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Through the Gate: The Chronicles of Cornu Book 1

Page 6

by L J Dalton Jr

  Over the next ten years, Bart grew his band to over one hundred men. He carefully chose his targets and carried out precise raids. Almost of all of them resulted in good hauls of goods and coin. There were very few deaths, either among his people or the people he was robbing. Over the years he’d developed a network of people who would buy his stolen goods at a discount and tip him off to lucrative targets. Bart and his band lived a comfortable life in their hidden alpine valley.


  Morton had taken up the position as science advisor to the king and liaison with the research station. That meant he and Randall saw each other much more frequently. Randall was having dinner with his friend Morton, who had gotten betrothed to Selenia, the daughter of a prominent merchant family. “Well, Morton, how does it feel to be betrothed?” asked Randall.

  Morton took a sip of his wine and replied. “It feels both great and a little frightening at the same time. I really can’t explain it adequately. I’m looking forward to it, Selenia is a good match for me and of course we are extremely attracted to each other. I realize that my life is going to change but I’m not sure how. Speaking of betrothals, what about you. It’s about time for you to find somebody to help carry on the line.”

  Randall smiled. “Well, I realize that it’s about time for me to do my duty. I’m going to have to marry a girl I found attractive and then try and produce children, then later must marry another girl I find attractive and try my hardest to produce children with both of them. This is very difficult.”

  “Yes, it is a hard burden we man have to bear.”

  The two friends laughed and continue to talk about a wide range of subjects. Both were interested in a lot of different aspects of the world and science. They always had something to talk about.

  The next morning Randall was asked to meet with his grandfather and father. When he arrived, he could see that the two men had been in a meeting. He knew that they would be offloading a lot of the work on to him. He wondered if today they would have something important for him to do. He sincerely hoped so.

  “Ah, Randall” said his grandfather. “Please come in, your father and I were just discussing you.”

  “Nothing disturbing I hope.”

  “No on the contrary, we’ve got an important mission for you. The king of Sorbia is traveling to Nordport to meet with us. He’s very interested in the work being done here by Dr. Jorgenson and his children. He’s looking to see what he can implement in his kingdom. He’s particularly interested in the agricultural work. He’s traveling with his wives and youngest daughter and son. His eldest daughter and heir is staying behind to run the kingdom. He’s also bringing two of his dukes and their families. They are traveling into Tandor and the taking the little Ro down to Great Falls. I want you to take a carriage to Great Falls and meet them. I’ve got all the details here that you can study. I would think that you would want to take Baroness Joanne with you.”

  “Grandfather I had dinner last night with Morton. I should remind you that his sister is heavy with child and a long voyage by carriage and then by river wouldn’t be advisable at this date.”

  “I forgot about that, good point. What do you think Fredricke, should we substitute Morton for his sister?”

  “I think that makes sense. He knows all the things that his father is doing and is able to describe them so someone not stepped in science would be able to understand. What do you think Randall?”

  “It’s a very good idea. I’m going to have to tear him away from his betrothed for a bit, but that will save him from all the planning being done for the wedding, which will be in three months. Given those preparations, he might be happy to escape.”

  “Well then, it’s settled. You and Morton will travel to Great Falls to meet the king and his entourage. I expect them there within a month. You should leave in two weeks. Make sure to stop in Midport, young Duke Edwin will be interested in meeting them.”

  Randall left and wrote a letter to Morton telling him about the plans. He then sat down and reviewed the documents he’d been given. He idly noted that the king’s youngest daughter was named Juliana and was almost sixteen. He then went on memorizing the information he’d been given.

  Two weeks later Randall and Morton left Nordport by carriage accompanied by six-man escort of royal guards. Morton had brought a long a bag full of old texts that he was reviewing. Randall was pleased that he brought them, it meant that they would have something to do on the long journey to Great Falls.

  On the way Morton had reviewed the documents that Randall had been given about the Sorbian delegation. He noted with interest that the king’s daughter, Juliana, was at the age where she would be looking for a husband. He mused to himself that maybe she and Randall would get together. Wouldn’t that be interesting. He and Randall discussed the documents that they were reviewing and that relieved the monotony of the long trip.

  When they arrived at Great Falls, Duke Billum greeted them warmly. “Your highness, Baron Morton, welcome to Great Falls. It’s good to see you both. I trust your families are doing well. The king and his entourage are one day out. I expect that they’ll want to rest here for a couple of days and then head on to Nordport. I’ve arranged for transport down the river on a suitable vessel, The Queen of the Ro. It’s well run, and it should give you more time to talk with the whole party. They came here for information and this will give them a chance to talk to you. Especially you Baron Morton. I’ve asked Dravid to go as my representative. Oh, the group will stop in Midport. I don't want my friend Duke Edwin upset with me.” Dravid the duke’s oldest son and heir was eighteen. He had started to spend some time in Nordport as preparation for when he was Duke.

  Randall smiled at Morton and then turned to the Duke. “It appears you have everything in hand your grace. Both Morton and I would be glad to have Dravid along on the trip. You have somethings planned for the king, a reception?”

  “Yes, your highness, I plan to have a dinner and reception for them. I’m going to give them a day to rest up and then have it at my residence. All the top families will be there, it’s a chance to foster more trade and commerce between the two kingdoms, that’s always good. Also, people can start to establish personal relationships.”

  “You are absolutely correct your grace.” Said Randall. “The better the personal relations among both the nobility and the merchants the better it will be for all of us. Where will we be staying, Morton and I would like to clean up after the journey.”

  “Father I’ll take them to their quarters. If you’ll follow me your highness, Baron Morton.” With that the three young men left.

  That evening they all convened for an informal meal and discussed what they expected from the meetings. Randall led the discussion. “Your grace and anyone else please correct me if you think I’m missing anything or have anything to add. From what we’ve learned they are very interested in our agricultural products. This includes the new breeds and the equipment. What we don’t think they appreciate is the advances we’ve made in the area of medical treatment. Once they realize that, I expect that will also become an area of focus.” Randall looked around and saw agreement on everyone’s faces. He continued “Morton, I know that you’ve got documents prepared would you please brief the duke and his family on the contents.”

  “Certainly, your highness.” Morton then spent the next thirty minutes briefing the duke and his family about the items that he was going to cover. There were a lot of questions and Morton answered them to the best of his ability. When he was done, he turned to Randall. “Do you have anything to add your highness?”

  Randall indicated that he didn’t. Duke Billum spoke up. “Baron Morton, we’ve some familiarity with the new breeds of cattle and sheep. We’ve haven’t seen as many of these draft horses as we’d like. Am I correct in assuming that they will be instrumental in pulling the farm equipment? What are they called again?”

  “They’re called Jorgenson horses your grace, my father prefers another name how
ever the king and my mothers are united in calling them Jorgenson’s horses. I expect that my father has lost that argument.”

  That brought smiles around the table. The duke turned to his son. “Dravid, I want you to spend more time at the research station. I’d like you to take the lead in making sure we here in Great Falls are implementing things that will benefit our people.”

  “Certainly, I’ll make sure to do that father.”

  “Dravid, my sister, Princess Alania, spends a lot of time there. I spent several months there when I was fifteen. It was very informative and rewarding. I wish I could spend more time on it. Of course, if you ask Alania, she’ll tell you all about it.”

  “Well, that’s settled.” Said the duke. For the rest of the meal they discussed various items of interest in the duchy and the kingdom as a whole. When they went to bed, both Randall and Morton were very satisfied with what had gone on.

  The next morning, they were getting ready for the king and his entourage to arrive. The area where the great falls emptied into the Little Ro to form the Ro, was too rough to be navigable. The last twenty-five miles to the city of Great Falls was by road along the northern bank. Then by ferry across the Ro to the city. When they saw the king’s carriages come to the ferry crossing, Dravid rode down to the landing to be ready to greet the king and his entourage and escort them to meet the prince and his father.

  Randall, Morton, the duke and his family all stood waiting as the king and his entourage made their way up to the palace and into the courtyard. The king and his family exited the first carriage. King Leo introduced his two wives, Alicia and Protia, and his daughter Juliana. Randall was struck by Juliana, she had slightly curly blonde hair, lively blue eyes and a very nice figure. When Morton saw his friend staring at her, he gently jiggled his arm. That snapped Randall out of it, and they proceeded with the introductions. Morton saw that his friend’s stares had been noticed by the young woman and her mothers.

  As the royal party was shown to their rooms, Morton whispered to his friend. “The king has an attractive daughter, don’t you think?”

  Randall looked at his friend with a grin. “Yes, she does catch your eye. What do you think?”

  “Your highness we’re going to be spending two weeks with them until we reach Nordport. I’ll tell you when we reach there.” Privately, Morton decided it was his job to keep the king and his entourage engaged and let develop what would develop between the young princess and his friend.”

  That evening at dinner, there was a lively discussion about improvements Nordia had made to agriculture and politics. Morton noticed that Juliana more than held her own. She asked intelligent questions and listened carefully. If something was unclear, she had no hesitation in politely asking for clarification. He also noticed that she and Randall were often in engaged in conversation. He was sure that many of the women at the table had picked up on it. He was correct, her mothers noted the apparent connection between the two.

  As they were heading up to their rooms, Alicia asked her daughter. “What is your impression Juliana?”

  “Baron Morton is obviously very well versed in all of this. That’s to be expected as much of this came from his father’s work. Prince Randall is also knowledgeable about this. I picked up that Randall and Morton are friends and work well together.”

  Alicia nodded. “What’s your impression of the prince? One day he’ll rule Nordia, although it won’t be for many, many years.”

  Juliana picked up immediately what was the underlying question. “Oh, he’s intelligent, levelheaded and seems very nice. And as you can see, he’s a very attractive man.” She hoped that satisfied her mothers. She knew she was attracted to Randall and she was sure it was mutual. They’d know where they were by the time they reached Nordport.

  Alicia looked at her co-wife Portia and smiled and received one in return. Both women intend to make sure that both the prince and their daughter would have the opportunity to see what developed.

  The next night was the reception for all the movers and shakers of the duchy, so that they may meet the king and his entourage. The king and the two dukes from Sorbia were the center of attention along with Randall and Morton. Randall did get a few minutes to talk with Juliana and the other women in the king’s entourage. But that was all. He was engaged in his duty as a prince of the realm. Greeting key people in the duchy and establishing relationships.

  Juliana and her mothers watched Randall deal with the people who wanted to talk with him. Portia noted. “He does very well. He’s polite and not officious at all. I think that he’ll make a good king one day. Of course, he needs a good wife to help him.” She then smiled at Juliana.

  Juliana replied. “Of course, mother. Don’t count your grandchildren just yet.” The three women smiled.

  Once they were on board The Queen of the Ro, or as everyone referred to her as The Queen, life settled into a good routine. The weather beautiful and a lot of time was spent on deck, taking in the scenery. The king and the two dukes accompanying him spent a lot of time talking to Morton and they became more and more interested in the medical training going on. They had not been aware of it prior to coming to Nordia and were interested in getting involved. Randall and Juliana spent a lot of time talking and it was becoming clear that there was a strong relationship developing.

  As requested, they stopped at Midport and Duke Edwin treated them much like Duke Billum had. There was a reception, where they got to meet all the prominent people in Midport. This time Juliana was often at Randall’s side and helped in the conversations. Morton, the king, his wives and Duke Edwin all noticed this. It was obvious something was going on between the two young people.

  The night before they arrived at Nordport, King Leo and his wives talked about the situation. “It seems that Prince Randall and our daughter are developing quite the relationship, what do you ladies think of it?”

  Portia answered as she and Alicia had already discussed it and had come to a conclusion. “I think Alicia and I need to talk with the prince’s mothers, this is something that is serious. They’re going to want to get to know Juliana first. They’ll also talk with Randall and then they’ll let his father and his grandfather know and of course they’ll let us know what they think. Her sixteenth birthday is in two weeks, so if all goes well then we can announce a betrothal.”

  “We men don’t need to do anything, is what you’re saying?”

  “That’s correct dear” and Alicia nodded her assent to what Portia was saying. “His mothers and grandmothers will pick up on what’s going on very quickly. I’m sure that they’ll tell their husbands, but I believe that they will be the ones looking at the match and seeing what they think.”

  “From all this I can assume, that if Prince Randall’s mothers and grandmothers approve, then we’ll probably be talking betrothal.”

  “Yes, if they approve and Randall is as interested as I think he is; then he’ll talk to Juliana and she'll say yes. Then it will be up to you, the Crown Prince and King Harold to put together the betrothal. Once that’s done, we and his mothers will handle the planning.”

  Upon arrival at the palace at Nordport, Randall handled the introductions. His mothers both noticed that the young woman, Juliana and Randall were standing extremely close to each other. They exchanged knowing glances and said nothing. The next day Morton was at the palace when he was asked to attend to the Crown Prince’s wives, Rosina and Jolina. Morton was under no illusions on why they were asking for him. They’d quickly recognized the growing relationship between Randall and Juliana. He was to confirm it.

  Rosina greeted him warmly. “Baron Morton come in and sit down. I trust that you and your betrothed had a chance to spend some time together?”

  “Yes, your majesty. The time was most pleasant. I alerted my father and siblings as to the items of interest to King Leo. Also, that Duke Billum has asked Dravid to become more familiar with their operations.”

  ‘Efficient as always Morton. Princess Alani
a will be pleased to have another member of the nobility sharing her interest. Tell us, what do you think of the young Juliana?” asked Rosina.

  “She’s obviously attractive. She’s also quite good with people and is intelligent. She’s been raised in a royal household, so she knows what a king and his family are responsible for. I find her to be very pleasant as well.” Morton was pleased with his answers. They were honest but left the two women to gauge the closeness of the relationship. He also wasn’t going to get involved. Selenia was pleased that Randall may have found someone but had warned Morton to be careful.

  After Morton left the two women discussed it for just a few minutes and then sent an invitation for King Leo’s two wives and daughter to join them in the garden for refreshments that afternoon.

  When the invitation arrived, it wasn’t a surprise to any of the three women. During the afternoon the five women met in the garden for refreshments. The two sets of wives found that they enjoyed each other’s company and Rosina started to draw out Juliana, who’d let the older women lead the way. At first, she was hesitant, but quickly joined in the conversation. Both of Randall’s mothers noted her intelligence and wit. The women agreed to meet again and continue their conversations. Everyone realized that this wasn’t as innocent as it seems.

  That night at dinner, Randall was a little surprised to find that his dinner partner was Juliana. He wasn’t disappointed at all. He did spend time talking to others at the table but spent most of the time talking to her. The wives noticed it as did Randall’s grandfather. Fredricke and King Leo were involved in a discussion of trade and transfer of knowledge. Randall’s sister Alania noticed it immediately and decided she would get to know this young lady. She could tell that they were both very attracted to each other; this could well be her future sister-in-law.


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