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Breaking You: A Dark College Bully Romance (A Blackthorn Elite Novel Book 2)

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by J. L. Beck

  “Do you want to pay for a new door because I will seriously kick…”

  Rushing over to the bed, I turn the thing off and stuff it under my pillow before jogging back over to the front door. I tuck any loose strands of hair behind my ear and unlock the door, opening it slowly. I know before Valerie even says anything that I look guilty. My cheeks are blazing, and my insides are knotted. What’s the point of masturbating if I didn’t get to enjoy the aftershocks?

  Valerie eyes me like she’s a detective. “What were you doing?” She questions walking into the small space with her arms crossed over her chest, and her eyes narrowed.

  Rolling my eyes, I close the door, “Nothing, Val, unpacking and getting used to the place.”

  “Hmmm.” She nibbles on her bottom lip. “Why are you so sweaty?”

  Self-consciously, I look down at the floor. “I’m not, and if I am, it’s because of all the moving.”

  “Right, like I believe that.” She busts out with laughter. Looking up from the floor, I see she’s straightened her silky brown hair and painted her face on.

  “What do you want? I thought you had plans, and that’s why you couldn’t do Chinese with me?” I try not to sound upset about it, but I kind of am. After the crap with Warren, I really could’ve used someone to talk to right away. Valerie, of course, said she had plans, and I wasn’t going to spill my guts about Warren to her over the phone.

  “No longer is it me that has plans but us.” Her thick brown eyebrows wiggle back and forth, and I know whatever it is that’s including us, I’m not going to like.

  “What are these plans you have because if it involves boys, booze, or birth control, I’m not game.” I purse my lips and stare at her head-on. Valerie and I couldn’t be any different. Yes, we look similar, both of us having the same silky brown hair and light hazel eyes, but outside of that, there is no comparison. I’m a straight A student, grades and blazing a path for myself have always been the most important things to me.

  Drinking, partying, and sleeping around have been Valerie’s. Since she was a teenager, she’s been trouble, and college life was merely a gateway to all of her favorite events. Valerie doesn’t go to school here, neither does she want to. She chose the local community college, and honestly, I was surprised by that. To finance her school, she works as a waitress at a local burger joint, which she claims she loves because of the great tips. I can hardly believe that since waitresses barely make anything.

  “There is a party at one of the frat boys’ houses. I always go alone but want you to go with me tonight. It’ll be good for you, let you check out all the guys, and maybe make some friends? I don’t go to school here, so I can’t help you during the day, and we both know you could use the extra help with making friends.”

  Gritting my teeth, I prepare to deny her claim, but really, she isn’t wrong. Since moving away, I’ve found it hard—if not impossible—to maintain friendships. Maybe because of the way things ended with Warren, or maybe it was because I had to start over as a sophomore at a different high school. I don’t know. I just never got a chance to really click with anyone. That doesn’t mean that the friends I want are going to be at this party though.

  “I need to make friends with people that care about their grades and studying, not people who are focused on chugging a beer the fastest or who slept with who last.”

  Valerie frowns, “Will you just come and stop being such a downer. You’re nineteen, but you act like you’re ninety. Live a little.”

  Live a little? I scoff. Valerie has lived enough for at least five college freshman girls. I’m okay living inside my bubble away from the rest of the world. Nonetheless, if I don’t go, she will continue to beg and plead, and truthfully, I could use a drink even if it is stale frat boy beer.

  “Fine, I’ll go,” as soon as the words pass my lips, I regret them.

  “Oh, my god. Yes!” Valerie squeals, jumping up and down in her heels that look like something a stripper might wear. “I’ll do your hair and makeup and make you all sexy. No one with a penis will be able to stop themselves from looking your way.”

  “No, no, and also… no.”

  “Yes, yes, yes! I’m not taking no for an answer.”

  “If I go with you to this party and let you use me as a human doll, will you leave me alone for the rest of the year?”

  “The year?” Valerie throws her hands in the air dramatically. “How about I’ll leave you alone for the rest of the semester?”

  “Deal,” I sigh in defeat. I don’t know why I’m even agreeing to this, probably because I’ve always had a hard time saying no to Val. Today is no different. I just hope I don’t run into Warren at this party. Then again, these are Valerie’s friends. What are the chances of him being there anyway?



  Two chicks take their shirts off and streak through the crowded living room. Tits and booze. That’s what the night can be summed up with. Bringing the cup to my lips, I tip back the remaining beer inside of it and swallow it down. It helps drown out my thoughts of her… Harper. My forever, my forbidden, my fucking weakness.

  Music blasts through the space, the smell of smoke, cheap beer, and expensive perfume permeate the air. I squeeze the red solo cup in my hand, the plastic cracking against the pressure. The place is brimming with people, and yet, I couldn’t feel anymore alone. Parker, of course, didn’t come with me tonight, being pussy-whipped and all.

  My eyes dance over the makeshift dance floor in the center of the room, each chick gyrating her hips a possible candidate for riding my dick. I could have any of them, but none of them are drawing me in.

  Cameron and Easton, two of my best friends outside of Parker, flank me, one on each side, one with a chick of their choice plastered to their side.

  “The pussy’s good for the taking tonight…” Cameron snickers in my ear, a shit-eating grin on his face. All I can do is shrug. Since discovering Harper is at Blackthorn, I’ve had a hard time looking at other chicks, almost like I’m not interested in anyone else but her. Which is fucking stupid. Harper means nothing to me. She’s worthless, dirt beneath my feet, she lost her worth the day I found out she betrayed me. When I found out the kind of girl, she really was.

  I should’ve known. I should’ve fucking known. My father had been warning me about girls like her my whole fucking life, reminding me of what happens when you fall for the wrong woman.

  “Dude, the cup’s already crushed. You okay?” Easton asks, his hand in the pants of the chick that’s basically humping his leg.

  “Fine, just need another beer.” Or five, or a million. I walk away and into the kitchen, needing something stronger. Surveying the bottles of liquor, I contemplate what to drink next. I should just take the bottle of vodka and go outside. Drown myself in the bottom of it. Briefly, I actually consider it, before pushing the thought away. Getting blackout drunk isn’t what I need right now.

  Instead, I make myself a Captain and Coke and head back out into the living room, ignoring all the other people in the room. I wish I could shut them all up, block out all the noise. It makes me sick to my stomach. Coming here was a bad idea. I should have just stayed home. Ever since Parker decided to make things serious with Willow, it’s been hard for me to feel like myself. It feels as though I’ve lost my partner in crime, and I guess in a way, I did.

  I make it a total of maybe five feet before something creeps up my spine. Call it a sixth sense, or a gut reaction, but I could feel her, feel something off in the air. I know she is here. I turn my head, and my eyes find her immediately. There she stands in the center of the room, surrounded by dozens of people, but she couldn’t stand out anymore if she tried.

  For one second, I let myself enjoy the show. Enjoy the way she looks. Delicate, so fucking fragile, she’s like a twig, easily breakable.

  She’s dancing in the middle of the room, her body moving to the music like a professional dancer. Her lips are tipped up at the sides, and even though her eyes
are closed, I can tell she is happy, her head is tipped back as she becomes one with the music.

  Her hips sway, and my eyes are drawn to that region. Squeezing the plastic in my hands a little harder than I should, I can’t help but stare at her perfectly rounded ass. Two perfect globes of flesh. I’m mesmerized by her, caught in her web. The girls I’m used to starve themselves into a size zero until they’re left with no ass and no tits.

  Harper is the opposite in every way and the perfect shape. Warm and soft, with gentle curves instead of bony hips. A tiny waist, but with nice heavy breasts, and an ass that is just begging to be grabbed and held on to while I fuck her from behind.

  Fuck her? No, you fucking idiot. Keep your cock out of her. Digging deep, I find the anger that I’ve let fester for years. I shove the image before me away and chug down my drink in nothing more than a gulp. I love the heat that coats my insides as the liquor slides down my throat before settling heavy in my stomach. It makes me feel warm all over but doesn’t reach my frigid heart. Nah, that’s impenetrable, coated in a thick layer of ice since the day she left.

  Time to ruin someone’s night. Letting the mask of hate slip onto my face, I stomp across the wooden floor, each step heavy, and full of determination.

  As I step closer, I realize that there is someone else with her. Valerie, her out of control cousin. A wicked sneer appears on my lips without even trying. Val sees me first, her eyes turning to the size of dinner plates. Her happy demeanor slips off her face instantaneously. That’s right, cower at my feet. She’s never liked me, not when we were kids, and obviously, that hasn’t changed, and I can guarantee that her feelings toward me are not going to get better any time soon. Especially not after tonight.

  Valerie nudges Harper’s arm, forcing her to look in my direction, but by the time Harper does, I’m already in front of her.

  “I didn’t give you permission to come to this party,” I leer because it’s the most dickish thing that pops into my mind at that second. She cranes her head back and stares up at me for half a second, before puffing up her chest and placing one hand on her hip. If I didn’t hate her so much, I would say the move was kind of cute.

  “Good thing I don’t need your permission,” Harper sasses, her words slurring slightly. Whatever she had to drink must have given her some liquid courage.

  “Talk to me like that again, and I’ll make sure your mouth is put to better use for the rest of the night,” I threaten, already imagining all the things I could do to her and her mouth.

  “I don’t know what the hell your problem with me is, but I am done with it already. Go away!” Harper presses a finger to my chest, and a bolt of energy zings through me and straight to my cock. I guess it’s no longer a threat.

  Reaching for her, I wrap my fingers around her slender wrist. She tries to pull away, but my hand resembles an iron shackle. One she won’t be breaking so easily. Her angry expression morphs into fear, and I can see her swallow thickly, her lips pressed together in a tight line.

  “Let’s go,” I order, but don’t wait for her to move. Instead, I turn and start pulling her toward one of the bathrooms. She doesn’t even try to pull away again, just follows me like a lost puppy. I can’t help but wonder if she wants this. Did she provoke me on purpose?

  Inside the room, I close the door behind us, turning the lock for good measure. The music is now muffled, but not drowned out by any means. I let go of her wrist, and she scurries back a little. I smirk. There is nowhere to run to now.

  “I warned you, Harper. Warned you more than once.”

  She looks up at me, her bottom lip slightly trembling, but her eyes filled with defiance and something else… excitement?

  “You can’t do this.”

  “Can’t do what?” I take a step toward her, and she takes a step back. I shake my head at her. “You can’t run from me. There is nowhere to go.”

  She takes another step back, her thighs bump against the edge of the tub. Ensnared in my trap. She’ll be my next victim, willing or not.

  “I’m not having sex with you in here.”

  I cock my head to the side and examine her features, “Why? You want me to take you to a nice hotel? I think the bathroom is more fitting for your standards.” Anger returns to her face, and without warning, she slams both of her hands into my chest.

  “You’re a fucking asshole. Let me out of here. I’m done playing your games.”

  “You think this is a game?” I shove her arms away and grip her by the throat. I don’t squeeze enough to make it hard for her to breathe, but the threat is there. “I told you, I’ll put your mouth to better use, and I don’t make idle threats. You’ll do what I say because I tell you to. Because if you don’t, the consequences are going to be grave.”

  There’s a defiance in her, it’s like a flower growing through concrete, more determined than ever to live in an environment that it doesn’t belong in.

  “I won’t break for you,” she croaks, and all I can do is smile.

  “Break? No, baby, you won’t just break, you will fucking shatter.” Releasing her throat, I grab onto one of her shoulders and guide her to the floor, none to gently.

  As soon as she reaches the floor, I pop the button on my jeans and slide them down enough free my cock.

  At the sight of my fully erect length, her eyes bulge. I wonder if the guy who took her the first time was as big as me? Probably not.

  “What happened to you?” Her voice is nothing more than a whisper, but her question sparks a raging forest fire of anger inside of me.

  “What happened to me?” I mock. My fingers dig into her shoulders as I hold her in place. She winces, but I ignore her pain. Maybe that’s what she needs to feel the same pain I felt. To feel as used as I did that day when I found out the truth about her.

  “Open your mouth,” I order, “and if you bite me… it will be the last thing you do with your mouth.” A low whimper is the only sound that she makes as I bring the mushroom head of my cock to her lips. My heart stills in my chest, ceasing to exist for one second as I watch it slip into her warm mouth and past her beautiful full lips.

  Fuck me. The image is wet dream-worthy, and one I’ll store in my spank bank for a while.

  Weaving my fingers through her dark mane, I cradle the back of her head. I can’t help but wonder how many guys she’s fucked or given blow jobs to. A pounding forms inside my head and a memory surfaces. I latch onto it, letting the bitter anger from it wash over me.

  “I’m not ready, Warren,” Harper sighs against my chest, her legs straddling me. It’s been this way for a few weeks now. Every time we get close enough to have sex, she pulls away. It’s frustrating as hell and gives me a major case of blue balls, but I want her for more than just sex.

  “It’s okay, Harp. I love you, regardless. When it’s time, it’ll happen, until then I’m content with just having you in my arms,” I assure her with a gentle kiss.

  Like a slingshot being pulled back, I snap out of the memory and thrust hard into her warm mouth. Using both hands, she presses against my muscled thighs. I hold her head in place, my endorphins rising as she struggles against my grasp.

  One second. Two seconds. Three seconds. I release her, and she pulls away, tears streaming down her face, and drool dribbling down over her chin. Such a fucking beautiful disaster. I want to paint against her flesh with my come, mark her, breed her. When my eyes connect with hers, fear reflects back at me.

  Finally. It’s about time she realized that I mean fucking business. When I reach for her to bring her mouth back to my cock, she flinches. That single movement reaches something inside of me. It tugs at my fucking heart, the icy organ in my chest that’s beating frantically like it wants to escape.

  “Don’t fucking do that again…” She tries to command me, but I don’t take her orders. Her chest rising and falling so rapidly it’s almost like she’s panicking.

  “Bring your mouth here, or it’s going to be worse.” And it will be. I’ll fuck h
er throat while she screams for me to stop if she doesn’t do what I tell her to, right now.

  Like a good servant, she heeds the warning and scoots back over to me. Obediently she opens her mouth. Her hazel eyes shine with tears as I slip past her lips once more. Fuck, she feels like heaven, but I’ll never admit it out loud.

  Thrusting deep inside her mouth, I pull back when I hit the back of her throat, and she starts to gag. I decide not to choke her this time. Maybe I’ve instilled enough fear into her to keep her in line, at least for today.

  “Swirl your tongue, and suck,” I growl, and fist her hair in my hand. Why I have to tell her this, I don’t know. “You should know how to suck a cock good and well by now…”

  She whines in protest, her eyes pleading with me, but does as she’s told, sucking and licking me like a pro. I knew she’d done this before. I fucking knew it. I don’t know why I’m surprised by my own admission. The truth of the kind of person she is was revealed a long time ago. I guess maybe seeing it with my own eyes is shocking.

  Refusing to let her ruin a good fucking blow job, I close my eyes and continue to fuck her mouth. Behind my eyes, images of a Harper, I thought I knew, appear. So innocent and sweet. So fucking perfect, it almost hurt. She was mine then. I thought she would be mine forever.

  Pleasure builds at the bottom of my spine, a combination of her tongue and the warmth of her mouth catapulting me over the edge. Just as I’m about to come, I still with my cock in her mouth, I open my eyes and watch with carnal need as my sticky seed explodes in her mouth. Tugging her head back, I stare into her angelic face.

  “Swallow every fucking drop like a good girl. If you miss one, I’ll make you lick it up off the floor.” For a fraction of a second, I think I might be taking this too far. I want to hurt her, break her, but could I degrade her like that? Before I can even think about an answer, she completely surprises the hell out of me when she moans around my cock. She fucking moans while swallowing my come. I don’t think a chick has ever fucking done that to me before. The sound vibrates through my entire body, and she sucks the tip drawing out my orgasm a little longer.


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