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Stone (Savage Hearts Book 1)

Page 4

by C. S. Gunn

  “Makeup? To get my car? You sure you’re not hoping to see Mr. Hot Bartender?”

  “No, I just don’t want to look tired.” That’s all it is, I swear.

  “Sure. Since you hardly ever wear makeup, I’m sure that’s exactly what it is.”

  Sometimes I wish she didn’t know me so well. “Be back soon.”

  “Okay, love you, you hussy.”

  “Love you too. Take a couple of these, it will help” I say getting the ibuprofen from the counter and tossing her the bottle. I grab her keys and go outside to wait for the Uber.

  I get out of the Uber car and head toward Aly’s car. Just before I reach the driver side door I see Stone coming into view, walking from the side of the building. Holy shit, he’s even hotter than I remember. He spots me and turns my direction, I immediately freeze.

  “Here for round two?” He smirks, stopping in front of me.

  “No. I just came to get my friend’s car. Thanks for keeping it safe.”

  “How’s she feeling? You guys were pretty wasted last night.”

  “She’s feeling awful. So I offered to get the car for her.”

  “How are you feeling?”

  “I’m feeling a lot better after taking a long shower.” He looks me up and down and bites his lip to stifle what I think was a growl.

  His eyes darken and he begins to walk forward. Every step he takes toward me, I take a step away, until my back hits the car and I have nowhere else to go. He puts his hand on top of the car, next to my head, and leans over me. “Were you hoping you’d see me here?”

  I let out a shaky breath that I didn’t realize I was holding. “No.” Does my voice sound breathy to you?

  His voice lowers. “You’re lying.” I don’t believe myself either. “How was your shower?”


  “Your shower, was it hot?”

  “Who doesn’t take hot showers?”

  He smiles, flashing perfect white teeth. Damn he’s beautiful. “You’d be surprised. Some people take showers that are lukewarm at best. The one I took last night was very hot. But it could have been scorching.” I feel his fingertips caress my outer thigh. “You make this dress look amazing.”

  Suddenly my entire body is on fire. “Uh, I really should go.” Am I telling him or myself?

  He leans closer and I feel his warm breath on my ear. Feeling suddenly light headed, I place my hands on his chest to steady myself. “I’ll see you again, Aspen. I promise you that.” His deep whisper causes a moan to escape my lips. I’m going to need a change of underwear. He pulls away with a grin and walks away like he felt nothing….what the hell just happened? And why was he not as affected as I was? I get into the car and drive home, feeling completely confused.

  Walking back into my apartment I see Aly sitting on the couch, she must be feeling better, she’s not in her room surrounded by a mountain of blankets. “How’d it go?” She asks.

  “How did what go?” My face heats up.

  “Judging by the color of your face, I’d say he noticed you.”

  “He noticed me alright.” I mumble.

  “Well, what the hell happened?”

  “Nothing, he asked me how we felt this morning.”

  “That’s it?” She narrows her eyes, she knows more was said. I need to learn how to be a better liar. “Out with it, Aspen.”

  I sigh. “He asked me how my shower was, if it was….hot.”

  “He was flirting?” Her smile was huge.

  “No…yes…I don’t know. He said he would see me again.”

  “He was totally flirting! Do you want to see him again?”

  “I don’t know.” Yes. “He’s so intense.”

  “He’s hot is what he is. Like crazy hot. You should definitely go back.”


  “Not maybe, yes. We’ll go Thursday night.



  I had to walk away from Aspen. As soon as I pictured her in the shower, running her hands all over her naked, soap covered body, I couldn’t trust myself not to pull her dress over her hips and fuck her right where she stood. She’s not ready for that, not yet. I know she’ll come back, I saw it in her eyes. She wants me as much as I want her, even if she’s trying to fight it.

  After I get the bar ready for the day, Ashe finally walks in looking like complete shit.

  “What happened to you?”

  “I drank too much last night after I left. Didn’t get a lot of sleep either.”

  “Did you go to Synthia’s again?”

  “Nah, I’m done with her crazy ass. I went to Veronica’s.”

  “Do you ever go home?”

  “Sometimes, I don’t like taking girls to my place so I go to theirs.” He shrugs. The guy is a bigger man whore than I am.

  “I’m opening the bar, you ok to work?”

  “Yeah man, I’m good.”

  We’ve been open for a few hours and Ashe has done surprisingly well for how bad he looked when he came in. Me on the other hand, I’m distracted…again. I can’t seem to get that girl out of my head. It’s like she’s casted some kind of damn spell on me. I need to have her for one night so I can get her out of my damn system. I’ve never been this worked up over a girl and it’s pissing me off. All day all I’ve thought about is her soft moan, her in the shower, what her moans would sound like if she were in my shower….fuck, I’m doing it again. I’ve been walking around here with my dick painfully straining against my zipper since I left her standing outside…..I’m wearing boxers from now on.

  “Hey, Stone. This isn’t what I ordered buddy.” Bernie says.

  “Sorry man.” I pour him the right liquor and slide it over to him. “This one’s on me.”

  “No worries son. You got something on your mind?” Bernie is probably in his early seventies, bald, with maybe five teeth in his mouth. But he’s a good guy, always tries to be fatherly to everyone in the bar.

  “No, just tired.”

  “Okay, well I’m here if you wanna talk.”

  Once closing time comes around Ashe leaves and I drag my ass upstairs. My thoughts are still on Aspen and I can’t sleep, I decide to go grab a drink and go outside to smoke a cigarette. I sit on the last step with my drink in one hand while I take a pull from my cigarette with the other. I hear footsteps and I look up to see Synthia, swaying her hips as she struts over. “What’s up, Syn.” I ask her standing up. Usually her being here would annoy the shit out of me and I would tell her to get lost, but my dick has been hard every damn second since meeting Aspen. I need to get some relief and jacking off in the shower last night, and once in the office today, wasn’t enough. Just because I would never fuck Syn doesn’t mean I can’t let her suck me off just this once to help relieve some of this damn tension. “That blow job offer still on the table?” I’m going to regret this, I fucking know it.

  “Hell yeah it is.” I knew it would be. She drops to her knees and gets to work.

  The whole time I feel Syn’s lips sliding up and down my shaft my eyes are closed and I’m picturing Aspen. I don’t last very long….at all. I grab Syn’s hair, “that’s it baby. Fuck, Aspen!” I growl as fill her mouth with hot, thick, come. Once I’ve spilled every drop down her throat, I pull my cock away and fix my jeans.

  Syn instantly stands, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. “Who the fuck is Aspen?” She hisses.

  Ignoring her I head back upstairs.

  “That’s it? What the fuck, Stone?” She screams. “So, you’re just going to leave me like this? You’re not going to fuck me?”

  “No, I’m not….ever. I had some shit to work out and I did. Now I’m done.” How could she still want me to? I just said another woman’s name while she had my dick in her mouth.

  “Fuck you, Stone. Don’t ever ask me for another fucking thing again you asshole.” I don’t plan on it. Letting Syn blow me was a bad idea, but the thought of Aspen is driving me crazy and I needed to take the edge off…..unfortunately, it
didn’t work.

  As soon as I get inside I get in the shower to scrub Syn’s scent off of me. After I feel clean enough I exit the shower and make my way to my bedroom. I fall on my bed face first, naked and still wet. Aspen still consumes my thoughts as sleep claims me.

  Chapter Five


  The week has gone by agonizingly slowly. It’s been hard to focus on work since all I can think about is Stone. I can’t help but wonder if he’s feeling the same way? I shake my head to get rid of the thought. Of course he’s not, why would he?

  “Ready to go to lunch?” Aly asks. Aly and I both work at the same accounting firm. She transferred out here about five years ago for a change of scenery, and got me the job when I decided to move here last year shortly after my parent’s accident. They were on their way to our cabin for a weekend getaway when my dad lost control of the car. Their car was found at the bottom of a cliff, the medical examiner said that they died instantly. My ex, who was already frustrated about our lack of a sex life, couldn’t handle my mourning and left me a couple of weeks after. But not before cheating on me with some girl named Candace. I saw her riding him in the driver’s seat of his car, in the parking lot of the gym we both frequented, just hours after he broke it off with me. They didn’t notice me, but it was almost like they were hoping I’d see…why else do it there? I couldn’t take any more hurt. I knew I had to get the hell out of town. Aly has been my rock through all of it. I had to stop her from killing Chad when she found out what he did, she never did like him. I should have listened to her. Live and learn, right?

  “Yeah, I’m starving.” I say as my stomach growls.

  Aly laughs. “Burger or pizza?”

  “Burger for sure. Pete’s has this bison burger with a sriracha aioli that I’ve been dying to try.”

  “That does sound pretty awesome. Burgers it is! Come on, I’ll drive.”

  We arrive at Pete’s Burgers, a little burger stand that’s been here for fifty years or more, the burgers here are hands down the best I’ve ever had. Aly and I order our food and sit at a shaded table. I’m surprised we found one. Pete’s is always so busy.

  “Wow, this is amazing!” Aly tries to say with her mouth full.

  “It really is. I think this might be my favorite so far.”

  “I’m right there with you. So, how’s work been going?”

  “I’m guessing you heard. I messed up an account three times just today. I can’t seem to get my mind to work properly.”

  “Sweetheart, it’s working just fine. It’s just on something, or someone, else.”

  “I know, and I don’t know how to stop it. The account I messed up is an important account. I can’t make mistakes that will cost me my job.” It’s not that I don’t have money, my parents left me a sizable amount, but Aly got me the job and I don’t want to let her down.

  “I know exactly what you need.”

  “And what’s that oh wise one?”

  “Hey, I resent that remark.” She puts her hand over her heart, feigning offense. “All you need to do is get you a piece of that hunky man meat.”

  “And do what with it exactly?”

  “Don’t be coy. Just because you’re a virgin doesn’t mean you’re unaware of the other things a man can do to your body. I know you and fuckface Chad did some heavy petting.”

  “It was mostly me, and he always made it a point to tell me how terrible I was at it. Not once did he ever make me come. He would start and then stop just minutes later because he said he was too exhausted and it was taking me too long. I always had to do it myself in the shower.”

  “Ugh, I hate that guy.” She scrunches her nose in disgust.

  “Yeah, me too. But, what if I really am bad at it? What if Chad was right?”

  “He came didn’t he?” I nod. “Ok, then you couldn’t have been that bad. Besides, Stone looks like a guy that could rock your world if you let him. He clearly wants to.”

  “So, you’re saying I should just sleep with him?”

  “Only if you want to, if you decide that you want to hold on to your v card then don’t sleep with him. But I think getting at least a little taste of him might be what you need to get him out of your system. Then you can tell me all about it,” she winks. “You’ve only ever done things with Chad, and he doesn’t count.” Maybe she’s right. Just because sex is off the table doesn’t mean there aren’t other things that would feel amazing with him.

  After we get off of work Aly and I go to a boutique to find me a dress. We’re supposed to go to The Asylum tonight and even though it’s a complete dive, and a t shirt and jeans would be totally appropriate, I want something new….and maybe even a little sexy.

  “What about this one?” Aly holds up a strapless black dress that looks like it would barely cover my ass, let alone my chest.

  “Seriously? I want to look sexy, not like a hooker.”

  “You’re right. How about this one?” She hands me a light blue dress with a sweetheart neckline. It’s knee length and the bottom flares out, cute, but it’s not me.

  “No, it’s pretty but I don’t think it’s my style.”

  “Well, I’m getting it then. I love it.” The dress is one hundred percent her. She would look amazing in it.

  Thirty minutes into shopping I pull a dress from the rack. “Aly, I think I found it.” I smile

  “It’s perfect! Go try it on.”

  Once in the dressing room I shed my clothes and shimmy into the dress, it is perfect. It hugs my curves just right. It’s a dark wine color and incredibly soft. It looks kind of like a long, form fitting, t shirt. Not too dressed up, not too dressed down. I’ll have to wear a thong with it, the way the material sits on my ass, the panty line is totally visible. I’m okay with it though, the dress is long enough that nobody will notice. I step out of the dressing room, “how does it look?” I ask Aly as I spin.

  “Oh. My. God! I love it! You look great.”

  My smile becomes wider “I do. Don’t I?”

  We buy some accessories to complete our outfits and check out. By the time we get home it’s already seven o’clock. “We should start getting ready. I’m going to hop in the shower.” Aly says before disappearing into the bathroom. I go into the kitchen to make a sandwich while I wait for my turn to shower. Aly takes forever so I have plenty of time, plus I haven’t eaten since lunch and I’m crazy hungry. Just as I finish putting my sandwich together there’s a knock at the door.

  “Who is it?”

  “It’s Jay.”

  Jay? What the hell. What is he doing here? I pull open the door and find him dressed up. “What’s up Jay, want a turkey sandwich?”

  “No thank you. Aly in the shower?”

  “Yeah, come in.” I open the door wider to let him pass. “Are you going out with us?”

  “Aly text me earlier and asked if I wanted to join. I hope that’s okay.”

  “Of course it is.” I say in the most polite way I could. Aly might be distracted with him there and that leaves me to deal with Stone pretty much alone. It’s fine. I can handle it, really.

  “You’re the best, Aspen.” He says before joining Aly in the bathroom. I plop down on the couch with my food and turn the TV as loud as it can go. I don’t need to hear what’s about to happen in my shower….yuck.

  About nine thirty we’re finally leaving the apartment. “I’ll drive.” Jay offers while opening the passenger door for Aly.

  We pull up to The Asylum and I’m nervous, I know it’s stupid, but I am.

  “This is where you girls wanted to go? This place is a dump.”

  “The bartenders are really cool. In fact, Aspen has the hots for one.”

  “Aly!” I shriek.

  “Well, you do.” Turning to Jay she says, “Don’t worry baby, we’ll have fun.”

  “Okay, anything for you.” He bends down and kisses her….barf.

  Entering the bar my eyes scan the room looking for Stone. I don’t see him anywhere. A small wave o
f disappointment washes over me. I decide to just have fun, I don’t need him to be here to enjoy myself, it’s probably better that he’s not anyway. “Hey, Ashe, Can I get a beer?”

  “Hey gorgeous. No shots today?”

  “Nope. Never again.”

  He laughs. “One beer coming right up.” Handing me my beer I see him looking over my shoulder. “Who’s the suit with Aly?”

  “That’s, Jay, her boyfriend.”

  “Seems like a stiff.”

  “He’s kind of a snob, but he loves Aly and he’s always been nice to me, so I deal.”

  “Hi, Ashe.” Aly says, finally making her way over with a smile.

  “She’ll have a Cosmo and I’ll have a scotch on the rocks, eighteen year if you have it. Although, I doubt this place actually has good scotch.” Jay interjects.

  Ashe clenches his jaw and pours Jay the scotch he ordered. He looks over at Aly, “beer?”

  “I already ordered her drink. But I’ll say it again in case you’re hard of hearing. She would like a Cosmo.”

  I can see the anger rising in Ashe, but before he can respond, Aly does. “Baby, they don’t do mixed drinks. Yes, I’ll have a beer. Thanks, Ashe.” Turning back to Jay, Aly whispers in frustration, “can you try to act civilized, please?”

  “Me? He completely dismissed me.”

  “You were acting like an entitled snob.”

  “I can’t believe you girls come here. You’re too good for a dirty place like this, Aly.”

  Ashe sets Aly’s beer down in front of her. “There you are beautiful.”

  “Thanks, Ashe.”

  “Yes, thank you for so rudely providing her a drink she didn’t order.” Jay sneers.

  “Actually, you ordered the Cosmo for her, she ordered the beer.” Ashe shoots back.

  “Let’s just have fun, okay.” Aly pleads.

  “Fine, let’s sit at a table, assuming we can find a clean one.”

  “I’m sure there’s a perfectly clean one at your house you can sit at.” Ashe says before they walk away. “Aly doesn’t mind our dirty tables.”

  “And just what the hell does that mean?”


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