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The Spark

Page 26

by Keeland, Vi

  “Maybe,” Autumn said. “What’s his name?”

  Just then a guy who looked like he definitely belonged in Greenwich walked across the street and headed toward us. He wore khaki shorts, a long-sleeve button up, and had a pink sweater tied around his shoulders.

  “Oh, here he is now,” Cara said. She gazed at the douchey-looking guy like he was some sort of celebrity and snuggled onto his arm. “Honey, do you know Autumn Wilde? You guys went to the same high school.”

  Mr. Pink Sweater smiled. If I wasn’t mistaken, that glowing white mouth definitely had a few extra teeth.

  “I do. Hello, Autumn. It’s great to see you.”

  I waited a few seconds, but Autumn didn’t respond. So I turned to check on her, and it looked like she was about to pass out. All the color was gone from her face. I grabbed her. “Autumn? Are you okay?”

  Her entire body was shaking. Was she having a seizure?

  “Oh my gosh.” Cara’s face fell. “I’m a nurse. Does she have low blood sugar or something?”

  I had no idea what the hell was happening. “I don’t think so.” I squeezed her arm, but Autumn just stared forward. “Autumn, are you okay?”

  When she didn’t answer, but also didn’t pass out or anything, a sickening feeling washed over me. I followed her line of sight to Mr. Pink Sweater. Unlike his fiancée, he didn’t look concerned at all. In fact, he still had that big, toothy smile on his face. What the fuck? He actually looked pretty fucking pleased about Autumn not feeling well.

  Then it hit me, like driving a motorcycle a hundred miles an hour straight into a brick wall. The hair on the back of my neck stood up, and I knew. I just fucking knew.

  “Your name?” I lifted my chin, still holding Autumn. “What the hell is your name?”

  The guy’s face finally fell. I’m guessing it might’ve been because he saw the murderous look on mine. He also didn’t answer my question.

  Cara looked back and forth between her fiancé and me a few times. She looked as confused as I’d been a minute ago. “What’s going on?”

  The standoff between us continued while he ignored her. It felt like smoke was billowing from my nose and ears.

  Cara grew louder. “Braden, what’s going on?”


  * * *


  I held my head in my hands, pulling at the hair on both sides, as I kept replaying yesterday over and over in my head. Eventually, I stood and walked to the cell door. Hanging on to the bars, I yelled to the cop sitting at his desk twenty feet away. “Can I make another phone call, please?”

  The cop kept looking down at his paperwork and completely ignored me.

  “I get three phone calls. I only used two.”

  He sighed, and his pen stopped writing, but he still didn’t look up. “We know you know your rights, counselor. You don’t need to flex. You think you’re special because you’re a lawyer—you all think you’re special. But today, you’re not a lawyer, you’re a perp. I’ll get to it when I get to it.”

  I paced back and forth in the holding cell. I’d called Autumn twice since everything went down. Both times it went straight to voicemail. Arraignment was going to be in the next few hours, so if I called her and she didn’t answer again, there was a good chance no one would be there for my hearing, and I wouldn’t be able to make whatever bail they set. At this point, I should probably call Trent or Juliette—someone who could at least maneuver through the system from the outside. But I’d rather sit in lockup for another day than not try to reach Autumn. I needed to apologize… I needed to see if she was okay.

  I paced for another twenty minutes before the cop finally walked over and unlocked the cell. He held his hand out for me to exit, and we walked to his desk again.


  I rattled off Autumn’s cell, and he handed me the receiver.

  It rang once.

  Come on. Come on…not voicemail again.

  I was relieved when it didn’t go directly to a recording after the first ring like it had last night.

  It rang a second time.

  Pick up, Autumn. Pick up.

  Nothing. My heart raced as the third ring came.

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

  Mid-fourth ring, it cut to the same voicemail. I closed my eyes as I listened to her voice and then cleared my throat.

  “Autumn…I’m so sorry. I just need to know you’re okay. If you don’t want to talk to me, that’s fine. Please just answer so I know you’re okay.”

  The cop held his hand out and put the old phone receiver back on its base.

  “If you’re calling the redhead,” he said, “she was physically fine. Said she just fell on her ass when you and the victim were tussling. My partner took her statement at the scene after we put you in the squad car.”

  “He’s not a fucking victim. He’s a rapist.”

  “Maybe so. But he’s got a fractured eye socket, broken nose, and a concussion. So today he’s the victim. And he’s your victim. If what you claim is true, you should know better than anyone that taking things into your hands isn’t the right way to go.”

  I looked at the cop’s finger. He had a wedding band on. So I looked straight into his eyes. “Is that how you’d handle it if you stumbled onto the guy who raped your wife and got away with it?”

  The cop’s face softened. “We leave for arraignment in an hour. You look like shit. I’ll take you to the men’s room and let you wash up.”

  Two hours later, I was sitting in the private hall on the side of the courtroom, the place they parked the criminals waiting for their names to be called. I’d denied court-appointed counsel in favor of representing myself at the hearing.


  I stood. The minute I stepped through the courtroom door, I scanned for Autumn. I found her sitting in the first row, with a very angry-looking man beside her.

  She brought her father.


  Her dad stepped forward to the small wooden door that separated the players from the spectators. “Gerald Wilde for the defendant, your honor.”

  My first reaction was to say thanks, but no thanks. This was my field, and I knew how to play the game better than most. But I hesitated because it was her father. And I was glad I had once the judge spoke again.

  “Gerry…shouldn’t you be on your honeymoon?”

  Her father’s eyes flashed to me before looking at the judge. “Had to push it back a day.”

  I glanced back at Autumn a few times. She finally made eye contact, but quickly looked away.

  The hearing was pretty standard, and Autumn’s father did a good job. Bail was set at ten grand, which wasn’t a problem. After the judge banged his gavel, Autumn’s father grumbled at me. “I’m not putting up your bail. I’m assuming you can cover it?”

  “Yes, sir. Could I trouble you to make a call to someone at my firm who can handle it from here?”

  He closed his briefcase and lifted it. “I don’t think that’s necessary. Someone from your firm is already here.”

  “They are?”

  “Apparently one of the court officers in this building used to be a paralegal in your office. She saw your name on the docket and made a call for you. If I’d have known, I wouldn’t have had to postpone leaving for my honeymoon.”

  “I’m sorry about that, sir.” I shook my head. “I’m sorry about the mess I caused on your wedding day. I just…I lost it seeing that guy even look at Autumn after what he did.”

  Autumn’s father bowed his head. He put one hand on my shoulder and patted it twice. “Good luck.”

  As the court officer led me out of the courtroom, I glanced around to see if Trent or Juliette was inside. I’d been so focused on Autumn, I hadn’t even noticed if anyone else was here.

  But sure enough, someone was. Someone from my firm, alright.

  Icy daggers shot at me from the last row in the courtroom. I shut my eyes and blew out a jagged breath.

  Just when I thoug
ht the last twenty-four hours couldn’t get any worse.

  God, was I wrong.

  Because Blake Dickson was currently glaring at me.


  It took until late afternoon to get processed out. After I collected my personal belongings from the cashier and signed the bail paperwork, I walked out onto the courtroom steps and took a deep breath. My phone must’ve cracked during the altercation, and I wasn’t sure if it was dead from not being charged or just dead altogether. I’d hoped Autumn would be waiting for me, but there was no sign of her. Though leaning against one of the tall pillars nearby, someone was definitely waiting to speak to me.



  I took a deep breath and walked over. He’d clearly been stewing since this morning, and it was best to get it over with.

  “Hey. Sorry about everything,” I said.

  Dickson’s face was steely. “Define everything. Would you be referring to getting arrested for assault, making me drag my ass out of bed bright and early on a Sunday to come bail you out, or fucking a client who not too long ago was my girlfriend?”

  I shut my eyes and shook my head. “It’s not what it looks like.”

  “No? So you’re not fucking a client?”

  “Technically Autumn isn’t a client. Storm is.”

  I knew the minute the words left my mouth it was the absolute wrong thing to say, even if it was the truth.

  Dickson’s eyes narrowed. “When I asked you to make sure you took good care of the client, I didn’t think I needed to explain that didn’t include sticking your dick in her.”

  I raked a hand through my hair. “It’s not that simple. Autumn and I have a history. When you assigned me to help Storm, I had no idea she would be there. We hadn’t seen each other in a long time. There were a lot of unresolved feelings.”

  Dickson stared at me for a solid minute in silence before pushing off the pillar he’d been resting against. “And to think I was actually leaning toward voting for you.”

  He shook his head and started down the courthouse steps. Halfway, he turned. “Your arrest is something the partners need to be aware of, as it has an effect on the firm. It’s my responsibility to inform them, regardless of the personal breach of trust.”

  “I understand.”

  With only the look of disgust for a goodbye, he turned back around and kept walking. I stayed rooted in the same spot until he left, the weight of everything suddenly sinking in. My career, my license, my freedom, a probable civil lawsuit… I’d really fucked up this time. But the worst was what was missing as I stood here alone on the steps: Autumn.


  “Hi. I was in room fifteen-ten. We checked in on Friday and were due to check out today. But something came up, and since it’s past checkout time, my key isn’t working. Would you happen to know if the other guest who was with me already left?”

  The woman punched a few keys into the computer and smiled. “Mr. Decker?”

  “That’s me.”

  “It says there’s something in the back the other guest left for you. Hang on a second, and I’ll grab it.”

  She came back wheeling my luggage, with an envelope in her hand. “Can I just see some ID, please?”

  “Of course.” I dug my license out of my wallet and showed it to her before she brought my luggage out from behind the counter. The woman offered me the envelope. “Here you go. Anything else I can do for you?”

  “I don’t think so. Thank you very much.”

  I only made it a few steps from the counter before I ripped the envelope open. Inside was a note in Autumn’s handwriting.


  I’m sorry about everything that happened. I promised I wouldn’t run away without saying anything ever again, but I need some time and space. I hope you understand.



  * * *


  The entire office was buzzing when I walked in on Monday morning. No one said anything to me, but voices quieted as I passed, and there was a sort of awkwardness to the smiles and greetings I received. So I assumed Dickson had opened his mouth to more than just the partners. I wasn’t surprised. To him, it wasn’t just a professional blow. It was personal, and I couldn’t say I blamed him.

  Trent and Juliette marched into my office two minutes after I did, both carrying legal pads. They shut the door behind them.

  I sighed and sat down behind my desk. “I take it you already heard.”

  “What the fuck, man?” Trent shook his head as he took a seat in a guest chair.

  “I knew this was going to blow up in your face.” Juliette frowned.

  “How much do you know?”

  “Dickson told his assistant you got picked up for felony assault and were also screwing a client. He also insinuated that you have a drug and alcohol problem.”

  “Great.” I shook my head. Dickson’s assistant has a giant mouth. She was like the pipeline to all gossip. I rubbed my temples. “I guess the good news is I don’t have a drinking or drug problem. I was perfectly sober when I beat the crap out of the guy.”

  “Who the hell was he?”

  I slumped into my chair. “It’s a long story, and not mine to tell.” I held Trent’s eyes. “Just trust me when I say he’s had it coming for a long time, and he deserved every bit of it. He hurt Autumn, and I’m not talking about her feelings.”

  Trent nodded. “Okay. Okay. So where do we go from here? I’m licensed in Connecticut. Did you use a court-appointed attorney at arraignment or represent yourself?”

  “Neither. Autumn’s father came. He’s an attorney in Connecticut. I think it actually may have helped me. He was friendly with the judge.”

  “Does he do criminal?”

  I shook my head. “Estate planning, I think. He owns a decent-size firm. I’m sure they have a criminal section.”

  “You want them involved?”

  “Definitely not.”

  “Alright. Well, I’ll file a notice of change of counsel today to get on record that I’ll be your attorney.”

  “I appreciate the offer, but I can handle it.”

  Trent frowned. “The assault is related to something that went down between the guy and Autumn, correct?”

  I nodded.

  “Was this incident the first time you came in contact with the guy?”


  “Did he say or do anything to provoke you?”

  “He smiled.”

  Trent shook his head. “You beat the crap out of a guy for smiling. You don’t think maybe it’s not a good idea to represent yourself? Do I really need to remind you of the old adage? ‘A lawyer who represents himself in a criminal trial has a fool for a client.’ What are you going to do when the guy smiles at you from across the aisle in the courtroom? Even if you manage not to lunge over to his table, how good will your decisions be when they’re all emotional?”

  I raked a hand through my hair and blew out a big breath. “Alright…yeah, you’re right. But you don’t do criminal.”

  “It’s okay. You’ll teach me. There’s no better criminal attorney than you. You just need a mouthpiece with a calm demeanor to deliver your case.”

  I nodded. “Okay. Thank you.”

  Juliette had been quiet until now. “Are you and Autumn okay?”

  My chest tightened. The legal and criminal implications of what I’d done didn’t worry me half as much as what I might’ve done to my relationship with Autumn. She had some major trust issues, not to mention she hated violence, and I’d showed her firsthand that you can take the boy out of the rough neighborhood, but you can’t take the rough neighborhood out of the boy.

  I shook my head. “I haven’t talked to her since Saturday. She was at my arraignment with her father and posted a bond for my bail, but she left town before I got released and asked me to give her some time and space. I figured I’d call her tonight.”

  Juliette winced.

  I sighed. “I
know. I definitely know. I’ve told women I needed a little space on more than one occasion. You know what I really meant? ‘You’re a little too fragile to dump all in one fell swoop, so we’re going to do this with baby steps.’ Trust me, I get that it’s not good.”

  “Maybe it’s not so bad,” she said after a moment. “I obviously don’t know the details, but I know you had a damn good reason for what you did. She knows the man you are and probably just needs a little time to work through some things.”

  I hoped Juliette was right, but I had a sickening feeling in the pit of my gut. Autumn’s biggest struggle in getting over what happened to her was coming to terms with not having seen who Braden was before he attacked her. Now she might be feeling the same way about me—and doubting herself all over again.


  Voicemail. Again.

  I hadn’t left a message the two other times I’d tried today, not wanting to leave the ball in her court. But the message was coming through loud and clear now, and if Autumn wasn’t going to pick up the phone to listen to me, I’d have to hope she at least listened to my voicemail.

  I tried to get my thoughts in order as I listened to the short recording, but it wasn’t easy.

  “Hey,” I began. “I know you asked me for some space, but I just want to make sure you’re doing okay.” I paused, looking for the right words, but there weren’t any. So I spoke from my heart. “I know what I did was wrong. I messed up, and I let you down. When I was a kid, Bud used to always tell me a moment of patience when you’re angry can save years of regret.” I dug my fingers into my hair and yanked. “I just… He smiled at you. He doesn’t deserve to breathe the same air you breathe, and I lost it. I’m sorry, Autumn. I’m so very sorry. I know how you feel about violence, and I don’t know how to show you that the person you saw that day isn’t me. I would never hurt you.”

  I squeezed my eyes shut to keep the tears back and shook my head. “Fuck. I’m in love with you, Autumn. This is not the way I wanted to tell you, but it’s the truth, and I need you to know it. You might feel like it’s too soon, but I think I have been from the moment you walked into the coffee shop last year.” I blew out a deep breath. “Anyway. I get that you need some time. Please call me when you feel up to it.”


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