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The Aftermath

Page 8

by Patrick Higgins

  Many of these educators openly labeled church doctrine as outdated, to be taught as history only, in favor of a freer society. They would be judged for it. Some from this group perished, but none were among the missing.

  Next in line were the Cultural Catholics. This group made up more than half of the Catholic Body. Their relationship with the church was more cultural or social than religious.

  Most were extremely secular in their thinking. Simply put, they were “womb-to-tomb” Catholics who paid little regard to spiritual matters. Most from this group attended mass out of habit or obligation rather than out of spiritual conviction.

  They were nominal in their faith at best and had little or no inkling of what the true Christian walk was all about. Nor did they care to know.

  Save for their children, these people, too, were left behind.

  Usually found in Central and South America were the popular folk Catholics. These people were extremely superstitious and often blended Catholicism with animism and nature worship.

  They believed all natural phenomena had souls independent of their natural being, thus making them guilty of polytheism—the belief in many gods and spirits.

  Much of what they practiced was rooted in the occult. They also committed mass idolatry by worshiping the Virgin Mary—as well as many Catholic saints—all under the guise of veneration.

  Though the Catholic Church never sanctioned this kind of worship, per se, much of it was spawned by the Church itself. The proof was that billions of dollars were generated annually from mass-producing, then selling these lifeless statues of the Virgin Mary and various Catholic saints to their flocks.

  By openly paying homage to them—even praying to them—Catholics the world over were committing idolatry on a large scale. Most would be shocked to realize they were actually praying to demons rather than to the Most High God.

  Countless millions of popular folk Catholics were completely ensnared in this type of forbidden idolatry. Though some from this group were saved, most were too blinded to the Truth to fully understand the simplicity of God’s salvation.

  And lastly there were the evangelical Catholics. This rapidly growing group of believers made up approximately five to seven percent of the Catholic Church.

  Also known as born-again Catholics, among them were a growing number of priests and nuns, and a small percentage of cardinals, archbishops, bishops and monsignors.

  It was believed that more than ten-million Americans were part of this group.

  Worldwide, that number easily reached as high as 100,000,000, perhaps even twice that much.

  That all changed when a large percentage from this group vanished in the blink of an eye...


  AT TEN-THIRTY SUNDAY morning, Charles Calloway woke to the ringing of his cell phone: “Hello?”

  “Mister Calloway?”


  “This is Tamika Moseley. I was your…”

  “Yeah, I remember you,” Calloway said, cutting her off. “Is everything okay?”

  “No, everything’s not okay,” she snapped. “My family’s still missing. I don’t know where else to look.”

  Calloway rubbed his throbbing head. He felt like he’d been hit by a runaway train.

  When he didn’t reply Tamika said, “Anyway, the reason I’m calling is, did you leave a cell phone in my cab?”

  “No. My phone’s here. Why?”

  “Could it be your friend’s phone? You know, the one who disappeared...”

  “Thought I grabbed all his things. Lemme check again.” Sure enough, his cell phone was there. “Nope, not Richard’s either,” Calloway said, matter-of-factly.

  “Hmm.” Tamika scratched her head. “After dropping you off, I kept looking for my boys late into the night. Suddenly this phone rings from the backseat of my cab. Scared me half to death! I didn’t answer it. I was gonna call last night to see if it was yours. But it was late, and I didn’t wanna bother you.”

  “That was very kind of you,” Charles said. “Did you get any sleep last night?”

  “Mister, if you lost your two kids, would you sleep?!” Tamika immediately regretted yelling into the phone. Maybe he lost his kids too? “Sorry. Didn’t mean to be rude. To answer your question, no I haven’t slept. Too scared to.”

  Calloway sighed. There was an awkward silence. Tamika sensed he was deeply troubled. She braced herself.

  He said, “I understand how you feel. More than you know. I lost my five children yesterday. And my wi...” His voice cracked then trailed off.

  Tamika closed her eyes and shook her head. Wow! “Sorry to hear that...”

  “So, you see, we’re sort of in the same boat. Only difference is I know what happened yesterday. More importantly, I know why it happened.”

  “Yeah, what is it?” Tamika asked with little conviction.

  Calloway thought about the promise he’d made to God in the wee hours of the morning. “I’d rather explain it to you in person, if you wouldn’t mind.”

  “Listen, Mister Calloway, I don’t have time for no games. What is it, some kind of religious theory or something?”

  “No. Just the good old-fashioned Bible. Did you know everything that happened yesterday was predicted long ago in the Word of God?”

  “Yeah, by what’s his name, the one they always showing on TV, Nostradamus, right?”

  “I don’t know about all that, Tamika. Believe me, I’m no expert on the subject. My father was, but he’s gone. I haven’t been able to confirm it with anyone back home, but I know they’re gone. They weren’t phonies like me.”

  Not phonies? Tamika remained silent.

  Calloway pressed on, “I have a question for you. Why did some people vanish while others died? Have you ever heard of such a thing?”

  Tamika did all she could to hold back tears. “No. Right now, I don’t have a clue about anything. Seems no one else does either. I just want my boys back!”

  Calloway understood Tamika’s reluctance to meet with him. He also understood her unrelenting pain. But she was clinging to a false hope of ever finding her family. Her mother and two sons were gone forever. Until she understood why it happened and trusted in Jesus, she would never know peace on any level, ever again. Nor would she see her family again.

  “Tell you what, if you decide you wanna meet with me, just swing on by. I’ll be here all day reading the Word. I’m in room nine-seventeen.”

  Tamika jotted down his room number on a piece of paper. Before ending the call, she agreed to think about meeting him a little later in the day.

  That wasn’t so hard!” Calloway dropped to his knees in prayer, “Heavenly Father, thanks for giving me the courage to speak so boldly on Your behalf. I pray that Tamika meets me today. Even if not, ease her pain, Lord. Remove the unspeakable grief she feels. Mine too. I ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

  Looking in the mirror, Charles actually smiled. Even amid so much tragedy, he felt comforted, even if only slightly.


  BRIAN MULROONEY WOKE WITH a stiff neck from sleeping on the couch all night. He was surprised to see Renate sleeping on the love seat across from him. For all he knew, she went home last night.

  At first, he wondered if what happened the day before had been a bad dream after all. But the smell of residual smoke from the fire still smoldering across the street told him all he needed to know—what happened 24 hours ago was all too real.

  Besides, who could dream as wildly and horrifically as that?

  No one was that creative!

  At any rate, Mulrooney was thankful for the sleep. Friday, he partied too much. Saturday, he lost a lifelong friend, then took a personal tour of hell. He couldn’t help but wonder what would ha
ppen next? The very thought frightened him to the core of his being.

  If the disappearances hadn’t happened, he and his two buddies would probably be having a few beers together in the stadium parking lot, waiting for the Jets-Lions game to begin.

  Brian sneered at the thought. Anyone shallow enough to think about a stupid football game now needed to have their head examined. I never wanna be inside a stadium again!

  With the passing of nearly 24 hours, the shock was starting to wear off. Until now, the lack of sleep and consumption of too much alcohol had served as a temporary shield, allowing Brian to be in denial. But just like the numbness that follows a Novocaine shot eventually wears off, the pain was slowly returning.

  Mulrooney felt nauseous again.

  At least Craig Rubin was okay. It was one less thing to lament over. Brian realized he hadn’t yet called Justin’s wife to tell her the tragic news. He dreaded making this call more than a child dreaded getting flu shots. This was his first time calling someone to inform of a death of a loved one.

  After four rings, he heard Heather’s voice: “You have reached the Schroeders. Sorry we’re not here to take your call. Kindly leave a message and we’ll get back to you. Hope you’re having a blessed day.” Her voice was jovial and so full of life.

  At the beep, Brian spoke somberly, “Heather, this is Brian Mulrooney. I really need to talk to you. Please call me the instant you get this message. It’s urgent. Thank you.”

  Mulrooney was relieved that Heather didn’t answer the call. He didn’t have the strength right now to tell her she’d have to survive on this cruel planet without her husband and unborn child.

  Brian couldn’t help but feel somewhat responsible for her husband being gone. Had he only invited someone else to the football game instead of Justin, perhaps he’d still be alive, and Heather would still have a husband.

  The guilt was overwhelming. He hoped nothing tragic had befallen her as well. He pushed that thought from his mind before it, too, devoured him from within. It sounded selfish, he knew, but he couldn’t worry about Heather right now. There were too many other things to concern himself with.

  If she didn’t call back within 48 hours, he would worry then.

  Mulrooney placed Justin’s wallet, cell phone and wedding ring inside his late friend’s Michigan baseball cap, then placed them inside Justin’s suitcase in the spare bedroom. He would ship it to Heather as soon as he could.

  That’s when he saw the Gift on the table beside the bed. For me? He read the To/From tag. Justin brought me a gift?

  Just then, the emotion of the situation left Mulrooney completely vulnerable. He sat on the bed and had a good cry.

  Renate heard him weeping and joined her boyfriend in the spare bedroom. He was sitting on the bed holding the Gift.

  She sat down next to him. After a few moments of silence, she said, “Well, aren’t you going to open it?”

  As if on cue, Brian tore off the wrapping paper and was utterly shocked. “A Bible?” What in the world?

  Renate was equally shocked. Why would Justin leave a Bible as a gift of all things? She’d never heard of anything so preposterous in all her life.

  Brian was thinking the same thing. He opened it to the first page and found a letter stuffed inside. He unfolded it and began reading:

  Dear Brian,

  Greetings! I bet you’re shocked to be receiving a Bible from me of all people, especially as a Gift! Now that we’ve been reunited, I’m sure you’ve noticed I’m not the same person you used to know. The changes in me are real. Very real. It’s all because of my deep faith in God.

  We’ve been friends for many years, so please hear me out. In my junior year at college, I was invited to attend an off-campus Bible study. Growing up outside the church, you can imagine how reluctant I was to go. I must say, the moment I stepped foot inside that house I felt this certain peace I’d never known before.

  Everyone checked their egos and statuses at the door and came together as one big family. I never thought people from so many different walks of life and professions could co-exist the way they did. It was remarkable.

  Before the Bible study began, everyone sang heartfelt songs to the Lord, as if Jesus was there among them. Their relationship with God wasn’t some far away relationship many seem to have with their Creator. It was real and deeply personal.

  I went only as an observer that evening and didn’t voice an opinion. Besides, even if I wanted to, what could I possibly say? I knew nothing about the Book they cherished so much.

  The person I liked most that night was Heather. Yes, my wife. That’s where we first met. It was love at first sight. When she asked if I’d be back the following week, I told her I’d think about it. But I knew all along I’d be coming back, mostly because I wanted to see her again.

  The way she smiled at me said it all. Another reason I wanted to go back was to see if the first meeting was one of those “Let’s-pour-on-the-charm-for-the-new-guests” gatherings.

  I know you know what I mean. Anyway, back at my dorm that night, I had a peace inside I’d never felt before. It was the beginning stage of a total life transformation for me. In no time, I was becoming, for lack of a better word, “addicted” to those meetings.

  After two months of perfect attendance, God changed my heart and I gave my life to Jesus. It was the single greatest decision I’ve ever made in life, bar none! It’s a decision everyone needs to make this side of the grave. Nothing can be more important.

  Tragically, most don’t believe this to be true.

  I’m ashamed it’s taken all these years to finally share this with you. Please forgive me. I know you’re an active churchgoer (at least you used to be), and you’ve attended religious schools all your life, so this may sound a little cultish to you. I can assure you nothing could be further from the truth. Every word spoken that night was based solely on God’s Word. Nothing more.

  Brian, for the first time ever, life makes perfect sense to me. The fear of death no longer has a grip on me like it used to. When I die, I have 100-percent assurance of spending my eternity in Heaven with Jesus. But not because of anything I’ve ever done.

  There’s nothing anyone can do to atone for their sins, despite who they are, who they know, or how much money they have in the bank. This includes you and me.

  Unfortunately, most people have been duped into thinking that performing various good deeds will offset all their bad deeds and allow them to enter inside the Pearly Gates when their time on Earth comes to an end.

  But that simply isn’t the case. No one can earn their salvation, Brian. The only chance anyone has of going to Heaven is by trusting in Christ alone. There is no other way!

  I need to ask; if your life came to an end today, would you have absolute assurance of eternity in Heaven? I know as a Catholic you know Jesus is the Son of God. But do you know Him personally? Intimately?

  If not, Romans 10:13 makes it clear that all you have to do is call upon the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and then you’ll be saved. You may be asking, “Saved from what?” Saved from the eternal fires of hell. Saved from eternal separation from God.

  I’ve lived my life both ways—with Jesus and without Him. Looking back, I don’t know how I ever survived on this crazy planet without my Savior guiding my every step. I really don’t!

  If you’re interested in what I’m saying, and I pray that you are, please read the little pamphlet I’ve enclosed for you. It will give you a crash course on the entire theme of the Bible. I’ve also included some Bible passages at the end of this letter for you to look up. They shouldn’t be too difficult to find. I highlighted them in your Bible for you. If you have questions regarding this matter, please don’t hesitate to call me. Nothing would please me more

  “How can I call you? You vanished!” Mulrooney said, with a hint of anger in his voice.

  In closing, I understand if you’re a little uncomfortable reading this. I felt the same way myself at first. But after God opened my spiritual eyes and ears to the true Gospel of Jesus Christ, those feelings quickly vanished. I love you like a brother, Brian. More than anything, I want to spend eternity with you when our time on Earth comes to an end.

  With that in mind, if you haven’t already done so, my sincere prayer is that the Most High God will open your spiritual eyes and ears so you can receive Christ as Lord and Savior while there’s still time. May God continue to bless and keep you.

  In Christ’s Love,

  Your friend, Justin

  Mulrooney folded up the letter and placed it on the table.

  “That explains why he was acting so strangely Friday night. He’s become one of those born-again Christians!” This was said in a harsh, condescending tone.

  Funny thing was, Brian had no idea what being a born-again Christian meant; only that they were overzealous fanatics who talked nonstop about Jesus. A few of them even worked at his hotel. He remembered Susan Marlucci reading one of them the riot act last month for witnessing to a guest in the hotel lobby. The maintenance man was written up for the incident and nearly fired.

  “No, he hasn’t, has he?” asked Renate.

  “Yep. Just when you think you know someone.” Why is all this strange stuff happening? Mulrooney kept it to himself.

  “Can I read the letter?”

  “Go right ahead,” Brian replied solemnly.

  As Renate McCallister read on, her facial expressions told the story. After only one paragraph, she stopped reading and put it back on the table. “What a shame. He was such a nice guy. Did he mention any of this to you on Friday night?”


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