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Twelve Worlds, One Book

Page 5

by Buffy Hamilton

  “Mewl, mewl, mewl…” The sound from thirty meters away the car.

  Police Y heard it, pull pistol quickly and said loudly. “Who is over here? Put your hands behind you head and come out.”

  All policemen heard worn all pay attention to that Police Y point direction. He step by step moved toward that sound. It’s from the trash can. Police Y aimed it and moved instantly to the right side of it. It’s a boy. He used hands covered his eyes to cried.

  Police J came to Police Y and whispered to him. “Maybe, he saw the evildoers and feared. Let him make a report and go a safety place.”

  Police Y nodded. Two policemen took the boy made a report and let him go. When the boy leaves, he still cries. But, in his face has a simile appear corner of mouth.


  The Search

  Alexandra Silva

  There is one dog in my house. She is always in the kitchen, exactly on the same corner, next to the door that takes you to the backyard. My heart allows me to stay in front of her two minutes on the sixteenth hour of every day.

  The day approached. Perfect morning to play in the backyard, it was ten o’clock when I was with my puppy enjoying the sun light. She loves when I run behind her to try to take her with me. A few minutes later I left her alone, opened the door, took my shoes off and went to look for some food.

  Suddenly I returned, opened the backyard door and the usual chain that was holding my puppy was broken; my eyes could not be bigger by the impression. I screamed her name, looked some clues, and asked my neighbors.

  “Excuse me ma’am. I’m Belen; did you saw a black dog walked by this way?”

  “No, I’m sorry”.

  “You are sure? Is a Rottweiler, her name is Shania.

  “No, but if I see her I’m going to text you”.

  No one could help me. My heart was paralyzed, the hours passed, I thought that I would never see my dog. The sadness invaded my spirit, imagined my life without her. It was two o‘clock in the afternoon when I called the police and everybody said me that I needed to take calm.

  But all that changed when a message arrived to my cellphone; one of my neighbors saw a dog walking through the park. I ran the faster as possible. When I arrived to the park, a pool of water had my puppy’s attention. She was so happy that she couldn’t see my concern. She smiled, licked my shoes and everything was in the past.


  Limits of Space and Mind

  Hitoshi Akiyama

  His mind does not have limits.

  It was on hot summer day that a scientist finished making a spaceship. He and his assistant departed for the ultimate limits of space. They traveled space over 3 years. They talked about many things. The scientist told about when he got interest in space. Then they arrived at the destination, but it was not the limit. His dream did not come true, but he was not sad, and rather he laughed like a child. His assistant had known that the scientist have spending his all life, so he asked the scientist, “Are you disappointed?” He denied with shaking his head. “The world charms me infinity. I am happy because I could know it.” He tapped his assistant’s back by crumple hand. “My interests do not have the limits, but my life has limits, so I want to leave my dream travel to you.” His assistant smiled and nodded.

  It was on cool spring day, a man started working to reach space limit with an assistant.


  Sherlock Holmes

  Christ Frank

  I got a persuasive and interesting call five years later after my graduation and my bachelor’s degree in criminology at Oxford, it was from the FBI in Atlanta GA. I got a plane in the first class to America in order to investigate the awful and unbelievable Gatsby’s murder. I have to admit that I was nervous but excited at the same time because I was about to investigate such as delicate and serious murder case of one of the most famous and richest businessmen around the world, being my first experience as a detective in a foreign country.

  I was preparing myself, I knew that I had to find out the truth about this particular and unique case but most important focusing on who the killer was. I started to build in my mind a series of questions that could lead me to figure out what really happened. But when I figure out I was already walking through the now gray and black streets of downtown Atlanta in the middle of winter. Accompanied with a tenacious frosty breeze sticking on my now white coat, making me feel different and unknown in this world but ready to demonstrate who Sherlock Holmes really is.


  Prince Louis

  Danyah Iqbal

  I called out

  As he rode

  His horse

  Into the sunset.

  His short


  Blonde hair.

  He started

  Slowing down,

  When we stopped

  We tided a rope

  From the horses

  To the trees.

  “Here we are”

  Staring at me.

  He laid a mat

  And took a basket out.

  We stared

  Into each other’s eyes

  He tells me I’m


  As we started

  To eat

  The amazing

  French bread.

  We heard


  They were

  Coming closer

  We hid

  Behind a tree

  But our

  Horses were

  Sticking out

  So we weren’t

  Hidden that well.

  It was the

  Royal guards

  “Can I help

  You with something?”

  The prince said

  The guards looked

  At each other

  And suddenly

  Grabbed the prince

  “nooo” I cried

  “it’s ok”

  Let them

  I deserve it.

  I will never

  Love again

  I told myself.


  The Darkness in the Light

  Shuai Feng

  Governor of this Kingdom.

  Authority under one person,

  And above thousand people.

  The king’s saver,

  I feel glorious and sorrowful.

  Thirty years old,

  Royal family come to my town.

  Princes were picnicking, King was hunting.

  Both were enjoy the environment.

  I’m peasants’ son.

  Work with family in the field.

  The sun move west slowly,

  The sky became dusty.

  A deer come out from grove,

  After deer were wolves,

  After wolves was King.

  They run for alive, run for prey.

  Deer was panic,

  Wolves were hungry,

  King was enjoyable,

  Only I was worried.

  I’m not worry about myself,

  I worry that little child --prince

  Nobody saw him here,

  Nobody know his future.

  Only I saw him,

  Only I may change his life.

  I ran toward to him and put down.

  Meanwhile, the screeches from my back

  I turn back my head

  It’s from my parents.

  They protected me from died.

  The deer’s feed tread on their bodies,

  The wolves’ pawed their skin.

  Only the king stopped here and took care of us.

  I looked at my parent and cried

  King looked at me and my parent’s corpse

  Let soldiers buried theirs,

  And took me with Prince together back palace

  Until now.


  Monologue from Monaco

  Tom Kastoryano

  I was 12 years old. The old town of Monac
o was as quiet as a ghost. My family and I were upstairs playing cards. My mom used to always win. The only time I won was because I cheated. This day was as usual as it could be. Nothing happened, but then, as soon as we finished up our game, we heard a sound downstairs. Something that usually never happens when we were upstairs.

  My father went down to check, nothing happened. My mom went to check in other rooms. She never came back to tell us if something happened. I started to worry. My father and I went to check in other rooms too. I thought my mom went outside the house to check what the noise was. I was downstairs with my father waiting for a signal or any knowledge about where my mother is at. Then suddenly we saw a shadow outside the house, running. My father told me to stay, but as soon as he left I followed him quietly. Outside the house I saw my father standing and yelling a person to stop running while the person was holding a bag on his back.

  “Stop right now or bad things will happen!” my father said.

  “Why should I do that?” the person asked.

  My father didn’t know what to say after. He ran towards the man and stabbed him to not escape with the bag full of our properties. Which was a very small amount back then. My father used a machete, one of the most lethal weapons back then. The man fell to the ground. He was bleeding from his chest, when my father stood right next to him and asked him:

  “Why would you do that? “ The man replied by saying:

  “I’m sorry for you.”

  I didn’t understand what he meant by saying that. But after a minute it hit me. Both my father and I, so he started running back to the house. I stayed near the man for couple minutes. He bled to death and died. I took our properties and went back into the house. I heard sobbing. I went to the bathroom, there I saw my father laying down, with a body next to it. My mother to be more specific. Blood was all over the room. On the walls, the floor, and even the sinks and showers. She was slaughtered by the man. Her throat was open, I almost threw up from seeing this. As my father kept laying there. I thought about running outside and doing what the man have done to my mother, but it was too late. As I grabbed the machete and ran outside I saw at least 5 neighbors near the man’s body.

  I started crying, I fell on the ground. People knew I wasn’t crying over the man, they knew something happened to one of my family members. The only thing they didn’t know was that my mother is dead.


  Curious Incident

  Hitoshi Akiyama, Riku Araki, and Christ Frank

  Act 1

  Downtown Atlanta about midnight outside Gatsby’s mansion, there was a crowd fall of fear and sadness looking at the garden. It was Gatsby’s body. (one of the richest man in USA) He was killed tonight and it seems like somebody had killed him because there was a bullet incrusted into his chest.

  Mr. Henry: (enters quickly) what’s going on in here? Everyone get out of here. Oh my god! It’s Gatsby! We will need professional help! (enter all the police and closed the crime scene)

  Mr. Henry: Give me my phone. (he asked nervously and scared to one of his officers) This is a case for Mr. Holmes. (he starts calling him)


  Mr. Holmes: I'm Sherlock Holmes a 30 years old man who graduated from Oxford at the age of 24. I have been investigating the most famous murder cases in all around the world. I wear always a black hat and a pipe with a long and old Mackintosh coat as part of my mysterious and sophisticated personality.

  Mr. Holmes: Hello? Who is this? (with a mysterious voice)

  Mr. Henry: I’m Henry. We were college friends Holmes! Do you remember? (surprised)

  Mr. Holmes: Of course of course, but what’s going on? Why are you calling me too late Henry? (with a little anger)

  Mr. Henry: There is a mysterious case of murder in here! (shooting)

  Mr. Holmes: Oh really? Who was this time? (asking with no care)

  Mr. Henry: Gatsby! The richest man in Atlanta!

  Mr. Holmes: Damn! I have to help you with that and together find out who the murder is (with a strong and serious voice)

  Mr. Henry: Thanks’ Mr. Holmes. I’ll be waiting for you.

  Mr. Henry: My name is Henry. I'm a 25 years old man. My parents were killed when I was a child. So since then I have been working as an officer for the Atlanta police department, catching criminals every single day, and making sure to accomplish the law protecting my family, friends and all the innocent people in downtown.

  Act 2

  Next cold morning at the central park, nobody in there except a man. He wears tailcoat. He is like a servant. Mr. Henry comes in the park and sits next him. They began to talk.

  Mr. Jackson: I haven't see you in a while, Henry, do you remember me? We haven't see us since the high school graduation right?

  Mr. Henry: Yeah that's true I have been so busy since I started working for the police department but how about you?

  Mr. Jackson: Oh really? I'm Mr. Gatsby's servant, hey Why did you called last night? (said softly)

  Mr. Henry: I’m sorry to call you early morning. But, I have some questions for you because you are Mr. Gatsby’s servant.

  Mr. Jackson: Of course, I will answer any questions. What do you want to ask me? (said worried)

  Mr. Henry: At first, what did you do last night? (Doubtfully)

  Mr. Jackson: I always was with Mr. Gatsby because you know I’m his servant. But, last night I was sleeping in the basement after I finished my work.

  Mr. Henry: Who can prove it? (more doubtfully)

  Mr. Jackson: No, but you know I never did that. We are friend! Trust me! (Shouting)

  Mr. Henry: I believe you didn’t do that, but Mr. Holmes said must ask to you some questions. When did you notice Mr. Gatsby was dead?

  Mr. Jackson: Every morning I bring breakfast to Mr. Gatsby's room and when I came in into his room I saw him on the floor

  Mr. Henry: Ok I noted it, well the next question is...

  Mr. Holmes: (enter slowly walking) Good morning, Mr. Henry. How’s the investigating going?

  Mr. Henry: I’m working on it, Mr. Holmes. Why are you come here?

  Mr. Holmes: Oh, I’m just walking, Mr. Henry. Amm…Who is this? (Mysteriously)

  Mr. Henry: This is Mr. Jackson. He is Mr. Gatsby’s servant.

  Mr. Jackson: I’m Aiden Jackson. How are you doing, Mr. Holmes?

  Mr. Holmes: Good, Mr. Jackson. Where were you yesterday night?

  Mr. Jackson: I had slept in the basement. Mr. Gatsby gave a room for me.

  Mr. Holmes: Mmm…Mr. Henry told me Mr. Gatsby lay down on ground because he was shot by gun. Didn’t you really hear anything Mr. Jackson?

  Mr. Jackson: I always worked early morning to late night. I really was tired every single day. So I fell deep asleep last night. Also, I was in the basement. Mr. Gatsby died in his room. That’s 3rd floor. It might not hear if someone shot by gun. So, I didn’t hear anything. (said strongly)

  Mr. Holmes: Hmm. (quite confused) we will be in touch with you Mr. Jackson.

  Mr. Henry and Holmes walked away into the grayness cold weather and Mr. Jackson stayed there.

  Mr. Jackson: Why Mr. Holmes doubts me? I seem to be murder in this situation. But I slept last night. I cannot believe they are investigating me.

  Act 3

  At the police station, Mr. Henry and Holmes are working in the investigation.

  Mr. Holmes: You know what my friend; I think Mr. Jackson knows something about this murder case.

  Mr. Henry: I don’t think so, I know him and he is a pretty good man sir. (said surely)

  Mr. Holmes: Mmm… Maybe maybe but I’m really concerned about him. (said confused)

  Mr. Henry: But he was sleeping, so there is no way that he could have done something.

  Mr. Holmes: It could be so we need to find more proves Mr. Henry. (said seriously)

  Mr. Henry: Well I’ll continue working Mr. Holmes, maybe you will know that he didn’t kill Mr. Gatsby because I really know Mr. Jackson and He has been such a good man in his life.<
br />
  Have a good night.

  Mr. Holmes: You too. Henry, you too. (said sarcastic)

  Mr. Holmes drives to Gatsby’s mansion in order to find out more proves.

  Mr. Holmes: (He got into his Mercedes and goes directly to Gatsby's mansion, he walks around the house and he enters through the back door. At the end of the house there is a secret door, he opened it and finds an old basement so he walks downstairs where he finds some old and almost destroyed pictures with a small black gun on them)

  Mr. Holmes: (He immediately gets out of there and goes to his house outside downtown and analyzes the items all the night until the next day morning)

  The next day at the police station, Mr. Holmes arrives earlier that he used to.

  Mr. Holmes: Mr. Henry! (Enters shouting) Look what I found (he takes a small plastic bag with some pictures and a gun)

  Mr. Henry: Let me see (he takes the bag and goes to his office)

  Mr. Holmes: (Enter to Henry’s office) I have been studying them all last night and I came to the conclusion that it is Mr. Jack’s staff, so…

  Mr. Henry: I can’t believe it, oh my god! (Really surprised)

  Mr. Holmes: Yes! Mr. Jackson was the murder that we are been looking for all this time! (said excited)

  Mr. Henry: I have to admit that I was wrong Mr. Holmes, but we have to act as soon as possible and get that man behind the bars! (said enthusiastic) I’ll meet him tomorrow morning at Georgia Aquarium and we can get him!

  At Georgia Aquarium around 12 o’clock p.m. Mr. Henry and Jackson meet each other at the entrance of the aquarium between a crowd of people.


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