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The Young Duke

Page 41

by Earl of Beaconsfield Benjamin Disraeli



  WHEN it was understood that the Duke of St. James had been delirious,public feeling reached what is called its height; that is to say, thecuriosity and the ignorance of the world were about equal. Everybody wasindignant, not so much because the young Duke had been shot, but becausethey did not know why. If the sympathy of the women could have consoledhim, our hero might have been reconciled to his fate. Among these, noone appeared more anxious as to the result, and more ignorant as tothe cause, than Mrs. Dallington Vere. Arundel Dacre called on her themorning ensuing his midnight observation, but understood that she hadnot seen Sir Lucius Grafton, who, they said, had quitted London, whichshe thought probable. Nevertheless Arundel thought proper to walk downHill Street at the same hour, and, if not at the same minute, yet in duecourse of time, he discovered the absent man.

  In two or three days the young Duke was declared out of immediatedanger, though his attendants must say he remained exceedingly restless,and by no means in a satisfactory state; yet, with their aid, they hada right to hope the best. At any rate, if he were to go off, his friendswould have the satisfaction of remembering that all had been donethat could be; so saying, Dr. X. took his fee, and Surgeons Y. and Z.prevented his conduct from being singular.

  Now began the operations on the Grafton side. A letter from LadyAphrodite full of distraction. She was fairly mystified. What couldhave induced Lucy suddenly to act so, puzzled her, as well it might. Herdespair, and yet her confidence in his Grace, seemed equally great. Sometalk there was of going off to Cleve at once. Her husband, on the whole,maintained a rigid silence and studied coolness. Yet he had talked ofVienna and Florence, and even murmured something about public disgraceand public ridicule. In short, the poor lady was fairly worn out, andwished to terminate her harassing career at once by cutting the Gordianknot. In a word, she proposed coming on to her admirer and, as shesupposed, her victim, and having the satisfaction of giving him hiscooling draughts and arranging his bandages.

  If the meeting between the young Duke and Sir Lucius Grafton had beenoccasioned by any other cause than the real one, it is difficult to saywhat might have been the fate of this proposition. Our own opinion is,that this work would have been only in one volume; for the requisitemorality would have made out the present one; but, as it was, theimage of Miss Dacre hovered above our hero as his guardian genius. Hedespaired of ever obtaining her; but yet he determined not wilfully tocrush all hope. Some great effort must be made to right his position.Lady Aphrodite must not be deserted: the very thought increased hisfever. He wrote, to gain time; but another billet, in immediate answer,only painted increased terrors, and described the growing urgency of herpersecuted situation. He was driven into a corner, but even a stag atbay is awful: what, then, must be a young Duke, the most noble animal inexistence?

  Ill as he was, he wrote these lines, not to Lady Aphrodite, but to herhusband:--

  'My Dear Grafton,

  'You will be surprised at hearing from me. Is it necessary for me toassure you that my interference on a late occasion was accidental? Andcan you, for a moment, maintain that, under the circumstances, I couldhave acted in a different manner? I regret the whole business; but mostI regret that we were placed in collision.

  'I am ready to cast all memory of it into oblivion; and, as Iunintentionally offended, I indulge the hope that, in this conduct, youwill bear me company.

  'Surely, men like us are not to be dissuaded from following ourinclinations by any fear of the opinion of the world. The whole affairis, at present, a mystery; and I think, with our united fancies,some explanation may be hit upon which will render the mystery quiteimpenetrable, while it professes to offer a satisfactory solution.

  'I do not know whether this letter expresses my meaning, for my mind issomewhat agitated and my head not very clear; but, if you be inclinedto understand it in the right spirit, it is sufficiently lucid. At anyrate, my dear Grafton, I have once more the pleasure of subscribingmyself, faithfully yours,

  'St. James.'

  This letter was marked 'Immediate,' consigned to the custody of Luigi,with positive orders to deliver it personally to Sir Lucius; and, if notat home, to follow till he found him.

  He was not at home, and he was found at----'s Clubhouse. Sullen,dissatisfied with himself, doubtful as to the result of his freshmanouvres, and brooding over his infernal debts, Sir Lucius had steppedinto----, and passed the whole morning playing desperately with LordHounslow and Baron de Berghem. Never had he experienced such a smashingmorning. He had long far exceeded his resources, and was proceeding witha vague idea that he should find money somehow or other, when this notewas put into his hand, as it seemed to him by Providence. The signatureof Semiramis could not have imparted more exquisite delight to acollector of autographs. Were his long views, his complicated objects,and doubtful results to be put in competition a moment with so decided,so simple, and so certain a benefit? certainly not, by a gamester. Herose from the table, and with strange elation wrote these lines:--

  'My Dearest Friend,

  'You forgive me, but can I forgive myself? I am plunged in overwhelminggrief. Shall I come on? Your mad but devoted friend,

  'Lucius Grafton.

  'The Duke of St. James.'

  They met the same day. After a long consultation, it was settled thatPeacock Piggott should be entrusted, in confidence, with the secretof the affair: merely a drunken squabble, 'growing out' of the Bird ofParadise. Wine, jealousy, an artful woman, and headstrong youth willaccount for anything; they accounted for the present affair. The storywas believed, because the world were always puzzled at Lady Aphroditebeing the cause. The Baronet proceeded with promptitude to make theversion pass current: he indicted 'The Universe' and 'The New World;'he prosecuted the caricaturists; and was seen everywhere with his wife.'The Universe' and 'The New World' revenged themselves on the Signora;and then she indicted them. They could not now even libel an operasinger with impunity; where was the boasted liberty of the press?

  In the meantime the young Duke, once more easy in his mind, wonderfullyrecovered; and on the eighth day after the Ball of Beauty he returned tothe Pavilion, which had now resumed its usual calm character, for freshair and soothing quiet.


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