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Stumbling Into Forever (Stumbling Through Life Book 2)

Page 5

by Molly O'Hare

“I can see that.” Ben shook his head before also taking the steps two by two getting to the front of the station. If John can do it. I can do it too. Hell, I’ll take them three at a time. “Promise me you won’t do anything stupid.”

  “Like what?” John mushed his hair one more time.

  Like that.

  Ben strode past him rolling his eyes. When he got to the front of the station he opened the door. To his surprise he saw one of his clients, Bruce’s owner, sitting at the reception desk.

  “Doctor Richman,” she announced as she stood throwing her hand out to shake his. “It’s good to see you out of the clinic.”

  “Likewise,” he replied a little taken aback to see her.

  “When I came in this morning I heard some of the officers talking about it. I was going to call to see if you needed anything.”

  “That’s very sweet of you…” Ben was at a loss for what to call her. Normally, he had a chart in front of him. Plus, he always categorized his clients by their pet’s names.

  “Please call me, Emma.”

  Ben gave her a small smile. “Thanks, Emma. How’s Bruce?”

  “He’s fine. He’s a big lug like usual.”

  Ben chuckled. That was right, other than Waffles tormenting him, Bruce was this giant teddy bear.

  “Who’s Bruce?” John asked as he made his way next to Ben.

  “Oh, I didn’t see you there.” Emma turned toward John as her cheeks slightly colored.

  John looked around the empty reception area and then back to them. “What do you mean you didn’t see me? It’s just us here.”

  Emma’s face completely colored before she looked down at her hands in embarrassment. “Sorry,” she whispered.

  “Jackass.” Ben punched John in the arm. Idiot.

  “What? It was a valid question.”

  Emma looked at him with a panic in her eyes. “I didn’t mean anything by it. It’s just when I saw Doctor Richman I kinda lost track of everything else. I’ve been in a panic about the break-in. It’s such a wonderful establishment. I’ve gone to three other veterinarians before I found Doctor Richman and every other one looked at Bruce and wanted nothing to do with a scaredy dog, that had issues. Or they wanted to put him on weird meds and I never wanted that. Doctor Richman saw Bruce as he is. Perfect. Just a little broken. But that’s okay because I’m a little broken too and that makes us perfect.” Ben saw Emma’s eyes widen in horror as she realized she’d just word vomited, as Holly liked to call it, all over them.

  Thankfully, he’d been used to Holly word vomiting most of the time, so he never changed his expression at Emma’s confession. However, from the corner of his eye, he saw John take a step back.

  If he says anything, I swear to god I’ll murder him. Police station or no police station.

  After a few seconds, John broke the silence. “It’s okay, Ben does take up half the room.”

  “Are you jealous I have more muscles than you?” Ben narrowed his eyes at John as his lips thinned. His attention fully turned on him.

  “You’ve got nothing compared to me. Who could be jealous of you?” John crossed his arms over his chest as he did his best to make himself look bigger.

  “Obviously, you.”

  “Yeah right. How could I be jealous of you when I have this?” He pulled up his shirt showing his abs.

  “Jesus Christ no one wants to see that, you dimwit.” Ben faked a gag.

  However, when he heard a small laugh come from Emma he understood what John was doing. When Ben looked back at her he could physically see her relief.

  “I’m telling Holly.” John glared at him

  “And what exactly are you going to tell my wife?” Ben arched his brow.

  “I’m going to inform her you called me a name.” John lifted his chin.

  “What are you five?”

  “No, I’m thirty-five. That’s thirty more than five.”

  “I’m so glad you can count.” Ben folded his arms across his chest. “Now if we can only get you to practice your manners, we’d be all set. Maybe we can move you out of pre-school.”

  “Now, I’m telling her you said I had no manners.” John’s face morphed into shock.

  “Emma,” Ben turned to her ignoring John. “Can you put me out of my misery and tell me where Detective Will Bower’s office is?” He looked back at John. “The sooner I can get this over with, the sooner I can get rid of him.”

  “I’m your ride!”

  “Don’t remind me.”

  Emma shyly took another glance at John before looking back at Ben. “Is he always this dramatic?”

  “Pretty much. I can never tell who’s worse, him or Waffles.”

  “Oh.” Emma’s face brightened. “That little Corgi?”

  “I don’t know about little,” John grumbled.

  Ben shot his eyes back to John. “I’m telling Holly you said that.”

  “You wouldn’t.” John’s eyes widened in horror.

  “Try me.”

  Before John could retaliate Emma chimed in. “Detective Bower is down the hall on the left. You can’t miss him. I’ll send him a quick message to let him know you’re coming.”

  “Thank you.” Ben gave her a small nod before walking around the reception desk leaving John behind.

  “Hey wait up, dickwad.”

  Ben sighed. Give me strength.

  “Who was that?” John asked as he ran to catch up to Ben.

  “She’s a client. Couldn’t you tell?”

  “I figured as much.” John looked over his shoulder back at the reception desk once more. “She’s pretty. Kinda reminds me of Holly.”

  Ben stopped before pivoting to look at John. “What, can I not say Holly’s pretty? Is that against the bro code? It’s not like I said she’s fuckable or something. I mean she is, but all I said was she’s pretty.”

  Ben cocked his brow. “Excuse me?”

  John bounced his head back and forth. “You know what I’m saying. Holly’s fuckable. I mean obviously you thought so.” At Ben’s deep growl John raised his hands. “Whoa, there killer. Not that I ever thought anything of it. She’s got a wack-a-doo dog and can’t seem to figure out how to walk in a straight line without tripping. No one wants that kind of baggage. Plus, it’s a compliment. One you are clearly not seeing.”

  “Explain to me why you saying my wife is fuckable is a compliment.”

  “It is,” John protested. “I mean you do her, so obviously you agree. Or, you wouldn’t have married her.”

  “You know if we weren’t surrounded by police officers I’d kill you where you stand, right?”

  “You couldn’t hurt a fly.” John looked around the room, clearly glad they were surrounded by people in uniform. “Anyway, I was complimenting your client. She’s pretty.”

  “So, you said.” Pick your battles, as his dad used to say.

  Ben decided the best course of action was to ignore John. If he didn’t, he most likely would be thrown in jail.

  Turning back, he looked down the hall. That’s when he spotted Officer Jones. “Hey, it’s good to see you again,” Ben announced as he made his way toward him. “Arrest anyone interesting?”

  “Other than your wife?” John said coming up from behind him.

  “He didn’t arrest her,” Ben spat glaring at his dimwitted best friend. “He only detained her for a few minutes.”

  “Oh yes, the curvy woman with a loud mouth.” Officer Jones took a drink from the mug he was carrying.

  “That would be her.” Ben nodded with a smirk.

  Officer Jones looked behind them. “Is she by chance with you?”

  Ben watched as the officer’s left hand went to the handcuffs on his belt.

  “No,” he said looking back at John with wide eyes.


  “Jones, stop being an ass.” Will made his way out of a nearby office. “Ignore him, please. He finds it fun to intimidate people. Your wife turned out to be the perfect person for Jones to, excuse
my lack of a better term, but fuck with.”

  Jones shrugged not denying it. Ben could see the hint of a smile on Jones’s face. That’s when Ben’s body relaxed. “She is a fun one to rile, isn’t she?”

  A ridiculously wide smile spread across Officer Jones’ face before walking away.

  “What just happened?” John asked.

  “I think he likes to mess with people and Holly just became his prime target.”

  “And how do you feel about that?”

  Ben shrugged. “It might be fun to watch.”

  John’s face brightened in pure amusement as he gave that all-knowing look. “Can I watch too?”

  Ben tried but failed to hide his smile as he brought his attention back to Will. As long as Officer Jones didn’t actually do anything to harm or scare Holly he’d be all for a little harmless prank or two. Maybe he could talk to Officer Jones on the way out.

  Plus, being able to rescue Holly out of the situation last night sent a wave of white knight through Ben.

  Yeah, I’m definitely going to talk to Officer Jones before we leave.

  “Let’s go into my office so we can get this paperwork finished,” Will announced before leading Ben and John into his office.

  Chapter Seven

  Ben walked into the house to see Holly curled up with Twitch on the couch. At the sight, he warmed. They looked picture perfect together.

  He stopped and just stared at his wife. Even after the craziness of the last twenty-four hours, Holly still looked downright beautiful. Her hair was mushed and her mouth was just the tiniest bit open as she slept.

  She was fucking breathtaking and he knew it. His eyes traced along the curve of her body as he took her in.

  He was a lucky bastard and he knew it.

  He had to bite back his groan as his dick pressed against the front of his pants. It took all of his willpower to control himself.

  She looked so peaceful as she slept. Plus, Ben knew she needed it. So, did he. And, if that meant a case of blue balls then so be it.

  Her body did look inviting though. As he scanned her sleeping form one more time his eyes focused on Twitch. He was curled tightly under Holly’s chin. As if the little guy could sense Ben staring at him, he opened one of his eyes. He gave Ben a quick once over before closing his eyes promptly dismissing him.

  Good to know who you like better there, Bub. Ben could swear he saw Twitch open his eyes and then roll them. I’ll remember this come shot time.

  He was definitely going to have to start separating Waffles from the rest of the gang every once in a while.

  Looking back at Holly he decided to sneak in behind her and curling up was a much better plan than going into their bed alone.

  As quietly as he could, he removed his shoes and socks along with his shirt. He eyed his delectable wife, one of his favorite things was to cradle her to his body as they slept. Although, halfway through the night, it never failed. Holly would threaten him with death if he didn’t move over and give her some space. She’d mumble how between him, Waffles, Ripley and now Twitch she’d end up dying of heat stroke.

  Only Holly.

  He knew if he was careful, he’d be able to finagle his way behind Holly and nap with her in his arms.

  And that was exactly what he was going to do.

  Ben tiptoed over to the couch before placing his left leg behind Holly’s knees. Before he made his next move, he glanced at her to make sure he hadn’t woken her.

  Okay, now what?

  Seeing as she was still asleep, he started maneuvering himself behind Holly. When he was halfway in place, he saw Twitch turn his head to stare at him like he was crazy.

  Ben narrowed his eyes right back at him. You know, instead of judging me you could help.

  Twitch closed both of his eyes before stretching out getting more comfortable.


  Ben carefully bent his knee placing his full weight onto the back of the couch.

  See this wasn’t so hard. Alright, now just wedge yourself between the couch and Holly.

  He was making damn good progress if you asked him. He was nearly fully wedged where he wanted to be when he heard a tiny laugh escape from his wife.

  “You’re awake, aren’t you?”

  “I plead the fifth.”

  Ben growled before bumping Holly with his hips giving him the room he needed. “You could have just moved over, you know?”

  “And miss out on this acrobatic feat? No way.” She turned her upper body to face him with a huge grin.

  That little shit.

  “You think you’re funny, don’t you?” He tried his best to give her a stern look, but failed miserably.

  “Maaayyybbbeee,” she cooed before scooting to the front of the couch giving him all the room he needed.

  “You’re gonna get it, Grace.”

  “You keep telling yourself that, honey.” Holly patted his side.

  “Oh, Mrs. Holly Richman,” he growled in her ear. “I think you know damn well what I can do to you.” He pushed his hips forward causing his dick to rub against her ass.

  Holly let out a tiny gasp before she wiggled her hips back onto his groin. “Oh, do tell. I’m always in the mood to be enlightened.”

  Ben pushed her hair from her neck before nibbling on the exposed skin. “I thought you were tired.”

  “Not anymore.” She turned to face him giving complete access to her mouth, which he gladly took.

  Fuck yes.

  He ground his hips into her as he devoured her mouth. With his free hand, he reached around her body and grabbed onto her breast, enticing a moan from her.

  Fuck he loved his wife. He loved every fucking inch of her.

  Without removing his lips from hers, he inched his hands lower. Once he found the hem of her shirt he snaked his hand under it. Her skin was so heated it sent his blood racing. Right now, his dick was pressed so forcefully to his pants he was sure there’d be a permanent zipper mark.

  He didn’t give a shit though. His hand moved up her belly seeking out her taut peaks.

  “Ben,” Holly whispered pulling her mouth from his.

  Ignoring her cries, he sought out her mouth again.

  He was instantly rewarded when her hand moved between their bodies and started to palm his member through his jeans. “Fuck,” he growled, as shivers moved down his spine.

  “What do you think I’m trying to do?” Her words ignited him. Quickly he moved his hand to his belt undoing it with ease. As soon as there was room, Holly shoved her hand inside his pants seeking out his dick. The second she reached the base, he couldn’t stop himself from thrusting his hips forward.

  “You’re awful happy to see me.” Holly smirked at him as her hand stroked up and down his dick.

  “I’m always happy to see you.” Ben didn’t know if it was all the excitement of the recent events or that this was just how crazy his wife normally made him, but he had to be inside of her. If he didn’t, he’d die.

  There was something about Holly’s warm body next to his that fucking sent him into hyperdrive.

  As Holly worked him, he reached around her waist once again cupping her sex. The heat he felt through her leggings almost fucking unmanned him.

  He moved his hand to her waistband. Thank fucking God she had on leggings. He easily pushed his hand past the material.

  The moment his fingers brushed against her lower lips, Holly gasped throwing her head back.

  Fuck he loved this.

  He let his fingers slide against her slowly teasing her, causing Holly to start to thrash around. “No teasing more doing!”

  At her words, he bit down onto her neck. He placed his index and middle finger at her entrance. “Please,” she begged.

  He pushed his fingers deep inside her. She shot her hips off the couch.

  He fucking loved watching her like this.

  Holly the equal opportunist she was, used her hot little hand and grabbed onto his dick before giving a squeeze. “More,
” she panted.

  If Holly wanted more, well he was damn well going to give it to her. He hoped like hell these were not her favorite leggings.

  Fuck it, I’ll buy her more.

  He sat up pulling his hand from her center.


  He ignored Holly’s cry as he flipped her over onto her stomach. He then grabbed a hold of her leggings at her ass and ripped them in half exposing her perfect bottom.

  “I’m gonna murder you for that.” She looked over her shoulder at him. Ehh, it was worth it. Plus, he would have been more concerned if he didn’t see lust staring back at him. Not to mention the fact she kept pushing her ass into the air.

  “I’ll remind you to murder me later. Right now, I’m busy.” He bent kissing her exposed flesh before biting it.

  Holly pushed her ass back at him. It was a sight to worship.

  He palmed her ass before seeking out her core with his tongue. He took one long lick as he moaned. Fuck even after all this time she still tasted like pure fucking honey. He could eat her all day and still not tire.

  That’s it, he had to be inside of her. The thing about relationships was, sometimes you needed slow-burning sex. Other times you needed to fuck. Smart men knew the difference.

  Holly moaned as he worked her. Ben pulled back before he grabbed onto her leggings and ripped them near in half now.

  “I’m gonna kill you!” She shouted looking over her shoulder at him. When she saw his smirk she sent him a dirty look.

  “They were already ruined, Grace.” He ignored her as he moved his hands to his pants. He grabbed a hold of his dick finally freeing it. He looked down at her pussy, and his mouth watered. Her lush lips were swollen and coated in her cream. He couldn’t help but palm himself at the site.

  When she shook her ass he lost all control.

  He lined up and entered her in one quick move.

  God Holly loved it when Ben got like this, and right now this was exactly what they needed. Especially, after all the stress of the break-in.

  The moment he was fully inside of her everything felt right again.

  Then she felt it. “Ouch.”

  Ben stopped his movements. That’s when it happened again. “Owie.”

  “What’s going on?” Holly heard the concern in Ben’s voice, before she could say anything she felt it again. When she looked over her shoulder, she saw Twitch’s orange and white head bobbing up and down. What the hell?


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