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Twisted Secrets: A Dark High School Romance (Twisted Pine Academy Book 3)

Page 21

by Kai Juniper

  "Now what?" Trystan asks.

  "We try to find him. Where should we start?"

  "The homeless shelters. Did you look them up?"

  "Yeah, there's a lot of them. Let's start with this one." I show him the address on my phone and he puts it in his nav system.

  "I need to eat before we go there. I'm starving."

  "We don't have time to eat. We have to go to all these places, and if we don't find him we'll have to drive around looking for him."

  "I need to eat, and I'm driving, so you don't really have a choice." He turns at the next corner and drives down a street full of run-down buildings. He pulls into a fast food taco place. "If I get sick from eating here, you owe me a thousand bucks."

  "How is it my fault if you get sick?"

  "This is your stupid trip. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you." He goes through the drive-through. "You want anything?"

  "Three tacos. And a soda."

  He orders and makes me pay. Luckily, I remembered to bring money. We sit in the car to eat because Trystan said he could see bullet holes in the restaurant windows. I don't think they're bullet holes, but looking around at the area we're in, it's possible.

  "Hey." Trystan points down the street. "Right there. Is that one of them?"

  "What are you talking about?"

  "That mission place. It looks like a homeless shelter. Look it up."

  "I didn't see it on the list. Maybe it's new." I squint to read the sign. "You sure it's a shelter?"

  "It says homeless right on the sign. You need glasses?"

  "No. I just don't see where it says that."

  "You should get contacts," he says, starting up the car. "You'd look stupid with glasses."

  "I don't need glasses. Or contacts. My vision is fine."

  He hands me his wrappers and empty soda cup. "Throw these out."

  I look at him. "You better not drive off without me."

  "You know I'd never do that," he says with a smile.

  "I mean it. Don't you dare leave me here." I get out of the car and run to the trash, then run back.

  "See?" he says. "I can be nice."

  "Rarely," I mutter.

  We drive down to the shelter and go inside. The place is just an old house with mattresses all over the floor. It stinks like dirty clothes.

  "Can I help you?" a man asks.

  "This is a homeless shelter, right?" I ask.

  "Just a temporary one. The other ones were full so we set this up to give people a place to stay until we can build a new one." He shakes my hand. "I'm Tom, the director. And you are?"

  "Rumor. I'm looking for someone. I'm wondering if you could tell me if he was staying here."

  "We don't like to give out that information unless it's a matter of public safety, for instance the police looking for a fugitive on the run."

  "I'm looking for my dad," I tell the guy. "I really need to talk to him. He called me a few weeks ago and the phone disconnected. I've been calling him but he hasn't picked up. I'm worried something happened to him."

  "And you're sure he was here?"

  "I know he's here in town but he didn't say which shelter."

  Tom looks at Trystan. "Are you the son?"

  "Nephew. He's my dad's brother. My dad hasn't heard from him either."

  "What's his name?" Tom asks.

  "Devon Halliway," I say.

  "We don't have anyone by that name."

  "He might've used a different name," Trystan says to me. "He'd do that when he stayed at shelters so a tabloid wouldn't find out and tell everyone he was homeless."

  "Tabloid?" Tom says.

  "He used to be an actor," Trystan explains. "Just side characters on sitcoms. Nothing big."

  Tom nods. "I thought he looked familiar."

  "Wait—you saw him?" I say, looking around. "He's here?"

  "He left. You missed him by a day. Said he wouldn't be back."

  "Did he say where he was going?"

  "He didn't, but I think he was trying to go to Mexico. I heard him telling one of the other men that he couldn't get past the border because he didn't have his passport."

  "Then he's still here in town."

  "I doubt it. If he's not from here, he'll probably keep moving. It's what a lot of people do until they're able to find work."

  "We could try some other shelters," Trystan says to me.

  "Wouldn't do any good," Tom says. "They're all full. This is the only one accepting people."

  "Did he leave anything behind?" I ask, sounding desperate. I wanted to see him so badly. I needed to. He may not technically be my dad but he's the only dad I've ever known and I wanted to say goodbye.

  "He left a few things," Tom says. "Follow me."

  He takes us to a room set up as an office with a fold-out table and chairs. He opens the closet door and takes out a plastic grocery bag and hands it to me.

  Inside the bag is a faded red hoodie that stinks like sweat, some pens, and a cell phone.

  "He left his phone?" I ask, hitting the power button.

  "Probably couldn't afford it," Tom says. "We get a lot of abandoned phones in the shelter."

  "Can I have it?" I ask.

  "It's all yours. Take the other stuff too if you want it."

  "I just want the phone."

  "Sorry you missed him," Tom says.

  "Would you call us if he comes back?"

  "Only if he allows it. We try to respect their privacy the best we can. I really shouldn't have even told you he was here but I could tell how desperate you were to find him."

  "My mom died," I say. "He's all I have left."

  "I'm sorry to hear that." Tom hesitates, then says, "Give me your number. I'll see what I can do."

  He gives me some paper and I jot down my name and phone number.

  "Thanks for your help," I say as we leave.

  "You're welcome. Hope you find him."

  "At least you got his phone," Trystan says as we drive away. "You want to drive around? See if we can find him?"

  "Yeah," I say, staring at Devon's phone in my hand. "We were so close. Just a day too late. I knew he was here. I just had this feeling."

  "You'll find him," Trystan says. "If he doesn't have his passport, he'll have to stay here."

  "In the country, not this town. He probably already left."

  "We can still look."

  We search city parks, gas stations, fast food places, and anywhere else he might be. After two hours we head back to La Jolla, getting to the house just before seven.

  "Dad's not even home," Trystan says. "He didn't even know we were gone."

  "Thanks for taking me. I'm going in my room."

  "Hey," he says.


  "If you want to go again, I'll take you."

  "What do I have to do for payment?"

  "Nothing. Just tell me when you want to go."

  I half-smile. "Thanks, Trystan."

  He walks off. "Doesn't mean I like you."

  I laugh. He likes me. He just won't admit it.

  In my room I call up Jackson. "Hey, I'm back."

  "I'm sorry you didn't find him."

  I texted Jackson throughout the day, telling him what was going on.

  "At least I have his phone. Do you know anyone who could unlock it?"

  "The guy who was fixing the security cameras for me might be able to do it. He's a tech genius. I already left him a message."

  "Thanks. I doubt I'll find anything on it but I want to at least open it and see."

  "You coming over?"

  "I want to shower first, then I'll head over. Is your dad home?"

  "Yeah, and he's in a bad mood. Morgan might back out of the movie. If she does, it'll put them even more behind schedule. They'll have to find a new female lead."

  "Why is she backing out?"

  "She wants more money. She's a big star now and has negotiating power. Anyway, just avoid him if you can."

  "Okay, be there soon."

  When I arrive at Jackson’s house, he gives me a hug. "I'm really sorry you didn't find him. I know how much you wanted to."

  "I'll try again. Trystan said he'd take me."

  Jackson pulls back to look at me. "What's the catch?"

  "There isn't one. Trystan's being nice to me for some reason."

  "Be careful around him. You can't trust him."

  "I know I can't, but he actually has been nicer to me the past week. I don't think he's faking it. I didn't even ask him to take me back there to find Devon. He just offered."

  "Why would he do that? There's gotta be another reason than him just being nice."

  "I think he really wants to know what happened the night Andrea died. He's starting to doubt Braden's story. He wants to find out what Devon knows and see if Braden was telling the truth."

  "I'm surprised he'd doubt Braden's story. The two of them are so close."

  "I think that's changing. When Braden pointed that gun at Trystan, it really freaked him out. It made him see Braden differently."

  "I'd still be careful around Trystan. Just because he's being nice to you doesn't mean you can trust him." Jackson takes my hand. "Let's go out back. I've been inside all day and could use some sun."

  "You sure you want to be out there? On the beach?" I say as we walk through the house.

  "We're not going on the beach. We're sitting on the deck. And I'm not letting what happened ruin the beach for me. Or the ocean."

  "What about your house? Are you going to sell it?"

  "I haven't decided. Nothing actually happened in the house so I've thought about staying but it depends on how all this turns out."

  We're on the deck now, sitting on the small couch that looks out at the ocean.

  "The cops talked to Steven's alibi," Jackson says. "He wasn't lying. He was home the night Kristen was killed. The alibi confirmed it."

  I turn to Jackson. "Who was it? Did you find out?"

  "Yeah. It was Peyton."

  "Peyton? The Peyton that goes to my school?"

  "She stopped by Kristen's house that night to see if she wanted to go to a party. Steven answered the door and told Peyton that Kristen was asleep. Peyton tried to go inside to wake her up, which is totally something Peyton would do, but Steven wouldn't let her. He told her to leave."

  "Why didn't she tell anyone this before now?"

  "She didn't think she needed to. I'm the one they arrested, not Steven."

  "Wait—Peyton said she was on a sailboat that weekend with her old man boyfriend."

  "On Friday night? Are you sure?"

  I pause to think. "Actually, no. I think she said she didn't go on the sailboat until Saturday. Do the police know if she was really there that night? Did they confirm it?"

  "Yeah, some people from Twisted Pine said they saw Peyton at one of the parties. She left around the time she would've been heading to Kristen's house. And the security cameras showed her walking up to the door.”

  I sigh in frustration. "So she wasn't lying."

  "No, which means Steven's alibi checks out."

  "I really thought it was him. I don't know who else it could be. Who could've got your tie or even known where to find it?"

  "Kristen's the only person I can think of. But she could've taken it months ago and had it in her room. Anyone who came to her house could've found it."

  "Like who? Who did she have over?"

  "Girls from school. Mostly the cheerleaders, but sometimes she'd have other girls over."

  "Did your lawyers have any other updates today?"

  "No." Jackson gazes out at the ocean. "It's not looking good. I'm the only suspect and the evidence all points to me."

  I rest my head on his shoulder. "We're going to find the person who did this."

  He leans down and kisses my head. "I hope so."

  We remain there, watching the waves roll in as the sun goes down. Later we go in his room and watch TV. I fall asleep and wake up in the morning to the sound of my phone ringing. It's Brock calling.

  "Hey, Brock," I say, answering in a groggy tone.

  "I need you back at the house. Hurry up."

  "Why? What's going on?"

  "Braden is being released today. I paid his bail and I'm going to pick him up. He needs all of our support right now so I want you home."

  "I doubt he'll care if I'm there."

  "Rumor, this isn't optional. You get yourself down here right now."

  "And then what? Braden will just go in his room."

  The phone is silent. I look and see that Brock hung up.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  "What did he want?" Jackson asks, his arm going around my waist. He pulls me against his body and kisses me.

  Our sleepovers are the best. I love feeling his body next to mine. His strong arms around me. The only time I sleep well is when I'm with Jackson. He relaxes me. Makes me feel safe.

  "He wants me to come home," I say. "Braden's being released. Brock's going to get him."

  "I'm surprised he was able to get him out on a weekend."

  I sit up. "I don't want to be there when he gets home. Braden's going to be screaming and throwing stuff and breaking everything in the house."

  "If he acts that way, then leave. Come back here. You don't have to put up with that."

  I kiss him. "Sorry I have to go but if I don't, Brock will just show up here."

  "It's fine. I need to get some stuff done."

  I get out of bed. "I was going to come over later to study, if that's okay."

  He smiles. "Studying? Without me telling you to?"

  I smile back. "What can I say? You're a good influence. My grades have gone up since we started studying together." I grab my clothes from the floor and get dressed. "Did I tell you about Ms. Pruitt?"

  "No. What about her?" Jackson asks, putting on his jeans.

  "She may not come back to school. The sub told me she's sick but Alyssa heard she had a nervous breakdown."

  "Working at Twisted Pine, I'm not surprised."

  "But she's worked there for ten years. Why now?"

  "Maybe she can't stand working for Steven. The other principal was bad but he didn't play favorites the way Steven does."

  "Play favorites? What do you mean?"

  "She's old. He doesn't like old women. He likes them young. Attractive. Available."

  "He's married."

  "Yeah. And he cheats. If he cheated with his stepdaughter, you know he'd cheat with his employees."

  "Hey, what ever happened with that investigator you hired to find out if Principal Edwards was cheating?"

  "I don't know. I didn't hire him. Kristen did. I just gave her the guy's contact information."

  "Could we ask him what he found out?"

  "It's confidential. He won't tell us because we didn't hire him. Kristen said she knew Steven was seeing someone else. She just didn't know who it was." Jackson comes over and gives me a kiss. "You better get home."

  "Yeah. Bye."

  I slowly walk back to the house, dreading Braden's arrival. I'm hoping he just goes to his room and leaves us all alone.

  "You ready for this?" Trystan asks when I go in the kitchen. He's sitting at the counter eating a plate of scrambled egg whites.

  "Ready for Braden's tantrums? No." I point to his plate. "Did you make that?"

  "Ana did. She just left. Your plate's in the oven."

  "She made me egg whites?"

  "Waffles. She made us each our favorites, knowing what was coming."

  I take the plate from the oven. "It's sad that everyone just expects Braden to make our lives hell." I take the syrup from the fridge. "Did Ana spend the night?"

  "Yeah, and it was fucking loud. I don't know what they were doing in there."

  "I'd rather not know." I sit next to him at the counter. "Speaking of sex, I heard your sex buddy was at Kristen's house the night she died."

  "What sex buddy?"

  I look at him. "You have more than one?"

Hell, yeah," he says with a smug smile. "So who was it?"

  "Peyton. She went over to see if Kristen would go to a party with her but Principal Edwards made her leave. He told her Kristen was asleep."

  "I remember her saying she was gonna get Kristen that night but I didn't think she ended up going over there."

  "Did you see her later?"

  "Yeah, she showed up at another party. We almost hooked up but she was drunk and puked all over herself. Someone took her home after that." He gets up and takes his plate to the sink. "I'm going to my room."

  "When's he getting home?" I ask before stuffing a piece of waffle in my mouth. Ana makes the best waffles.

  Trystan and I look at each other as we hear the front door open.

  "Shit," I say, setting my fork down. I should've eaten faster. I still have half a waffle left.

  "Braden, just calm down," Brock says from the hallway.

  "Here he comes," Trystan says.

  Braden storms in the kitchen and heads straight to his drawer of protein bars, yanking it open and taking one out. Trystan and I watch as Braden rips off the wrapper and bites into the bar like he's biting the head off an animal.

  "Hey, Braden," Trystan says. "How's it going?"

  Braden whips around to face him. "How the fuck you think it's going? I just got out of fucking jail. I missed Friday's game and now we're fucked for the season." He tosses the bar's wrapper on the counter and goes to the fridge, yanking it open. "Where are my eggs?"

  "Ana didn't make you any," Trystan says. "She didn't know when you'd be home."

  "Fucking worthless bitch," he says, slamming the fridge shut.

  Brock walks in. "Braden, calm down. And stop yelling at your brother."

  "I'll do what I fucking want." He storms up to Brock. "And fire your little whore. She can't even make me fucking eggs."

  "I'm not firing Ana," Brock says. "Go to your room and get some rest. You'll feel better."

  "I'd feel better if I was on the fucking team!" he yells. He takes a breath, shaking his head. "She did it. I know she did. The bitch was trying to frame me. If she was still alive, I'd fucking kill her."

  "Who?" I ask. "Kristen?"

  Braden's eyes shoot to mine. "She did it to save your fucking boyfriend."

  "What are you talking about?"'

  "Braden believes Kristen planted that bracelet in his room," Brock explains. "To remove any suspicion of Jackson being involved with Andrea's death."


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