Beast Bites Box Set

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Beast Bites Box Set Page 4

by Amber Foy

  I gasped at the first push of that monstrous dick into my pussy. The stretch of it burned, the pain quick and sharp, and I moaned against it. Fighting it, but oh gods, wanting it. Eager for it.

  His muscles flexed around me, growing strained and tight and his cock pushed in, more of it, thick and rough, so rough it danced black spots over my eyes. My fingers dug into the earth, my spine arching, and I howled—anything, anything to break away from the pained pleasure of his monstrous dick powering into me.

  “Please, I can’t—”

  “You were made for this. Made for me.”

  And he snapped his hips, piling that dick into my pussy.

  I screamed, the blissful agony of his cock slashing across my flesh, my mind. Fuck. Fucking hell. I panted, loud and fierce, rocking against him, his purr alive in my bones. Beautiful. Addictive.

  “My queen…”

  It was a…a benediction. His joy. His satisfaction at finding me. Me, of all people.

  He drew back and my spine arched, my head and neck, the wild tangle of my hair stroking against his neck fur and the heavy hinge of his jaw. The sweet agony of his barbs… So wrong. So wrong…but so fucking blissfully right. Right for me.

  Boraes roared as he drove back into my cunt. Again. And again. And I met every hunched thrust. Uncaring that his brothers watched, that I was a little human woman on her hands and knees in the muck and oh-so-willing under the fast-thrusting hips of an animal determined to breed me—

  “I will fill your belly. Litter after litter.”

  Tension thickened in my flesh, balanced on the very edge of pleasure. I’d come to this world to be bred. But not like this… I couldn’t—

  “You will.”

  The slam of his dick broke a yowl from me and I could only hang on as he battered my pussy, driving into me, a charge of wild pleasure, growing, tightening… Gods. Gods—

  Golden joy swept over me, thick and brilliant and I lost myself to it. Shaking. Babbling. And somewhere in the daze of pleasure, Boraes roared his release, the hot splash of his animal-seed coating my womb…and bringing with it another surge of mindless joy.

  I crumpled under him—utterly drained, completely sated—and blacked out to the soft sound of cattish laughter

  I blinked awake and found Boraes nuzzling my neck, on his side with his great body curled around my nakedness and his purr soft spreading a comforting warmth through my flesh. The forest was silent around us, the golden glow of light fading through the heavy canopy. We were alone.

  I wished I could stay, curled under him, wrapped over by his great paws, heat and fur a delicious combination on my sweat-damp and still trembling body.

  “You will stay with my, my queen.”

  I huffed a laugh. Bloody arrogant cat. My humour died and worry filled my chest. I pressed my head to the warmth and achingly soft fur of his inner leg and a smile tugged at my mouth as his tongue rasped my ear. “They’ll come for me.” The words were a whisper into his fur. “I spent the money they paid me. On food and clothes.” I drew a finger along the length of his paw, feeling strong bones and the sheath of his claw. “On you.”

  I closed my eyes and snuggled against him, wanting to impress everything about him, his scent, his softness, his power into my senses. For the time…after. “Perhaps they won’t notice that their first child is a little…furry.”

  His purr rumbled into a growl. “No other will raise my cubs. You are my queen, Minna.” The growl faded away and there was that edge of sly humour to his thoughts. “If it is wealth that you require. There is much that is precious in our lands. Stones and metals humans slaver over. I will wrap you in gold and silks…but the only fur you will know is mine.”

  I blinked. In all of those promises, one word stuck out. “Our?”

  “You are my queen.” He snorted. “I may need to…pound some sense back into your brain.”


  Boraes huffed a laughing breath over my skin and it raced a bone-deep shiver, igniting a familiar pulse low in my belly. His purr deepened and I wriggled against the length of hot, barbed cock growing inch by inch against my bare spine.

  “You will enjoy your reminder, I believe.”

  Bloody arrogant cat…

  But it was all too true. I would.

  “That cat-beast is loose—”

  “You’re new here, aren’t you? Just off the transports? They’re a rare sight, a cat-beast and his queen, I agree. But luck to all who witness them. Beautiful, are they not?”

  “But she’s…she’s…”



  “Flesh is only a shadow, my friend. Now, which of my fair beasts will pick you to ride across the Forbidden Lands?”


  “Oh, the choice is never yours. It is always theirs.”

  The End

  Hounded by the Alpha-Dog


  Stupid name for a planet. Truly stupid. When they could just call it Chara-2. Yeah, Joy-2. So fitting. Better yet would be, “What the fuck are those things?” or simply, “Oh, shit—”

  The latter was suiting me just fine as I leapt a crumbling wall and scrambled through the shattered remains of a door. I collapsed against cracked plaster, pulled my aching legs up to press my sweating face to my knees. I breathed. Willed it slow and quiet. So quiet. Because the slightest noise and they would hear me.

  My heart thudded, dizzying my mind as panic threatened to drag me down. Calm. I was calm. I was. No wild panic about being hunted by a pack of slavering dogs—

  I slapped my hand to my mouth before a hysterical laugh broke and gave me away.

  Dogs. Wolves. Canids. Those names barely described something that was two metres at the shoulder on four legs and fuck knows how tall when it easily rose up on two. But it had fur and a muzzle filled with razored teeth and a tail that bloody wagged.

  So…dogs it had remained.

  I cursed my crew. The ones who’d abandoned me on this hellhole as their—very illegal—mission went sideways. It was more convenient to leave me on the surface, the crew member who’d logged an official complaint with the company, and run. No doubt even only half an hour into the sky, I was declared dead..and—oh, look—Captain Arse-Face could cut away any…inconveniences from my file.

  Such as they were all a shower of cunts for trying to land on this restricted planet for their own financial gain…

  I fisted my fingers in my matted hair and pulled in another slow, slow breath. My anger at them, at their betrayal, at their abandoning me was pointless.

  No one would come to my rescue.

  And I had a pack of dogs eager to tear me apart because Captain Arse-Face—wonder-cunt that he was—had injured one of their pups. Shot at it and laughed. A fucking pup. A child.

  Fucking idiot.

  Its pained whine had torn through me and I’d tried to offer help. I was trained in the use of the medi-kit…but there’d been only snarls and teeth, and then blasts and screaming, and in the clearing of smoke and dust, I was staring up at the claw-shredded but rapidly rising underbelly of my ship…and being glared by a pack of very pissed off dogs.

  So I ran. Fast. With only the slightest idea where I was going.

  The map of the research centre was hazy in my mind. I’d only snatched a look at it. Mainly to stab at the light-screen and point out what a monumentally stupid idea it was to land and try to steal long-abandoned hard-copy research data about how these…creatures produced their musk.

  I’d been abandoned over a smell. Bastards.

  I squinted into the shadows. Dusk was falling, edges of golden light shafting over the tattered remains of a some long dead researcher’s room.

  Which meant—depending on their official standing—either I was on the edge of the laboratories…or I was on the outer rim, where the knobs had called home. It was hard to tell. It’d been—what?—a century since the planet had last seen anything of the humans who’d so fucked about
with flesh and genetics that they produced a vicious contagion that created monsters. And fled as their creations overran the facility—

  A long, low howl echoed, others chasing it and a shiver ran over me.

  The silvered eyes of the alpha male dog pushed into my mind again. Bright and fierce and heavy with something I couldn’t name. I winced, and slid up, bracing myself against the cracked wall.

  I didn’t want to name it.

  I pressed a fist to my chest and pushed out a slow breath, heat slashing across my cheeks.

  He’d stood well over three metres, thick, silvered fur shining in the last rays of the sun, all solid muscle and power, the rest of his pack behind him. Growling and wary. Watching us and the hissing weapons aimed at them.

  The alpha-dog’s scent had caught me and I’d pulled it in without thinking. Petrichor. The earth after rain…a scent that dragged me home, made me feel…safe. Something I hadn’t had or been in a long time.

  Then, as I waved my hands and offered up my medi-kit, those eyes had changed. Grew…hot.

  My fist pressed harder to my breast bone. And that hadn’t been the only thing that had grown. Fuck. His dick had been…monstrous. Thick. Dark red. A damn battering ram of a cock—

  Another howl broke a gasp from me, my heart in my throat and my traitorous body still caught on the wrongness of being aroused by the beast that hounded me.

  I had to get to the main laboratory. From the schematics the whole research centre—but especially there—was layer upon layer of solid walls and thick doors. And rations. If it still stood—and I had to risk it—it’d be a place to hide and think and work out how the fuck I would escape this hellhole of a planet.

  “Your scent is woodsmoke and fire.”

  I shrieked, a high-pitched yip that thrummed in my ear bones and made the hulk of the alpha-dog crowding the remains of the doorway growl softly.

  “You also have a voice that can melt steel.”

  A snort broke from me, quick and involuntary. Who knew a dog had a sense of humour? I clapped my hand to my mouth and shrank back, my gaze darting about the room. Fuck, I was an idiot. There were only two means of escape. A door and a window. The window was barricaded with battered metal sheets. And a hulking, silver-furred dog stood upright, his mass filling the other.

  “Look, I have a medi-kit.” I winced. Did these creatures know about technology? “Ointments, liquids, and…and tools that can heal your child. Pup. Whatever.” I caught my fingers in my hair, the hot rush of panic chasing my blood. “Shit. Fuck.”

  Soft and noisy huffs of air made me stare at him. I blinked. Was that dog-laughter?

  “We can access the medical facility here in the centre. It’s not…preferred as the equipment is old…and cranky. But I appreciate your offer.”

  I gave him another long blink. What the fuck? His voice was dark, rich with a strange burr that pricked at my skin. And affected regions I didn’t want to dwell on.

  “You…” I waved my hand at him, unable to find the words…when it was very obvious that he could.

  More of that strange laughter. “Yes. Me.”

  He stepped forward and the clack and pad of his foot against the tiling jerked back the knowledge that this was a beast…for all of his well-spoken words. A beast whose dick… Well, even in the half-light slanting through the cracks in the window, it had fucking grown.

  His scent reached for me, that smooth rush of rain-soaked earth and my pulse jumped. And not from panic. Fuck. Fuck. What was he doing to me?

  “There…” The word ended on a low, thrumming growl. “Breathe me in, little human. Let the scent take you.”


  With each breath I drew him in. That scent. So safe, protecting…and other feeling. The one that curled low in my belly and made my shaking hands sweat.

  “What are you?”

  His lip curled back to reveal glistening canines. His silver eyes shone animal-bright in the gloom. “I am patient zero.”

  He was the original carrier. The one who’d infected the other subjects. The one who would infect me.

  “I’m no longer a threat to passing on my…change.”

  He padded closer, the wild scent of him dizzying my senses.

  And there was nothing but him, a huge, fur-thick beast, crowding me, towering over me and I…I wanted nothing more than to thread my fingers though that dense fur. To feel the thud of his alien heart.

  “You won’t change, little human.” A huge, paw-like hand pressed to my jaw, long fingers combing through the tangle of my hair. I almost, almost nuzzled his palm, but froze, caught, as he murmured, “But my seed in your belly, that’s a different matter.”

  I snatched my head away and more of his doggish laughter huffed from him. “Not happening.”

  “I am going to fuck you.”

  Another pad closer and his long body pressed to mine, heat and fur and a dick that lay hard and long and thick over my belly. I closed my eyes, wanting and loathing it. Fuck, it almost pushed between my breasts.

  “And you want me to. You have since the moment you saw this.” He ground his cock against me and the rise of male musk with whatever his insane pheromones were chased sense from my brain. Because I pushed back.

  Mortified, I froze.

  His muzzle snuffled at my neck, cool and—ah, fuck—that first lick of his long tongue. It was…delicious. He growled, something soft and deep, and it throbbed down to my pussy.

  “You’re ready. Ripe.” A clawed hand gripped my hip, his fingers splayed across my ass. “You’ll be safe with us. We look after our own. And you, you’ll be mine.”


  It should’ve been a question. Or something curt and hard. Not…what came out. Something breathy and…and agreeing.

  I pressed my hands to the breadth of his chest, pushed, shoved, but he was solid, unmoving muscle. And he, bastard, just ripped my suit across my ass, exposing me to the chill air and the over-familiar slid of his paws.

  He drew a long breath, his massive chest pushing against me. “Fuck, I’ve got to taste your cunt.”

  With a squeal, I was on my back across the old, high bed and this…this dog was tearing at the rest of my suit, determined to have be bare-assed naked.

  I slapped at him, but his thick muscle was stone under a hot layer of fur. My palms stung. The bastard grinned at me, his silver eyes shining and his canines too bright and far too sharp for my liking. My boot sailed across the room. A hard tug and the other joined it, smashing into who-knew-what in the thick shadow.

  Heavy hands, rough-padded and clawed, landed on my bared thighs. He pushed them apart with mortifying ease. I should’ve fought him, kicked out, but something, something in him, in his scent, his power, fuck, his being a bastard, had my legs spreading…and my pussy too damn eager.

  His growl raced over my trembling flesh. I couldn’t want this. I’d never… I never had any sort of desire. Not a whiff of it. Did I need someone like him? Or him, exactly?

  His hot breath snuffled over my pussy, nosing through the thatch of my sex. And it should’ve been the worst form of embarrassment, to be stripped and pinned to a bed and to have a dog sticking his nose into my privates. But it wasn’t. Oh fuck, it wasn’t.

  I fisted the ancient sheets, my gaze fixed on that muzzle, my breath short, the ache for him to slip lower, to drag that long, wet, animal tongue over my cunt pounding through my blood.

  He licked me, a slow and thorough lap, with his eyes fixed on mine, hot and smug. “Fuck, I haven’t had human cunt in decades….”

  A hot wave of mortification swept over me, a stark reminder that there was a beast, an animal between my legs. An ageless creature made in these very labs… But—shit—another lap of that thick, wet tongue and the base part of me really didn’t care.


  The word came with a keen through the shadows and the light in the room vanished. My head jerked to the door and found another hulking shape there, gilded gold.
/>   The dog at my cunt growled and the vibrations chased up through my flesh. I arched into him and was rewarded with a long, long lick and a soft “good girl” that flushed further heat into me.

  “This is how you take a female.” Blunt claws skimmed the crease of my thighs, my legs twitching, caught in the pleasure and strangeness of his touch. “Watch. Though you will never have her. I make my claim.”

  His words splintered over my dazed thoughts. What the— But the pad and click of feet chased away that thought. The— they, three hulking beasts—were in the room, silvered eyes gleaming in the shadows. Watching me having my cunt licked by their alpha-dog.

  I tried to drag the sheet over my nakedness, but the alpha’s negligent paw swept it away. “They will see you.” He huffed a breath against my pussy and I squeaked. “Get used to it. We hide nothing from those of age in my pack.” A dark lip curled over this glistening teeth. “And they should know how to fuck a woman.” His soft growl rippled over my damp skin and I shivered. “Should more of your kind deign to…drop in.”

  He lapped and I squealed, twisting against the sudden bolt of pleasure, chased by the blunt stroke of his claws along the crease where my thigh met my pussy. “Then who taught you?” The question burst from me. Because he was good. He was very good.

  “I was human…once.” His nose nudged my clit and he exhaled. The release of hot air almost rolled my eyes back in my head. “I know my way around a cunt.”

  Fresh growls threaded through my dazed thoughts and I blinked at the watching pack, hands fisting around thick, dangerously red cocks. Their eyes shone, the want there, thick and heavy and their scent—the secret my bastard-crew had wanted to steal—filled the cool air. Dark. Rich. Heady…

  “A bitch in heat.” The alpha-dog’s voice was rough and possessive. “But my bitch.”

  He licked and lapped and his very low growl was a thrum through my aching flesh. I rolled my hips, wanting more, desperate for the lashing of his thick, animal tongue… On my thighs, ass, the aching promise of it as it flicked between my folds, of it laving across my eager clit. The uneven bestiality of it. Fuck. It was… It was—


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