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Stone (Savage Hearts Book 1)

Page 14

by C. S. Gunn

  “Damn! What smells so good?” Ashe asks as he walks in.

  “Rosemary chicken, red potatoes, and asparagus!”

  “Aly wanted a chicken dish, and this one is amazing. Do you guys want a beer?”

  “You have beer here?” Ashe asks in shock. “Every time I’m here there’s only wine or coffee.”

  “Dude, how often are you here?”

  “Often enough.” He winks. I don’t know who he’s trying to fool, but we all know the poor guy’s been friend zoned…..fuck, seeing Aspen almost made me forget about Aly’s news.

  Aspen grabs us each a beer, then pours Aly and herself a glass of wine. “Thank you angel.” I give her a light kiss as she hands the beer to me. I look around their apartment, it’s decorated in light blues and silvers, the couches are grey, and there are throw pillows everywhere. The place is cute, definitely how I imagined it would be.

  “Have a seat guys, dinner is almost ready.”

  Ashe and I walk over to the kitchen table and take our seats as the girls finish up dinner. “Do you guys need help with anything?” I ask, feeling bad that they’re doing everything.

  “Nope, we’re done.” They bring all four plates over before getting us a fresh beer and pouring themselves more wine. “Dig in guys.” Aspen smiles and sits next to me. We eat, talk, and laugh at Ashe’s stupid jokes. I’m actually having a great time. After Chase died, I never thought I would find one person I’d care about, now I have three. It’s all thanks to Aspen. She really is my angel, she’s melted my walls and brought my heart back to life. I don’t know what I would do without her.

  “So, anyone have room for desert?” Aly asks as she begins to clear the plates off the table.

  “I know what I want for desert.” I grab Aspen and pull her into my lap.

  “Not now.” She giggles and swats at my arms. “Aly still has some news she wants to share.”

  I kiss her cheek. “So what’s the big news, Aly?”

  “Well, um.” Her eyes go to Ashe, then back to me. “Jay proposed.”

  “And you said no right?” Ashe asked, almost panicked.


  “You fucking said yes? You’re fucking kidding right? You’re not really going to marry that douchebag are you?.”

  “I thought you’d be-“

  “Be what? Happy for you? Fuck how I feel right, Aly?” He slams his beer down on the table.

  “How you feel? You fuck a different girl almost every night!”

  “Because I can’t have the one I really want! You’re all I fucking think about! You know what, I’m out of here.” He gets out of his seat and walks toward the front door. He pauses just before stepping out and looks back at Aly. “Don’t come crying to me when you find out too late that he’s not who you thought he was. At least I’ve always been honest with you.” He leaves, slamming the door behind him.

  “Ashe! Wait! Please!” I look over and see tears streaming down her face. “I need to go after him.”

  “Just give him some time to cool off, Aly.” I try to stop her, but she flies out the door after Ashe anyway. I don’t know what she hopes to accomplish, Ashe is way to pissed to talk this shit out right now, she’s just going to end up more upset. I look over at my girl, she looks upset… I know what will put a smile on her face, and a moan on her lips. I pick her up and carry her toward the hall. “Which room is yours?”

  “The first door on the right.” I kick the door open, then do the same to shut it before laying her on her bed and crawling over her. “Do you think this is a good idea after what just happened?”

  “I don’t care, I’ve hardly seen you all weekend and I need to be inside you now.”

  “Aly will be back any second.”

  “Then we better make it quick.” I lean down a plant and kiss on her lips as I slide my hand under her shirt. I lightly trail my fingertips over her smooth skin until I reach her bra, without breaking the kiss, I shove her bra, along with her shirt, above her perfect breasts. The sound she makes as I play with her nipple drives me crazy with need. I break the kiss, and just as I’m about to take her beautiful nipple into my mouth, a picture on her nightstand catches my eye. I stop what I’m doing and quickly get off her. Sitting on the edge of the bed, I snatch the picture, and stare at the image for a moment in disbelief. I barely hear Aspen saying my name. This can’t be….how is this even possible? I’m losing my breath, my heart is racing. It’s like I’m losing him all over again. “How do you know him?” I ask, finally finding my voice.

  “Stone, what’s wrong?”

  “How the fuck do you know him?” I ask again, harsher this time.

  “That’s my brother, Chase. I told you about him.” No…this can’t be happening, this has to be a fucking joke, a sick fucking joke.

  “I gotta go.” I toss the picture down as I get up and walk out of the room.

  “Stone? Please tell me what’s wrong.” She grabs my arm as I reach for the front door.

  I shrug her off. “Don’t touch me, Aspen. Not now.” Maybe never again.



  What just happened? He can’t possibly be jealous of my dead brother, can he? I walk back into my room and replace the picture of Chase and me back on my nightstand, then I curl up on my bed, I just want this night to be over. I have no idea why he reacted like that. I’m so confused. How could he treat me like that, how can he toss me aside because of a picture? Do I mean that little to him? I thought he was the one I was meant to be with, I guess I was wrong. Not when he’s walked away from me twice now.

  “Hey. Are you okay? I just saw Stone leave, he looked angry.”

  “No, I’m not okay at all. I don’t know what happened, Aly. He saw the picture I took with my brother and his whole mood changed. It was like a switch flipped. I think it might be over between us.” I say between sobs.

  “Oh honey, I’m sorry.” She climbs into bed with me and wraps her arms around me, not caring that I’m soaking her silk blouse with my tears.

  “Did you talk to Ashe?”

  “I tried, but he wouldn’t even look at me. I think I’ve lost him.” I can hear the sadness in her voice. I know her heart is broken too.

  “What are we going to do, Aly?”

  “I don’t know babe, I don’t think there’s anything we can do.” She holds me tighter, and silently sobs. This night couldn’t have gone any worse, I wish that I could just forget it ever happened, but I know I’ll remember it for the rest of my life.

  Chapter Sixteen


  The work week has been horrible. Trying to do your job efficiently and fight depression at the same time is not an easy feat. On the plus side, Perry has been true to his word and kept Kelsey the hell away from me, there’s no way I can deal with her shit right now. I’ve tried calling Stone a few times, hoping he’s cooled down enough to talk to me about what happened, but he hasn’t returned any of my calls, I think it’s truly over between us, and it’s destroying me.

  “You okay?” Aly asks as we wait for the elevator to go home.

  “No, I’m not sure if I’ll ever be okay again. I miss him so much.”

  “I know. It will take time, but you’ll be okay. I promise.” I don’t think I will, I feel like my heart has been ripped out of my chest.

  “How are you doing? Have you talked to Ashe at all?” I ask, trying to change the subject. I think of Stone enough on my own, I don’t need any help.

  “No, I’ve tried calling and texting him, but nothing. I think our friendship is completely over. I don’t understand why he can’t just be happy for me.”

  “Because he’s in love with you and knows he has no chance now.”

  “I don’t know, maybe. But aside from you, he was my best friend, and instead of acting like it, he chose to throw it all away because of jealousy.” She sighs. “I just wish he would talk to me, you know?”

  “Yeah, I know exactly how you feel.”



  Not talking to Aspen is killing me, but I can’t be with her, not after what I did. If she finds out that I’m the reason Chase is dead, it will fucking destroy her, she’ll never forgive herself for falling for a monster. It’s best just to cut ties now, even if my heart feels like it’s being ripped in two. Since leaving Aspen’s apartment almost a week ago, I’ve gone back to my old routine, drinking myself stupid, and cleaning up the mess in the morning. The nightmares are back too, except they’re not just about Chase’s death, they’re also about losing her. I’m barely hanging on. I’ve been sitting on my couch for who knows how long with a bottle of scotch in my hand, I don’t even know what time it is. I hear a knock at the door, but I’m far too wasted to get up. “Come in! Unless you’re Aspen, then go don’t waste your time!”

  “Dude, what the fuck?” Ashe says as he enters the apartment.

  “Want a drink?” I offer him the bottle.

  “It’s empty jackass.”

  “Oh, shit. Looks like I’ll need another bottle then.”

  “What the fuck is going on with you, Stone?”

  “You and Aly are over, me and Aspen are over, we’re both fucked.”

  “What the fuck do you mean you and Aspen are over? I thought you loved her.”

  “I do, so fucking much. But when she finds out what I did to her brother, she’ll hate me.”

  “Her brother? What are you talking about man?”

  “Nothing, never mind. I need another drink.”

  “No, you don’t. You need a shower and some fucking sleep.” What I need is the one thing I can’t have, what I need is to forget about her.



  The weekend went by slowly, but I guess laying in bed all day will make anything go by slowly. I’ve been at my desk all day, staring at my computer, I can’t concentrate enough to get anything done. I’m going to lose my damn job if I can’t pull myself together, but at the moment, I can’t find it in me to care. By the time five o’clock rolls around, I’ll of my reports are still sitting in my inbox, not one of them have been touched.

  “I’m so ready to get out of here.” Aly says as we leave the building. “Kelsey has been pissing me off all damn day.”

  “Yeah, she does that.”

  “She seems to be leaving you alone.”

  “That’s because I caught Perry going down on her in his office and told him to keep her nasty ass away from me if he wanted me to keep it quiet.”

  “You what? Well, I can’t say I’m surprised. I can’t believe you didn’t tell me.”

  “I was trying to forget about it, the image still disturbs me.” A shiver runs through my body.

  “I bet. Yuck. Wine and a movie tonight?”

  “Absolutely. I’ll pick some up on the way home.”

  “You sure? I can grab it.”

  “I’m sure.”

  “Don’t forget the ice cream.”

  “Duh, I’m not a monster.” I smile at her, or at least attempt to, and get in my car.

  I walk out of the store with our favorite wine and two pints of ice cream in hand, when I look up, I see Ashe leaning against my car. “Hey beautiful, you okay?”

  “No, not really. How are you doing?” He doesn’t look good, he looks almost as bad as I do.

  “Alright I guess.”

  “You miss her, don’t you?”

  “Like fucking crazy. But she’s going to be that asshole’s wife, I can’t be around for that mistake.”

  “Well, if it’s any consolation, she misses you too.” I fiddle with the zipper on my purse. “How is he?”

  “Not good. He’s back to drinking all day and night. He’s miserable, and making everyone around him just as miserable. He’s driving me fucking nuts.”

  “Is he…..?”

  “No, he hasn’t been sleeping with anyone.” A small amount of relief washes over me. At least he’s doing just as bad as I am. “I’ve tried talking to him, but he won’t listen to anything I have to say. I’m sorry, Aspen.”

  “Don’t be, it’s not your fault. But thank you for trying, it means a lot to me.”

  “I’d do anything for you, you know that.”

  “I know.” We say our goodbyes and I get in my car. I really care for Ashe, he’s become like a brother to me. I wish Aly had chosen him.

  I pull up to my apartment complex and grab the bags before getting out of the car, as I start to walk toward the stairs, I see a face that I wish would just go away. “What are you doing here, Synthia? Stone and I are over, so you can stop harassing me now.”

  “I’m not here for that.”

  “Then why the fuck are you here?” My irritation is coming out full force. I’ve had enough of this shit.

  “For this.” I feel a rag being pressed over my mouth and nose from behind, instantly, darkness begins to claim me. Is that……chloroform?



  I get ready and make my way down to the bar, Ashe has been working every night while I give myself alcohol poisoning. Although I’m in no shape to be working, I need to give his ass the night off. I get to the bar door and try to pull it open, why the fuck is it locked? It’s almost six o’clock. I unlock the door and walk in, and as soon as I do, I see Ashe leaning against the bar, head thrown back. He’s got his hand in front of him and he’s moaning. If he’s jerking off behind the bar when he should be serving customers, I’m going to kill him. “Ashe, what the fuck man.” As I get closer, I see blonde hair moving up and down, he’s getting his fucking dick sucked.

  “Fuck man, I didn’t even hear you come in.”

  “Yeah, I can see that.” The girl doesn’t even flinch, she just continues what she’s doing. “Hurry the fuck up, I’ll be in my office.”

  “That’s it baby, swallow that cock.” I hear him say before shutting the office door. At least he can still fuck other women. The only person my dick will get hard for anymore is Aspen, and I can’t have her, so I’m fucked. I sit in the office and get my cash bag ready to take over for the night. After about thirty minutes and three shots, I figure enough time has passed that Ashe and that girl will be finished. I walk back out to the bar area and see that Ashe is alone.

  “Who was the girl?”

  “No idea. She came in for a drink and offered a blowjob, so I locked the door and dropped my pants.”

  “Did you even get her name?”

  “Nope.” He grins. “But I did comp her drink.”

  “Classy. Next time try not to do it in here, I don’t want to walk in on that shit again.”

  “Sure thing man. You okay?”

  “I’ve been better.”

  “I saw Aspen today. At the grocery store.”

  Just the mention of her name hurts me deep in my soul. “How is she?” I don’t know why I ask, I already know. She’s hurt, probably pissed.

  “Not good man, she’s so fucking sad. Her eyes were all puffy and shit, looks like she hasn’t stopped crying.” I feel like shit for doing this to her, but I have no choice, it has to be this way. “You really should talk to her, I don’t know what the hell is going on, but she deserves better.”

  “I know she does, that’s why I’m letting her go.”

  “That’s fucking stupid, you need to get your head out of your ass. Look, I gotta get out of here, I’ve got a girl waiting on me.”

  “Another one?”

  “Yup, see ya.” Ashe has been sleeping with two, sometimes three girls a night, hell, the other night he fucked three at once. He’s always fucked around, but he’s been out of control since learning that Aly is getting married. It’s starting to worry me a little. But hey, at least he’s not trying to kill himself like I seem to be doing, that’s something right?

  Ashe has been gone for about an hour, and I’ve only had three customers. This night is going to fucking drag. As I pour a shot for the only customer I have left, I see Aly burst through the door. “Stone! Have you seen Aspen?”

  “No. Why, what’s going on?
” The panic in her voice has my heart racing.

  “She never came home from work. She was supposed to stop at the store and come strait home, but she never showed. Her car is parked in her spot, but the shopping bags are on the ground. Something’s happened to her, I know it!” Fuck…..if she’s not okay, I’ll never forgive myself. I try calling her, but she doesn’t answer. Where the fuck is she? I get rid of the customer and call Ashe.

  “Get over to the bar.”

  “Dude, I’m in the middle of something.”

  “Aspen’s missing. I need to find her, and I need your help.”

  “On my way.” The phone goes dead.

  “Don’t worry, Aly. I’ll find her, I promise.” I know who took her, I can feel it in my bones, and he’s not walking away this time.



  I wake up, my head is pounding, and my mouth is dry. I try to move but can’t, I open my eyes and realize I’m tied to a metal chair. I look at my surroundings through squinted eyes, where the hell am I? It looks like a rundown barn. How long have I been here? “Look who’s awake. Took you long enough.” Synthia comes into view, stark naked.

  “Where am I?”

  “Doesn’t really matter, does it?” She laughs a bitter, sickening, laugh. “You won’t be leaving.”

  “Let me go!” I attempt to struggle, but the ropes are tied too tight. It’s no use.

  “Now don’t go hurting yourself.” She runs her finger up my inner thigh. “That’s my job.”

  “You crazy bitch!” I should have known she’d do something like this, why wasn’t I more careful?

  “My sister is a crazy bitch, but she’s one hell of a fuck.” I hear Jake say. Sister? What the fuck? “Ain’t that right sis?” He walks behind her and kisses her neck while his hand slides between her legs. This can’t be happening! What is wrong with these two?

  “You two are fucking sick!” I spit out.

  “I told you I would have you, and now I do.” He smirks. “Oh, the things we have planned for you.” No. This is a nightmare, it has to be. Wake up, Aspen. Wake the fuck up!

  “Let me go! Please!” I sob.

  “So you can go to the cops? Or your shitty boyfriend? I don’t think so. You belong to me now.” He continues to touch Synthia, and she moans. These people are seriously fucked up. “Go sit down.” He says to Syn as he steps away from her, never taking his eyes off me.


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