She slammed the book onto the shelf harder than she needed to.

  Within seconds the shelf collapsed causing all the books to cascade onto the floor. “You have got to be freakin’ kidding me!” Holly threw her hands over her head before she walked away.

  Today was not her day.

  She walked back to the desk with Mildred’s “You’re a liar” ringing through her head. When Holly reached for her box o
f donuts she noticed a book placed on top of them.

  When she saw the title, it was like a sucker punch to the gut.

  Chapter Three

  “Tell me, how are the newlyweds doing?” Henry, Holly’s father asked as they sat down for dinner that evening with Lord Waffles sitting at his feet begging for any scrap grandpa would send his way.

  “Are you going to ask us that every day, Dad?” Holly asked sitting in the spot across from her father.

  “Probably.” Henry took a bite of his chicken. “Ben this is outstanding, thank you. It gets better and better each time you make it.”

  A whine came from under the table. When Ben leaned over to see who it was, he saw Waffles at Henry’s feet with big round eyes staring back at him.

  “You know you’re not supposed to have table food,” Ben remarked looking at the pup. “Plus, you wouldn’t like it, anyway. It’s spicy.” Ben popped a piece of food in his mouth winking at their dog.

  Waffles gave him the most judgmental side-eye he could muster before turning his nose up. “Jesus, dog, you act like we don’t feed you.” Ben shook his head.

  Waffles answered with a huff before moving his attention to Henry.

  You’ve got to be kidding me.

  Ben watched as Waffles placed one of his paws on Henry’s left foot. The little shit then had the gall to look up at Holly’s dad giving him sad eyes.

  “Come off it, dude. You’re not getting any chicken.” Ben looked at his father-in-law. “Don’t feed him any. Besides, he’s in trouble anyway.”

  Henry placed his fork back on his plate before moving his good arm down to scratch Waffles behind the ear. “Waffles in trouble? Why he could never be a bad boy,” Henry cooed. “Ain’t that right, little man?”

  “Don’t enable him.”

  Waffles, the jerk that he was, ate up the attention. He even fell onto his back giving Henry better access for belly rubs.

  The second Ben groaned his annoyance, Waffles sent him another evil glare.

  Ben shook his head before placing another piece of food in his mouth. “Why can’t you be more like your sister? Ripley is at least waiting in the corner.”

  How has my life come to this?

  “Because, he’s too smart for that,” Henry remarked. “He knows where his bread is buttered and that’s with Grandpa.”

  Ben darted his eyes to Holly where all she did was shrug her shoulders. “I’ve had to deal with this since I got him. Grandpa takes his role very seriously.” Holly smirked before taking a bite of her own food.

  “Yeah, but we can’t reward him, especially when he’s been an ass. That little shit decided to intimidate a Great Dane today at work. Do you know how hard it is to control one of those massive things?” Ben glared at their Corgi who in return scoffed before turning back to Henry.

  “Oh, I’m sure it wasn’t Waffles fault,” Henry responded as he continued to scratch the Corgi.

  “It was most certainly his fault.” Ben narrowed his eyes at the menace. “The client brought her dog in and Waffles decided he needed to remind everyone who was in charge. As the owner pulled Bruce, who might I add was terrified, into the waiting room, Waffles decided to run from behind the reception area make himself known. When Bruce noticed him, do you want to know what he did?”

  Henry bent shielding Waffles with his arms to coddle him, the best he could with his physical disabilities. “Did the dog attack, Waffles?” Henry asked with concern. Waffles being the ham he was, had the audacity to cry out as if to tell Henry that’s exactly what happened.

  “No.” Ben rolled his eyes. “On the contrary, Bruce took off running the other way, nearly pulling his owners arm out of her socket. Then Waffles chased him. He freaking chased him all through the waiting room causing chaos to erupt.”

  “So, you’re saying a Great Dane — those big old dogs, was afraid of this little guy?” Ben could see Henry trying to hide his smile.

  “That’s exactly what I am saying. Who knew a massive guy like that would be terrified to death of a puffed out loaf of bread? I know Bruce has had some issues in the past, but damn.”

  “Do not call our son a loaf of bread!” Holly exclaimed before glaring at Ben. “He is not a loaf of bread.”

  “My apologies, babe.” Ben held his hands in surrender. “I meant to say an oversized potato.”

  A mischievous smile appeared on Holly’s face. “Damn right. And, that’s Mr. Potato to you.” She pointed her finger at him while she absolutely failed to control her amusement.

  A loud huff came from Waffles causing Ben to turn the attention back to him. That’s when he saw their Corgi shooting death glares directed right for him and Holly.

  “Who’s a good Mr. Potato?” Ben mocked, his eyes full of joy.

  “You all need to stop being so mean to my grandbaby.” Henry took a piece of broccoli off his plate and handed it to the dog. The second Waffles realized it wasn’t chicken he promptly spit the offending food out before turning his glare to Henry.

  With a dramatic huff and a rise of his snout, Waffles turned and made his way out of the kitchen. When he got to the start of the hallway, Waffles turned back to glare at all three of them.

  With one last huff to inform everyone of his disdain of how he’d been treated he waddled away.

  The room fell silent only for a moment before they all erupted in laughter.

  “Aww, poor little guy. Should one of us go out and comfort him?” Henry asked as he picked up his fork to start eating.

  “Not it,” Holly and Ben said at the exact same time with smiles on their faces, which caused more laughter to burst throughout the room.

  Ben doing his best to control his amusement of the situation looked at Ripley who was sitting patiently at the entrance to the kitchen watching the show.

  As she cocked her head to the side waiting for Ben’s command, she realized what he was asking. With her own drawn-out sigh, Ripley slowly made her way out of the kitchen in search of her brother. She only looked back once, which caused Ben to give a small nod of encouragement. Ripley then did something Ben never thought she would do.

  Ripley dropped to the floor in a full-on tantrum.

  What the hell? I mean I know she’s picked up a few things from Waffles, but damn!

  Not sure what was happening Ben pushed himself from the table. That’s when Ripley stood before sighing loud enough for everyone to hear before disappearing out of sight.

  Holly’s mouth fell open, and Henry’s eyes were so wide, Ben thought they were going to pop out of his head.

  He was also positive his expression mirrored both of theirs.

  “Uh, Ben,” Holly finally broke the silence, clearly trying to get her bearings. “Did she just throw a hissy fit like a teenager that was just asked to clean up their bedroom?”

  Still in disbelief, Ben nodded. “I think she did.”

  “Not her too!” Holly cried throwing her hands into the air. “You have got to be kidding me.”

  “Ripley was never a diva until Waffles showed up.” Ben narrowed his eyes at his wife.

  “Are you saying this is my fault?” Holly glared back.

  “No. I’m saying it’s Waffles.” Ben darted his eyes to the spot Ripley had just vacated. “That’s it. We are separating those two from now on.”

  Holly nodded. “Agreed.”

  When did my life become a reality TV show?

  Ben pulled his seat back to the table to finish his meal. Out of sight, out of mind. As he picked up his fork he saw Ripley accompanied by Waffles make their way back into the kitchen.

  They both simultaneously plopped onto the kitchen floor right next to the entrance.

  Ben didn’t miss the evil eye still coming from Waffles, though.

  He shook his head. Ben was determined to ignore the insanity his life had become.

  Holly picked up a forkful of chicken and shoved it in her mouth. Secretly she was glad her father wanted this for dinner. It was one of her favorite meals. And after a day l
ike today, she needed the pick me up.

  Had she mentioned the same bookshelf fell three more times during her shift? Or, how Mildred kept leaving her little surprise books everywhere she turned?

  She worried her bottom lip. Leave it to Mildred to throw her world completely upside down.

  Holly kept stealing glances at her husband, trying to pick apart what he was thinking. She knew they had talked about having children before but nothing solid.

  But now that was all Holly could think about.

  The idea of growing a little Richman inside of her, made her feel things she never thought were possible.

  Now, if she could only get a few seconds to talk to Ben about it.

  She pushed around a piece of broccoli on her plate, as she continued worrying her bottom lip. When she looked at Ben again, she noticed him staring at her.

  Her heart soared. There was so much love in his eyes, it was almost too much to take.

  A warm smile spread across his face the moment their eyes met. Holly was positive it matched her own.

  She loved him.

  And, she was ready.

  Ben would be the best dad there could be, other than her own of course. Look at the way Ben handled their fur-babies?

  As she stared at him, she couldn't help but imagine a little blue-eyed boy that looked exactly like his daddy on Ben’s lap.

  She quickly looked away. If she didn’t, she probably would have pulled a Holly and blurted it out in front of everyone.

  That was not something she wanted to discuss with her father around.

  When Ben arched a brow at her, she decided she needed to change gears.

  Stay cool. No need to embarrass yourself during dinner. We’ve got a whole car ride home to talk about it. Think about something else.

  Holly turned her attention to her father.

  There had been so many years they’d sat across from each other at this exact same table sharing a meal together. Back then, however, his eyes always held torment and pain.

  Now his eyes held a lightness and joy. She wasn’t exactly sure what changed in him, but she was grateful for it. Seeing her dad happy filled her heart. She was sure some of it had to do with the fact his bills were no longer hanging over his head, but it was more than that. She liked this new look on him.


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