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Reign: A Romance Anthology

Page 39

by Nina Levine

  “I’d happily be in that man sandwich,” Skylar adds, which makes us all laugh. She’s not wrong. My thoughts run away along the lines of being sandwiched between the two of them.

  I could never tell my sisters the things I like to do behind closed doors. They wouldn’t understand. As far as they’re concerned, I’m still a virgin, just like them, the way father wanted us to be.

  Being the youngest, the pressure of preserving myself wasn’t closely watched like my older sisters, so I could get away with a lot more. Expectations are lower.

  My father was always looking for a husband for Magnolia as she’s the eldest. His sole focus was to see her married off as soon as possible. Unfortunately, it’s hard to find an upstanding family who wanted to be associated with him due to his reputation.

  Magnolia’s made it to the age of twenty-five, and she’s still single.

  Then there is Skylar, who’s twenty-three, and me at twenty-one.

  So, while my sisters were paraded in front of eligible men, I was left alone to carve a different path for myself, which might have included rolls in the hay with Griffin, the stable boy, and his best friend, Roger. Then there was my footman, Alec, who’s willing to help any time of the day or night and knows his way around the secret passages of the palace, which we made fair use of.

  Where did my sexual appetite come from? Unfortunately, I think I inherited that gene from my father. Alec and I stumbled upon his indiscretions late one night as a sixteen-year-old when he was hosting an orgy in one of our cellars. He was the one who opened my eyes to the depravity my father was into.

  The problem was, I couldn’t look away.

  I didn’t understand how watching something so wrong felt so right.

  Alec explained my father’s secret society of depravity.

  Each time I knew he was hosting, I found myself in the tunnels watching the scenes playing out before me. Thankfully, I never caught my father in a compromising position. He liked to take the women to another room for that. Still, what was happening before my eyes intrigued me. It was my dirty little secret, well, Alec’s and my secret, until he met someone and stopped our little rendezvous.

  “We have so much to plan, and we have such little time,” Henrietta exclaims loudly.

  “What are you doing out here?” While walking over to me, Magnolia asks, standing in front of our father’s freshly lain grave behind the palace walls.

  “I can’t believe he did this to us…” kicking some loose dirt around his grave, I continue, “… to Mom.”

  “He was a selfish dick,” Magnolia adds.

  “I hate him, Maggie.” As tears begin to fall down my cheeks, she reaches out and wraps her arm around my shoulder. “I hate that even in death, he’s continuing to fuck us over.”

  “I know, sweetie,” she tries to reassure me. “But this Summer Ball is our way out of this mess.”

  “You really think the prince is going to pick one of us?” The skepticism that laces my voice is palpable.

  “We have as good as a chance as any of those other girls.” Magnolia tries to sound upbeat, but she knows our chances are slim to none.

  “When we’re dressed in rags?” Pulling at my dress that’s seen better days, I sigh loudly.

  “Henrietta is a master seamstress. She and the other ladies are already working on beautiful dresses for us.”

  “What happens if we fail?” I ask because that’s the real issue in this scenario.

  “Then, I guess I’m going to have to take Guido’s offer of marrying his son in exchange for wiping our father’s debt, aren’t I?”

  Our stupid father was involved with the Italian Mafia. They have given us until the end of summer to pay them the money owed, or they will be collecting. And that collection is Magnolia.

  “I won’t let that happen,” I tell her.

  Her hand squeezes mine tighter. “It’s going to be okay,” she tries to reassure me.

  “The competition is going to be fierce,” I reply, letting out a frustrated sigh.

  “But the difference between them and us is we need it more,” Magnolia states.

  “We can’t rely on having lovely dresses to get us the crown. We need to be alluring, too. We need to be different from all those other women who will be parading around vying for his attention,” I tell her.

  “I’ve got a great pair of tits,” Skylar calls out from behind us. Her comment makes us laugh.

  “Unfortunately, I don’t think your tits are going to get us out of this mess, Sky.” Magnolia smiles.

  “You never know.” She gives us both a wink before turning her attention to our father’s grave. “I know you’re not supposed to think ill of the dead, but screw him.” She sticks her middle figure up to her father’s grave. “He made our lives a living hell, and now even in death, he seems to be able to keep that shit going.”

  We all stand in silence, staring at our father’s grave.

  “Come on… let’s go inside and work out how the hell one of us is going to snag Prince Hottie.” Magnolia chuckles.



  “I still can’t believe we can’t find anyone that stands out amongst all these.” Greyson pushes the paperwork to the side.

  “There are some potentials,” I offer unenthusiastically, knowing he’s right.

  “I’m glad you’re more optimistic about this than I am.”

  Greyson’s deflated, and usually, he’s full of optimism, and I’m the one brooding about whatever’s going on in my head.

  “We have a couple of girls who could be the one. But we won’t know until tonight when we meet them in person.” Greyson lets out a long sigh as he flops down on the bed. “The stress of tonight is getting to me,” he groans as his armrests across his forehead.

  I stalk over to where he’s lying. Placing one knee on the bed, I make it dip, then the other one comes up, and I slowly crawl over his hard body. My fingers begin to fumble with his jeans' buttons until the sound of unzipping metal echoes through the room. His arm eventually falls away, and he sits up on his elbows and looks at me. One eyebrow is raised in a question.

  My hand reaches for the elastic of his boxer briefs, and I roll it down, exposing his now hard length. It falls free and slaps his belly, which makes him grin. My hands grab his velvety length, and I begin to stroke.

  “Just lay back and relax. It seems you need it.” Greyson does as he’s told and collapses against my bed as I stroke him. He’s a goner once my mouth engulfs him. Strong fingers lace into my hair as he pushes me further and further down on him, his dick hitting the back of my throat, making me gag.

  Greyson loves the sound I make and pushes me harder until he is face-fucking me, taking his frustration out on me.

  I let him.

  He needs this.

  He needs to dominate me at this moment to feel like he has some sort of control over the situation. I allow him to take and take until he finishes on a deep guttural groan, his body constricting as his orgasm takes over. His breath is labored, and a satisfied grin is firmly planted across his face.

  “Feel better?”

  Greyson sits up and looks at me with lust-filled eyes. “I always feel better when I come down your throat.” I chuckle. “Now, I think I should return the favor.”

  As he moves toward me, I say, “No.” Wiggling my finger in front of his face, his eyes widen in surprise at my answer. “I want to save myself till after. I need this pent-up energy so I can focus on the task tonight.”

  “Fine,” he grumbles as he puts himself back together. “You better get ready. You have a slew of desperate women out there who are only too happy to drop to their knees and service the prince.” He grins.

  “I know. Does that turn you on?”

  “What? Watching some hapless princess suck your dick for the crown?”

  “Yes.” My eyes narrow on him.

  “You know it does.” His eyes darken. “Like I’m some kind of pervert.” He grins.

; It’s a consensual game we have played numerous times with women. They get off knowing the bodyguard is watching them fuck a prince. When they fall asleep, it’s Greyson’s turn, and he punishes me accordingly.

  “Wonder if we might be able to play that game tonight?” he asks, wiggling his brows.

  “Maybe.” I grin. “If we find the right woman, then yes, we should double-check to see if she would be compatible in that area.” Tingles lace my body at the thought of finding a woman who could fit into our lives like that. That would allow me to fuck her and my lover separately or together.

  “She’s out there,” Greyson tells me. “We will find her tonight.”

  A tiny little bubble of hope fills my veins at the thought.

  “Come on, we better get ready for this ball, then.”



  We have arrived at the imposing Friendsburg Palace along with many other hopefuls.

  “Okay, we’ve got this.” Magnolia tries to pep us up, but I know it’s hopeless. “Tonight, we go in and be the most dazzling women that we know we are and pray for the best.”

  Henrietta and her teams have worked their magic.

  Magnolia has gone for a gorgeous classic red evening dress that shows off her insane hourglass figure. The color pops against her creamy alabaster skin, raven-colored hair, and bright blue eyes. She looks like a sexy Red Riding Hood.

  Skylar is the complete opposite with her platinum blonde hair and olive complexation. She does have the same blue eyes as Magnolia. We all do. It’s a family trait. Skylar looks like a fifties’ bombshell, dressed in a shimmery blue dress that dips low, showing off her ample cleavage. She’s like a slutty Cinderella.

  Then there’s me. What I lack in bombshell looks I make up for in personality. I have chestnut brown hair with the family’s blue eyes. I’m wearing a yellow evening dress, which goes well against my creamy skin. My breasts are average, my body shape is slim, and alas, I did not get my sisters’ curves. But I do have great legs, or so I’ve been told, so I have a daring split up the side of my dress, which shows them off as I walk.

  We wait nervously as our car moves up in the long queue as we watch the women get out one by one. Each one is as beautiful as the next, all dressed in couture and looking like they could easily step into the crown.

  “We’ve got this.” Magnolia tries to pump us up again. “They may be beautiful on the outside, but beauty fades. And the prince, I’m hoping, will be looking for something… well, different.”

  “And you think that’s us?” Skylar doesn’t sound at all convinced.

  I slink back against the leather of the car, close my eyes, and pray we can get out of this fucked-up situation we find ourselves in.

  A little while later, it’s our turn to reach the red carpet.

  One of the footmen dressed in a tuxedo opens the door to our car and announces our names, “Princess Magnolia, Princess Skylar, and Princess Lila of Égina.” His booming voice echoes all around us.

  The photographers blind us with their flashing lights as we pose for the cameras. I’m guessing this is part of the test to see if we look good on the camera or not.

  When they are finished with us, we follow in after the other girls. We’re greeted with champagne on arrival, which we all eagerly grab.

  Wow! This palace is opulent with its gold and marble stretched out as far as the eye can see in the grand ballroom. The dulcet tones of conservative mummers fill the room, as do the orchestra's strings playing in the corner.

  All heads turn when we’re announced again at the entrance of the ballroom by another tuxedo-clad footman. All eyes are on the three of us as the hushed tones become near non-existent. Disapproving looks fall upon the three of us, our father’s reputation apparently following us into the ballroom. The room dismisses us, not seeing any of us as a threat, and go back to their murmuring, which is now more than likely about us.

  “Fuck them,” I assert, then place the champagne glass to my lips.

  “Behave, Lila,” Magnolia hisses through her gritted teeth.

  “Did you not see the way they all looked at us? As if we are less than them. As if we don’t even exist.”

  “Of course.” Magnolia nods.

  “That’s because we are less than them,” Skylar adds, taking a sip of her drink.

  “Coming here was so stupid.” My anger bubbles to the surface.

  “Cut it out, Lila. We are on a mission to snag the prince. Otherwise, all three of us are going to be sold to the highest bidder by Guido if we don’t at least try,” Magnolia warns.

  Yes, I know I’m being a brat.

  “I’m sorry, Maggie. I promise I’ll do better,” I affirm, then give her a warm smile.

  “Come on… let’s put our game faces on, girls, and do this.” Magnolia strides ahead with determination.

  Moments later, we run into the prince and his gorgeous bodyguard.

  “Your highness,” Magnolia greets and curtseys, as does Skylar, followed by me.

  “Oh, hi…” Plastering on a smile so fake, it reeks of saccharine, he continues with, “You must be the princesses from Égina.”

  “Yes, we are.” Magnolia flutters her eyelashes at the prince as she holds out her hand. Skylar does the same, pushing her tits out, which get the prince’s attention. As handsome as the prince is, his bodyguard is just as gorgeous, and for some reason, I can’t seem to take my eyes off him. There’s something dark and brooding about his stone-cold face, but his eyes are so expressive. They narrow in on me when he realizes I haven’t stopped staring at him.

  Magnolia elbows me in the ribs as the prince holds out his hand for mine.

  “Sorry, I’m Princess Lila.” Giving him a small uninterested smile, my eyes look back to his guard.

  The prince notices and looks between us. A sly grin falls across his plump lips. “This is my best friend and bodyguard, Greyson,” the prince introduces us.

  As soon as our hand's touch, a tiny spark of electricity shoots through my body. He must feel it too, as his forehead crinkles into a frown. The next thing we know, the prince is being called away, and they both disappear into the crowd.

  “What the hell was that?” Magnolia curses.


  “You… flirting with the guard. What the hell are you playing at?” Her ice-blue eyes narrow on me.

  “You both had the prince’s attention. Didn’t think you needed me as a third wheel,” I explain.

  “We don’t have the prince, yet. Whatever you’re doing, stop it!” Magnolia berates me.

  “I’m going for a walk. I need to clear my head.”

  Placing the glass of champagne down on the table beside me, I start to head off when I hear, “I think that would be best. When you come back, you better be in the mood to win a prince.” Magnolia glares at me.

  I give my sisters a wave as I disappear into the crowd.



  “What the hell was that?” Auggie asks as we take a couple of moments to ourselves in the garden.

  “What?” Shoving my hands into the pocket of my tuxedo pants, I look at him with narrowed eyes.

  “With that princess. Umm… what was her name again?” Auggie frowns.

  “Lila. Princess Lila.” Her name falls from my lips quickly.

  “Really?” He stills, turning to me in the darkness. “You remembered her name but none of the others.” He raises a brow and rubs his chin.

  “She intrigued me.”

  “As you did her, I think.” A soft chuckle falls from his lips. “She was the first woman tonight to be more armored with you than me.”

  “Jealous?” I tease.

  “A little.” He grins. “She’s beautiful if not a little young,” he adds.

  “She’s twenty-one from what I’ve read in her folio.” Auggie shakes his head and gives me another grin but does not say anything. “Her family is in debt.” His brows raise high. “Her father gambled away their fortune, and they only
found out when he died, which was three months ago.”

  “So, you would think she’d be desperate to gain my attention.” He stares out into the darkness. “Instead, she was focused on you.”

  “Maybe she’s playing the game differently,” I tell him, but she certainly has my attention, that’s for sure.

  “Or, maybe she’s interested in you.” Auggie turns and stops in front of me. He wraps his arms around my neck. “I don’t blame her.” He pulls me to him and kisses me. We lose ourselves in the kisses for a couple of moments before remembering where we are, but Auggie doesn’t let me go.

  The sound of a branch cracking in the moonlight has us pulling apart quickly and pausing in the darkness. The outline of a figure with her back to us strolls ahead. Her phone lights up, illuminating her face. It’s Princess Lila.

  What is she doing out here?

  Auggie’s fingers dig into my shoulder.

  “Things just got interesting.” Amusement laces his tone. “I think we should test her.”

  “Her?” I whisper into the darkness.

  “Yes. Unless you’re not interested? We can find someone else inside if you like,” he states.

  No. None of those women are right for him and especially not for me, except her.

  “What do you think?” Gaging his interest, I ask the question that’s on my lips.

  “Judging from the outside, I like what I see.” He grins, his eyes never leaving her outline as she walks further into the garden. “I want to see how far she will go with you?” he adds.

  “She isn’t going to do anything with me.” Shaking my head at his crazy idea, I sigh.

  “Maybe not. Or just maybe… she might.” Auggie bites his bottom lip.

  “And if she does?” The adrenaline in my veins begins to pump through my body.

  “Then, we might have found my wife.” He thumps me on the back and pushes me toward her. Turning back, Auggie has disappeared into the darkness, but I know he isn’t far away. We’ve played this game on numerous occasions, but those times the women knew there was an audience.


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