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Her Client- The Complete Series

Page 6

by Sally E Xander

  “You want to tell me about the clothes thing?”

  Jane shrugged but turned her head until she was looking me in the eyes. The pain I saw earlier returned. “I work with men who take it as an invitation if a woman shows any skin.”

  “I’m sorry.” I was That had to be awful for her.

  “I obviously don’t work with the best of men.” She pinched her eyes closed. “On the outside, they appear to be gentleman but once alone in a room with them…” She shook her head and made a frustrated sound. “It’s not good, Angel. So, I let them think I’m a prude and they leave me alone. I rather they tease me about being a stuck-up bitch than the alternative. It’s very much a boy’s club, and women are only there to please them.”

  I couldn’t believe this shit was happening in this day and age. She had to be able to do something. “you can’t complain? Or leave and find another job?”

  She pinched her eyes closed and shook her head. “I wish it was that easy.”

  I had only experienced harassment a few times, but I felt outraged at her predicament. There had to be something she could do. But the only way to help her would have been to ask her more personal questions about her job. But with her head pressed into the pillow, I didn’t see her being open to sharing more about work. So instead I told her I would be right back, returning a moment later with a bottle of massage oil.

  When I told her to stay put, I straddled her legs. A few minutes later, I felt the tension ease from her body as I dripped oil on her back then worked on her tight muscles.

  Since her job was a no no topic, I decided to ask another question. “How was your date?” She lifted her head and gave me a quizzical look then she cringed.

  “Oh that. It was fine. It’s always…fine.”


  That answer only made me want to ask more. But I did feel a little relived that it didn’t go well, but I didn’t want to think too hard on why.

  I pressed a kiss on her back as I slid further down so I could massage her lower back and her rounded ass and firm thighs. I couldn’t help wondering if she worked out because her body was fantastic.

  “Is there anything you want to try next time? If there’s a next time? I could bring toys or…”

  “I hope there’s a next time.” She said between yawns.

  “Me too.”

  “But no to the toys.” She turned over as I lifted my body off hers to set the oil on the bedside table. “At least not yet. I like what we’re doing for now.”

  “Just let me know if you change your mind. I want to please you.”

  Jane reached for my hand and held it. “You do, Angel.” She pulled me to her until I was once again lying beside her.

  “For the first time in my life, I’m not ashamed of my attraction to women. With you it doesn’t feel wrong, in fact, if feels more right than anything else in my life.”

  I couldn’t explain the way her words affected me. Instead, I pressed my lips to hers so she could feel how much her words meant to me.


  Saying good night to Jane left me feeling restless. She had given me one more heated kiss before walking out of the hotel room. Jane hadn’t gotten two steps away before I wanted to drag her back inside so I could kiss her again.

  After I showered and redressed, I stood outside waiting for my ride. The cool air was a much-needed reprieve for my heated skin.

  Tonight, had been better than I had imagined and just like my last time with jane, I couldn’t wait to see her again. The weight sitting in my gut warned me against falling for her. I had to remember that she was a client. Someone who paid me to fuck her. I if I weren’t careful, I would lose sight of the situation.

  My focus should have been on school not on a beautiful woman who made my toes curl with her every kiss and touch. If I didn’t get a handle on my emotions, my schooling would suffer.

  When I reached my apartment, I heard Becky before I saw her. I stepped inside my apartment to the sight I didn’t want to see. Becky naked on the couch with her legs in the air and her boyfriend fucking her.

  They watched me as I walked into the apartment as if they were expecting…or waiting for me to walk in on them.

  What the fuck?

  They gave me matching grins.

  Okay, something was up with them.

  My entrance didn’t stop the boyfriend from fucking Becky. Not only that, but Becky’s moans grew louder as she touched her breasts and played with her nipples.

  Had they planned this?

  Becky had said she wouldn’t be home tonight.

  Boyfriend’s grin turned to a predatory smile. “You want to join us, Angel?” My mouth dropped as I looked back and forth between them.

  Was he serious?

  When Becky’s smile widened, I realized they were dead serious.

  A few weeks ago, I might have considered it. I enjoyed exploring and trying new things. But after my incredible night with Jane, being with them wasn’t the slightest bit enticing.

  “Come and play, Angel. You can have your choice of cock or my tongue.” Her giggle was like nails on a chalkboard.

  Boyfriends eyes slid down my form making me feel like he was leaving an icky film on my skin.

  I made a wide circle around them to avoid getting too close as I made my way to my bedroom. The moment I stepped into my room, I slammed the door closed and locked it. I let that be my answer.

  Falling onto my bed, I covered my ears with my pillow and tried to block the image of my roommate and her sweaty boyfriend fucking on my couch.

  I closed my eyes and let images of Jane sooth my frustration.

  I groaned realized that no matter when I saw her again, it wouldn’t be soon enough.

  Her Client Part 3

  Copyright © 2017 by Sally E Xander

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Photo: Shutterstock

  Cover Design: Cristin Cooper

  Created with Vellum

  For Roman and Emily


  “You’ve got to be kidding me!” I grumbled to myself. My roommate, Becky, and her douche boyfriend were still going at it in the living room…loudly.

  I didn’t even want to think about what they were doing to the couch out there. My body shivered at the thought. Thank God it wasn’t my sofa otherwise I would have been on a whole other level of pissed.

  Lying on my bed, I tossed and turned hoping my exhaustion would allow me to sleep through the noise, but it wasn’t working. Clenching my fists, I pounded them on my mattress in a tantrum. “I shouldn’t have to deal with this the night before a final!” I yelled hoping they heard me but if Becky’s moans were any indication, they either didn’t hear or didn’t care.

  As much as I wanted to leave, I didn’t want to cave and allow them to push me out. I had paid for half the rent here.

  In exaggerated movements, I threw off my covers and stomped to my desk where I kept my noise canceling headphones. They weren’t the best, but I needed them to work enough for me to fall asleep.

  Back in bed, I put on the headphones and stared up at my ceiling while listening to some soothing tunes. It was working, but then I felt the two assholes banging against the wall I shared with the living room.

  The whole reason Becky and I moved out of the dorms after our freshman year was to avoid nights like this. I didn’t have the patience for Becky and her bullshit this week. She might not care about her grades, but I did. I had finals to worry about because school didn’t end for me after graduation. I still had a graduate program to get into.

  Until recently Becky had been a decent albeit annoying roommate, but she had never pushed the limits like she had the past few weeks. Tonight, she had me considering finding another place to live even though we only had a few
months left before we graduated. Could I last that long? I hated the idea of moving then having to move again in a few months to wherever I managed to get into a graduate program.

  I closed my eyes and took deep cleansing breathes and began to go over my evening with Jane. The woman had gotten under my skin in the best way possible. Never in my life had I imagined that I would be…infatuated with a woman, much less a little obsessed. But imagining her lying next to me naked and sweaty had my heart racing. Unable to stop myself, I slid my hand between my thighs and pictured they were her fingers touching my pussy.

  I could almost feel the graze of her tight pink nipples pressing against my skin. I imagined her leaving a trail of kisses down my body until she reached the apex of my thighs. I remembered the intense look in her eyes as desire lit her up. The memory of her tongue against my pussy had me undulating against my hand and moaning under her breath. Her name on my lips. I wished she were there to lick my pussy and suck on my clit but just thinking about it had me screaming her name as I came.

  “Fuck,” I panted. My heart raced even harder than it had moments before. When my breathing returned to normal, I shoved off the headphones so I could get up and change my now wet panties. That was when I heard Becky’s boyfriend yell my name. My body stilled as I listened to his voice growing louder with each word.

  “You promised Angel would be into a threesome. It’s why I came over tonight!” The bite in his voice made me tense. Not only was he yelling loud enough for me to hear but there was something frightening about the intensity.

  Her boyfriend might be cute but the tantrum he was throwing right now made my stomach knot. Becky needed to get him out of here before he hurt someone. As my roommate yelled back something I could barely understand, his words finally hit me. Had Becky promised him a threesome with me? What the fuck! Why would she promise something like that? Not once in the time we had lived together, had we ever discussed anything like that.

  Frustrated, I threw off my blankets and stomped to my door with righteous indignation. I was two seconds away from screaming at the two dipshits arguing in my living room. But the sound of his voice stopped me. No matter how angry I was at Becky for assuming or at least telling him I would be into a threesome, his anger scared me.

  I picked up my phone to call the police, but the next thing I heard was the door slam. It was followed by the sound of Becky sobbing in the living room.

  With my hand on the doorknob, I debated on whether I should go out and talk to her. In the end, I decided against it. She was already upset, and I was in no mood to comfort her after what she just put me through.

  Instead, I dropped to my bed and put on my headphones and pretend Becky’s cries weren’t getting louder.


  By the time I left my apartment to take my first final, my anger had died down to slightly pissed off. If this had happened any other day this week, I would have lost my shit on her last night. Luckily for her, the test I had to take was for a class I could pass with my eyes closed and hands tied behind my back.

  Now I sat in the noisy and crowded cafeteria eating lunch to avoid getting hangry while trying to study. I had lucked out finding the last available table, but the noise was too distracting for studying. Just as I closed my laptop, a girl holding a food tray stopped at my table. “Hey, do you mind?” she asked pointing to the seat across from me.

  “Sure.” I moved my books out of the way giving her room to set her tray down. I smiled at her as she took a seat then my grin grew wider. “Ten AM, Professor Hu?” I asked even though I was confident we were in the same class. I would recognize her head of bouncy black curls anywhere, though usually, I saw her from behind. She was hard to forget with her dark chocolate skin and a husky voice that would bring men to their knees.

  Her smile practically lit up the room. “Yeah. I thought I recognized you. I’m Jayla.”

  “I’m Angel.”

  Picking up her burger Jayla asked, “You ready for the final?”, before taking a large bite.

  I shook my head. “Not even close. I’m heading to the library after I finish eating to study.”

  She lifted a finger as she quickly chewed her food. That was when I noticed she had an adorable dimple in one of her cheeks. I don’t know if it was because of Jane and my attraction to her, but I began noticing other women in a sexual way. And the woman in front of me was gorgeous from top to bottom.

  Her large expressive eyes, shined even under the crappy cafeteria lighting. But they were nothing compared to her lips. She wore dark red lipstick emphasizing how plump and utterly enticing they were. With large breasts, curvy hips and thick thighs, I imagined how soft she would be under my hands.

  I blinked, then blinked again. What had Jane done to me?

  “If you want a study partner, you’re welcome to come to my place and study. I’m heading there once I finish stuffing my face.” Her laugh was just as charming as the rest of her. “It’s quiet, and my roommate won’t be home until this evening,” Jayla added. She happened to say the magic word. Quiet. I was in, especially since I was avoiding Becky.

  When Jayla pulled up to a beautiful townhouse in an expensive neighborhood, I failed to hide my surprise. How could a college student afford to rent a bedroom here let alone pay half the rent for a place like this?

  My jaw hung open as I got out of my car and stared at the upscale neighborhood. Before I could say anything, she said, “I know,” looking a little embarrassed. “It belongs to my roommate, who is obviously not a student.” I nodded my head while following her into the house.

  “Wow, this place is beautiful,” I mumbled more to myself then to Jayla.

  “It is,” she said as I followed her down the hall. Only a few feet inside and everything began to make sense. Photos of Jayla and an equally gorgeous woman who appeared to be a little older covered the walls. In many, they were kissing or holding each other.

  “So…” I pointed to the pictures. “She’s not just your roommate,” I said stating the obvious.

  She blushed. “No. We’ve been together since I did a summer internship at her company after my freshman year.” Jayla’s smile grew bigger. “She was my boss.” Her brows bounced as she giggled. “I knew I was bisexual, but I had never been with a woman until her.” Her smile softened. “I fell hard and fast, but Lisa waited until the end of my internship before asking me out. We’ve been together ever since.”

  I practically melted at the way she looked at her girlfriend and sighed. I hadn’t realized how much I wanted to feel that way about someone until that very moment. As I thought about Jane, I wondered if I already did.

  “This is between you and me, but I’m asking her to marry me next week.” Jayla was so excited she had me follow her to her bedroom to show me the ring she had hidden in an old shoe box. “I’m not sure exactly when or how I’m going to propose, but I’m determined to make her mine.” Her excitement was contagious and I barely even knew this girl. There was something about her that made me think I had made a lifelong friend.

  My eyes were glued to Jayla’s ass as she bent over and stared into her fridge. When she stood, she held an almost empty jug of apple juice and a block of cheddar cheese. “This is my fault,” she said sheepishly. “It was my turn to go grocery shopping, but I kept putting it off.”

  I smiled at her. “It’s really okay. I need to be going anyway.” I had been studying there for hours. Even if I wanted to keep studying, my brain was fried, and I needed to get back to my place and deal with my bitch of a roommate.

  “It’s not like we cook all that often but we usually have food in the house.” Jayla dug into one of the kitchen drawers and pulled out a stack of take-out menus. She flipped through them as I packed my backpack.

  “Chinese or Thai food?” She said more to herself than to me.

  Just as I was about to respond, I heard the garage door open. “Oh, she’s home. I can’t wait for you to meet Lisa.” Not a minute later, Jayla’s soon to be fiancé stepped ins

  They greeted each other with a passionate kiss. I immediately felt like a third wheel and a little jealous. I thought about last night and my disgust with Becky and her boyfriend wanting me to join them in a threesome. As I watched these two gorgeous women kiss, I imagined what it would be like to be with both of them. My panties dampened at the thought, but I reigned in my lust.

  The sound of my phone dinging with two incoming texts drew their attention.

  “I’m so sorry, Angel. I’m being rude.” Jayla took Lisa’s hand and pulled her toward me. “Angel, I’d like you to meet my girlfriend, Lisa.” She gave me a conspiratorial wink. “Lisa, this Angel.”

  I stepped forward to shake her hand. For a brief second, I swore I saw jealousy cross her face but she recovered quickly. I couldn’t blame her, Jayla was gorgeous and naturally friendly. I wondered how many stray girls she had brought home.

  “Oh, you brought Thai food!” Jayla’s voice rose with excitement. “This is why you are perfect for me.”

  “I figured cheese and apple juice wasn’t wouldn’t make a good dinner,” Lisa teased.

  As they unpacked their food, I checked my messages. The first was from Bev telling me that my client Jeffrey wanted to meet a little earlier tonight. My stomach twisted with nerves. I had managed to forget about my call-girl job for several hours, but it all came back to me. I wasn’t looking forward to meeting with Jeffrey especially after finding out he was friends with my other boss. The one who paid me to take care of his sweet little boy.

  One thing was guaranteed to happen tonight; I was going to get uncomfortable. I had a roommate to confront and a client to meet with who knew too much about me.


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