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The lady of the lake

Page 5

by Erika Walker

realm of the living, he noted. For him it was love at first sight. From that day always fell into the realm of the living to observe it better, making sure that she would not notice. But one day he decided to show himself to the girl. So one night he went to his window, the girl, who had not yet managed to get to sleep, he saw the figure of the Genome with wings on fire outside his window, but he was not scared. The two continued to hang out every night. But one night someone saw the demon that looked out her window. Immediately began to turn strange rumors about a deal that she had made with a demon. In fact, if the demon had never kissed would become a demon of the night. But the demon loved her and did not want to make this happen. For them there was no chance of staying together. Then one day the demon said to her-we could make a deal. - A deal? - The girl suddenly seemed shocked by the requirement that the demon asked, in the village turned some rumors about people who had made a pact with a demon, for their evening after death nothing but hell-you, you may ask immortality. - the 'immortality? I would be trapped forever in the body of a twenty? However nothing is really forever, even immortality that you want me to give. - The girl did not seem to be very enthusiastic about the only solution that the demon had found-think about it, Melissa, is the only solution we have-. At these words she said-if I'm being totally honest, I do not like the idea very much, indeed I'm afraid. But if it is the only way we can be together ... - and bowed his head with his eyes fixed on the floor, the handsome devil then came more and more to her and lifted her up the head looks that you are not forced, it is only a solution-the-smiling said no, if it is the only thing we can do, then do it. Nothing and no one will make me change my mind-. But even there was no stopping the evils languages ​​of the people of the village, which once ascertained that the girl, by the name of Melissa, actually attended a demon did not scruple to seek to kill her. The demon Melissa notice of what the villagers were planning to do. Meant only that no wax longer and they had to act immediately. One night of full moon she went to the lake, where there would be waiting for her to be his demon, but he was not there. Waiting for wax but a young man holding a dagger with a handle that looked like a crucifix. Under the moonlight blade shone like crystal. The young man walked quickly to her that, unable to do anything to avoid the sharp blade, stood there.

  Everything seemed to be lost for her, the cruel fate had condemned to agony, from the first of an impossible love, then when the two lovers had finally found a way to stay together, that's death was to separate them. For the first time she wished to end his soul in hell, that place would be so sweet if there was too ...

  And while the knife was already directed at its heart, a figure dressed in black, with fiery wings, the square in front of you, thus saving it from the blow that would have been fatal.

  But he would rather die more quickly than see his demon lying on the bare ground with a dagger in the heart while around him, everything became blood red.

  Melissa felt a feeling never experienced before, the desire for revenge. Gently pulled the dagger from the body of his beloved, pressed it into his hand and magistrate was vented against the slayer of the demon. As soon as he regained consciousness of himself, he realized what he had done. He had killed a man, even if he had killed the only person she loved, had had no right to do so. He had to pay for the mistake. Approach the knife close to the face and a torn cheek immediately filled with red. It was not enough. Although he continued to splinter the face to any other part of his body, trying somehow to kill her beauty, would not be enough. Here, the solution seemed so simple, kill, kill herself. He dropped the dagger dipped in blood on the floor, approached the demon lying on the ground. She kissed him. He stood up. The lake seemed so calm, reassuring. It seemed that they were calling. Approached them. It was so cold the water .... frost and the sea, a deadly cold. Do not be afraid. The chanting came forth from the lips without them would realize. Continued to advance until the waters brought her to the realm of the undead. What she did not know is that once you have avenged the death of a demon, it returns to life (if life was always his). She kissed him more a demon. But since this was not the garden had become a fellow, but by the time he decided to kill himself it was decided that she would not go to heaven that it hell. But it would be trapped in the realm of the living. The demon just regained consciousness and realized what he had done balm. For the anger and the pain was able to destroy an entire castle (which was the symbol of political power in the country) that overlooked the waters of the lake, it was not even a wall standing. chased recovered his body and buried it near the lake in a well-hidden, and then take the human form. From that day on he never recovered his true form, unable to forgive the failure on that occasion that he had to save her, thus remaining locked for centuries in the body of a weak human being. But he was already in his heart that one day he would be vindicated, and that same day he would join together with his beloved.


  Cristian finished his story. Alice was astonished, he told the story as if he had lived those experiences. -What a beautiful story, though I preferred to my grandmother. No offense, but that seemed a little more realistic. I do not mean that I believe in the existence of ghosts or demons, but .... I do not think I could explain what I mean. - Alice looked at the sky. He looked at her. There at that very moment she thought she different, as if it were changed. The sunlight lit up her face. She was beautiful. Unwittingly he blushed. The sky was clear. -You know, in about a week there will be a full moon. - He said,-will be a memorable day for this insignificant village. -,-And why? - You'll see him-. After a few more minutes he stood up-the sun is high in the sky, I think it's quite late, you want me to walk you home? -,-If you want to, yes. - remaining she said, but in his heart he was delighted . It took us a little time to get to my grandparents' house, he accompanied her at the gate of the house. He forced himself to say hello with just a wave of his hand, he turned and disappeared around the corner.

  The following days she often step from the lake or in front of the library of their first meeting, I could always find. And every time for her, but for him, it was an achievement since learned to know each other better. Alice did not feel with him the duty of having to tell it all of his life, wrapped in a single glance was enough to tell everything. And in a few days the love that neither of them had the courage to admit, increased. One afternoon, while she was returning home, he found a neighbor grandparents. What was his name? I do not remember. -Hello-he said approaching, the-hello-she said kindly,-you were coming back? - Yes. And you were leaving? - Alice asked, to increase the speech dead. -Be, is, in effect. -,-Well, then hello. - Hurried to greet him and went back into the house.

  The week passed slowly, then, one afternoon, as the sun set and the two of them were in one of the central squares of the village. -Tonight will be a special night-he said with his eyes bent on the ground. -What you mean? - important of anything, you should not set foot outside the house tonight. It would be really dangerous. -,-I have no idea what you're saying, in fact I do not care. I better go before you start to take me around my dress, it seems too strange that you have not already done so. - Alice, how long you stay in town? -,-My parents called me yesterday , they want to come back as much as possible pesto, so I think I'll go home tomorrow. It's a shame, this still seems to be summer. - His eyes saddened as she watched the sky orange and red. He stood up, - per hour will see you tomorrow. - She said and walked away. He watched her go slowly. It was like watching a small but wonderful part of his life that he walked away. Those few weeks they spent together were some of the most beautiful of his life (if they could be considered his life). He would not see her again.

  New night

  Back home she would not eat much, he was not hungry but not to disappoint his grandmother who loved to cook, he forced himself to put something in your teeth.

  Watched a little 'tv, but turned it off immediately. Suddenly his cheek began to burn again. Feel the same pain on the night of the bled. Ran to his room.

  He look
ed at his image in the big mirror. Here it is, the fear that made its way. The blood flowed warm along her delicate face. It was so red ..... bowed his head slightly. A few drops on the lips and ended up in my throat .... Vomiting immediately felt that the saliva in his throat. Ran to the bathroom, my stomach upside down. When he felt better he returned to his room. The clock said twenty-two. The short hair they set it on the face and bangs it was unbearable. The clean face, without even a trace of a cosmetic. Was too hot and whatever you put him made him feel even more. Even the slight white nightgown was unbearable. -Here seems to be still summer-said in a faint voice, kneeling on the bed. He needed air. The house was empty. Her grandparents were in a meeting in common with all other citizens. It was customary every year to make some decisions. This was attended by everyone, even the young. In that village there reigned boredom. Usually those meetings ended late, so she would be alone for a while 'hours. The blood continued to leave copious staining the white nightgown. He sat back in front of the mirror, he closed his eyes. When he

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