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The Chronicles of the 8th Dimension - Limited Edition Box Set (4 Books): A Supernatural Thriller Box Set

Page 60

by Carissa Andrews

  “I don’t know how it could have gotten so late already. We really do need to make it back to camp and get the fire started. I’m sorry, Eva. I should have been paying more attention—” Liam pulls up short as his eyes lock onto the other side of the lake.

  “What is it?” I say, following his gaze.

  Walking along the edge of the shore, I can barely make out the form of a man as he shifts slowly toward our pile of clothing. His walk is funny, like he’s hurt his foot or something, as he drags it slightly along.

  “Hey—hey, are you okay? Sir—?” Liam begins, his eyes narrowing.

  The man doesn’t look up or even acknowledge anyone is talking to him.

  “You don’t think he’ll take our clothes, do you?” I ask, suddenly self-conscious about my lack of attire.

  “I sure as hell hope not,” Liam says, his eyes widening. Before we can take a step forward, the man reaches our clothing and bends down, pulling at the fabric.

  “Hey, mister, get away from our…” Liam’s voice trails off and he glances back at me. “Does that guy look a little weird to you?”

  Narrowing my gaze, I place a hand over my brow and try to get a better look. Recognition comes far too slowly, but it hits me in the gut. The sickly gray pallor of his skin and mannerisms awaken the memory of something I was forgetting. The man’s body is malnourished, for sure, but that’s not the scary part. He’s not a man, not anymore. He’s become something else entirely.

  A wraith.

  “Liam, we need to go back,” I command. “It’s not safe to be anywhere near that man.”

  “What are you talking about? He just a frail old man. Maybe he’s lost? We should help him,” he begins.

  I shake my head, holding out an arm and backing both of us up. How could I have forgotten about wraiths? It’s angelic history 101. And where there’s one, there are sure to be more.

  “Oh, he’s lost, all right,” I nod.

  “Eva, we need to go, and what about our clothes? We can’t let him take them,” Liam says, pointing.

  “He’s not interested in our clothes. He’s interested in us.”

  Liam’s face darkens. “What do you mean?”

  “You’re right. There’s dark, evil forces roaming this place at night. I should have remembered. I should have gotten us to safety right away. I don’t know why I didn’t…” My voice trails off and I stand in the water, shaking my head.

  How could I have been so careless?

  “Eva, talk to me. Why can’t we get our clothes?” Liam says, placing his hands on my arms and spinning me toward him.

  “We can’t come into contact with him. If we do, he could syphon what little life-force we still have. Wraiths are like an incubus that way, and they never travel alone. They’re herded by the energy of life force that’s in proximity to it. It’s like a calling card. We need to stay as far away as possible,” I say, my pulse quickening.

  Liam was right; something very nefarious goes on here at night, but it wasn’t the lake that was the problem. It was Liam himself.

  And if I remember rightly, this is no ordinary lake, either.


  “Come with me. We’ll go back into the alcove and I’ll tell you everything I remember,” I say, spinning us both around.

  We need to devise a plan to protect our life-force, not only from the wraiths, but from Purgatory in general. Even without coming into contact with a wraith, this place will steal it from us on its own and if we’re not careful, we’ll both end up as one.

  It’s what happens when a being is trapped in Purgatory too long.

  Chapter 13

  What Happens in Purgatory Stays in Purgatory

  Liam’s eyes narrow and he wraps his arms around his legs.

  “You’re telling me if we continue to stay here, we’ll eventually become one of those things?” he finally says.

  I nod, hoping my face isn’t as grim as my insides feel. He might not realize the significance of this as a previous human, but as an angel, this is bad. Really, really bad. And I don’t know how I could have let this happen. It’s not as if I didn’t know how Purgatory works but being here—it’s a whole new experience. It’s like everything is upside down. Maybe it’s the close proximity to Liam? Or the fact that I’m soooo close to having everything I’ve ever wanted? It’s like I can’t see the dangers lurking just in the periphery.

  “Well, what do we do? I mean, wouldn’t it be better to make a run for it, grab our clothes, and make it to the woods? I can start a fire pretty quickly,” Liam offers.

  “I’m sure you can, but it’s not the one wraith I’m afraid of,” I say, taking a deep breath and wrapping my arms around my legs the same way Liam has.

  The mossy ground is soft enough to sit on, but I can see how this might become a very uncomfortable night. There’s no real soft place to rest. No blankets. No pillows, beds, or even clothes.

  It’s strange how exposed a person feels when not in the throes of desire. As much as I still wish we could go back there—the need to protect us has trumped all of that. What I wouldn’t give to have our clothing back.

  “What is it you’re afraid of? Are there more?” Liam asks, his eyes wide.

  “Liam, where there’s one wraith, there are always more. Lots and lots more. I’d imagine the sunlight keeps them at bay during the day, but as the night comes on, they can move more freely. They’ll sense us and our life force, and they’ll be innately drawn to it. We may not have much, but it’s more than they have. And they crave it,” I say, trying to remember back to the various Purgatory lessons I’ve had over the years.

  “Why?” he asks, shaking his head.

  “Why, what?”

  “Why do they crave it?”

  I run my fingertip along my eyebrow and sigh. “I suppose it’s because they’ve lost theirs and, instinctually, they know it’s what they’re missing.”

  “So, if they touch us, they could take it from us?” he says, his jaw sets and eyebrows tugged in tight.

  I lock eyes with him for a moment and slowly nod.

  “Shit. How are we ever going to get outta here alive?” he says.

  A surprised chuckle erupts from my chest. “We aren’t. Liam, you’re already dead. Remember? You shouldn’t even be here. You should be…”

  My face falters. Liam really shouldn’t be here, even if I am. He should be on his way to heaven—his soul should be enlightened and moving back into the ether so it can be reincarnated. He shouldn’t be trapped here with me. He shouldn’t be facing extinction.

  “This is all my fault,” I whisper.

  Liam snickers. “What are you talking about?”

  “I should have helped you cross over. I should have had my elemental sword. I should have made sure your soul was safe. I… I…” Tears threaten to fall at the brim of my eyelids, and I look away.

  Liam scoots closer, wrapping his arms around me. “You couldn’t have known any of this was going to happen.”

  “It doesn’t matter. I had a job to do. But I was so worried about losing you after I’d finally… I was so stupid. I’ve put your entire soul in jeopardy. I should have remembered about the wraiths. I need to fix this—”

  “How would you even fix it, Eva? It’s not like you can just turn back time and make it all better. We’re here now. And I highly doubt God—or your Guild or whatever, is going to answer any prayers right now. They put us here for a reason. My guess is, they’ll come get us once they’ve decided our fates. That’s how it works, right?” Liam says, placing a crooked index finger under my chin and forcing me to look at him.

  “I don’t know,” I breathe. “Honestly, I don’t know anything anymore.”

  “Come on, don’t be like that. We have each other here and now, and you know there’s something special in that. Don’t you?” he asks, his eyes searching mine. The green flecks twinkle, daring me to defy his inquiry.

  “There’s not a question of—”

  “Good,” he says
, cutting me off. “Because as far as I’m concerned, this is a good thing. We were given something, you and I, and we shouldn’t be sitting here feeling sorry about that.”

  “You don’t understand, Liam. Even if the wraiths don’t take our life force, Purgatory itself will still drain it away from us. Eventually, we won’t be who we are. We won’t even remember each other,” I say, trying to ignore the crushing sensation in the center of my chest. “Our souls aren’t meant to be here. We aren’t meant to be here. This was designed as a place to neutralize souls and make them weak and pliable. Strong wills aren’t seen kindly upon in the grand arc of the universe. We all have our laws.”

  Liam’s left hand rises, scratching at the back of his head.

  “How long do we have? Before we begin to lose ourselves?”

  “I don’t know,” I say, shaking my head. “But I suspect not long. I already feel like my memories are slipping from me. I should have been more worried about all of this sooner. I should have remembered—”

  “And I should have done a lot of things differently. What’s your point, woman? We can’t let the past dictate what we do now.”

  My eyes widen and mouth pops open slightly. I can’t believe this is the same Liam. Being here has already altered his perception of who he is. His worries of abandonment, of being unlovable, all of it. It’s fading away.

  “What?” he says, scrunching his face.

  “Uhm, nothing,” I say, shaking my head and trying to smile reassuringly.

  Inside the pit of my stomach, a new kind of terror stretches big and makes room. Liam has been here longer than I have, and this place is already messing with my mind. How much longer do we have before he succumbs? I need to find a way to fix this. And fast.

  Liam sighs, “You know, Eva, I don’t know much about all this supernatural stuff—at least, not the way you do—but I do know I’m grateful for it. I’ve never felt so unburdened. So at peace with who I am and even my future. I feel like it’s all gonna work out.”

  I snort. “I wish I could be so sure.”

  “What has you so worried?”

  “Did you miss everything I was just saying?” I say, eyes wide.

  “No, but I think you’re missing everything I am. Eva, I’m dead. I don’t know what that will ultimately mean for me, but I do know I don’t have time to waste worrying about it. Maybe that’s a lesson I should have learned when I was alive. We only have right now,” he says, running the back of his fingers along my cheek.

  “But there’s so much you don’t understand,” I whisper, trying to follow where he wants to lead.

  “And I don’t care. I need you here with me. Right now, in this moment. I don’t want to do what’s logical, or practical. I want to follow where my heart is leading me. Can you trust that?”

  His hazel eyes plead with me, and I can’t help but let my guard down. I sigh, releasing my shoulders and leaning into his touch.

  “What do you want me to do?” I ask.

  “Let go. If all we have is right now, then be here. Focus on me, on what we both want. Then it’s something they can never take away—even if…” his voice trails off, “it will still have happened.”

  “What are you suggesting?” I ask, my heart suddenly thrumming loudly in my ears.

  “I’m suggesting we let go—that we hold on. Eva, I want to experience you. I want you to experience me, too. I want to be connected in a way neither of us have ever felt before. Is that too much to ask of this godforsaken universe? I want to show you how much your love has meant to me, even when I didn’t know—” he says, sliding his hand down my neck and tracing along my collar bone.

  A shudder rolls through me and, despite myself, my anxiety begins to melt away. Would it hurt to be selfish? To give in and simply be here with him? To open up and give him all of myself?

  Suddenly, a flash of insight sweeps through me. Maybe he’s not the only one who’s felt unlovable. My god, it’s something we’ve shared all along…

  Tilting my head to the side, I give in to his touch, focusing on the heat from his hands on my cool skin. The water has all but dried off now, but this little alcove is anything but warm. It doesn’t matter, though. Fire creeps slowly through my veins, enticing every aspect of my body to relax and give in.

  Liam bends forward, placing his lips against my shoulder as he shifts his hips closer. His right hand reaches around, running along my left arm, and sending goosebumps through my entire body.

  I close my eyes, letting out a soft moan.

  His touch, it’s so gentle and so sure at the same time. I’m suddenly consumed by it and want nothing else in this whole wide existence than to be his. Body and soul.

  Leaning back onto the moss, I reach for him to follow me.

  “Are you… I mean, are you sure about this? I don’t want you to feel like I was pressuring. It’s just that—” he begins.

  I place my index finger over his lips, clamping them shut. Concern sweeps across his features as he watches me intensely, but I slip on what I hope is a seductive smile.

  “Liam, you’re right. We may only have this moment and I don’t want to spend what little time we have worrying about a future that may or may not come. I have fantasized about this moment with you more times than I can count. I know it might sound silly or weird. But I have. Now that it’s here, I am so ready. I want to know what it feels like. What you feel like,” I whisper, knowing this might be our only chance before I have to do something drastic.

  Without another word, he bends forward, his lips crushing against mine. Heat rolls off his body as he presses his hips forward. My body begins to vibrate, tingling with excitement for what happens next.

  I feel his excitement grow, both in his kisses and in his body’s response to our connection. Despite myself, I’ve seen him in this act—but never truly thought in a million years I would experience it with him. Regardless of how many times I’d fantasized about it.

  Breaking from my lips, his kisses trail to my cheeks, my eyelids, eyebrows, and into my neck. As his breathing gets heavier, mine does as well. Somehow, I’m unable to keep centered and calm. My thoughts of plans and next steps melt away, and all I want in the world is to stay here forever—to touch, feel, experience Liam for as long as possible.

  Liam pulls back slightly, his dreamy eyes locking with mine.

  “Where have you been my whole life, Eva?” he whispers, placing gentle kisses on my lips.

  “I’ve always been here,” I whisper back, running my hands through his gorgeous dark hair.

  A sexy smile graces his lips, brightening his face and melting my heart.

  “I know what you said about this place, but I think you’re wrong. This is heaven,” he says, running his left hand along the side of my face. “It has to be.”

  Reaching up, I pull his face to mine and flick the tip of my tongue against the fleshy part of his lower lip. My hands roam, groping at the muscles of his back, tugging him closer to me. As if pushing the “on” button, Liam springs to life with more fervor as he hoists my legs up over his hips.

  I suck in a breath, allowing my hands to travel to his backside in an attempt to urge him forward.

  For a moment, he hovers, waiting just on the border of entry. My body pulsates as he rests there, waiting for one more silent approval from me. In response, I raise my hips, slowly opening myself to his advances as I take him in me, inch by inch. Like a gateway opening for the first time, I feel everything about him as he slides inside. My body bursts with excitement, wanting more of him—all of him. Everything he is, was, and will be.

  With one hand free, he wanders my body, finding his way to my breasts as he gently squeezes and pinches. Unable to help myself, a moan escapes my lips and I clutch at him, urging him to continue.

  Liam groans softly, closing his eyes and thrusting forward.

  “Oh, God…” he murmurs into my ear as he lowers his torso to mine.

  I shudder as his breath races across my skin and I bite my lip
to keep from screaming in pleasure. Imagination only takes you so far—and this… it’s beyond my comprehension.

  Our movements begin to sync up, as we thrust against each other in a dance of the most intense energy I’ve ever felt. It rises like a magical force, binding us in space and time to a place where no other thoughts or worries could even attempt to enter.

  “Eva, you—oh my God—” Liam says, his words disjointed and breath jagged.

  With a sudden burst of creativity, I press my right leg into the ground, rolling us both over.

  Liam’s eyes widen in surprise, but he collects himself quickly.

  “You’re a take-charge kind of woman, I see,” he says playfully. “I love it.”

  Raising an eyebrow, I grab hold of both of his hands and raise them above his head. Pinning them down with my left, I bend in, placing small kisses along his torso.

  “Guardian, remember? It’s in my blood,” I say, flicking my tongue across the sensitive places, making him squirm beneath me.

  Smiling, I slowly rock backward. His eyes close as he’s buried deeper—touching even more sensitive places within me than before. We rock backward and forward, intertwined in one another. Liam sits up, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his face between my breasts. He plants kisses on my chest, taking one breast in his hands, the other in his mouth. The intensity of it catches me off guard and I rise quickly from him, trying to compose my body’s reactions. But it’s no use, the swell reaches its tipping point and unleashes its torrent within me.

  “No, no… oh, yes,” I cry out, finally giving in to it.

  Liam is seconds behind me, clutching at my waist and holding me tightly to him, as he thrusts upward. His release is hot, and sticky, and messy, and it sends another tremor through me.

  “Oh, Eva,” he says, placing his hands on either side of my face and drawing me to him. He kisses me hungrily at first, but it tapers to soft, gentle ones. “That was—you were…” he says, brushing strands of hair from my face. “I’m just…”

  “At a loss for words?” I offer, planting my own kisses along his cheeks.


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