Beast Bites Box Set

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Beast Bites Box Set Page 5

by Amber Foy

  He snarled against my cunt, mashing fur and whiskers into my wet flesh. “Come…”

  It was a growl. It was a command.

  And I had to obey my alpha-dog.

  Fire chased up through my flesh and I arched against his muzzle, against the still wild laps of his tongue, twisting my hips, wanting more of him, more of the forbidden joy.

  Gods… Fuck. I slumped into the mattress.

  I was sodden—wet and deliciously sticky—and completely boneless. My alpha-dog—and he was so very much mine, as I was his—snuffled over the crease of my thigh, making me twitch.

  “Sweet,” he murmured, the thrum of it tickling and quirking a smile over my mouth. “And now…”

  With a dizzying flip, I was on my belly and my alpha dragged me down over the sheets until my legs dangled over the edge of the bed. My heart thudded, tight and quick, wanting this, aching for it—but fuck, I’d never… Not once. “I haven’t…”

  He broke through my words with a low growl, his meaty hand gripping my hip. “I know. Virgin meat.”

  And my chest hollowed as something hot and wet and fucking monstrous pushed against my defenceless pussy. Knuckles brushed against my ass—his, aiding him to feed that monster into my flesh.

  The first breach broke a howl from me, the pain quick and hot and I found myself staring at the watching pack. Clawed hands on their own cocks, beating, stroking, tongues out and panting. Silvered eyes fierce and bright in the shadows.

  “Fuck her, Alpha.”

  “Break her in.”

  “Breed her.”

  The last one caught my breath, a hot reminder of what being fucked by this dog would mean. I hadn’t been fitted with the standard contraceptive tab. Why would I need it? I was pain-free and regular, completely regular.

  And so my womb—I did rapid calculations, fuck, fuck—was as this dog, and apparently his pack, already knew…I was fertile. The Alpha’s word came back to me. Ripe.


  Whatever I was about to say was lost in the first stroke of that fucking monstrous cock into my pussy. And still he was pushing, driving his length into my tight, wet flesh.

  “My mate…”

  The fact was growled over me and chased an unexpected ripple over my skin, bringing a bright flush of pleasure that mixed with the deepening pulse in my cunt. Fisting the sheets, I pushed back, driving myself onto his dick, wanting more of him and he snarled, something tight and fierce.

  “Yes…” Warm fur covered my back, losing me beneath his animal crouch as his massive hands grabbed my breasts, squeezing and pinching. “To see my pups here.” A blunt claw flicked across my aching nipple and a jagged shot of pleasure shot down to my pussy, squeezing me around his cock. “To taste your milk myself…”

  He groaned and drove into me, my spine arching at his invasion and I met that hard thrust, the images he wove through my mind…wanted. Desired. To belong. To be his. It was a dark joy.

  His scent wrapped around me, the heat of his furry belly, the wild stroke of his hips, firing now, curled and crouched over me, fucking me so deliciously hard…and fuck. Being watched. Being wanted by young, strong dogs and knowing, knowing I was taken by their Alpha.

  “I will breed you. Fuck my litter into your womb.”

  It was a snarl at my ear, his rhythmic thrusts driving me into the mattress and the tension in my belly tightened, twisted. “Yes…” The word broke from me, hot and quick. “Fuck me.”

  The bed groaned and squeaked as he rode me and I…I was lost to the pleasure of being taken. Taken by this dog, all fur and snarl and monstrous dick driving into my unprotected cunt.

  The snap and grunt of him, fucking me harder, faster pushed breathless squeals from me. Gods. He was so deep. So fucking deep… My thoughts spiralled, the daze of pleasure taking me, taking me—

  He howled and strained, flooding my cunt with this animal seed and a fierce white fire exploded in my flesh. I screamed. I shook, pumping my hips back against his, wanting more…and the pressure in my cunt grew and tightened. Thickened… What…?

  “My knot, girl. You’ve taken my knot. I cleared the way…now this”—and he turned his hips the raw pulse of fresh pleasure pushing flashes of light across my eyes—“will drive my pups into your ripe belly.”

  He eased me around, every movement sparking a surge of joy that forced a gasp and a pant and—fuck—a mewl as he curled his dark-scented heat around me.

  The rest of the pack had vanished, through their split seed spotted on the ground. I honestly didn’t care. I was…happy. Safe. Protected. And so fucking satisfied I was completely boneless.

  “You are one of us now. No one will harm you. You are under my personal protection.”

  He pushed his hips against mine and a flare of heat and pleasure and the hot splash of his come against my womb eased a blissful sigh from me.

  I didn’t give one shit that he wasn’t human. That I was caught on this strange, quarantined planet with a pack of mutant dogs. That that mutation would form in the children soon to grow in my belly. I was…home for the first time in a long time.

  I curled into him, into his warmth and security. I was a member of the pack now. More than that, I was his. When had I last felt…safe? Felt as if I had a home? Years. So many years…but this place, as strange as it was, it could be home. He could become my home. Quite easily.

  My Alpha growled as he enfolded me in strong arms and I let out a sigh. I wriggled against him, the knot thick and hot in my pussy a delicious pressure.

  “What do you want, my little mate?”

  I nuzzled my head under his jaw and grinned at the sloppy lick that lashed my ear. “Just you, my Alpha. Just you.”

  Private Channel: Grant & Barker Company Head Office

  Wreckage of the freighter, ICF Sirius, has been recovered from the second moon of Beta-Canum-Venaticorum-2. Its cargo is intact. Also recovered. There is no evidence of viral contamination.

  See below:

  Sirius’ log was in the process of being over-written. Captain Anders landed on B-C-V-2—reasons unknown. Successfully deleted. There is no evidence in the wreckage that anything from the planet made it off-world.

  I would advise extending the quarantine to this planet to surrounding systems, increasing status to Level Three.

  All five crew members are lost.

  End report.

  A Dragon Rides Her


  The last thing I was expecting was a dragon.

  I mean, I knew Iota-Draconis-2 had dragons. They filled the sleep-soak smushed into my brain on that sty of a shuttle, prepping me for the ‘does and don’ts’ when we landed. Bloody thing gave me a blistering headache.

  And I was on the planet to see dragons.

  But, the tamed ones. The ones that’d been orphaned and human-bred to please the crowds that came to see their displays. The flash of gold, red, blue or black wings against the ring of grey mountains, sinuous necks, the flex of powerful muscles and belches of flame. Grace and power and strength…

  I’d sat, legs twitching, my ticket still gripped tight in my hot hand, watching them from the great rows of tiered seating cut into the rock. And that illicit pulse low in my belly, the one that’d pulled me to the planet in the first place, thickened, sweetened.

  That I was ready for. But not this…

  A heavy set of talons caged me to the earth and a long, smooth-scaled snout huffed smoky air across my chest, rippling my loose tunic. The dragon was gold, a soft and shimmering brilliance in the fierce orange of setting suns, and I was insane for admiring the…the creature that curled a dark-gold lip at me, revealing row upon row of needle-sharp teeth.

  I’d been slow on my way back to the off-world compound where the guests stayed, my mind caught on the wild beauty of the beasts that had filled the air. Slow to realise that I’d fallen behind from the mass of people flocking though the forest towards the waiting ships. They were sensibly eager to be off-world before the suns set
, as the sleep-soak advised.


  But me? No, I dawdled.

  And then…and then…

  A fierce rush of air and smoke and fire, the beat of wings, flashes of gold…and me, staring up at a powerful, golden foreleg…as the last of the ships jetted into the haze of the darkening sky.

  Caught. Pinned. Trapped.

  My heart thudded and I dug my fingers into the earth, holding myself stiff and still, some part of my hind brain convinced that if I didn’t move, didn’t breathe then the beast above me would let me go. Though—fuck—I had nowhere to go. Not with the last shuttle already a glowing dot on the edge of the atmosphere.

  “Admire me.” A huge eye, the iris muscle flexing with deep greys and blacks, angled towards me as the smooth voice slid into my mind. “You watched the others, the young bucks in their sport. They caught your breath, didn’t they? I am a mature male.” Humour—dark and slick—curled around those words and a fist tightened in my belly. “I am Niron, Holder of the Eastern Sky. And one who can be…appreciative.”

  Fuck. Fucking fuck. There’d been nothing—nothing—about these creatures being sentient.

  “Worried now that I won’t eat you? Or worried that I will?”

  There was a lascivious twist to his words that spiked my pulse and I tried to smother it, I did, because this…this dragon—Niron—couldn’t know my dark secret, the desire that had fixed in my flesh for too many years.

  “I wouldn’t make good eating.” Yes, I had to pretend I’d misunderstood his meaning. Making a meal of me, and not in the way I’d fantasised about… I crushed those thoughts. Slammed them down. “I…I ate too much of the stall-food. I wouldn’t be pleasant—”

  My teeth snapped together. I’d been about to say, ‘…pleasant going down’, which would’ve been a whole level of wrong.

  The dragon huffed warm sweet air, snapping my tunic against my breasts and his dark amusement chased after it. Git. “Oh there is much about you that would make…good eating.”

  He nuzzled against my jaw, the smooth heat of his leathery skin breaking goosebumps against my flesh, flashing a bright rush of warmth down through my body. I tried not to squirm. To press my thighs together to deny—or increase—the sudden ache. And failed.

  His nostrils flared and a wisp of smoke curled out from between his glistening teeth. “Arousal.”

  The single word damned me…and we both knew it.

  “Those who are…drawn here are pulled to our home-world for a reason. Neither space-time nor species is a barrier here, my sweet little morsel.”

  I closed my eyes and drew in a slow, slow breath. It didn’t help that the leather and spice scent of the arrogant, infuriating dragon slid into my lungs and made me anything but calm.

  “You ache.”

  His voice was a velvet heat that moved thought my flesh, sank into my bones and drove the familiar—and forbidden—desires that had owned me for so long.

  “You’ve ached for years. For something that someone of your…species could never give you. A yearning for primal power, of fire and air and the strength to drive all thought from your human skull. To lose yourself in pleasure. For a beast, a wild, winged beast, to fuck you. Always.”

  The flicker of a hot, wet tongue down the length of my neck broke a gasp from me and I stared up at the beast that pinned me, that knew me. More than anyone had before.

  I wet dried lips. “Why?” I swallowed, nerves biting at my thoughts. “How…?”

  “This is who we are.”

  The flick of a talon sliced my tunic and it fluttered apart with another huff of his warm breath. My nipples budded, the shock of that rushing in a jagged line to my pussy. Fuck. I pressed my lips together to deny a moan that threatened to escape. Fuck.

  His forked tongue teased a line down my chest and I groaned, hating him, wanting, him, wanting more than this simple…lick.

  “You will have it all, my sweetling. I will have all of you…as my own.”


  “Am I not worth more than a single fuck?” And he teased the pointed ends of his tongue around my nipple and I bucked. Pushed myself hard against the cage of his talons. “We are drawn together across the vastness of space…”

  Arrogant shit. “I had to do all the work. You didn’t move.”

  Dragon laughter huffed warm air over my bare skin. “In this form, it’s impossible for me to fit on one of your…shuttles.”

  Something about his words pricked at me, but his tongue was flicking and tasting my nipples, first one then the other, before his incredible tongue curled around my whole breast…and he breathed against me—

  I cried out. The heat of him charged my flesh. And then he licked down…down and with a too-easy claw, my remaining clothes were shredded.

  Embarrassment added yet more warmth to my face. No one had ever…seen me like this. Naked and aching. Niron was right. My own species had held very little interest for me, so I’d never seen the point of sex.

  Until that moment. Until a huge golden dragon—all heat and muscle—caught me, pinned me and his black tongue swirled and flickered over my navel. Over the dip and curve to my mons… And, oh fuck.

  Oh fuck.

  For that impossible tongue to slip and curl and push, parting my untouched lips and teasing a slow lick over my aching clit—

  I screamed. My spine was a bow. Heat and fire chased over me in a wild, unstoppable wave and I whimpered and shook. Even so slight a touch, the barest lick of my cunt was everything I’d ached for since I’d known how to ache.

  Niron nuzzled the thatch of hair and a laugh broke from me at the soothing—almost affectionate—gesture.

  “So easy.” His smoothly smug thoughts reached out for my scattered mind. “How will you survive my dick buried so deep into your sweet little cunt that you’ll be able to taste its tip?”

  I caught my fingers in my hair and let out a long breath. “Are all dragons so unbearably arrogant?”

  His great eyes narrowed on me. “You will never find out.”

  My thoughts were still somewhere out by the stratosphere, wispy and hardly my own. “Playing to the stereotype, my dear Niron? Hoarding and possessive.”

  A low rumble broke from the great curve of his chest and the curl of sweet-scented smoke wreathed around my bare flesh. “I have waited for you for a moon’s age. Aware of your blood, the strands of it pulling together over time until you—you—were formed.”

  I blinked, his words cutting through the haze and I could only stare up at the beautiful dragon above me, the last orange rays of the distant suns firing against the leathery gold of his scales. “Me. You really waited for me…”

  It seemed impossible. I mean I wasn’t special in any way. Not for a single second. I worked in the stinking bowels of an Earth-orbiting station, scrubbing out the more tenacious atmosphere processors. A shitty and low paid job.

  And it had taken me a standard year to scrimp and save for the trip to even so near a system as Iota-Draconis. Co-workers had thought me mad—insane—for wasting money on a single day of watching dragons fly. And now, well now, I’d miss my ride that would take me onto the interstellar transport scheduled to leave in only a few hours.

  “Now you see why I will hoard you, my sweetling. Why,” his tongue flickered against my labia, the pleasure-shock catching my breath in my chest, “I will lick you until you scream, and then drive my cock into you.”

  The angles of light from the setting suns slanted under his belly—and I was scrambling back, no thought in my head but to run, run fast and far from that, that…thing that jutted out from between his thickly muscled haunches.

  Huge. Monstrous. A cock meant for a beast that matched him in size and strength. Not a puny little human woman and her poor, untried cunt.

  A darkly golden lip curled upwards and the sharp and smug turn of his thoughts wrapped around mine. His talons sank into the earth, stretching his foot around me and rubbing rough golden scales against my bare

  I stilled. Panted. My heart pounded. Fuck. Fuck. Yes, I’d always wanted this. Always. But fuck. The reality of my…my need was still fucking terrifying.

  “I will take you and I will breed you.”

  The thick padding of his talon sheath stroked over my nipple and I sucked in a startled breath. A jagged line of hot want shot straight for my pussy. And his words. Breed me. They broke a mewl from me. Fuck, that was something so hidden, but…wanted. For this beast to drive his animal seed into my fertile womb.

  My hips bucked against the sudden lick of this dragon’s clever tongue, the slither of it over my soaking cunt, the play and dip and chase down the cleft of my ass.

  “You want that, don’t you Zaira? Your belly swelled with my child.”

  Niron’s hot breath brushed against my slicked thighs and I didn’t question how he he knew my name. He was in my head, after all. And why should I care? There was a fucking dragon eating me. Wanting to fuck me.

  “Our child. And you are ripe. Ready.”

  That word came out on a low growl, even as his leathery muzzle pressed to my cunt, his tongue—fuck, his tongue—licking, tasting, finding every sweet inch of me, the juiciness of my pussy almost mortifying. But I didn’t care about that either. Not for a minute.

  This. This was what I had always ached for.

  I caught my hands in my hair, staring, just staring at the massive golden beast between my thighs. The heat of need flared under my skin and I rolled my hips, wanting more, wanting that tongue deeper, faster, for him to breach me, take what was his—


  It was a low, hot rumble through my scattering thoughts. “Yes. Yours.” I groaned the words, wanting more than his tongue. Wanting—aching for—that monstrous cock to fuck me. To ravish—and ravage—me.

  I arched into his muzzle, into the heat of leathery scales and hot breath, the press of him, stretching my thighs as he lapped and growled and feasted on my willing cunt…


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