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Saved by Darkness

Page 20

by Katie Reus

At the most. Only two days with the male she would die for. Her heart cracked much like the dome had, but she held her tears at bay. If she broke down now, she’d never stop crying.

  Now that the dome was down all the scents and sounds rolled over her, a little overwhelming. But she was able to tune out everything and everyone except Ian.

  Her wonderful male who’d just had to kill his own father. The male had more than deserved it, but she knew it had to hurt Ian that he’d come from such a monster. Fiona understood because of her own family. She hated who she’d come from as well, hated that their blood ran in her veins. He would be suffering now and she wanted to do everything she could to soothe him.

  Ian scooped her up in a paw, held her protectively close to his chest and launched into the air.

  She curled into his hold, allowing herself to close her eyes as he flew them high into the air. Maybe she should be more concerned about the Stavros pack but she knew they’d have no problem leaving. The half-demons had surrendered their weapons and no one could stand against a pack that strong anyway.

  Right now she wanted to get home and to spend her last couple days with Ian. She didn’t think his father had been lying about her being close to death. Inside it was as if her dragon had already died. The tears she’d shoved back started to leak out, rolling down her cheeks even as she tried to hold them off.

  She didn’t want to die! She wouldn’t even get to mate with Ian, not bond with him. Not truly. They could make love before she died, but they couldn’t link themselves to each other. He wouldn’t be able to bite her, to solidify the final act of mating. If he did, he’d die with her. At that thought a sob rose up but she squashed it. Her chest shook as she silently cried, not wanting Ian to hear her.

  She wanted to slash out at the world if it was true, if there truly was no hope left for her. But if there wasn’t, she was going to enjoy every last second of her time on this plane with Ian. Feeling sorry for herself wouldn’t do anyone any good.

  Chapter 23

  Fiona pushed up from the chair, her legs a little wobbly. She hadn’t wanted to lie down even though she was tired. She’d been afraid she wouldn’t be able to get up.

  The news Ophelia had just given her drove home the final punch of truth. After leaving the Hell realm they’d come straight to the Stavros mansion to see the healer. Ophelia had made quick work of her chest wound, but Fiona had known from Ophelia’s sorrowful expression that the final news wouldn’t be good. There was no cure.

  “It can’t be fatal,” Ian snapped.

  The petite, dark-haired healer leaned against the edge of the bed, her arms crossed over her chest. “I’m so sorry, Fiona. I’ve done a battery of tests and I haven’t been able to find anything to counteract this. I’ve been in contact with various healers from across the species, all over the globe. Vampires and shifters of every kind, including dragons.”

  “Did you contact Arya?” Ian asked.

  Fiona wasn’t sure if she should know the name but it didn’t sound familiar.

  Ophelia shook her head. “Not her specifically. But I talked to the healer of her clan. And I sent samples of Fiona’s blood.”

  “Why can’t you just use your magic and heal her?” Ian shoved up the sleeves of his long-sleeved black T-shirt. He was trembling with rage, so Fiona placed her hand on his forearm.

  Ophelia had already explained all of this to them but Ian simply wasn’t listening to what she’d been saying. And Fiona didn’t want to waste another second here. She was heartbroken and yes, afraid, but she wanted to spend the rest of her precious time with Ian and only him. “Ian, she can’t heal it because of the chemistry, probably because of the demon blood used. She’s not God.”

  His eyes were pure dragon as he looked at her. “I’m not losing you,” he snarled.

  Tears stung her eyes as she cupped his face, even that much movement a struggle. Fiona heard Ophelia murmur something about leaving them alone before she shut the door behind her, closing the two of them inside.

  Fiona didn’t bother blinking her tears away now because damn it, this hurt. “I’m not going to waste our time. Let’s go. Either your place or mine, I don’t care. Let’s take what we’ve got and make every moment count.”

  “We can find someone—”

  “You know I only have a couple days at most. Let’s spend them together. Please. At least tonight.” Because she didn’t want to squander her last few hours or couple days hunting down a cure that might or might not exist. She certainly didn’t want to die, but she and Ian had so little time.

  His jaw was clenched tight, his huge body trembling so much she saw his dragon rippling beneath the surface.

  If he was dying it would shred her inside so she understood his pain. Hell, she was shredded inside right now, knowing she wouldn’t get to spend eternity with the male she loved. Life was such a bitch.

  “Give me one second.” Ian pulled his phone out and texted someone before shoving his phone back in his pocket and pulling her into his arms. She was surprised he’d taken the time to text someone, and vaguely curious as to who he’d contacted, but at this point just wanted to get back to his place or hers and get naked before she was unable to even move.

  “I’m not dying without feeling you inside me again. Your place or mine?” she whispered.

  Instead of answering, he simply growled and lifted her off the ground. Guess she’d find out soon enough where he planned to take them.

  Fiona closed her eyes, resting to conserve what strength she had left. As long as she was with him, it didn’t matter where they went.

  * * *

  Ophelia shoved open Gray’s door without knocking. She knew it was rude but he’d just have to deal with it. She was an old wolf and sometimes she had a lot of attitude.

  He jolted up from the bed, and the look on his face when he saw her, as always, was full of heat and hunger. “To what do I owe this pleasure?” he practically purred.

  “You can take me out on a date. Sometime next week so you’ve got time to plan. And it better be something awesome.”

  His face split into a wide grin. “Not that I’m not happy, but why the sudden change?”

  Seeing Fiona and Ian, two people who wanted nothing more than to spend just a couple days together, knowing that was all they had, broke her heart. And here she was, being a coward for absolutely no reason. At least not a real one.

  Yes, Gray was a pup, but he was all man. Which meant they would definitely butt heads because she had a strong personality. Something told her it would be completely and utterly worth it. “I just decided to see if you can handle all this.” He started to respond but she held up a hand. “There’s something else I need to tell you…” She shoved a hand through her hair, searching for the words. Then just blurted, “I can’t find a cure for Fiona.”

  “What?” His smile melted from his face even as he turned ashen.

  “I’ve been running nonstop tests the past forty-eight hours and I’ve been in contact with every healer I know. So come on, you can help me in my lab.”

  He didn’t argue, just hurried toward her and fell in step. “Where is she?” Guilt rolled off him in waves and she knew it had to be because he was the one who’d pulled Fiona into this.

  “She and Ian left not too long ago.” Ophelia might have told Fiona and Ian that there was no hope, but that didn’t mean she was going to stop looking for someone who could help her. She’d already exhausted all of her resources but there were supernaturals all over the world. Maybe she could get in touch with the right person, someone who knew how to counteract demon blood. Because as far as she could tell, that was what was blocking her healing magic. “You know any healers? Any magic men?”

  Gray lifted a shoulder as she shoved open the door to her lab. “I’ll call everyone I can think of.”

  Ophelia simply nodded and flipped on the lights. It was time to get back to work.

  * * *

  Cell phone up to his ear, Bo paced his small office as
his mate, Nyx, watched him along with Rory, Liberty, Cynara and Javier. “Yeah, no, I understand. Thanks for trying.” He resisted the urge to shatter his phone into a thousand pieces. He could put it back together with his magic, but that would take time he didn’t have.

  He’d called a friend of a friend—of a friend—about trying to find someone who might be able to heal the female his brother loved. Every single person in the room except for Javier, who didn’t know any other supernaturals, had called everyone they thought might be able to help.

  Nothing had come of it.

  “I hate this,” Liberty rasped out, distress in her voice as she shoved up from Rory’s lap. “There’s got to be something we can do for them!”

  Bo wanted to scream in frustration. The only thing that stopped him was when Nyx placed her hand in his, pulled him close. “I’ve tried calling on my mother,” she murmured quietly. “She’s not answering me.”

  He cupped his mate’s cheek, not surprised Nyx had contacted her bitch of a mother. “Don’t contact her again. The price will be too high.” And he was determined to help his brother without her goddess mother interfering.

  “Arya’s on her way,” Liberty said quietly, her voice watery. “Maybe she’ll be able to help.”

  Bo simply nodded as Rory pulled Liberty into his arms. Arya was a powerful, ancient dragon who’d given Liberty the gift of immortality. But Fiona had been poisoned with something that contained demon blood. It wasn’t of this realm and it was deadly. He didn’t know of anything that could counteract it and searching Google sure as fuck wasn’t going to help.

  Cynara jumped up suddenly, her purple hair pulled back into a tight braid against her head. They hadn’t even had time to talk about what had happened back in the dome. He was sure they were all equally glad that their asshole of a sperm donor was dead, but all that mattered at the moment was Fiona and Ian. “I’m going to New Orleans. Want to get there before sunrise.”

  “Why?” Bo asked.

  “There’s a magic man there who might be able to help us.”

  Holy hell. Of course. “Thurman.”

  “Well get back over here,” Nyx said to Cynara. “No sense in driving.”

  “Oh, right.” Cynara moved next to Nyx, took her hand as Bo took her other one.

  As Liberty and Rory each touched one of Nyx’s shoulders, Bo realized that Javier was staring at them.

  “Uh…what are you guys doing?” His half-brother—it was going to take some getting used to the fact that he had another one, and likely many more yet unfound—lifted an eyebrow, eyeing them as if they’d lost their minds.

  “As a demigod I can travel pretty much anywhere in seconds,” Nyx said. “As long as I’ve been there before or— Whatever. I’ll explain the rules later. Just make sure you’re touching me when I make the transport, and we’ll all go together.”

  “Be careful where you touch,” Bo growled low in his throat.

  Javier simply rolled his eyes and stepped forward. “I’m going to need some serious therapy soon.”

  Bo tensed, readying himself for the transport. He’d go anywhere, do almost any damn thing if it would save that female’s life. Because something told him that if Fiona died, Ian wasn’t long for this world.

  Chapter 24

  Ian followed Fiona’s scent to his living room. He’d flown her to one of his homes, in the mountains of Tennessee, wanting her all to himself. Though he’d thought about taking her to his beach house in Biloxi since it was closer, he’d known that their mating manifestation would be too bright there and anyone might see.

  Here they had ultimate privacy.

  Curled up in front of the fire on a pile of quilts and with a fuzzy blanket pulled over her naked body, she was sleeping. She’d been exhausted when they’d arrived so he’d fed her and insisted she get some rest. Her half-empty glass of red wine was on a nearby table along with a half-eaten platter of snacks.

  He checked the clock on the mantel. It was a little after two in the morning. She’d been asleep for hours and had made him promise to wake her up…a couple hours ago. But she’d looked so peaceful he hadn’t wanted to. Okay, he had, but he’d managed to hold off. After rechecking the house, even though he had security and they were in the middle of nowhere on the side of a mountain—and he’d scent anyone who tried to breach his place—he decided that it was time.

  Now…he was going to do something she’d probably hate him for, but she’d get over it. She’d have to.

  He’d promised her that he wouldn’t mate with her, that he wouldn’t link himself to her irrevocably. He’d lied. This had always been his end plan if there wasn’t a cure. He wasn’t waiting a moment longer.

  Fiona was his and if she was going to die, he was going into the afterlife with her. He wouldn’t risk anything less. He was half demon, half dragon. Theoretically it could take him centuries upon centuries to die naturally and meet up with her again. And that was assuming there was an afterlife.

  No. If she was leaving this plane, he was too. He knew himself well enough that once she was gone he wouldn’t last regardless. His heart would simply stop beating without her. Or he’d go into a battle he knew he couldn’t win.

  And he didn’t want her to die alone. Couldn’t stand the thought of it. Mind more than made up, he crouched down in front of her. He was already naked, so not bothering to pull the blanket off, he simply lifted it up and brushed his lips over one of her ankles.

  She stirred slightly, then let out a raspy, sleep-heavy laugh. “This is the best way to wake up,” she murmured, rolling over onto her back and shoving the blanket off.

  He looked up to find her watching him with those bright blue eyes that reminded him so much of the vast ocean. He could easily drown in that gaze. “I’m going to kiss every inch of you.” He lifted one of her legs, but kept his gaze pinned on hers as he raked his teeth over her inner ankle.

  She shuddered and slightly moaned as she watched him intently. “I love that wicked mouth.”

  “I love you.” He nipped at her calf now, slowly making his way up her leg.

  In all the years they’d been separated, she hadn’t changed. She was just as sweet as she’d always been. The way she’d stood up to his father yesterday, hadn’t judged Ian or his siblings for the way they’d torn into the male like savages, or him for killing her brother. And she was heartbroken to be leaving him. She’d even tried to make him promise that he’d be happy, that he’d be open to finding someone else in the future. He nearly snorted at that bullshit.

  There would never be anyone else. Not if he lived a thousand lifetimes.

  He was just grateful he had her back now. No one ever said life would be fair. It sure as fuck wasn’t. But at least now he got to have his Fiona for another day. Maybe two if they were lucky.

  Everything bad in his past fell away at that thought. There was only the here and now.

  Him and Fiona.

  “You’re amazing.” Fiona’s sweet voice was drowsy as she stretched out her arms over her head.

  He scraped his teeth along her inner thigh, causing her to jerk from the contact. She slid her fingers through his hair as he ran his tongue along her slick folds.

  He’d planned to tease her a little longer, but his patience was over. He was barely keeping it together, barely containing the need to mate with her, to mark her—and he had this fear that she’d realize what he was up to, would somehow read his mind and stop him.

  That wasn’t happening.

  “Ian.” She moaned out his name as he flicked his tongue around her pulsing clit. The little bundle of nerves peeked out from her folds, simply begging for him to pleasure her.

  He was more than happy to oblige and planned to spend every last moment on this earth pleasuring this female.

  He placed his hands on her inner thighs, held them open. “I fantasized about your taste over the years,” he murmured, not looking up at her, but keeping his attention right where it should be. He teased her clit again, then paus
ed to continue. “Thought I’d imagined how sweet you were.”

  She simply moaned, dug her fingers into his scalp. “Less talking.” Her words were tinged with desperation.

  He smiled against her mound, remembering how impatient she’d been once upon a time. Still was, apparently. “I couldn’t have imagined this,” he said before burying his face between her legs again.

  She arched up off the blankets as he ate at her like a desperate man. When he tasted her, kissed her, teased her, he felt starved. As if he’d never get filled up, never get enough. She was his last meal and he was going to enjoy every inch of her delicious body.

  When he slid a finger inside her tight sheath, her inner walls clenched around him. She was so damn tight and ready for him.

  His cock pulsed between his legs, thick and heavy, ready to push into her sweet body. Holding off on doing this when they first arrived had been torture. But it was worth it.

  She arched her back again, trying to ride his finger, but for this he wanted to be inside her. He wanted her coming around his cock as he pierced her neck, took her in the way shifters did—bonded them together for eternity.

  For dragons, as with all shifters, mating was sacred. And for dragons, it would link them together forever, even in death. It was the one true way dragons were different than other shifters. When a mated dragon died, so did their partner. It was strange—he wasn’t even afraid of dying. Not when he knew he’d be going with Fiona.

  “You’re such a tease,” she murmured, rolling her hips against him.

  Pulling back, he looked down at her, drank in every inch of her. Her dark hair spilled all around the red and white blanket underneath them. The smoke of his mating manifestation combined with her blue fire, which flickered over every surface he could see. “Tease?”

  “Mm hmm.” Sitting up, she reached for his cock, gripped it hard while keeping her eyes locked on his. “I want this in me right now. We’ve waited long enough.”

  He growled low in his throat. Yeah, he could do that. He covered her body with his, crushing his mouth to hers with a desperation he never felt except when he was with her. She always made him feel like this: savage and wild. Somehow he pulled back, breathing hard as he stared down at her. “On your knees,” he murmured.


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