You're The One
Page 20
“It wasn’t something I consciously thought about. But with you... I want them. Two girls, or boys, I’m not picky. Before... I wasn’t sure I could be a good father. I’ve spent so much of my life just focused on getting to the next step, giving it my best shot, that I didn’t know if I was capable of anything more. But you did say I’m a good husband.”
I grinned. “And I meant every word. Cross my heart.”
“I can also learn to be a good father.”
I nodded, too overwhelmed to say anything.
“When do you want to start trying?”
“Hunter, you do remember I said I want to make partner first, right?”
“Yes. But given all statistics, it can take time. Never hurts to start early. I like to go the extra mile.”
That grin on his face... damn. I loved that I’d put it there. That I could make him light up like this.
I laughed as he bit the shell of my ear gently. “First, we need to talk about that celebratory vacation. Whisk me away. I don’t even want to know where we’re going.”
He pulled back abruptly. “You’re giving me permission to surprise you?”
“Half the fun is you giving me shit about it.”
“If you insist, I can always fight you right until we board the plane.”
Hunter slid his hands under my ass, lifting me up. I yelped, right before clenching my knees at his sides. He winced. Right. My yoga routine was helping with my flexibility, but not my instincts. I hadn’t gotten the hang of wrapping my legs gracefully around him, but I was working on it. For now, I was awkwardly clinging to him like a monkey. Hunter tried to rearrange my arm around his neck. I had a hunch that I was half strangling him.
“Hey, watch the bracelet. A certain someone gave it to me.”
I’d slept with it and showered with it and didn’t intend to take it off at all. I absolutely loved it.
“And this someone... what exactly do you feel for him?”
“I think he’s the best man. And I love him.”
His grin softened, turning into a warm smile. Feeling all those hard abs pressing against my belly and his strong arms wrapped around me was doing things to me. My entire body reacted to him. My nipples pebbled, and a familiar ache pulsed between my thighs. I kissed his neck, drawing my tongue in little circles just above his clavicle.
“Forgot about breakfast?” he whispered on a chuckle. Ah, I totally had. All I could think about was indulging in this perfect, gorgeous man.
“I always forget how devious you are.”
“Always happy to remind you.”
He shifted me a little lower. I gasped when I realized he was hard already. How could he want me so much?
It hadn’t sunk in yet. My husband loved me. I was living a life I hadn’t even dared dream about. Part of me still didn’t dare to hope too much. But God, the way he held me, the way he looked at me. As if I was more precious to him than anything else. How could I not hope?
“Then what are you waiting for, husband?”
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Two weeks later, we were lying on the beach in the Bahamas. Josie couldn’t take too much time off, so we were here only for an extended weekend—Friday to Monday—but I intended to make every minute count. Josie was lying on her belly while I smeared sunscreen on her back. She insisted on applying it religiously.
“I don’t remember you being such a huge fan of sunscreen.”
“Now I’m addicted to it. I think it has something to do with the person applying it.” She looked at me over her shoulder.
“Glad I’m contributing.”
I leaned over, biting one ass cheek. She winced, almost falling off the lounge chair. I steadied her, laughing as I straightened.
“Hunter! You can’t scare me like that.”
“Yes, I can. You’re cute, all puzzled.”
Shaking her head, she let out a soft hmpf before resuming her position on her belly. She got out a book too, laying it in front of her. I pinched her arm.
“What are you doing?”
“Scoot over, wife. I want to read too.”
“Yes. Otherwise, you’ll tell me that it’s so good I have to read it too. You keep telling me what happens while you read it though. Spoiling everything.”
She laughed, throwing her head back. “I do, don’t I? I’m a terrible fiction reader. Nonfiction comes so much easier to me. Probably the lawyer in me just needs to dissect everything I read.”
She made space for me, but we were a little crammed on the lounge chair. Our sides were touching. Total unexpected perk.
“We’re gonna get weird tan lines,” she said.
“I don’t care.”
“I do.”
I brought my mouth to her ear, tugging at it. “No one’s going to see them but me.”
She laughed, leaning into me even more. When it became clear neither of us would do any reading in this awkward position, I sat up, allowing her to be more comfortable. I couldn’t believe the beauty of this place: the clear, turquoise water, the green foliage around us. The smell of salt water and rush of waves instantly relaxed me.
“You’re reading a lot for someone who’s obsessed with trying out everything the resort has to offer.”
“Are you saying that you’re up for skydiving?” she asked, batting her eyelashes.
Fucking hell. That escalated quickly.
“Absolutely not.”
She kept batting her eyelashes. I sensed a trap.
“How about Jet Skiing?” she suggested.
“I can be talked into that.”
Josie grinned, shimmying a little on the lounge chair. “Ha! I’m good.”
“What do you mean?”
“I knew that if I brought up skydiving, you’d agree to Jet Skiing.”
I bit her earlobe again, fondling her ass just so she didn’t get even more ideas.
“You’re playing with fire, wife.”
“I know, but it’s so much fun that I can’t stop.”
I tickled her before she even took her next breath. She shrieked with laughter. I drank up every sound. I enjoyed everything with her: the quiet times and the adventures. Josie made me feel whole in a way I’d never even thought was possible.
I was completely tired when I went into the office the following week, but I had to get my act together fast, because I had a mountain of work ahead of me.
Cole also reminded me that the rest of my cousins were dropping by for lunch.
“It’s a council this time,” he added. More reason to wake up.
Ryker, Tess, and Skye were chatting animatedly when we joined them in the meeting room. We looked over spreadsheets with the funds the Ballroom Galas had gathered so far, brainstorming about potential new activities we could integrate throughout the evening, especially since not everyone wanted to dance. I was in such a good mood that I was willing to entertain even the more... extravagant ideas.
“Someone’s happy,” Tess remarked. “Second honeymoon went smoothly, by the looks of it.”
“It was great. Didn’t even want to come back.”
“So, now that Josie knows how you feel about her, is she giving the name change more thought?” Skye asked.
“Haven’t discussed it.”
Tess laughed, drumming her fingers on the desk. “Told you he didn’t bring it up. I think he’s afraid Josie will stick to her guns.”
Skye shrugged.
“My money’s still on Hunter convincing her,” Ryker said.
“You’ve talked about this?” I asked, perplexed.
“Just... exchanged opinions,” Skye said.
I couldn’t help but notice that Cole wasn’t his usual self. He was quiet, not joining in on the fun. I didn’t want to ask him if anything was wrong in front of my cousins, not wanting to put him on the spot in case he had any kind of troubles.
er everyone left, I asked, “Cole, is anything wrong?”
“I didn’t want to bring this up during your first day back, but your case worker was here in the building last Friday, asking questions.”
I felt as if someone had just thrown cold water in my face.
“What kind of questions?”
“About you and Josie... your marriage, your life before. The days before you announced the engagement. Things like that.”
“What did everyone tell her?”
“I wasn’t there to hear what they answered, but I hope she was satisfied.”
Fucking hell. What was going on? Had she gone to Josie’s office too?
Chapter Twenty-Nine
After the trip, I came into the office with a big grin. Regular vacations, I’d decided, were definitely going to be a part of my life from now on. I mean, what was better than spending hours relaxing? It didn’t hurt that I had a sexy man at my side to fill all those hours with.
I felt reborn and ready to take on the world. I had an appointment with my boss first thing. He’d emailed yesterday evening and asked me to come by his office today.
Hunter and I had made a bet what it would be about. He said it would be about the promotion. While I loved his confidence in me, promotions were not usually awarded this time of the year. I was sure this was about a new case.
My good mood plummeted when I entered his office. I immediately sensed something was wrong. Craig wasn’t his usual self. His shoulders were tense, his eyes pinned to the desk instead of me. Shit, what if Hunter was right and this was about the promotion after all? Only I wasn’t the one getting it?
“Josie, take a seat,” he said.
I pushed a strand of hair behind my ear, taking my notepad and pen out the way I always did during my meetings with Craig, using the familiar routine to calm myself down.
“What is this about?” I finally asked.
“It was brought to my attention that you’ve had a run-in with the immigration services.”
I gripped the pen so tight that my fingers went numb. My mind worked frantically, but I couldn’t come up with a good enough solution except to say the truth and work from there.
“I would have appreciated to hear that from you.”
“It’s a personal matter. It didn’t interfere with my work at all.”
“It’s a legal matter. Personal or not, you should have told me.”
I doodled with the pen to keep myself from tapping my foot against the floor.
“I can tell you now that everything will be cleared.”
We hadn’t heard anything from the case worker after sending the pictures, which was reassuring.
“I’m afraid this isn’t so simple.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean that your case worker was here, asking questions. She spoke to me and a few of your colleagues. I can’t have that.”
Breathe in. Breathe out. Keep calm. Breathe in.
No, no, no. This couldn’t happen. I had no idea how I kept on talking.
“But this is a personal matter.”
“That is, I am afraid, of little consequence. Josie, it pains me to do this, but I have to let you go. Word will spread, and I can’t allow people to associate these kinds of subterfuge with us. It wouldn’t reflect well on me.”
“This is not fair.”
I kept my gaze fixed on Craig now. I was so angry that I could barely control the tone of my voice.
“The case worker was just asking questions. You can’t fire me because of this.”
Craig’s eyes flashed. “You know I can.”
Unfortunately, he was right. Legally, there was nothing stopping him.
“After this, you would have no chance of making partner here anyway.”
I stood up. “Really? I have done exemplary work since I started as an intern here. You haven’t had one single complaint about me, ever.”
“Don’t make this even more difficult for yourself. And a word of warning, when anyone calls to ask for references, I will have to be frank about this. I can’t afford anyone suing me for withholding information further down the road.”
“Your legal obligation is to report on my work.”
It dawned on me slowly what this all meant. No one would hire me right away. Craig telling them this would give the impression he thought I was guilty, not just caught up in a bureaucratic process.
“You’re young and smart. You’ll figure everything out.”
I’d worked my whole life only for my entire career to just be taken away from me?
I’d sacrificed so much, dedicated everything to this. I blinked rapidly, because my eyes were burning and I wouldn’t give anyone the satisfaction of seeing me cry.
“My decision is final.”
“We’ll see what HR has to say about it.”
“They’ve already been informed.”
“As of today, you no longer work for Marks & Partners.”
I was stunned. For the first time ever, I had no comeback. Nothing to say in my defense. I felt so utterly defeated that I wasn’t sure I would be able to make it out of the building without having a good cry first. What would I tell my parents?
They’d sacrificed so much to help me through law school, and I’d just trampled on all of their hard work.
I went through the motions for the next hour. Down to HR, signing papers. Up again, packing my belongings in the box they gave me. It all took no time at all. No one gave two shits that I was leaving.
I had such difficulties breathing when I walked out of the building, I thought I was going to suffocate. The October chill wrapped around me like an icy blanket. It was raining too.
New York had never looked more depressing to me. But I was going to get through this—I’d always managed to see the positive part. But for the life of me, I couldn’t be upbeat now. I hadn’t just lost my job. My entire career as a lawyer was in danger. For the first time in years, all I wanted to do was wallow.
Once at home, I read for a few hours, then took the panna cotta Amelia had brought yesterday as a welcome-home treat, filled the Jacuzzi with water and bubbles, slid inside it, and shut out the outside world. I’d break the news to my parents later... and to Hunter.
Now, I simply wanted to focus on the warm water and the delicious sweet treat. What was it about sugar that made any situation a little better?
I knew there was a scientific explanation, but I liked to think that this exquisite panna cotta carried Amelia’s warmth and calmness.
The water was almost cold when I heard movement around me.
I took out a headphone, peering at the door. Sure enough, Hunter was propped against it, his eyes dark, his mouth set in a beautiful smile.
“Should’ve told me you were home already, wife. Would’ve gladly ditched the last meeting for you.”
I placed both earbuds on the floor, and the plate. Hunter’s eyes widened when he saw it.
“Holy shit. Was that all the panna cotta? What’s wrong, babe?”
“Got fired.”
In a matter of seconds, Hunter crouched in front of the tub, until he was at the same eye level.
“Babe, I’m so sorry. What happened?”
“They caught wind of our run-in with the immigration officer.”
“Fuck. Cole told me today she’s been asking questions at my office.”
“She did the same at mine... and, well, long story short, they don’t want anyone even remotely connected to a sham marriage suspicion working there.”
“That’s bullshit. They can’t just fire you. I’ll have my lawyers talk to their CEO directly.”
“Babe, it’s my fault.”
“It’s not.”
“I asked you to—”
“And I said yes. I’m not going to blame you for a decision I made. I don’t want to go back to a workplace where I’m not welcome. Even if they don�
�t fire me, they’d give me less cases, refuse to promote me. Anything to make me quit eventually.”
He swallowed, rocking back and forth. “Okay, then we’ll—”
“Hunter... I don’t want... I’m not in the mood to brainstorm about solutions.”
He sat on the edge of the tub, looking straight into my eyes.
“How can I be useful?”
“You could distract me. I mean, the music and the panna cotta did a decent job, but they’re nowhere as good as you.”
A sly smile popped up on his face.
“I see. Well, that’s something I can definitely help with. I do need more precise instructions though. How exactly do you want me to distract you?”
“Foot massage?”
“Whole-body massage?”
“Sounds promising.”
He slid closer, planting a quick smooch on my lips.
“Whatever the lady wants.”
I grinned. “Strip, then.”
He stood up, doing a ridiculous twirl (with a delicious ass wiggle) before turning to face me.
“Start with the shirt.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
He started unbuttoning his shirt with exquisite slowness, torturing me. I watched, enraptured, sighing. I’d never get enough of him. Ever.
“I mean... just look at these muscles. Now, pants off, Caldwell.”
“I aim to please.”
Once he was completely naked, he jumped in the tub, splashing water everywhere.
“Hey,” I protested. “I didn’t say you could get in.”
“Tough luck, beautiful. Because I’m done watching you. I want to touch you. Kiss you.”
He kissed me so deep that I hummed against his mouth.
“We’ll get through this together, I promise.”
Chapter Thirty
For the next few weeks, I tried to gather my faculties, to make an action plan. I didn’t tell my parents the real reason I’d been fired, just that it hadn’t worked out. They had been so understanding that I felt even more guilty about everything.
I was so grumpy that I could barely stand myself. I wasn’t being fair to Hunter, who was so damn patient and sweet, it just added to my guilt.