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The Emperor

Page 24

by N. M. Brown


  Echo rubbed her rose red lips together when a heavy blow shook her door. Ignoring the need to check she looked perfect, Echo walked over, her heels clicking along the way and a sway in her hips. Damn, was she ready for tonight.

  Pulling open the door, Echo made sure she scowled, unimpressed with whomever disturbs her? Who dare think she had time to waste? Yet Echo hid her shock as she came face to face with a seductive couple enjoying each other’s bodies.

  “Yes?” She asked, but there was no disdain in her voice. If anything, she hoped she sounded inviting.

  “Hello beautiful.” The woman said, eyeing Echo as her man grazed his lips down her neck. “We were invited…” She trailed off her eyes rolling in her head. “… can we come in?”

  Stepping over the threshold, the Latino goddess prowled forward in a blazing red dress that clung to every curve. Her hair was slung low down her back and she had perfect milky coffee skin with dark, smouldering eyes that promised a delight. “You are not the one who invited us?” She asked her rich, exotic accent curled around Echo’s mind.

  “I’m your better offer.” Echo found herself saying, pleased to see a spark of interest in the woman’s eyes. The only person who might have invited them was Anna, so Echo made a metal note of her infidelity...

  No. Echo bit her nails into the palm of her hands, casting away whatever stupid pet-project she was about to create. She didn’t care anymore, let Mrs. McQueen cheat, she was digging her own grave anyway, she didn’t need Echo’s help.

  “Where did you go pretty girl?” A thick, warm Russian accent dragged Echo back to the present. A very sexy, enjoyable presents which she was wasting.

  The man had moved in front of Latino Goddess and as she undressed him with her teeth, he cupped Echo’s face. She followed the smooth plains of his muscular chest while her eyes were drawn downwards to opened jeans and a mouth-watering site. She hitched a smile.

  “I was wondering what you’d done to ever deserve me?” She whispered stepping closer and allowing her hands to wander.

  “Isn’t that the other way around?” The Latino asked, but Echo cast her a half-coked smile and allowed her fingers to run through the Russian’s hair, pulling him close.

  Just as their foreheads touched, Echo allowed her ruby red lips to whisper against his, feeling their shallow breath mix. “No. I meant exactly what I said.” And Echo brought their lips together, eager to prove her words true.

  “I think we all deserve a treat, no?” The Russian teased pulling apart and moving to stand behind Echo. He made light work of her dress zipper, kissed down her neck as her dress was tugged to the floor. Echo, not one to be greedy, expertly pulled the red dress off the Latino goddess, leaving all three in their underwear, all breathing heavily.

  Lips and tongues danced over skin and Echo felt electricity ripple up her spine as she became increasingly sensitive. Heavy, male fingers trailed under her underwear, causing Echo to gasp, while long nails gripped her hips pulling the two women closer as the friction built. Slipping one hand behind her, feeling for the iron rod that pulsated against her back, Echo caressed the mounds of flesh in front, drawing a groan from them both.

  “You taste so sweet.” The woman moaned against Echo’s lips as she squeezed. “So good.”

  “I don’t disappoint.” Echo answered, feeling her earlier worries wash away as the pleasure took hold.

  Stumbling across the floor, the three of them collapsed onto Echo’s couch, the woman falling to sit first, spreading her legs wide, while Echo knelt between them. The male stooped behind Echo and didn’t let his fingers stray for a minute. Hands on her knees, Echo kissed along the inside of the Latino’s leg, licks and sucking the sensitive spots.

  Her own knees spread wide, the Russian was taking his sweet time, making sure to arouse every inch of her. Sucking on the back of her neck, he bite down lightly, leaving a soft mark before moving onto another spot. Each time he took a bite, Echo felt her body respond wanting more.

  “Looks to me, someone has been through the wars.” He said as he licked around her bruises, pushing hard enough Echo panted at the pain but softly enough she groaned for more.

  “What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.” she gasped.

  "Isn't that so." The Russian breathed as his free hands stroaked down Echo's front.

  The Latino gripped the couch behind her, knees shaking as Echo’s fingers mirrored the Russians; every touch, every twist, every push until she thought her own body might buckle from the pressure and Echo could feel how close she was. A pulse pounded through her body and she could hear her mind begging for more. It was then that the Latino curled her body in release and groaned, a stream of ‘fucks,’ ‘yes’ and ‘motherfucker’ flowing from her mouth. Echo smiled as she silently took in the praise.

  “You have served my Camila well.” The Russian purred in Echo’s ear and she whined as he removed his fingers, but panted heavily as she felt him move into position from behind. With anticipation, she opened herself to him, eager for her own reward. “I will thank you for pleasing my girl.” He wrapped a hand around each of her elbows for leverage and Echo curved her spine, ready.

  “Yes, yes, yes…” She whispered to herself, her eyes closed and her body shook while on her keens with raw pleasure as he pushed against her opening. He went slow, allowing her to feel every inch and Echo threw back her head as he hit home. “So-… good,” She purred, arching more and tilting her head to the sky.

  In hindsight, she shouldn’t have done that, nor closed her eyes, but that was why hindsight is a bitch.

  Without warning there was a tightness around her throat. Eyes snapping open, Echo’s hands automatically tried to dig into the material currently looped around her neck, but the Russian gave no slack. If anything, he gripped her elbows tighter and quickened his pace.

  Camila – who last had been bathing in her own aftermath – now looped the red silk belt from her red dress around Echo’s neck. It wasn’t cutting off her breathing yet, but Echo could feel a pounding behind her eyes and the flush that had crept onto her face.

  “Look at me.” Camila cooed, crouching close to Echo face. “Look at me.”

  Echo groaned as the pressure in her lower abdomen built, her body useless to hold back the pleasure spiralling in her flesh. She gasped as just the right spot was hit but was cut short as the red silk belt tightened and her throat closed. She twisted her entire body in a knee-jerk reaction to get free, but the Russian still held on tight.

  Looking at Camila again, Echo felt the first stab of fear penetrate her lustful haze as she caught the look of excitement cloud the Latino’s eyes. The silk was loosened again, and Echo took a lung full of air. She tried to speak, her mouth forming words, but her body betrayed her as the Russian again upped his pace, sending her spinning.

  “Oh baby, I think you’ve got her.” Camila whispered, gripping Echo’s chin so she was once again looking up. “She’s so close.”

  Echo couldn’t say she was wrong, she felt every nerve ending on fire and if she let go, she’d be there, but doubt screamed at her not too. The silk belt shifted around her throat again and the warning bells flared as she started to feel more than a little dizzy. Erotic asphyxiation was in her repertoire but there was a time and a place. “Who-… who are you?” She gasped, looking Camila in the eyes. “Who-…. Ugh,” She groaned. “Who invited you?”

  Camila grasped the ends of the silk belt and smiled, the truth shining from the gleam in her eyes. “I’m Camila and my stud of a man is Vadim” And the belt began to tighten.

  Echo felt her airway close off again and she trashed, panic soaking her veins. She raged against Vadim’s hold twisting her body left and right, but he was oblivious to her attempts. She was at his mercy and Camila only laughed, pulling tighter and tighter. Choking… they were choking her… Why? …

  "We are honoured guests in this house." Camila answered as the last rational thought that flitted through Echo's mind.
  Without a second thought, she pushed all her energy into that one leg, her foot flat on the floor and shot her body forward. One arm slipped free of Vadim's grasp, while the top of her head collided with Camila’s face. Blood spirted from the Latino’s nose and she let out a gurgled scream and then did Vadim wake from his lustful haze.

  “Camila!” He cried, letting go of Echo, allowing her to collapse in a heap.

  Coughing a splutter, Echo yanked the red belt from her neck and crawled further away. Her head ached, and she might have a bit of Camila’s blood in her hair, but that was nothing compared to the rest of her body. All her muscles ached, and what little adrenalin she had was now nothing but fumes.

  Glancing back at her attackers, Camila appeared dazed and Vadim inspected her face with a look a of wrath. “Cyka!” He screamed, his angry gaze snapping over. Echo didn’t know Russian, but she didn’t want to learn more.

  Hustling up, Echo hesitated, and that hesitation coast her. Her first thought had been to run for the door, run to safety, but in that split second, she heard the word ‘coward’ whispered in her ear and she’d stopped.

  By the time she got moving again, a hand grasped her hair and she was propelled into the door, rather than through it. She narrowly missed breaking her own nose, but she was flying backwards before she could be thankful. Slamming into the bed was her only saving grace – the soft matrass saving her – before she collapsed onto the floor. Heavy footfalls resonated behind her and she begged her body to move, to get up, but whatever ribs had been bruised before, were now cracked and if Echo thought she’d been struggling for air before, it was nothing compared to now.

  “Hurry up and finish the bitch.” Camila snarled, holding a hand over her bleeding nose. It seemed she wasn’t one to get her hands dirty, happy to watch her man draw the last dying breath from Echo’s lungs.

  Flipping her, Vadim took the more traditional approach and sat on her chest, wrapping two strong hands around her throat and squeezed. Lashing out she swiped at his face drawing three red lines across his cheek, but it was the fourth nail that swiftly gouged at his eye that did this trick.

  Reeling back, Vadim screamed, and Echo sucked down some sweet, sweet air. Kicking her legs, she tried to dislodge him, but he was a big, meaty guy- a lot of which was muscle. What precious seconds she’s gained, she quickly lost as he renewed his efforts.

  Eyes darting around, Echo pulled on every bit of knowledge Mara had ever taught her; every pressure point, every breakable bone, every-which-way out of a choke hold. The lessons came in thick and fast.

  Striking out hard using the heel of her hand , Echo smashed it against Vadim’s forehead. Blunt, but surprisingly effective at disorientation, it jostle the brain inside the skull. Hard enough it could have caused a concussion which was what Echo wanted to achieve, but she only struck hard enough that Vadim’s grip slackened slightly. She didn’t stop though, striking repeatedly anywhere she could reach. It was annoying more than helpful, but Echo was panicking now. As she tried in vein to break his hold, he smashed his own fist into her jaw.

  Echo felt her head loll as darkness crept over the edge of her vision. Distantly she heard Vadim speak, his voice coming from down long tunnel. “This is for Camila you bitch.” The pressure in her lungs built again, her vision a grey tunnel and Echo wouldn’t be surprised if she had burst blood vessels behind her eyes.

  Fifty seconds. She estimated she had less than fifty seconds before she was be dead…forty-six, forty-five,fourty-four… more time. She needed more time...

  Suddenly, like warm rain on a summer’s day, Echo felt splashes of liquid across her face while the rich smell of copper rushed up her nose. Fingers loosened around her neck and air pooled back into her lungs. She didn’t question it, didn’t stop to see what had happened until her back-hit wall and her vision had returned. Surprised, she found herself face to face with Jacob.

  “Breath Echo. Breath.” He told her, rubbing her arms and levelling his gaze with hers. Blinking, Echo tried to make sense of what she was seeing. Jacob’s pristine white suit was splattered with blood, as well as his silver hair and milky skin were also covered.

  Glancing around his frame, Echo could see Vadim collapsed on the floor beside her bed, a river of blood seeping from a head wound. Shattered across the floor lay a Chinese vase Echo had once stolen, the ceramic powder still falling through the air.

  Running a hand over her face Echo winced as she felt every bruise flare to life. “What-… what happened?” She asked, her voice as hushed whisper and her eyes continued to dance around the room.

  Jacob gave her a hand, which she took, and he began to pull her to her feet. “Nothing to worry about. Mr. Vadim here just took a nasty fall.” Jacob brushed off, and continued to support Echo, even after she was fully stood. “Come. You need to leave. This House isn’t safe for you anymore.” He ordered and though Echo nodded, she didn’t move.

  “What… what about the other one?” She asked, her back glued to the wall.

  Jacob frowned and looked back to Vadim. “What other? There was only one when-,” With a gurgled chock, Jacob cut off and as he fell to his knees Echo saw a large, wicked knife protruding from his back. A scream bulged in Echo’s throat, but she clamped it down. She hadn’t screamed in all her life, not out of fear and she wasn’t starting now.

  Polished red nails reach for Echo, but this time she was ready. Gripping the arm that came her way, Echo swung Camila round, throwing her across the room. The Latino crashed, rolling onto her back, but Echo didn’t stop. Falling with her, she straddled the woman and punched her solidly in the face.

  She enjoyed the rush that came with the violence and despite Camila’s, fear, Echo struck again. “Who put you up to this?” She wheezed but found there was still venom in her voice.

  “I don’t know.” The woman stammered so Echo hit her again. “Please,” she croaked, “Please, I don’t-… we didn’t know…”

  Echo pulled her forward and slammed her head back down before speaking again, “Who paid you to kill me?”

  The woman tried to shake her head but quickly resorted to words, “No money. No one paid us. It was an old favour.” She gasped but Camila wasn’t talking fast enough Echo, so she slammed her down again causing her to gape in anguish. “We owed a favour. She brought us together, made us a perfect match. I never would have found my Vadim without her.” Camila sobbed. Her eyes darted to her now dead lover, making her sob some more. “It was meant to be an easy favour. It was meant to be quick. She said you wouldn’t resist. She said-…” The rest was lost in a bubble of tears and snot.

  “Who is she?” Echo screamed, lashing out again. “What is her name? Give me a God-damn name!”

  Through snot and tears, Camila voice bubbled out, her eyes trained on her dead lover, one hand reaching out for him even in death. Her lips moved with an answer, the air from her lungs forms sounds, but Echo could have sworn she misheard. “You’re lying.” Echo breathed, her own hands shaking with adrenaline and nerves. “You’re lying!” She screamed and she threw every ounce of weight behind her fist, as she lashed out again… and again.

  Over and over she hit Camila, blood spurting, bones cracking, until Echo felt her knuckles split; fist hitting bone and teeth. Its wasn’t until Echo couldn’t see straight, did she stop.

  “You’re… you’re lying.” She whispered to the empty apartment.

  Stumbling to her feet, Echo turned on the spot, her eyes taking in the two dead lovers, there blood soaking into the wood, but her brain couldn’t process any of it. It wasn’t until a gurgle came from her left did she snap to attention and found Jacob, slumped against the wall still with a knife in his back.

  Crouching beside him, Echo’s hands trembled over his back and shoulder, and for the first time she realised she didn’t know what to do. Jacob must have read it in her eyes because he grasped her hand in his and smiled, a dribble of blood falling from the corner of his mouth.


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