Beast Bites Box Set

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Beast Bites Box Set Page 3

by Amber Foy

  Moonlight span around him in a dizzying—impossible—rush and in a spark of light a great stallion reared before me, hooves tearing at the chilled air. He tossed his head, the length of his black mane flaring.

  He really was the most beautiful beast…and he knew it. Seeing him, my heart squeezed and my anger drained away. I couldn’t hold it. We were mated…and that was right. Fated. “Show off.”

  His hooves thudded into the earth and he crowded me, his muzzle batting at my stomach, driving me up onto the fallen trunk. “Shit. Splinters!”

  Soren huffed a breath, warm air rushing over my bare skin, but he didn’t stop, his broad muzzle shoving its way between my sticky thighs. And I had to lean back, the black spiral of his horn pushing too fucking close to my throat—


  The curse came out on a hiss of air because that tongue—clever and thick and curling just right—was burrowing into my pussy. I pressed my feet into the thick, warm fur of his withers, velvet soft, and my toes dug in, rhythmic, working with the pulse firing through my blood.


  The single word burned through my mind.

  “My mate. Always.”

  I arched back against the trunk, eyes half lidded to the star-thick sky. My beautiful beast, powerful, wanted…and his other half, the man who had drawn me to him when I didn’t even know why.

  You know what, best fucking decision of my life to run into the Dark Wood, tonight

  Especially…oh fuck…when he did that with that delicious horse-tongue…

  Soren reared over me, trapping me again between the dark heat of his massive body. I pressed my face into his chest, losing myself to the rich scent of animal and power. Already that massive dick was seeking out my cunt and I wriggled against its blunt head, all too ready to be ridden hard again.

  “Let me fuck you still you scream.”

  Well, honestly, how could I refuse an offer like that?

  The End

  Taken by the Cat-Beast


  My mount turned on me.

  With no warning, no obvious sign that the powerful beast had broken its mental blocks, it threw me from its back to the dark, forest floor.

  A low growl rippled from it, low and fierce and the first threads of fear chased through my flesh. My fingers dug into the earth and I worked hard to keep myself still.

  Did movement trigger an attack? Why—why—hadn’t I read up on cat-beast behaviour? Because archival access cost money. And all of mine—the last few thin and grey pennies—had gone on renting the bloody beast.

  It was as still as I was, only its eyes gleaming in the shadows of the thick forest. Fuck. What was I supposed to do? And I’d heard stories. Of course I had. Of times when the cat-beasts broke their blocks. But it was rare. Unheard of in years. Or so the stable assured me.

  And I—idiot that I am—believed the smarmy manager, because I had to cross the Forbidden Lands and by cat-beast was the only way. Stupid fucking planet with its swathes of inaccessible forest—

  The growl deepened and my scattering thoughts shot back to the massive cat narrowing shining golden eyes on me.

  My heart squeezed and I scrambled back, ignoring the bite of stone and branch into my ass and palms. The old stories had to be wrong. A cat-beast, was, well, a beast. It would be more interested in me as its next meal. Not as its, well…

  My mind shied away from that thought. I mean, this animal was hardly Felis catus, was it? Not when it stood almost two metres at the shoulder and every black-furred inch of it was packed with muscle. It needed meat, not… You know. With a human woman. Maybe…maybe is wasn’t even male?

  Its nose twitched and the pupils in its eyes grew fat and round until only a sliver of gold shone.

  “You smell fresh.”

  I blinked. Hard. Twice. Because those words were in my head. A very decidedly male voice…in my head. Cat-beasts were sentient? I always thought the blocks were aggression-suppressants. Oh, shit. Oh fuck.

  Another contraction of his—oh yes, my luck—his nostrils and a growl chased through the sounds of the forest, wicked and slow. “Ripe.”

  My belly turned over. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Ripe only meant one thing…and well, I was heading across the Forbidden Lands with a purpose, after all. I needed the money and I’d sold my womb. Hired on the basis that I was…untouched.

  But why would an alien beast want to…do that with a human, anyway? We couldn’t cross species. I’d never heard—or seen—any cat-human hybrids in any of the outposts.

  “We breed true. Every time.”

  There was a curl of dark humour in that voice, but it shocked the bottom out of my belly. Was he fucking with my head? I stared at the massive animal, his huge black form almost lost to the thick shadows of the surrounding forest. “You can read my thoughts?”

  He huffed a breath. “If you didn’t smell so delicious I’d leave you to the outpost to pass around as their paid fucktoy.”

  Of course, with sentience came sarcasm. And could a cat be anything else? I caught my fingers in my hair, uncaring that I rubbed dirt and leaf-litter into my scalp.

  All I had to do was stay a virgin for another day or so—when I’d managed it with perfect ease for twenty three years. Naturally, some…thing would want to fuck me now, because that was my luck. Completely my luck.

  “No. This is not happening.” I shook my head. “I’ve spent the money the outpost paid me. So you can go and stick…yourself somewhere else. You should,” I flapped a dirt-crusted hand at him, “you know, start with your own species.”

  His lips curled around his teeth and long, glistening white canines shone out from the gloom. “Oh, little human, you think you have a choice?” He padded forward, muscles rippling and his huge paws silent and I jerked back, squeaking as I slammed into the thick trunk of a tree. “I have waited patiently for you. I will take what is mine.”

  “Patiently?” The word came out on a squawk. “I met, rented, hired—whatever—you only this morning.”

  “Did you?”

  It was a low, seductive growl through my thoughts and a shiver chased down my spine… I twitched. No, not seductive, at all. Animal. Beast. Rapist.

  A great, black-furred paw stretched out and my breath caught as needle-sharp claws, inches long, sprang free. Had he changed his mind? Was I on an altogether different menu—

  The paw slammed between my legs, dug into the thin fabric of my travelling coat and yanked.

  Arms flailing, I was flat on my back before him.

  “Much better.”

  His massive head nudged at my thigh, pushing it against the billow of fabric…and to my utter surprise there was no fight in my leg. It shifted across the leaf-litter as if I welcomed the attentions of the massive animal.

  Another growl eased from him, a deep warm rumble that wrapped around me and rocketed my pulse. Was that it? Was he weaving some sort of cat-beast spell on my body to make me move to his will?

  Male laughter, heavy and arrogant, washed over my thoughts. His free paw pushed the material away from my thigh to reveal the threadbare trousers I wore. A long, red tongue rasped against the fabric. What…? What was he doing? Was he…? The tear above my knees widened, a flap of grey cloth falling away to reveal a patch of skin.

  Another lap and I sucked in a breath. My belly clenched. Tight. Gods of the Nine Worlds, the feel of that rough, wet tongue against my bare skin. I’d never… I bit my knuckles, tasting rich loam and the sweet tang of the leaves and not caring. Because…

  Oh fuck, another lick. And another. I panted against my hand, my thoughts swirling. A rasp over fabric and a long, slow, beautifully tortuous lap over exposed skin.

  Gold rimmed eyes fixed on me, hot and feral. “You are a queen, little one. Every male can sense it. It’s there, woven into your sweet flesh. But I’m your destined mate. And your body knows it.”

  He stood over me now, his massive body a black shadow, his scent of fur and beast and something wil
d and unknown surging through my scenes. Making me ache just as much as the promise of his tongue. The tongue that had just torn away another line of cloth and exposed the vulnerable crease of my thigh.

  I stopped breathing and stared, wide-eyed, at the beast looming over me. What was I doing allowing this? I’d spent the money the outpost had sent me and I was down to a few brass rupels that weren’t even legal tender on Alpha-Lyncis-3…

  “Say yes to this, my queen.”

  Hot, sweet breath pulsed against my exposed skin, the cat-beast’s massive head so close…so close, the fierce heat of him seared my palm. My fingers itched to stroke him, to bury my fingers in that rich, black fur. To forget everything…and say yes to him.

  “Say yes to…me.”

  My heart drummed, the fresh new ache in my pussy, the need for him—this beast, this animal—was unlike anything I’d ever known. “How…how are you doing this?” The question was breathless, his low, thrumming purr edging into my flesh. Making me quiver. Truly fucking quiver. It was insane. “I’m not like you.”

  “Flesh is only a shadow. A mask.”

  The cat-beast’s nose skimmed the line of my thigh and I sucked in a fierce breath, held it, the sudden and wild surge of pleasure shocking me. I mewled and that thrumming purr deepened.

  “A lovely and delicious mask.” The edge of his tongue drew a wet and heart-stopping line down the crease of my thigh. I cried out, squirmed and a heavy paw pressed to my abdomen, pinning me to the earth. “But a mask, none-the-less.”

  I wet my parched lips, trying to make some sense of his words. ‘You’re…you’re human?”

  “Far from it, little one. You are the one who is not as she appears.” He huffed breath against my damp skin and another rasping lick exposed my mons.

  Thoughts on his words scattered. Gods, he was almost, almost… The warm fur of his muzzle and the prick of whiskers teased over the thatch of my sex. His growl was a low rumble that rippled through me down to my toes. “So sweetly ripe. Ready”—his golden eyes flicked to me and there was a dark, wry twist to them—“for cubs.”


  It was a wild shriek that shocked birds from their branches.

  “My gift…”

  There was a cut of sarcasm to his thoughts. Oh no, he wasn’t human, he was a bloody cat down to the marrow in his bones.

  His head snapped up and a low, truly threatening growl broke from him, his great body becoming a ripple of shadowy muscle as he crouched over me. The scent of earth and warm fur threaded thought my senses and something old, some ancient, once-buried instinct tugged it deeper, made me breathe it in. Revel in the scent…

  Soft belly fur tickled my pussy and I twitched, unintentionally pushing my hips up…and my bared thigh burned under the touch of something hot and rough and monstrous.

  I froze. It was his—its, this thing was an animal—its cock. His fucking huge, barbed cock.

  All pleasure in fur and scent evaporated. I had to get away. Far away. He couldn’t put that in me. What was I thinking? It couldn’t put anything in me. It was my ride. I was not the one to be ridden.

  “—just to watch.”

  The cat-beast’s thought snapped through my wild panic. What? He didn’t want to…? And fuck, that wasn’t a twinge of disappointment in my chest. Because anything else would be wrong. So completely wrong.

  “It is agreed.”

  Fur and muscle flowed away from me and I blinked against the rush of dappled light. That great head was already back at my untouched pussy, his nose pushing up against my clit—

  I mewled, fingers fisting up handfuls of leaves as I tried to kick away. An almost negligent paw pressed my open thigh to the forest floor. Golden eyes fixed on me, hot and hungry under a heavy, furred brow.

  “You will come to see that this is what you have always wanted. Always needed.”


  His rough tongue licked me from ass to clit and broke all words from me. Raw heat chased through my flesh. By the Nine Gods, this couldn’t be right. It couldn’t. And he licked again, the rough tug of his tongue dancing sparks behind my eyes…and with a glint in his golden eyes, he started to purr…

  I arched against him, the thrum to my body a pleasure that bordered on pain. A growl sharpened the bite of joy and my eyes snapped open, a cry escaping me—and I met the golden gaze of another cat-beast.

  It flowed out of the shadows—silent and deadly— and as huge as the beast at my cunt. Another followed And another.


  “Witnesses to the taking of my queen.”

  “I am not—”

  There was a firm, implacable edge to the beast’s voice. “My mate is my queen.” He nudged my other thigh, stretching me wide before him—Gods—before the watching beasts.

  And some part of me—some twisted, insane corner of my soul—wanted it. To be displayed. To be…admired.

  “That is who you are.”

  His hot breath huffed against my pussy and I drew in quick air. Every touch of him, even something as light as the stir of his breath, rocketed my pulse and deepened the craving for more. More of him. All of him.

  His tongue curled and swept a hot, wet lick over my clit and I scrabbled at the forest floor. Fuck, the noises breaking from me didn’t even sound human. The tension grabbing me, holding me was hated and delicious and I glared at the smug animal with his massive head between my thighs.

  “I will make you howl this forest down, little one.”

  I glared at him, wanting to shove back against his arrogance, the surety that he could reduce me to a puddle of need. It was bravado. I wanted him like I needed my next breath. But he was still irritatingly smug. Bloody arrogant cat. “Really?”

  His eyes narrowed on me, sharp and deadly. Could he read my thoughts as well as insert his voice into my mind? “Pleasure will wrap you around me like a vine and you will want nothing and no one else. And when I mount you, when I fuck you and fill your belly, making you ripen and swell with my cubs…you be lost to bliss. And you will want me. Always.”

  He nuzzled my cunt, the press of whiskers and fur, the rough curl of his tongue and the dark promise in those softly spoken words squeezed every inch of me tight.

  I ached to show even a moment of resistance—false or otherwise—but the other ache, the ache for him to drive me to a forbidden climax strained in my flesh.

  “Does she taste sweet?”

  Another voice, sharper than my beast’s voice and with a haze to it, as if it were a thin transmission from one of the moons.

  “Delicious. Touched only by me.”

  “No man-taint?”


  Envious growls rippled around me, echoing in the shadowy forest, stealing across my skin, catching my breath…

  “Ah, you hear my brothers. Then it is time.”

  A long, thick lap jerked by hips up and a cry escaped me. Another followed. A curl and a twist and a ratcheting of the tension in my flesh until I wanted to scream…and all with the licking smack of his tongue, his low, rumbling purrs and the mortifying squelch of my pussy.

  I didn’t want to stare, to see, to know that it was an animal that ran his tongue all over my juicy pussy… But looking at the crouched beast almost lost to the shadow of the forest, all muscle and fur, his golden eyes half-lidded and fixed on my me as he nuzzled and purred and lapped… It was…Oh gods, oh fuck—

  “Come. Scream. Shout your pleasure. Then … Oh, my dick aches for your sweet cunt.”

  A wild cry broke from me and I arched into that still-lapping tongue, drove myself against muzzle and fur and whiskers. as fire and light and fierce, fierce joy crashed through my flesh. Gods, gods… Never like this. My own fumblings. Never, ever like this…

  I sank to the warm earth, my body boneless and sated. How could anything compare or compete with that insane bliss?

  “It can’t. It won’t.”

  A soft, involuntary huff of air broke from me as with a push from his h
ead, he rolled me onto my belly…and I squeaked as that deliciously wicked tongue was back between my legs.

  Fresh need flowed in a slow, warming spiral up through my belly…when I thought I was done…and cooked. I smirked into the prick of leaves, pleasure a thickening drug in my flesh. Was this why people went on and on about sex so much? I’d never known…

  A nudge from—

  “I don’t know your name and considering how familiar we now are, I think I should. I’m Minna Anson.”

  There was a shadow of humour to his thoughts and it deepened my smile . “Boraes, Fierce Shadow of the West Wind.”

  “Oh, that’s lovely—”

  Another squeak broke from me as Boraes’ huge head slid under my belly and jerked me up onto my knees.

  The quick rush of adrenaline cleared some of my thoughts and my heart gave a hard squeeze in my chest. He was going to… The long lap of his tongue dropped what was left of my clothes from my back and I shivered…but not from the cold. Fuck. Fuck. This was real and I was about to be mounted.

  Warm fur flowed over my spine and my breath caught at the riot of it in my flesh, the magnificent beauty of him against my bare skin.

  His chin tucked in against my shoulder, whiskers prickling my neck, making me twitch. His purr thrummed through every inch of me, chasing and catching the final flickers of my last orgasm.

  And then—oh, gods—and then the blunt head of his huge cock battered up against my undefended pussy. His great body tensed around me, crouching, hunching, folding over me so that I couldn’t move, couldn’t escape him.

  My belly tightened, the need I had to discover what this all meant warring with the fact that he was a cat-beast and that I’d promised my body, my womb to others. For money. That I no longer had…

  “You want this…”

  His voice was a silken drawl through my thoughts, mingling with the purr that swirled and drugged my thoughts.

  “Feel me.”


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