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Cole: A Boulder Series Novella

Page 4

by Eve L Mitchell

  “Their NFL team isn’t doing too well.” It was a ridiculous thing to throw out there, but I was testing him, something wasn’t adding up.

  “I didn’t say become a Bronco, Colton,” Dad deadpanned. “If you boys do well, the Denver office will be yours to cut your teeth on.”

  I glanced up sharply. “Wait. You’re giving me the Denver office?”

  “Well, giving is bold. But if you were to move, then we could negotiate how quickly you could run your own office.” He sipped his coffee.

  “And you think Matt and Theo will just move?” I leaned back and studied him.

  My dad snorted and laid the paper down. “It’s guaranteed.”

  “You’re very sure.” I knew they would as well, it just pissed me off he was so sure of it too.

  “Are you still holding a grudge over the girl?” He picked his paper up again.

  “Her name is Ari.” I narrowed my eyes at him. “And yes, it’s hard to let it go, Dad.”

  “I’m sorry. I should have called you. I didn’t realise she meant so much to you.” He put his paper down. “I really do mean it. You know I do.”

  I sighed and handed him the finance section. “I know. I’m being petulant, sorry.” I rubbed my forehead. “So, Boulder, Colorado? I love Colorado. Theo’s going to be delighted, he’s already running out of women in Berkeley.” Dad started laughing.

  Four months later…

  Crossing the green to the Leeds Building, I stopped dead in the middle of the pathway.

  It couldn’t be.

  Her hair was longer, it cascaded down her back in long waves. She lifted it off the nape of her neck, pulling it round and laying it over her shoulder. A guy came out the coffee shop and she half turned smiling at him, he grinned as he handed her a coffee. Who the fuck was he? His eyes were all over her, she was—as always—oblivious. Fucking hell, Ari pay attention to the loser drooling over you. Ari stooped down, her T-shirt riding up over her skirt and exposing the soft skin on her back causing the guy to take a step back in order to appreciate her ass. I wanted to punch him out. Ari stood and slung a tote bag over her shoulder and with a smile they headed away from me. I realised I had been standing in the middle of the path just staring the whole time, it was a wonder she didn’t see me.

  How was she here? She had never indicated that CU was a college she was interested in. It had been months, no one had heard from her. The house in Big Sky had sold, I couldn’t believe it. I never thought it would sell. Who would want the house? I was holding on to the hope that they would have to come back because the house wouldn’t sell, but it had. I still hadn’t seen anyone live in it.

  Then one day I had walked into my dad’s office…

  “You bought the house?”

  “I did.” He regarded me, expressionless as usual.


  “Close the door,” he instructed me. I turned and closed the door. “Jeff was killed in a freak car accident.”

  I dropped into a seat. “Holy shit.”

  “I take it from your expression Arielle hasn’t called you or the others?” He leaned back.

  “No.” I couldn’t hide the bitterness.

  “She isn’t coming back, Colton. It was a mistake.” Dad held his hand up to stop my protests. “She doesn’t care for you like you do her. Her father died and she hasn’t reached out to any of you.”

  My fists clenched at my sides. We were her friends, we loved her, why wouldn’t she call us? She needed us. Didn’t she? Had I read it so wrong? Had that stolen moment meant nothing to her? It had meant everything to me. “So, you bought the house?” I confirmed.

  “I feel that she’s had enough tragedy. She doesn’t need dead real estate added on to that. She should have money to start afresh somewhere new,” my dad confirmed. “God knows, she doesn’t deserve anymore hardship.”

  I snorted. “Careful Dad, you may actually sound like you care for her.”

  “I don’t dislike her Colton. I just don’t like the wedge she causes between my sons.”

  “Well, you took away the last tie to Big Sky.” I stood. “She has nothing to come back to.”

  “Yes, I did and I’m not sorry. Don’t expect an apology, you won’t get one.” He turned back to his paperwork.

  “Sometimes, you can be too cold, Dad.” He looked at me in surprise before I turned and walked out of his office.

  I watched Ari walk away from me. Again. I could go after her. I should go after her. She hadn’t been in contact with us, now was not a good time for an old friend to turn up. Even if it was Ari, what was I thinking, especially when it was Ari. With a sigh I carried on to the Leeds Building. I wouldn’t mention it to the guys, if she wanted to let them know she was here, she could.

  A few weeks later…

  Walking into the coffee shop, I noticed Connor’s girlfriend, Corey, and Ari immediately. He had met Corey in Santa Barbara when he and Theo went for a brief vacation. Dad thought he needed to ‘clear his head’ and a vacation was what he needed. When Dad asked me to transfer to CU, Connor transferred too, I wasn’t fooled into thinking he was moving just for me. The girl he had met in Santa Barbara was going to start CU and Connor was all too eager to pick up where they left off.

  Corey and Ari were talking quietly, their heads bent like they were old friends, exchanging secrets. Maybe they are exchanging notes, I thought, my lips twitched at the thought of it. I placed my order and waited. Neither noticed me, why would they? Picking up my order, I edged closer to Corey and Ari.

  A laugh from Corey. “Nice? She clean ripped his heart out! Cheated on him you know.”

  I smirked as I saw Ari straighten in temper, she wouldn’t like that, at all. Poor Corey was about to get her ass handed to her. I wasn’t sure about Corey yet so was always cool with her, this would be interesting.

  As I expected I saw Ari grip the sides of her coffee cup. “If I remember correctly, she didn’t cheat on him, they were already broken up.”

  Corey was frowning back at her. “Are you sure?”

  Ari had a fake smile on. “I am absolutely positive, after all, I’m like a sister.”

  I snorted out a laugh before I could stop myself, that shit was too funny. Was that what Con was telling Corey? Ari was like a sister?

  Corey hastily stood as she greeted me. “Colton. I didn’t see you come in, I was just getting to know Arielle.” She turned back down to Ari and kissed her cheek; I saw Ari stiffen in surprise. “It’s been fun, we should do this again real soon, but I gotta run.”

  I watched her hurry off; seems Corey wasn’t too sure about me either. Whatever. Well, no time like the present to reunite myself with a long-lost friend. I pulled out Corey’s recently vacated chair and sat down.

  “Eyes up here Ari,” I said softly, she was staring steadfastly at my chest. She met my eyes. She was just as beautiful as I remembered. No, she was more stunning. Her face was flushed and I knew that was from a mix of temper and embarrassment. She always did look better with colour in her cheeks.

  “What are you doing here?” she muttered at me.

  “I’m fine thank you, been a while since we spoke. You look well.” Yeah, I’m just going to press your buttons. I’m a dick like that. She glared at me and I smirked at her, she looked away. What? Feeling guilty baby? “I came in for a quick drink and who do I see? My long-lost friend being interrogated by my little brother’s friend.” I probably should be nicer to her, but I guess my resentment to her fucking off and leaving me had pissed me off and I wasn’t over it yet.

  “I thought she was his girlfriend?” Ari said softly.

  “Why? Are you jealous?” Really Cole? Now you sound jealous.

  She frowned. “No, don’t be stupid. Connor said she was his girlfriend.”

  “Connor’s an idiot,” I bit out. She still wouldn’t look at me properly. It was pissing me off. I took a swig of coffee to stop myself from blurting out anything else stupid.

  “What do you want Colton?” Ari asked me.<
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  You. Always you. Leaning forward, I placed my finger under her chin encouraging her head to look up, she would look at me before I left her today. She had no problem with Theo and Matt, they had gone over to have breakfast and spent the day with her. But me, she wouldn’t look at? “What? The others get pancakes and sleepovers and I don’t even get a nice to see you?” I smiled at her. “Or eye contact?” I tried a teasing tone, hoping it worked on her.

  “It’s complicated,” she muttered again, jerking her head away from me. I felt the bitterness in my smile.

  “Is it?” It really isn’t, Ari. Fuck, it really isn’t. I had to get out of here. She couldn’t even look at me and it stung. “Good to see you Ari, try not to run too far this time.” Yeah, so I’m a dick.

  I walked out of the coffee shop and started across the quad. Then I stopped. I made my way over to the side of a nearby building. Leaning against the wall I took a drink of coffee.

  I grinned as she exited the coffee shop. Fight or flight? Seems Ari was going to go for flight. I followed at a safe distance behind her. I wasn’t particularly proud of myself for my new stalking tendencies, but I didn’t like this new habit of hers to run. The Ari I knew wouldn’t run. She dashed up a flight of stairs into an apartment. Matt had told me where she was living and he had already told me he wasn’t happy with the security of the apartment. I hadn’t commented, I was saying as little about anything Arielle Miller related as possible. However, now that I was outside it, I could see why he was concerned. Her grandparents had seen this place with her? We would need to get this place secured. Although, I knew both Theo and Matt had allocated a room in our house for her, and Theo had even been on the phone to his mom for clothes.

  They were both hopeless. Ari was independent and if the months of silence hadn’t broadcast that to them loud and clear then the bought apartment surely should. They weren’t to be told, however. When they learned that Jeff had passed, they were adamant she wasn’t to be alone again. To my delight she threw the front door open. She stopped dead when she saw me leaning lazily against the wall, one leg cocked resting against it. My arms were folded, waiting for her. I smiled at her.

  “Going somewhere Lil Bit, or were you planning on looking for me?” I raised an eyebrow at her.

  Ari turned around and slammed the door in my face. I started to laugh. Fight not flight, that was my Ari. She was still running though. I rapped the woodwork lightly so as not to alarm her. “When you’re ready, come around the house, the boys need you there.” I took a breath, I didn’t want to say more than I should, but I had to say something. “You look good Ari.” Smiling broadly, I went back down the stairs and went back to class.

  “If we have a pool party they’ll come, we can see who they bring and we can scope them out,” Matt said to me as he glanced over his shoulder to make sure that Connor wasn’t anywhere near.

  “I don’t think it will make much difference,” I countered.

  “I say we try it,” Theo mumbled as he ate a sandwich.

  “Fine,” I agreed reluctantly. “We all need to be alert if Aaron and his friends come.”

  “I’m inviting Bit,” Matt said as he took a swig of water.

  “Great idea.” Theo punched the air. “I’ll pick her up.” He darted out the kitchen before I could say anything.

  “Smooth,” I muttered as I looked at Matt. He shrugged as he took another drink of water. “Do you think this is wise?” I added. “If Aaron comes here for the party, you risk Ari.”

  “She’s not being left out Cole. You’ll just have to adjust to having her back in our lives,” he answered.

  “I don’t need to adjust,” I growled at him.

  “You know what I mean,” he sighed. “You won’t be able to just pick up where you…left off.”

  “I know,” I muttered. “What are you trying to say to me Matt?” I looked at him square in the eye.

  “You just need to give her some time,” Matt sighed as he leaned on the island.

  “She’s had months,” I rubbed my hands over my hair. “How much more time does she need?”

  “Cole…” he warned.

  “I know,” I sighed. “Fuck it, I know.” I stood and walked to the fridge. “I don’t need another lecture.”

  “You sure? I think I’m getting quite good at them.” He started laughing at me.

  “Fuck off,” I started chuckling.

  “It’ll work out Cole,” he said to me softly. “She cares about you, she’ll come around.”

  “Who’s coming around?” Connor asked as he came into the kitchen.

  “We’re asking Bit to the pool party this afternoon,” Matt said without looking at me.

  “Excellent. I’ll call Corey, she wants to meet her properly after the other day.” Connor disappeared back out the kitchen.

  “He’s so fucking clueless sometimes,” Matt said as he stared after him.

  “Matt,” I warned.

  “Yeah, I know, it’s just hard to be nice about him at the moment,” he muttered as he followed him out the door.

  Connor was clueless sometimes, just look at the mess we were in because of him and we still didn’t know exactly what he had done. Still, he was my brother, I owed it to him to protect him. Shaking my head, I returned to my textbooks.

  The pool party was in full swing when the patio doors were opened, and the sounds of laughter spilled into the kitchen. Theo, Matt, and a girl who was being carried over Matt’s shoulders, came through the doors. She was dropped onto the floor and turned away from Matt, either to run from him or get a better swing at him, I wasn’t sure. Ari stopped dead when she saw me, her expression frozen. I lifted my eyebrow in question. Theo was still laughing, the sound made her turn back to them but Theo reached out to grab Matt’s arm.

  “Best way to avoid Lil Bit shouting at you, throw her down in front of Colton and then...” Theo and Matt turned and left the kitchen. Her face was priceless. She took a step to follow them and I started to laugh.

  Still in flight mode? I was surprised when she turned and walked to the breakfast bar, pulled out a stool, and looked at me. Actually, met my stare head on. Ari scowled at me, like it was my fault they dumped and ditched her. I couldn’t help it, I grinned.

  “Hi,” she muttered.

  My grin grew.

  “Ari, how nice to see you.” Tipping my coffee cup in her direction I took a drink, she loved coffee, she would be pissed she didn’t have any. She kept glancing at me and glancing away, it was highly entertaining. I watched as she fidgeted. Yeah, I still affected her. The knowledge made me laugh out loud with delight. I hadn’t lost her completely. I took my empty cup to the sink and rinsed it. I walked over to her and stopped. She was rigid in her seat and my blood pulsed at being so close to her. It had been far too long since she was so close.

  “Breathe, Ari,” I whispered softly into her ear. I heard her gasp and saw that her face was flushed. Chuckling at her reaction but knowing I couldn’t capitalise on it yet, I left the kitchen. Hope rising in me that she could still be mine. That she might still want to be mine.

  Why the fuck is she letting him touch her?

  I sat on the upper deck watching the party and drinking a beer by myself, Matt and Theo came up intermittingly, but they were enjoying the afternoon. Connor and Corey were in coupledom ‘bliss’ and I was glad they were doing it out of my viewing area. I just wish I didn’t have to see Jay fucking Jonson sitting beside Ari and her laughing with him.

  She was drinking. She never touched alcohol, her mother’s drinking was enough to turn her off it for life she said. I sighed, looks like a lot had changed in the time apart. Look at her sitting there, with the very people she should be nowhere near.

  Aaron had come. The guy who ran the illegal fighting was here. I almost couldn’t believe it, but he had. It was surreal, he didn’t seem like the type to attend pool parties with college kids. Yet he had walked in like he was here every weekend. A nod across the pool deck to me with a smirk and t
hen he had taken over the corner of the patio with his brother and his buddies and they hadn’t moved since. Our plan to watch them was easy. They didn’t move. They didn’t interact with anyone else, well except Ari. Jay had come out of the kitchen with her after I left her and she’d walked willingly over to the seats and had been there ever since.

  “You okay up here?” Theo came up to get a drink of beer.

  “You’re going to have to get her. I’m going to start hitting someone soon,” I confessed. “Him probably.”

  Theo half turned, pretending to stretch, as he noted Jay nudging Lil Bit with his shoulder as she laughed at something he said. Theo frowned as he saw them, but it was fleeting.

  “I’m on it.” Theo smiled tightly at me as he unhurriedly took a drink of beer and casually descended back down to the pool. He stopped to talk to Matt and the two of them fucked about for a few minutes. Unhurried, casual, natural. I felt the tension inside me ease.

  Theo walked over to Jay and Ari casually. I envied his casualness; he could talk to anyone—always had been able to—ever since we were little he could charm anyone. Ari got up and came away with him, with another laugh for Jay, and a wink. A fucking wink. I felt my teeth grind together, I needed to keep my cool. A lot had changed for her, I couldn’t expect her to climb back into my lap and grind down on me. I rolled my head on my shoulders as I lifted my beer, I needed to be smart. Baby steps.

  A surprised burst of laughter escaped me when she pushed Matt into the pool. I saw Connor tackle her and then Theo hold her as he emptied her pockets. I shook my head as she went flying into the water, laughing at the four of them, she swam quickly out of the way of Theo who had jumped in after throwing in Connor. I watched with amusement as Matt quickly took her side and they battled it out in the water. He was always her protector, my smile faded a little. I may be watching Jay like a hawk, but Matt was watching me just as closely.


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